Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

By katherinep97

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The revelation of Castiel being controlled and manipulated into such things has shattered everyone involved. ... More

Chapter 1 - Meet the New Boss
Chapter 2 - Hello, Cruel World
Chapter 3 - The Girl Next Door
Chapter 4 - Defending Your Life
Chapter 5 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Chapter 6 - CatScar Fiction
Chapter 8 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!
Chapter 9 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
Chapter 10 - Death's Door
Chapter 11 - Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter 12 - Time After Time
Chapter 13 - The Slice Girls
Chapter 14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
Chapter 15 - Repo Man
Chapter 16 - Out With the Old
Chapter 17 - Born Again Identity
Chapter 18 - Party On, Garth
Chapter 19 - Of Grave Importance
Chapter 20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Chapter 21 - Reading is Fundamental
Chapter 22 - There Will Be Blood
Chapter 23 - Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 7 - The Mentalists

173 11 0
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link


From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the woods, Sam was following Amy. He held a knife to Amy's chest, looking at her crescent pendant necklace. "Hi, Amy."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Amy's House, Amy looked at Sam. "You know me. You know the kind of person I am."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Young Amy's House, Young Sam and Young Amy broke their kiss.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the alley, the man was tackled to the ground.

Dean: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "She's dropping bodies, man."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the motel room, Dean looked at Sam. "Which means we got to drop her."

Sam looked at Catty, Scarlett and Dean. "She's done. Trust me."

Catty nodded. "Okay."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Amy's motel room, Dean looked at Amy. "You are what you are. You will kill again." He stabbed Amy in the heart, killing her. "I'm sorry."

Dean removed the knife.

From 7.04 - Defending Your Life and 7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil: There were multiple shots of Dean drinking from his flask.

From 7.04 - Defending Your Life: Outside the victim's apartment, Sam looked at Catty, Scarlett and Dean, all of whom were posing as FBI. "I know you didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do. So, thanks."

Catty nodded.

"No problem," Scarlett told him.

Dean looked away.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: On the pier, Dean looked at Sam. "Yeah, you know my motto. Here to help."

"Kind of like you helped Amy?" Sam asked.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Catty looked through the cell bars of Catty and Scarlett's cell to look at Catty and Scarlett. "Eve wanted to create the perfect beast."

Catty turned to face Leviathan!Catty, watching as she morphed into the form of Brett.

Leviathan!Brett smirked. "What do you think Eve meant by 'jack of all trades'? A calling for all the monsters, all in one body?" Catty and Scarlett raised their eyebrows, nodding. "Well, it can't really be a jack of all trades if a few key ingredients are missing, can it?"

"What are you talking about?" Catty asked.

Leviathan!Brett ticked off the names and species with his fingers. "Alastair, Castiel, Brett, Catty. Demon, Angel, Human. You're chosen to be the vessel for arguably the most powerful creature this world's ever seen."

Catty and Scarlett started to realize what he meant, still confused, in denial. "No."

"The 'jack of all trades' couldn't miss the three biggest things, now could it?" Leviathan!Brett asked. He looked at Catty. "And now it has it, thanks to you and your three dead, boyfriends. You loathed Alastair, you loved Cas, and obviously cared a lot about Brett. And now thanks to you, they're all dead."

From 6.19 - Mommy Dearest: In Ervin's diner, Eve/Mary appeared behind Catty, grabbing her shoulders, leaning her head closer to her. She smirked at something ironic. She bit Catty on her neck forcefully.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Why do you think she bit you, Catty? To turn you?"

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Brett shook his head, clicking his tongue. "Nope. She did it to turn your child before it was even born so it would be born the biggest freak this world has ever seen. Eve biting you was what triggered the kid's aging process. That's why you didn't even know you ever had it inside of you."

Scarlett glared at Leviathan!Brett. "I don't know if we can believe you or not about this. What the hell does any of this have to do with me?"

"Zane was so obsessive with his need of finally beating Scar and Los' love, that he used them and himself from the time he slept with Scar, and his own DNA he still had, to create their own child creation, thanks to Scar and Los being together in all the ways possible," Leviathan!Brett told them. "Part Human, part Angel, part Demon. An Arkosis. Zane and Crowley want these kids for the power that they will have. Balthazar wanted to double cross them, take the souls for himself, and make sure they didn't get hands on the kids, either."

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In the alley, Catty, Scarlett and Sam turned to face Castiel in confusion. Castiel touched Sam's temple, then placing his hands on Catty and Scarlett's stomachs. A flash of bright white light surrounded them.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "So he made Cas break down Sam's Hell-Wall as a distraction, and he made Cas zap the kids out of your stomachs before anyone knew what was happening."

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Brett looked through the bars to Catty and Scarlett.

"Why would you even need Catty and Brett to create the ultimate monster?" Scarlett asked.

