Five Times Foggy Took Care Of...

By CottonCandyKey

9.4K 390 107

...and one time Matt returned the favour. I've never actually wrote one of these five times dadada and one ti... More

The First Time - Food Poisoning
The Second Time - A Cold
The Third Time - Stomach Flu
The Fifth Time - Concussion
Matt Returns The Favour - Karen's Coffee

The Fourth Time - Fever

1.6K 58 44
By CottonCandyKey

The fourth time Matt was sick was when he had a fever. 

Matt knew that jumping into the lake to save that little girl was probably going to result in some consequences. Fortunately, Foggy was there to give him a hand. Unfortunately, Foggy didn't notice anything was wrong until Matt passed out in Foggy's office.

To be honest, Foggy should have noticed when Matt came into the office wearing a winter coat in the middle of August. He should have noticed when Matt kept shivering through the coat. He should have noticed Matt's hand was burning when he was helping up the stairs. But he didn't notice and that's how they got here.

"Hey, Foggy. Where's Karen?" Matt asks, pushing open the door to Foggy's office. 

"Lunch break. Should be back soon," Foggy answers, not looking up from where he's typing away on his computer. If he had loooked up, he would have noticed Matt's unusually pale skin and how he swayed. But he didn't look up so he only moticed when he heard a loud thump!

"Matt!" He exclaims, jumping up to help his friend. He kneels down beside his friend and after taking his pulse, calls Karen.

"Hey Foggy. What's up?" She answers.

"Karen, you have to get over here. There's something wrog with Matt!" He says, urgently.

"I'm on my way," she says and hangs up.

Foggy quickly googles What to do when somebody faints and starts unbottoning Matt's shirt and loosenig his tie. Then he grabs his friends legs and puts them up on a chair. That's when he finally realizes that there was something wrong with Matt. His friend was way too pale and his friend was so hot he could feel it through his clothes.

"Foggy, I'm here. What's wrong with him?!?" Karen asks, frantically.

"I don't know! He just passed out!" He tells her, panicked.

"Go get some water," she instructs him. Foggy rushes to the washroom and returns a few seconds later with a glass of water. Karen takes it from his hand and starts to drip the ice cold water onto Matt's face. His face scrunches up in confusion and he opens his eyes and bolts upright, hitting Karen in the face and knocking the glass of water all over him.

"Woah. Easy, Matt," Karen says, taking a towel from Foggy and drying Matt's face off. 

"Wha h'ppen?" He slurs, batting at the towel.

"Holy shit, he's burning up," Karen says, slightly alarmed.

"Matt, what's going on?" Foggy asks, putting his hand on his friends shoulder. 

"F'ggy? Is c'ld," he mumbles. Foggy starts taking off his suit jacket but Karen stops him. 

"If he has a fever, that will only make it worse. Best thing we can do is get him home and make sure he rests and has fluids," she tells him. Foggy nods and reaches to help his friend up. Karen calls a taxi and with Matt supported between them, they head outside to wait.

"Is he drunk? I'm not taking him if he's drunk," the taxi driver says when he pulls up.

"No, he's not drunk. Just a fever," Foggy says, setting Matt in between him and Karen. The driver grunts but starts driving. 

"F'ggy, I cn't see," Matt complains loudly.

"Matt, you're blind," Foggy reminds him. 

"Oh yeh. F'got," Matt says, slumping against Karen who squals in protest.

"Matt, get off! You're heavy! Foggy get him off!" She exclaims, smushed against the door.

"Come on, Matty. You can lean over here," Foggy says, pulling Matt over to lean against him. His friend mumbles his thanks and falls asleep. The taxi driver looks back uncertainly.

"You sure he ain't drunk?" 

"Matt doesn't drink. Not even in college. He needs his other senses too much to dull them," Foggy explains and the man nods.

"Well, we're here. Make sure your friend gets better and tell him Fisk says hi," the driver says.

"Who's Fisk?" Both Foggy and Karen ask at the same time.

"An old friend," the driver says and pulls away, leaving Foggy and Karen holding up an unconscious Matt.

Foggy grabs Matt's keys from his pocket and unlocks his friends apartment door. 

"Let's get him into bed with a cold cloth," Karen suggests.

"Yeah, great idea."

They get Matt settled in bed and put on a movie, completely forgetting about the message from the cab driver.

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