Our place (on hold)

Da laureen24102002

434 0 0

Riley and Jordan have been best friends for 6 years. They made one deal when they became best friends, Never... Altro



41 0 0
Da laureen24102002


I woke up from the sun starting to rise. I turned around and saw that I was laying in Jordan's arms. How did I end up in his bedroom? Last thing I remember was that I was leaning my head against his chest while we were watching a movie with Mitchy and Sam. Jordan was slowly waking up. 'Hey are you feeling better than yesterday? He asked. I nodded. He looked at his phone and basically jump out of bed. 'I need to get to the studio it's almost 9 am.' I ran to the living room to put on my shoes. 'My shift starts at ten and ends around 4pm. Are you coming to my place after you're done at the studio?' he nodded. I hugged him before I ran out of his apartment. I was about to take the elevator but there was a paper taped on the door with out of order written on it. I ran down the stairs and jumped into my car. It was a 10 minute drive to my apartment so it meant that I had 50 minutes to get ready and drive to the hospital.

I took the elevator to the 16th floor and ran inside, put on new underwear brushed my teeth, did my hair and putted on my clothes. I ran out again and drove to the hospital. I arrived at the hospital around 9.50am. 'Hi riley. Briefing in 10 minutes okay.' Shannon said. I nodded and went to the dressing room where I put on my work outfit. 'Okay good morning everyone. Last night 6 new patients arrived they are all stable right now. One of our patients is probably leaving today and that's about it.' 'Riley you can start in room 6.02, make sure you talk to her for a little bit after the examinations.' Shannon said.

I went to room number 6.02, where a seven years old girl stays. She was involved in an accident 2 days ago. I walked in and cleaned my hands with hand sanitizer before I walked up to her. 'Hi how are you?' I asked while I checked her temperature. 'Good, look they putted a cast around my leg.' She said lifting up the blanket she was lying under. She handed me a permanent marker. 'You can write your name on it.' I wrote my name on it. I checked her blood pressure and her IV. Now I was allowed to have a 10 minute talk with her. Our hospital does this with children whose parents have to work a lot and doesn't have the time to spend time with their children.

'So what do you want to talk about?' I asked. 'About love.' She said. 'Okay, what do you want to know?' 'Are you in love with someone?' I nodded. 'What does he look like?' 'Well he has curly hair, he plays guitar and piano and I knew him since I was 16.' I don't know why but I looked at patient bracelet she had around her wrist. Kayla Price. It said. I started panicking a little bit. What if she.... 'Is he also in love with you' She asked interrupting the thoughts floating through my head. I shook my head. There was a knock on the door and a couple seconds later Sam walked in with Jordan and Mitchy following him. I stood up and was ready to walk out. 'I need to help some other kids right now. If you need something you can press the red button.' I said to Kayla. I walked out without saying a word to any of the boys. I walked in to the next room where I did the same thing checking temperature and blood pressure. Talking for a while. Telling if they need something to push the red button. Followed by me walking out and going to the next patient.

Shannon and I had lunch in the workers section. 'Do you still have feelings for Jordan?' she asked. I nodded. 'I saw him and his friends walk into Kayla's room this morning.' 'She's Sam's sister.' I said. 'Well that explains everything.' She said.


We were sitting in the studio. 'Do you still have feelings for her?' Mitchy asked. 'Feelings for who?' I asked. 'Riley.' He said. I nodded. After 4 years I still feel the same about her. 'You need to tell her before she finds someone else.' Mitchy said. 'Guys do we have the time to visit my little sister? She's in the hospital.' 'Of course we can.' Mitchy said. We all jumped into Michy's car. He drove to the hospital and the 3 of us walked into the hospital. 'We are here for Kayla Eve Price.' Sam said. '10th floor room 6.02.' the old women said. We nodded and took the elevator. Sam knocked on the door. I heard I quite familiar voice talk to Kayla.

We walked in and I saw Riley talking to the girl. A smile appeared on my face when I heard her voice. 'I need to help some other kids right now. If you need something you can press the red button.' She said to Kayla. She walked out without saying a word. Sam started talking to his sister. Mitchy and I were sitting on the couch. 'Mitch, she ignored me.' I said. 'Don't worry dude, she was probably too busy. There is a lot of pressure on her right now.' He said.

'Who's your favorite nurse?' Sam asked. 'Riley.' She said. 'Why is she your favorite?' I asked her. 'Because she is really kind and she tries not to hurt me. She is the only one with Shannon who talks to me and she is beautiful.' 'Can you write your name on my cast?' she asked. 'Of course.' Mitchy said. I wrote my name on it under Riley's name. We kept talking when suddenly she said something that caught my attention. 'Riley is in love with someone.' Is what she said. I looked at Mitchy. I heard her coughing followed by a fast beeping tone. I looked up and saw that she fainted. Sam didn't hesitate and pushed the red button 4 times. After about one minute a nurse ran in and 2 minutes later Riley came in clearly out of breath from running.