"So that you wouldn't be able to tell it was a monster," Leviathan!Brett answered. "Crowley and Zane want its power for their own. Same thing with Arkosis. But like with Brett and Alastair being like the godfathers to Catty and Cas' kid, Scar, Zane's basically the godfather to yours and Los'. Can you imagine that kind of power within the grips of the King of Hell and King of Crossroads? And you know who else wants these kids? Every monster, every Demon, every Angel who knows about it, and who wants its power for their own. You know what the Leviathans want? We want these things dead, so no one can use their power against us, and so no one can be more powerful than us. That should be a comforting thought, though, Catty. Your child's not Leviathan, because we came before Eve, so she wouldn't be able to create one. Oh, and it's also not any kind of Ghost, Ghoul, Vampire or Zombie, because it's not dead."

"Why do you keep coming after us saying that we can find them?" Catty asked impatiently, her voice raising in exasperation.

"Because there's a spell that we can do to find it," Leviathan!Brett answered. "But, of course, being you're the only parents left alive, we need to drain every single drop of blood from your bodies. And then we're going to eat them alive."

Leviathan!Brett broke the cell door open, walking inside toward Catty and Scarlett, grabbing their shoulders, morphing back into the form of Catty, transforming. Her mouth enlarged. Her teeth turned long and jagged. A two-pronged tongue unfurled. Catty and Scarlett cringed back, unable to move or fight back. Ness and Dean arrived behind Leviathan!Catty. Dean splashed Leviathan!Catty with Borax. Ness used the ax to cut off Leviathan!Catty's head. They watched the headless body fall to the floor. Catty and Scarlett looked down at Leviathan!Catty's headless body in shock, trying to calm down, process and get this to settle in.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: On the pier, Scarlett took a few steps toward Sam. "You can't what?"

"I can't talk to Dean right now, Scar!" Sam answered, turning to face them. "I can't even be around Dean right now. And I'm not going to put you and Catty in a position where you have to choose a side, because I know that you won't. I think you should just go on without me. You know, Cat, Scar, after everything with Cas and Brett and Los and Ava, and the way that Dean's been a total dick about it toward you, and, honestly, so have I, I'd say that you'd both need a break from all of us, to." Scarlett and Catty looked as if they were trying to tell them, unable to find the words. Dean nodded. "Go."

"All right," Dean told him. "Sorry, Sam. Sorry, Catty. Sorry, Scar."

Dean reached into the backseat of Ness' Car, taking his bag, starting to walk away in the opposite direction. Sam started to walk away the opposite way.

"Sam, come on," Catty told him. "Dean. Guys!"

Neither answered, walking away, leaving.

Scarlett was completely overwhelmed. "Catty, what the hell are we supposed to do? How do we tell them about what Levi!Brett told us? About the kids..."

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In Ness' Car, Scarlett had tears in her eyes, starting to cry. Catty had her arms resting on the steering wheel in front of her, tears in her eyes, trying not to cry, but not able to fight it off any longer, as tears started to fall. Scarlett and Catty looked at each other in devastation and shock, completely overwhelmed with everything that they had learned, no longer being able to be angry or fight off what they were feeling, reaching out to the other, holding hands tightly, hoping that they could help the other through it, when they themselves didn't think they could get through it.

Scarlett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "About what was really going down with Zane, Crowley, Cas, Ava, Los and Balthazar..."

Catty: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "I don't know, Scar."



Lily Dale, New York

Day One

Night - House - Study

A Medium, a man, and a woman sat around a table with an Ouija board, holding hands.

"Yes," the Medium told them. "A Spirit has gathered around us. Are you with us, Spirit?"

The man rolled his eyes. The curtains moved on their own.

The woman smiled. "I feel something. I have goose bumps. Uncle Danny?"

"We're going to make contact now," the Medium told them. "Rest your hands on the planchette." The medium and the woman placed their fingers on the planchette in the middle of the Ouija board. "Let the Spirit guide our hands." The Medium closed her eyes, tilting her head upwards. "O Spirit, are you the one we seek? Are you... Uncle Danny?"

The planchette slid toward the 'Yes' on the Ouija board.

"I'm not doing that," the woman told them.

"Yeah, she's pushing it," the man told her.

The Medium took her hands away from the Ouija board. The woman followed suit.

The Medium looked at the man. "It's okay to be skeptical." She looked toward the ceiling. "Danny, if you're with us, knock twice for yes."

There were two knocks.

The woman smiled. "Danny?" She looked at the Medium. "Can you ask him, is he happy?"

The Medium closed her eyes, looking toward the ceiling. There were two knocks.

The Medium looked at the woman and the man. "He is. He's happy."

"Is Sadie with him?" the woman asked.

"Now you're being ridiculous, Cynthia," the man told her. "Who cares about Sadie?"

The Medium raised her hands to her eyes. "Ah, yes, I see... a family pet."

"That's her," Cynthia told her. "Sadie was a Schnauzer."

"She's with Danny, chasing tennis balls in the afterlife," the Medium told them.

"Sadie loved tennis balls," Cynthia told them.

The man looked at the Medium. "There were important papers. No one can find them. They weren't in the safe. Can you just ask him..."

"Of course," the Medium answered. "I'll need you to place your hands with me on the planchette." The man reached out for the planchette. The lights flickered. Electricity crackled. "Maybe--maybe Danny didn't like the question."

