Bughead multifandom

By bughead_gangsterlove

15.9K 80 4

"If you jump, I jump". I will write works about the love between Jack and Rose who survived Titanic who drop... More

Talk dirty (Jack and Rose)
9-1-1 (bughead)
Vanilla Milshakes (Bughead)
Sex in the car
When This Ship Docks 1
When This Ship Docks 2
I love you (bughead)
Wendy darling and Peter Pan (smut)
Lovers on a ship
Beast Boy x Rave
Beast Boy x Raven
Beast Boy x Raven smut/lemon
Raven and Beast Boy smut
Boom Boom! (Veronica Sawyer x JD)
Dear diary (Veronica x JD)
Only you (Veronica x JD)
Turn you on... (Veronica x JD)
Farwell of my love
Love you (Bughead)
The map 1
The storm 2
Price 3
Doorkeeper 4
Min älskade 5
Blue 6

Save us part 1

981 5 0
By bughead_gangsterlove

Jack's lips have become blue and the cold prays like knives in his body. But he can not give up now.

The love of his life lay on a piece of Titanic, the boat they had not been standing on long ago. The boat they had moved away in horror. The boat they shared the most intimate moments in the backstage of a car in the cargo space. Her skin against him. Their bodies worked in sync. While she lost the most vulgar gift Rose had received, her virginity. The gift she had given to Jack because she loves him.

He looked down at her with half his body in the ocean. He had thrown her on a door that had been from the wreckage. Her face was white like a ghost and her lips were blue. Her hand was connected with his. He can only imagine what he looks like. If she who is no longer in the water looks like what does one look like in the water? The only one who still has color on her was her fire red curls that fell around her face. He leaned against her and kissed her hand. She looked so pale. She looks almost dead. Her eyes are closed and she does not move. He feels panic in his body, he could not lose her. She has to live. If she dies, he dies. He draws a little farther out of the water towards her. He gently puts her wet hand on her shoulder and deliberately hurts her while he says, "Rose. Rose will be alright. You must wake up, do not sleep now." Wake up! Rose Rose wake up "He felt how a hot tear slipped down his eye.

What would he do without her? He could not live without her. She had become his all. He had lost everything in the night. His friends. The few clothes he had owned and he had lost his few money he had. But he could not lose her, not like this.

He would sacrifice himself for her. She had so much to live for. One day she would have a lot of babies and a good license. She would die like an old lady who lived a good life. This would never happen if he never met her. She would be safe in a lifeboat if it were not because he met her. She should come to safety and marry richly. But if he had not met her, she might have no longer existed. She might have hoped that night if he had not stopped her. But she could not die, not now. Help would come, he knew. He would help her. Because she must survive no matter what.

He leaned forward and kissed her hand again."Help comes Rose. Hold on, please take a moment to" He whispered to her while she lay immobile.


Rose's POV:

I pulled down the window pane that was between me and Jack in the car. We had smiled from my lodge where he painted my portrait to the cargo space where you had stored the necessities and cargo. I finally decided that it should be me and Jack forever. I'll never do anything that someone tells me. And I never want to meet Cal or my mom anymore. Never again. Jack takes care of me, he loves me. It did not Cal he would steer me and hit me when I did or make mistakes. I remember those ladies in my company when I cried off the pain his stroke gave me. But everyone was blinded. Mom was looking for the money the gift could give. And Cal was looking to look perfect with a little fiance on his side who seemed but was not heard. That's all I was for them a toy, a doll they could control. But no longer I'm with Jack now and he takes care of me. Without wishing to get any of it. Because he loves me and I him.

"And where can I miss you?" he asked me politely. Like he was a real driver. I grab his upper body and drag him to the back seat through the window while I whisper: "To the stars" because that's where I want. I want a dream country where only me and Jack exist. He sits next to me in the backseat. He looks deep into my eyes while saying, "Are you sure?" low so only our ears can hear. God, he is so thoughtful. He looks after me like no one else has. He makes sure I'm doing well. That I'm okay. I push him into a passionate kiss in response. His lip pressures are hard against me. He felt my lips so his tongue could get into my mouth. Our tongues danced with each other. We pulled away against our will to get air. He smiled at me with warmth. I lean back against him and give our lips contact for a short moment. His breath had grown tougher and he had a visible bully in his pants. I had never been intimate with a man before but I showed what it meant. My mother had always told me that a good girl saved herself to her wedding to give herself to her husband. But I'm not a good girl.