I was about to go to my next patient when a notification popped up on my pacer. Emergency call: room 6.02. I started running to the room. When I came in Shannon was already checking the girls pulse. I saw on her face that it wasn't good. 'Can you guys leave? She's in good hands.' Shannon said. Jordan and Mitchy walked out taking Sam with them. 'We're bringing her to the operation room, otherwise she's not going to make it.' Shannon said when another nurse walked in. she nodded and pushed the bed while me and Shannon started CPR on her.

We arrived at the operation room. Shannon and I stayed with her during the operation. 'She had an internal bleeding. She is stable for now. If the two of you were 3 minutes later she would have died.' He said. We sighed in relieve. Her life was literally in my hands I was the one who was giving her a heart massage. If she didn't survive this I basically killed the sister of one of my friends. 'She'll have to stay on the intensive care for now.' I nodded. 'Shannon are you staying with her? I'm going to tell this to Sam.' I said. She nodded. I left the operation room threw away the apron, gloves and face mask before walking out. I checked my phone to see a couple of messages from Jordan.

From Jordaaaan:

We are sitting in the cafeteria.

From Jordaaaan:


From Jordaaaan:

Most of the time when you don't answer its bad news.

From Jordaaaan:

Why are you ignoring me?

To Jordaaaan:

Phone isn't allowed in operation room.

I knew that I was kind of mean in that message but it's the truth. I walked in to the cafeteria. When Sam saw me he almost jumped up. 'How is she?' he asked. 'She's stable...' 'But?' he asked. 'She has to stay on the intensive care for at least 2 weeks.' I said. 'Can I see her?' he asked. I shook my head. 'Go home, get some rest and you can come back tomorrow.' I said. I hate to act like a bitch in front of them but I have no choice, if I show my feelings things will get personal and as a nurse you don't want things to get personal. 'Riley, can we talk?' Jordan asked. 'Not now.' I said turning around and going back to the section where I worked. I ran into Shannon. 'Are you okay?' she asked. I shook my head.

'I acted like a bitch against them. They will all hate me for my behavior.' I said. She hugged me. Tears started to form in my eyes. 'Hey look at me. Riley look at me.' She said. I looked her in the eye. 'Explain it to them. Tell them that you have to be like this otherwise you can't be a good nurse. A good nurse doesn't show her feelings while working.' I nodded. 'Now go home it's the end of your shift. I will brief everyone.' I nodded and went to the dressing room where I putted my own clothes back on.

I drove home. After 10 minutes I parked my car in the parking lot. And took the elevator to the 16th floor. I opened my front door and threw my bag against the wall. I took of my shoes and my coat and laid down on the couch. I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

I ate my dinner on my own. It's almost 7 pm and Jordan didn't show up. He's probably mad at me and I can't judge him for being. I acted like a bitch today. Not only to him but also to his best friends. I started my laptop and opened Netflix. After watching 2 episodes of The Vampire Diaries, I heard someone knock on my front door.

I paused the episode and walked to the front door. I opened it and saw Jordan standing in front of it. 'Hey...' he said. 'Hey, come in...' I said opening the door a little wider. He walked in and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. We walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch. 'Why did you ignore me today?' he asked. I didn't answer again. 'Riley...' he said. 'I didn't ignore you! I was just doing my job.'

I yelled. 'You didn't... Riley I texted you 4 times before you answered. If I didn't ask to talk to you, you wouldn't even have noticed me!' He yelled back. 'See I knew this would happen. I knew you would get mad at me.' I said. 'I'm not mad at you. I just want to know why you were acting like that today.' 'Acting like what Jordan. You can say it. I can take it. Today a girl almost died under my hands.' 'I just want to know why you were acting like a bitch!' he yelled. 'Because I have no choice! If I don't act like that this job will break me. I can't show my feelings when I'm working. Feelings doesn't exist in that job!' I yelled. Tears starting to form in my eyes. I hated getting in a fight, especially with Jordan.

'No, don't cry, don't cry. I didn't mean anything what I just said.' He said. But it was too late all the emotions of the past two days came out. He hugged me. I slammed against his chest but he wasn't thinking about letting go of me. 'Shh..., you're save. I will never hurt you again. I'm so sorry.' He said, slowly rocking me back and forward and softly rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I listened to his heartbeat and slowly calmed down. He slowly removed his arms from me and looked me in the eye. 'I'm sorry my emotions took over for a second' I said wiping my tears away with the hem of my shirt. 'How long have you been holding this in?' he asked. '2 days.' I said. 'You know I'm always here to talk with you if you need it.' I nodded.


'I'm not mad at you. I just want to know why you were acting like that today.' 'Acting like what Jordan. You can say it. I can take it. Today a girl almost died under my hands.' 'I just want to know why you were acting like a bitch!' I yelled. Why did I say that? 'Because I have no choice! If I don't act like that this job will break me. I can't show my feelings when I'm working. Feelings doesn't exist in that job!' she yelled. Her eyes starting to fill with tears. 'No, don't cry, don't cry. I didn't mean anything what I just said.' I said but it was too late tears made their way down her cheeks. I hugged her. She started hitting me on my chest but I was not letting go of her. 'Shh..., you're save. I will never hurt you again. I'm so sorry.' I said slowly rocking her back and forward and softly rubbed her cheek with my thumb.