"Tell him to quit fooling around," the man told her. "He knows darn well that's my money."

The fire in the fireplace roared, then died out.

"Can't you two stop squabbling?" Cynthia asked. "For Pete's sake, he's dead." She looked at the Medium. "Tell him we're sorry. Maybe if we're nice, he'll--" The planchette started to move on its own. "Oh, my God. Danny?" The planchette darted across the board to the 'No'. The Medium and Cynthia exhaled. Their breath was visible. The Medium stood in alarm. "What's going on?"

The planchette levitated into the air, turning around, stabbing the Medium in the throat. Blood splattered onto the man. The Medium's dead body fell to the floor. The man and Cynthia gasped, screaming.

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Raleigh, North Carolina

Day Two

Morning - Fat Mack's Bar-B-Q Rib Shack - Outside

Dean and Ness walked toward Ness' Car in the parking lot.

Ness was carrying a bag from Fat Mack's Bar-B-Q Rib Shack, looking at Dean. "So how long's it been?"

"A week and a half," Dean answered. "No calls, no texts, no contact of any kind with Sam, Scar or Catty since they found out about what I did to Amy." He turned to face her. "Ness, oddly enough, you don't seem to have an opinion for this."

"Well, she was a monster, Dean," Ness told him. "She might have been killing for her son, but there was no telling if she was gonna do it again. I mean, I'm not saying that that's what I would've done. I probably would've let her walk, because of the kid."

Dean looked down. "Yeah, as if I need another thing to feel guilty about, Ness."

"You were doing your job, Dean," Ness told him. "Every hunter does their job in a different way. There's no right or wrong, unless you take it to extremities like Gordon Walker. That kind of hunting is the kind of wrong that will earn you a ticket downstairs, or worse." Dean chuckled in agreement. "But you're not Gordon, Dean. You know, hating yourself, feeling guilty about it isn't gonna make Sam forgive you or make Catty and Scar make contact any sooner."

Dean thought about this a moment, nodding. "What would I do without my Yoda?"

Ness smiled. "You really want me to answer that question?"

Dean smirked, leaning closer, kissing Ness for a moment. They kissed more passionately. Ness pulled away, smiling, walking toward her car, getting into the driver's seat.


Ness' Car

Dean got into the passenger seat, taking the fast food bag from Ness. Ness started the car, about to drive.

Man: (on radio) "Ooh. That made me hungry. You're listening to the morning chaos with me, Bananas Foster."

"The hell I am, asshat," Dean told him, about to change the channel.

Man: (on radio) "And now for the news of the weird."

Dean stopped.

Man: (on radio) "Two very odd murder to be exact. Mediums are dying in Lily Dale, the most Psychic town in America."

Dean hesitated. "Hey, Ness, you wanna go on a job to the most Psychic town in America?"

Ness smirked. "It's a date, Dean."



Ness' Car pulled out of the parking lot, turning around, driving away, leaving.


Lily Dale, New York

Medium's House - Study

Dean and Ness walked in, posing as FBI, showing their fake badges to a police officer, looking around the room. Ness discovered a tape recorder under the table, playing the recording, which was of rustling noises. She moved a lever on the floor, mumbled voices sounding. She pressed a switch on a chair, making the curtains move.

Dean saw a large lever under the table. "O Spirits of the further... am I going to win the Powerball?" He pressed the lever, making a knocking sound be heard. Dean looked at Ness. "We're gonna be rich!"

Ness chuckled. "You're such a dork."

Dean stood straight. "I take that offensively." Ness raised her eyebrows slightly. "Okay, no, I don't, but you get the picture."

Ness smiled.


Good Graces Cafe - Outside

Ness' Car pulled up, parking in the parking lot. Dean and Ness got out, looking over the shop signs advertising Psychic, palm and tarot readings, walking toward the door, stopping at a poster for the Annual Lily Dale Psychic Festival featuring Imelda Graven (Crystal Ball), Grandma Goldy (Talking Board), and Nikolai Lishin (Kinetic Mind).



(Song) Knockanore Hill - Ian Duncan Antony Clarke & Simon John Painter (CPM / Carlin)

Sam was sitting at a table, posing as FBI, researching the case.

Octavia sat across the table from him. "Sam, if you want to know your future, stick to that 900 line. 'Cause is it me, or should these guys have seen it coming?"

Sam chuckled. "Ava..."

"At least you're less hesitant to speak to me when we're in public," Octavia told him teasingly. "But then again, you've been avoiding everyone for a week, so who else do you have to talk to?"

Sam gave her a look. "Ava."

"What?" Octavia asked. "I can't try to get you to talk to Dean, Ness, Scar and Catty again? Come on, Sam. With Levis out there, you can't be out there by yourself. I shouldn't have to remind you that they want you, Dean and Ness dead, and they want Catty and Scar for a reason that we still don't know, but we have to assume is for something worse than death. I know you're dealing with a betrayal from Dean, however minor or major it may seem to you or to Dean, but you have to admit that the threat of the Levis are a lot more important."

Sam sighed, nodding. "I know, Ava. I just..."

Sam looked around to make sure that no one was looking or listening.

