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1 month later

I woke up from the fire alarm that was going off.
I quickly put on my slippers and take the sweater that Jordan left here. I ran down the stairs as quick as possible. Some of my neighbours were already down stairs. 'What happened?' I asked the elder lady who lived next to me. 'I don't know it just went off.' She said. I nodded.
Our housekeeper came out. 'You can all go back inside. Nothing is going on.' He said. I walked back into my apartment. I let myself fall on the bed and fell asleep again.

Someone was knocking on the front door. I sat up and stumbled to the door, opening it. 'Hey babes.' Jordan said. 'Hey..' I said. 'Are you okay?' I nodded. He came in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal.
I take a spoon and walk back to the living room where Jordan was sitting. I take some bites and every now and then I give some to Jordan. 'So, Mitchy and Sam are coming over today.' He said. I nodded. 'You are ready to tell them. Aren't you?' He nodded. 'They know something is up.' 

After 30 minutes there was a knock on the door. Jordan answered it. He came back in, Mitchy and Sam following behind him. They all sat down on the couch. 'Are we going to watch a movie.' Mitchy asked. I nodded. 'They are on the shelf.' I said. He nodded and walked over to my small collection. 'Let's watch The Fault In Our Stars.' He said. We all agreed. Mitchy started the movie and sat back down at the couch. I leaned my head against Jordan's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

After the movie I went to the kitchen to get us some snacks. Jordan didn't tell the boys that we have a relationship yet. I opened the kitchen cabinet and took out some candy and glasses to fill with drinks. He didn't tell them, because he is ashamed dating someone as fat as you. Someone worthless as you. I thought she was gone but no last month was just the beginning, now she's going to stay for a while just like 4 years ago. I let one of the glasses fall to the floor. My breath started to become forced and It felt like my chest was crushing my lungs and heart. Jordan walked in, quickly standing by my side when he saw me.
He placed one arm around my shoulder and guided me to the couch.
'What's going on?' I heard a voice say. I think it was Mitchy. 'Anxiety attack, I think.'
'Hey Riley, listen to me... you are going to take deep breaths.' Jordan said. By the way his voice sounds, I could hear that he was scared. I tried but it didn't work, in fact it only became worse. Jordan sat down beside me. He knew he wasn't able to help me.
At this point I forgot where I was, she was too strong. She was punishing me for not listening. 'Riley you have to listen to me.' I think Mitchy said. I nodded. 'Okay, I need you to shut out anything that is going on in your head. Don't focus on it. It's not real.' I nodded again, trying my best to do what he said. 'Now, focus on my voice. You're going to take a deep breath in and back out again.' I did what he said. After repeating it a couple times I slowly calmed down. I stood up and hugged Mitchy. I'm happy to have a friend like him. 'How did you know what you had to do?' I asked him, sitting back down beside Jordan. 'I'm also struggling with anxiety so I did what my mom did when I was younger.' He said. I nodded. I sat closer to Jordan, placing my head on his chest. I looked up at him he placed his lips on mine. I slowly pulled back, placing my head on his chest again. Sam and Mitchy stared at us, they were both smiling. 'So you guys are a couple.' Mitchy said. 'Yes we are. We've been together for a month now.' Jordan said. 'Congratulations.' He said. 'Thanks, Mitch.' Jordan said. 'Did you lose weight?' Sam asked. I nodded. Jordan squeezed my hand. I look at him. 'Why?' He whispered so only I could hear him. A sigh left my lips. 'We are gonna go now. See you tomorrow Jordan.' Mitchy said. 'Bye.' I said before they left. 'Why did you lose weight? You were perfect, you still are. There was no need to.' 'Because she was driving me crazy. It was the only way to keep her down.' I could see that he was getting frustrated. 'I don't want to fight about this.' 'Then why do you keep bringing this up.' 'Because I don't want to lose you. Not like this, not again.' 'Do you know how it is to have to listen to that all day. She never leaves.' 'Is she in your head right now.' I nodded. 'I want you to tell her to back off.' Tears started to form in my eyes. He hugged me. 'You're beautiful, perfect. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.' I looked up at him. Tears were starting to form in his eyes. I kissed his lips. She's not only destroying me. She's also destroying him. 'You want to make dinner with me?' He nodded.

After we had dinner and watched some episodes of a tv show, we went to bed.

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