I grabbed his hand and kissed the peaks on his fingers sensually while I was watching him in the eyes. I kiss the fingers that made the beautiful portrait on my neck's body. The portrait I put in a place where Cal can see it. Cal is thinking about knowing that I belong to Jack, the love of my life. He grunt of my contact with his finger tops. My lips let go of his fingers and I kissed him easily on his soft skin on his cheek."Jack, I want you to put your hands on me," I whisper to him as I guide his hand to my breast.

His hand hugs my chest and he locks lips with me. His lips are becoming more aggressive. His kiss was hotter than before and his eyes were dark of lust. I knew this was right for me. He was right for me. And I will show him it by giving him my greatest gift, my virginity. I will entrust him with my virginity. He leans toward me and makes me lay down with him on top of me. His lips left me and crushed down for my neck. His hands got off my clothes. And I got in the grip of his. Our bare bodies were on top of each other with him. He looks worried in my eyes."You do not have to do this unless you want to," he whispered. His voice was hes of pleasure. I wanted him and he wanted it. And he would have what he wanted.

"I want this. Please Jack," I asked him. He had made me feel something familiar to me before. It was like a fire in my stomach. And I was dripping between my legs. Was this a pleasure? Did he know I was a virgin? Did he need to know? I wanted him to know. I want him to know that I give him everything he wants."Jack ... I've never done this before," I whisper the noise silently. He slammed me down.

"Yes, I figured it out," he said, looking out of him so he continued. "You look like the kind of girl saving for a wedding," he said. He placed his limb between my legs as now ran out of wetness.

"Are you sure about this?" he whispered one last time and I nodded.

He squeezed himself into me a little bit at a time. It burned and sweated with pain. I knew it would hurt but this was painful. I felt how hot tears started to run down for my cheeks and I'm now bleeding hard with pain. I know how Jack's lips kisses the tears from my cheeks. But it did not take long before my pain became a pleasure. He slowly pumped in and out of me to be careful. He had tried to convince me that we did not have to do this but I wanted it so badly. Despite the pain, it was pure pleasure to be so close to him. I moan when his hand was looking up to my breast and mashed them for stimulation. I want all of him, absolutely all of him."Faster" I whispered in his ear. He looked in my eyes filled with lust and concern for me. His eyes asked me if I really wanted this. And in response, I hugged my legs around his waist so he could get better at me. And he went faster. It did not take long before I felt a fire built up in my stomach and my climax was built up. I wanted to grab something but there was nothing. My hands were found until his neck and just when my whole body was filled with pleasure, I struck my hand against the window.

His body collapsed on mine. We were through sweaty and breathed both coolly. I felt the whole he shook despite the heat. Had I done something wrong? Had something happened to him? I am looking at him and saying, "Are you ok?" You're choking. "He smiles a smile to me before he answers. "No, do not you worry" And I kiss his forehead.


My eyelids are heavy. My whole body is cold. I'm through wet. But I can still feel the heat of my cheeks after the memory of what happened just a few hours ago. I'm lying for something hard and everything is rocking. All I see is the ocean. I feel so cold and freezing. Where is jack I move on my head and see him. He lies with half the body in the water and half in the water. Our hands are interconnected and his head lay against the wood. He looked so bleak, his lips were blue and his eyes looked dead. He could not die, not now, I need him."Jack ... Jack! Jack wake up! I need you!" I broke cry while I crawled at him. I'm kidding him like a maniac. No reaction. I "jack!" I said while I continued choking him. And shut his eyes open. He's alive! My heart cries out of happiness. He's alive! I creep at him and kiss his cold lips. "Jack love you" I said sad this could be the last time we see. But he looks at me with great troubled eyes inside he says. "Do not say so Rose, we will not die. Do not say goodbye""But it's so cold," I said while I slowly closed my eyes.

To be continued...

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