"Sam, I'm not saying that you have to stop being mad at Dean," Octavia told him. "I'm just saying that you should probably put things like your frustration with Dean aside so that you're all safe."

Elsewhere, far away from the table, Catty and Scarlett walked inside, posing as FBI.

A waiter walked toward Catty and Scarlett. "Hello. First time at Good Graces?"

"Yes," Scarlett answered.

"Well, we're 100% locally sourced, biodynamic, and you get a free affirmation with every order," the waiter told them.

Catty and Scarlett exchanged a weird look.

"Think we'll source a taco joint," Catty told him.

"All right," the waiter told her.

Catty and Scarlett turned to leave, seeing Dean and Ness walk in. "Dean. Ness."

"Surprise, surprise," Ness told them.

"Um, was wondering when I would be hearing from you again," Dean told them. "You can't answer the phone?"

Scarlett hesitated, looking down. "Sorry."

They could hear Sam's voice. "Just coffee, black, extra shot."

They turned to see Sam sitting at a table, unable to see Octavia with him, reading a case file. Ness looked at Dean, Scarlett and Catty, gesturing toward Sam with her eyes. Scarlett and Catty walked toward Sam. Dean hesitated, following Catty. Ness hung back, giving them a few moments to talk alone.

"You always wear a suit to get your palm read?" Scarlett asked.

Sam didn't respond.

"Yeah," Catty told them. "Not surprised you caught this one. It's on every morning zoo in America. You mind?"

Sam moved his hand noncommittally. Dean, Scarlett and Catty sat next to him. Sam moved his case file to his lap, quietly looking Dean, Scarlett and Catty over, gripping the folder in his left hand.

"So, Ness and I, uh, we went to the scene," Dean told them. "Wires, speakers, enough EMF to make your hair stand up. Don't even think about getting a reading. Oh, and, uh, if this hadn't have been two Psychics that bit it... I would have just chalked this up as being, uh, dumb and accidental. And I know, I know. This whole town's supposedly calling Ghosts. But that takes some serious spellwork and some serious mojo. The only books this lady had were Oprah crap. When was the last time you actually saw a real Psychic? Huh? Pamela? Missouri?"

Scarlett was nervous and fidgety. "Anyway, this..." She gestured between them. "Is good. And, uh, how you been?"

Sam was pressing his healed wound from Octavia's Angel Sword, looking at Ava nervously. "Ava..."

Octavia nodded reassuringly. "It's okay, Sam. They're real. They're really here."

Sam looked relieved, sighing, looking at Catty, Scarlett and Dean, less tense, but still irritated with Dean.

"Did you just have Ava confirm that Dean, Scar and I are not a hallucination?" Catty asked.

"Maybe," Sam answered.

"Yes, he did, Catty," Octavia answered.

Scarlett nodded. "Great. Well, thanks, Ava, for confirming that Dean, Catty and I are in fact real."

Octavia smirked sarcastically. "You're welcome, Scar."

"Is Ava as much of a smartass in hallucination as she was in real life?" Dean asked.

Sam and Octavia answered at the same time. "Yes."

Dean, Scarlett and Catty smirked.

The waiter walked closer. "And what can I get for you?"

"Uh, pancakes, side of pig," Dean answered. "Coffee, black."

"Fantastic," the waiter told him. He looked at Catty and Scarlett. "And what would the ladies be having today?"

"Just a soda," Scarlett answered.

"And I don't want anything," Catty told him.

"If you change your mind, let me know," the waiter told her. Catty nodded barely. The waiter put a hand on Catty's shoulder. "You are a virile manifestation of the divine."

The waiter smiled, walking away, leaving.

Catty looked at Sam, Scarlett and Dean. "What the hell did he say to me?" Sam chuckled softly, shaking his head, looking away. Dean smirked. Scarlett managed a small smile. Octavia laughed, though Dean, Scarlett and Catty couldn't hear her. "Oh, it's funny? Yeah, no. Go ahead. Laugh it up, dudes. Hilarious."

"Catty..." Sam trailed off. "Look..."

"Sam," Scarlett told him. "Look, we're all here. All right, the chance of any one of us leaving while people are still dying out there?" She made a zero sign with her hand. "You might as well bite the bullet and work together on this one."

"I don't know if I can, Scar," Sam told her. "Not with Dean."

Dean looked down as if he knew he deserved that.

"Scar and I are not asking you to open up a can of worms, okay?" Catty asked. "We're not even asking either of you where the hell you've been for the past week and a half."

"Good," Dean told them.

"We're just saying, let's try and stop the killings," Scarlett told them. "That's it."

"Okay," Dean told them.

"Okay?" Catty asked, looking at Sam. Sam gave in, nodding. "Good."

A woman stopped next to their table, looking at Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty. Ness was standing close enough to see what was happening, seeing how tense and nervous the woman was, walking closer.

"Can I help you?" Dean asked.

"You're the siblings from the--" the woman started.

Ness stopped next to them, looking at the woman. "Oh, no, no, no, no. The Winchesters on the news a couple weeks back? No. I tell them that all the time. But, no. Those depraved killers got put down like the dogs that they were." She looked at Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Sam. "They, on the other hand, they're completely harmless."