She closed her eyes while tears kept running over her cheeks. Slowly but surely she calmed down. I let go of her and looked her in the eye. 'I'm sorry my emotions took over for a second.' She said wiping her tears away with the hem of her shirt, revealing a part of her flat stomach and ribcage. I stared for one second but looked back up before she could notice it. 'How long have you been holding this in?' I asked. '2 days.' She said. 'You know I'm always here to talk with you if you need it.' She nodded. 'Can you ask Sam and Michy to come over? I need to apologize to them too.' She said staring at me with those deep blue eyes. I nodded and called them. Not even ten minutes later there was a knock on the front door. I opened the door and let them in. I led them to the living room where Riley was sitting. The moment she saw Sam she stood up and hugged him. 'I'm so sorry for being like that to you. You didn't even do something wrong and I acted like it was your fault.' She whispered. 'Do they know what happened to her?' he asked. Riley nodded. 'She had an internal bleeding. Nobody saw it coming because she was doing so well. But she's stable again.'

We were all sitting on the couch. 'Let's play never have I ever.' Mitchy said. Everyone nodded. Riley stood up and came back with a full vodka bottle and four shot glasses. She placed one in front of every person. It started off with some pretty normal questions. But after about 10 minutes when everyone was getting pretty drunk it started to get extremer. 'Never have I ever snorted coke of someone.' Sam said. Mitchy placed the glass at his lips and swallowed it in one time. Riley started giggling like a little girl, something she always does when she is drunk. 'No you didn't.' she laughed. 'I did it was at Coachella.' Mitchy said. She started laughing again. A couple questions later we started to get bored.

'Let's play truth or dare.' Sam said. 'Okay I'm going to start.' Mitchy said. 'Riley, truth or dare.' 'Dare' 'do a handstand.' 'Okay, only if Sam can hold my legs otherwise I'm gonna fall over.' She said. 'No problem.' She stood up and made sure me and Mitchy could see her do it. 'Just one more question how long do I need to stand like that.' 'One minute.' Mitchy said. She nodded and did it, revealing her whole upper body and her black lace slightly see-through bra. I couldn't help but stare. 'Liking what you see.' Mitchy said nodding to my crotch. 'Shit' I whispered, covering it with a pillow. 'Don't worry, I will do something. Just choose dare when I ask you something.' I nodded. Riley was standing on her feet again and took a seat beside me. 'Mitchy, truth or dare.' She asked. 'Truth.' 'When was the last time you got a tattoo?' she asked. '4 weeks ago.' 'Jordan, truth or dare.' Mitchy said. 'Dare.' I said. 'Let Riley sit in your lap for the rest of the game. Without that pillow.' He said quickly taking away the pillow before she could sit on it. She sat down and leaned her head backwards, staring at the ceiling. I groan when she moves a little too much. My phone who was on the ground beside me lit up.

From Mitchy:

I can see you're enjoying it so far.

I felt my cheeks burn. I turned my face towards him and held up my middle finger to him. He smiled at me. 'Ugh I have to work tomorrow.' Riley said. 'Don't think about that right now that's a problem for tomorrow morning.' Mitchy said. After that I dared Sam to take a shot and he dared Mitchy to lick the carpet. It was Mitchy's turn to ask something. 'Riley...' 'Dare.' She interrupted him.

'You and Jordan, seven minutes in heaven.' He said. I gave him "the look". She took my hand and took me to the bedroom. She closed the door behind her and locked it. She was staring at the ground. I placed my fingers under her chin so she was looking at me. When she looked in my eyes I saw tears in her eyes. 'What's wrong?' I asked. 'I don't want to do it.' She said. 'We don't have to if you don't want it. Mitchy was probably joking.' I said. She nodded and hugged me. She looked me in the eye and kissed me. I kissed her back. She leaned against the door still kissing me. In less than a minute I was sober. I slowly pulled away placing one of my hands on her cheek.

She tried to kiss me again. 'Riley.' I said a sigh leaving my lips. 'What I thought you liked it.' She said touching my lips. 'I do. But you're drunk, you'll probably not remember it tomorrow.' I said. 'Are you staying here tonight?' I nodded. We walked back to the living room. 'How was it?' Mitchy asked. 'Nothing happened.' I said, letting Riley sit in my lap again. She laid her head against my chest and played with the buttons of my shirt. 'Jordan we are going home.' Mitchy said, before he and Sam left. I stood up. Riley was still sitting on the floor. She tried to stand up but almost immediately fell forward. I quickly held her so she wouldn't fall on the ground. I carried her into her room and placed her under the covers. I took of my shirt and shoes before I laid beside her. She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. We talked for a little while before she fell asleep on my chest.

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