Octavia looked at Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty. "You four are lucky to have a best friend like Ness Singer always coming to save your asses."

Sam nodded in agreement.

The woman relaxed, laughing. "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Silly me." She looked at Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Sam. "And I can see by your energies, you're completely gentle."

A man walked up, putting his arm around the woman. "Excuse my friend. She's excitable. Sweetheart, look at them, hmm? They're FBI."

"Oh," the woman told them.

"I'm Russian," the man told them. "We can spot the law. You must be here about the tragedies."

"Oh, we're just beside ourselves about what happened," the woman told them.

"Yeah, and so close to festival season, huh?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah--no," the woman told them.

"Of course we are worried," the man told them. "We have no idea what's going on, huh?" He took out a business card, handing it to Ness. "Nikolai. Let me know if I can help you. I'm highly intuitive."

"Nikolai Lishin, spoon bender?" Ness asked.

"Mm," Nikolai hummed. "World famous." He picked up Sam's spoon. "Come to my demonstration at the festival, huh?" He made a hand motion over the spoon. "I teach you to harness the power of your mind." He put the spoon down, looking at the woman. "Come, let's leave them be."

Nikolai and the woman walked away toward their table. Ness turned to face Dean, Catty, Scarlett, Sam and Octavia, though she couldn't see Ava.

"You guys glad you decided to vacation here yet?" Octavia asked. "Hi, Ness. Been a while."

Ness looked over them. "So, what's up?"

"I guess we're in this together," Sam answered.

Octavia gave him a smug look. "And what did I tell you, Sam?"

Sam tilted his head.

"Something Ava said?" Ness asked.

"Something Ava said," Sam answered.

Octavia smiled. "Yep. Can't say that you're not glad to have me around."

"At least you still have some part of Ava, Sam," Ness told him.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, thanks, Ness." He put his case file on the table. "All right. Here we go." Ness looked at Dean, raising her eyebrows smugly. Dean smirked barely. Ness sat down between Dean and Sam, across from Catty and Scarlett. "First death... second death."

Sam slid the file over to Catty.

Catty looked at the photograph. "What am I looking at?"

"Well, this this?" Sam asked. "Now, this is Imelda Graven, death number one. She was brained by her own crystal ball."

"Bummer, and ironic," Octavia told them.

Scarlett looked over a page. The next photograph was of the medium, looking back at the first photograph. "Same necklace?"

"Yeah," Sam answered. "See, Imelda gave it to Goldy in her will."

"Okay, so, Cursed Object, maybe?" Ness suggested.

"Worth looking into," Sam told them. "Goldy's next of kin lives in town, also a Psychic."

"Oh, good," Catty told them sarcastically. "I haven't had my fill."

Sam poured sugar into his coffee. The spoon in his other hand bent.

Octavia looked from the spoon to Nikolai at his table, smiling. "Sam... he broke your spoon."

Sam gave her a half-amused look. "Ava."

Octavia smiled.


House - Outside

Ness' Car was parked outside. Scarlett, Catty and Ness walked toward the house. The door opened. Two women walked out.

"Melanie Golden?" Ness asked. "Hi. Uh, got a minute?"

Scarlett, Catty and Ness showed their fake FBI badges.

"You want me to stay?" Melanie's friend asked.

"No, that's okay," Melanie answered.

"Okay," Melanie's friend told her.

Melanie wrapped her arm around her friend. "Thanks for stopping by, hon."

"Of course," her friend told her, pulling away, walking away, leaving.

Melanie looked at Scarlett, Catty and Ness. "My friend, Camille. She just heard about my grandmother... which is, I guess, why you guys are here, so come on in."



Melanie led Scarlett, Catty and Ness inside, closing the door. "Sorry. I just got back."

"You were out of town?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah," Melanie answered. "I work the circuit. Hotels, conventions, you know."

"Oh," Catty told her. "Wait. No offense, but... you don't seem all that Psychic."

"Why do you say that?" Melanie asked.

"Well, I mean, just, you know, where's all the... crystals and pyramids?" Catty asked.

"I'm off the clock," Melanie told them. "Also not Psychic. What? It's an honest living."

"Interesting definition of 'honest'," Scarlett told her.

"Well, I honestly read people," Melanie told them. "It's just less woo-woo, more body language. Like, you three... Long-time friends." She gestured to Ness. "You're the calm, clear-headed one. I'd call it a little too nice and knowing." Ness raised her eyebrows slightly in acknowledgement, tilting her head. Scarlett and Catty looked from Melanie to Ness, tense, slightly amused. Melanie looked at Scarlett and Catty. "You're a lot of things right now, but mostly distressed." Ness looked at Scarlett and Catty in confusion. Scarlett and Catty looked away. "It's not brain surgery. It's kind of why my grandma and me didn't get along. I mean, she'd go full smoke-machine, but she still actually believed in all that stuff, so..."

"You don't?" Ness asked.

"You do?" Melanie replied.

"I've got an open mind," Ness told her. "You'd be surprised."

Melanie hummed. "Hmm."

"I'm sorry to have to ask, but there's a necklace of your grandmother's," Catty told her.

"Don't have it," Melanie told them. "Everything went straight to the Emporium. She had a deal with the owner."

Scarlett raised her eyebrows. "The Emporium?"


The Emporium

Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked up to the counter.

The man behind the counter put down his coffee. "Mm. Mm. You're looking... for something."

"You're good," Ness told him.

"You Jimmy Tomorrow?" Catty asked.

The man nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"We're looking for a necklace," Scarlett told him.

"Oh," Jimmy told them. "Romantic."

"It would have come in with Grandma Goldy's effects," Ness told him, putting a photo of Imelda Golden on the counter, pointing to the necklace she was wearing.

"Oh," Jimmy told them. "Yes. Yes. Now, you do know that this is the Orb of Thessaly."

"We did not know," Catty told him.

Jimmy picked up a large metal box, putting it on the counter. "Very powerful, very rare."

"Let me guess," Scarlett told him. "Very expensive."

"Worth every penny," Jimmy told them, taking the necklace out.

"Well, in that case..." Ness trailed off, holding up her FBI badge. Scarlett and Catty did the same. "We'll be taking the state's evidence discount."

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked.

"A murder investigation that we'd like to personally thank you for not obstructing," Catty told him, reaching for the necklace.

Jimmy grabbed Catty's wrist. "You know, I give private energetic readings."

"No, thanks," Catty told him, trying to pull her arm away.

Jimmy held tighter, looking at both Scarlett and Catty. "Several losses weigh on you. Something shattered your worlds and changed everything you saw things. You're despaired, confused and angry. It's complicated. Come see me, Agents."

Jimmy held his business card toward Catty.

Jimmy Tomorrow

Private Readings


809 1/2 Main Street

Lily Dale, N.Y. U.S.A. 14752

Catty pulled her wrist free in annoyance, taking the card and the necklace.

Scarlett looked at him weirdly. "Thanks, Jimmy. We'll see you."

Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked away.

Jimmy called after them. "The bureau's gonna reimburse me for the necklace, right?"

"Oh, we'll send you a check," Ness told him.

Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked out, leaving.

Jimmy watched them go. "Right."



Ness, Scarlett and Catty were standing next to Sam, Dean and Ness' Car. Catty examined the necklace.

Sam looked at Scarlett and Catty. "So he went a little 'Mentalist' on you there, did he?" Scarlett and Catty didn't answer. "That's really everything you were trying not to tell us?"

"It's not about what you think it is, okay?" Catty asked. "I--"

"Sure it's not, Cat," Dean told her sarcastically.

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Sam, why does Dean have to be such a bitch sometimes?"

Sam kept his voice low. "I ask myself that question every day, Ava."

They exchanged a smirk.

"Then again, we all have our bitchy moments," Octavia told him.

Sam gave her a look. "Ava."

Scarlett scoffed. "Whatever. We can talk about it after we get done with the job."

"Talk about what?" Dean asked.

"I thought you guys didn't want to talk," Scarlett told them.

They didn't answer.

"All right," Scarlett told them. "Next question. What's an Orb of Thessaly?"

"I know one thing," Catty told them. "It's made in Taiwan."

Catty tossed the necklace to Ness.

"Oh, a fake, around here?" Octavia asked. "Imagine that. 'Course, that means that whatever's killing Mediums is still out there."

"Well, there's something called an Orb of Thesulah from Buffy that holds souls, and there is a real version of it, but this is clearly not it," Ness told them. "Let's go find out what's what."

They got into Ness' Car.


Night - House - Living Room

Nikolai sat on the couch with a beer, emptying a bag of silverware onto the coffee table. He held his fingers out, waving them, picking up a fork, rubbing it, forcibly bending it with his hands. It unbended. Nikolai looked surprised and concerned. The lights flickered. Electricity crackles. Voices murmured. There were clattering noises. Nikolai looked down at the coffee table in alarm. All of the silverware were standing straight up. Nikolai stood, taking a few steps away from the table, exhaling. His breath was visible. He was lifted off the floor by an invisible force, hovering above the coffee table, shaking with fear, falling down onto the table, impaled by the silverware. He gasped, dying, blood running over the glass coffee table.


Day Three

Morning - Nikolai's House - Living Room

Dean and Sam were posing as FBI.

Octavia was looking at the bloodstained silverware on the table. "He probably should have bent those with the power of his mind."

Sam looked at the Sheriff. "Chief. We met at the station."

"Right," Chief agreed. "Morning, Agent."

"Morning," Sam told him. "Uh, this is Agent Bourne. So, what happened?"

"It's a weird one," Chief told them. "Chest full of cutlery."

"All right," Dean told him. "We're gonna take a look around. Let us know if you get any leads."

"Oh, I got leads coming out of my ass," Chief told them. "As of 9:00, our time line had 46 calls, all from clairvoyants that know what really happened."

"What's the popular theory?" Dean asked.

"It's a toss-up between a Ghost and some sort of ogre that only attacks Russians," Chief told them.

"Policing Lily Dale sounds fun," Octavia told him sarcastically. "Let me guess, it was either this or Los Angeles. Hey, Sam, you ever realize that that city is so close to Angelos, you know, because of Angeles, and then it has Los' actual nickname?"

"So, these clairvoyants, did they give any details as to why they thought it was a Ghost?" Sam asked. "Or a... Russian ogre?"

"Their Spirit monkey said so," Chief answered. "Plus, apparently, this guy claims he had a vision of his own death, cutlery and all."

Sam and Dean took this in, thoughtful. Octavia turned to look at Sam, crossing her arms over her chest.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Melanie held a landline phone, looking at Ness, Scarlett and Catty, who were posing as FBI. "Did you mean it when you said you had an open mind?"

"Why?" Catty asked. "Everything okay?"

"I hadn't checked it until today," Melanie told them. "I mean, the only person who ever called my landline was my grandma."

"That's okay," Ness told her. "Go on."

"Look, I wouldn't put any stock in it," Melanie told them. "I mean, she was always calling me with some crazy dream she was sure was a sign, that kind of thing, but... Uh, is it true Nikolai had a real vision of his death?"

"That's what we were told," Scarlett told her.

"Well, so did she," Melanie told them. "The day she died."

"What'd she say?" Catty asked.

"Well, you can listen to it if you want," Melanie told them. "She said she was in a seance, then the lights go, it's freezing."

"Wait," Ness told her. "She said that? That the room got cold?"

"Yeah," Melanie answered. "Why? Is that important?" Ness and Catty exchanged a look. "What? What is it?"

"A Ghost," Scarlett answered. "The real deal."

"Come on," Melanie told them. She looked to see that they weren't kidding. "You're serious."

"Yeah," Ness answered. "See, there's, uh, fake woo-woo crap, and there's real woo-woo crap."

"Yeah, yeah, but..." Melanie trailed off. "Ghosts?"

"Oh, trust me," Catty told her. "There's a lot weirder out there than that."

"So, 'The X-files' is real, or you just stopped talking like FBI Agents," Melanie told them.

"Well, um..." Scarlett trailed off. "We're not FBI Agents."

"I need a drink," Melanie told them.

Catty nodded. "I support that."



Ness and Dean stood across from each other at Ness' Car. Sam, Scarlett and Catty stood across from each other at a blue, run-down Dodge Challenger.

"You know, if this is a Spirit, it ain't your average spook tied to a house," Dean told them. "I mean, this thing is boogieing all over town."

"Not surprised," Ness told them. She looked toward two 'Psychic' signs outside nearby houses. "I mean, how many crystal balls do you figure there are in Lily Dale?"

"Somewhere between 50 and, uh, all of them," Octavia answered.

"Well, I mean, quartz can act as an antenna for Spirits," Ness told them. "I mean, that's why mediums started using crystal balls in the first place."

"Well, that means that every storefront in town has got a Ghost satellite dish," Sam told them.

"Exactly," Ness told them. "And this place is packed with people summoning Spirits."

"Yeah, but, Ness, most of these guys can't even call a taxi," Scarlett told her.

"All it takes is one," Ness told them.

"That's gonna be like looking for a needle in a stack of fake needles," Octavia told them. "Good luck with that, guys."

"It's worse," Ness told them. "I mean, I'll bet you anything some of these guys got real juice. I'm not talking kill-people level. I'm just saying, enough to make it complicated."

"I hate this town," Octavia told them.

Dean sighed. "All right, so..." Ness opened the driver's door of her car. "What? Start hitting up the Miss Cleos?"

"I was thinking split up and canvass," Sam told them. "It's faster."

Sam got into the passenger seat of the Dodge Challenger.

Octavia appeared in the car next to Sam. "Right. 'Course you were. Sam, we talked about this."

"Yeah, we did," Sam agreed. "And I agreed with your point of putting aside things with Dean just enough to focus on the job and so that we didn't die because of the Levis, Ava. But--"

"But nothing," Octavia told him. "Come on, Sam. There are more important things to worry about than a fight with Dean."

Sam sighed. "Ava..."

Catty and Scarlett looked at Dean and Ness. Dean shrugged. Ness seemed sympathetic. Catty got into the driver's seat of the Challenger. Scarlett got into the backseat. The Challenger drove away, leaving.

Ness looked at Dean. "Okay, what did you just talk about before rolling into town?" Dean sighed. "If you don't tell Sam how bad it really was, I'll kick your ass. You have to trust someone again eventually."

"Ness, I do trust people," Dean told her.

"Barely," Ness told him. "Come on, Dean. Just talk to him. Tell him how bad it really was. Maybe you guys can get past all of this."

Dean thought about that for a moment. Dean and Ness got into Ness' Car.


House - Study

Melanie's friend, Camille, was dressed in a costume, tipping a container of bones onto a table, whispering over them, raising one to her forehead. She inhaled deeply.

A woman was seated across from her. "What is it? My brother? Is he going back to prison?"

Camille used a dramatic, forced foreign voice. "Stay away. His curse will drag you down. Folks do turn jail into a habit, you know?" The woman looked disappointed and exasperated. "Oh, no, no. Don't fret. I's always say, family... is a pain in the ass anyhow."

"Thank you, Sister Thibodeaux," the woman told her.

"No, child," Camille told her. "Thank the Spirits. Now, will that be cash or credit?"



The woman was gone. Camille counted money, putting it in a metal box. She picked up the box, walking a few steps across the room. She stopped. Her eyes turned white. She saw flashes of a fire, a cuckoo clock chiming 2:00, and herself being strangled by an unseen presence. She pulled out of the vision violently, looking around, shaken up.



Camille opened the door to reveal Dean, Ness and Melanie.

"It's okay," Melanie told her. "Like I said on the phone, they can help."

Camille looked at Dean and Ness, speaking with a normal voice. "Phony lawmen, huh?"

"Yeah, 'cause nobody can relate to phony around here," Dean told them sarcastically.

Dean, Ness and Melanie walked in.

"Well, if you can do something, I don't care if you call yourselves the Pope," Camille told them.

"All right," Ness told her. "What happened, exactly?"

"What happened is, I had a freaking vision," Camille answered. "Something is coming for me."

"What's coming?" Ness asked. "Did you get a look?"

"No," Camille answered. "But I sure felt it when it started breaking my bones. I don't want to die."

"Okay," Ness told her. "We'll figure it out. The vision happened in here?"

"Yeah, by the cash box," Camille answered.

Dean noticed a camera in a mask on the wall. "There any chance good looking was watching?"



Dean, Ness, Melanie and Camille were watching the video footage on the computer. Camille was walking across the room with the cash box. The picture cut out.

"What was that?" Camille asked. Ness replayed the footage, pausing it. A Ghost of a woman could be seen behind Camille. Camille gasped. "What the hell?'

The Ghost woman walked up behind Camille, putting her hands on her head.

"Oh, my God," Melanie told them.

"Oh, my God!" Camille told them.

"W--was that--I mean, an actual--" Melanie started.

"Bona fide," Dean answered. "Well, no offense, but nobody's having Psychic visions around here. This, uh, Spirit, whoever she is, is giving them out."

"And then killing people?" Camille asked.

"Until we stop her," Ness told her. "Well, the good news is you said you saw a clock and it read 2:00 AM, so that gives us a little time. Now, does anybody recognize this bitch?"

"You know, I swear I've seen her, like, in a painting or something," Melanie told them.

"A painting?" Ness repeated. "Like, a--"

Melanie realized where. "No, not a painting. In one of those old photos in the museum."


Lily Dale Museum of Curiosities

A museum guide was leading a group into a room, in which Sam, Scarlett, Dean and Catty were standing at opposite ends and Ness was standing nearby Dean in the middle. "Lily Dale has long been a haven for the Psychically gifted. Tortured elsewhere, they're embraced here. My own family has a modest natural gift. We also celebrate our long and colorful history of... embellishers." People in the group laughed. The museum guide gestured toward a display. "Ectoplasm illusion, circa 1890." Octavia stood nearby Sam, rolling her eyes. Sam sighed, walking out of the room. Dean, Ness, Scarlett and Catty exchanged a look, following him. "Walking, walking. Now, as you may know, Ectoplasm comes from the Greek 'Ecto'..."

Ness walked past a historical poster advertising 'Sibling Acts', into the next room, the room where Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty had gone.


Next Room

Sam, Dean, Scarlett, Catty and Ness were in a room with many photographs of people on the wall. Octavia looked around.

The museum guide walked closer. "Never ended well for the siblings."

"Why is that?" Dean asked.

"Mm, the strain of working together, or maybe just being around each other all their lives," the museum guide answered. "Those two were the exception, actually. The Campbells. Got along famously. Of course, that was just a stage name. They weren't actually brothers. That was a cover for their, um... alternative lifestyle. Any other questions I can answer?"

"Yes," Ness answered, pointing at the picture with the Ghost with another woman. "Who are they?"

"Oh, the Fox sisters," the museum guide answered. "Among the founders of Lily Dale. Kate Fox, quite troubled, apparently, but mesmerizing onstage. She's said to be able to levitate objects and foretell one's death."

Ness looked at Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty. "That's her."

"Her older sister, Margaret, perhaps not a natural Psychic," the museum guide told them.

"So, full of crap," Octavia told them.

The museum guide continued. "She didn't have her sister's charisma, but she looked after Kate. Sometimes, one's true gift is taking care of others."

"So, what happened to them?" Dean asked.

"Lived here all their lives," the museum told them.

"Lived here and died here?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes," the museum answered. "Well, buried in the cemetery."

"Great," Sam told him. "That was very educational. Thank you." He looked at Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty. "Guys."

Sam turned around, walking out of the room. Ness gave Dean a look, nodding in the direction Sam had gone. Dean seemed to be thinking, giving in, following Sam. Ness sighed, stepping out of the room, leaving. Scarlett and Catty turned to follow.

The museum guide grabbed Scarlett and Catty's arms to stop them. "I'm sorry. I don't normally do this during business hours, but do you know an Brett, or a... Blake?" Scarlett and Catty looked at him in surprise. "He seems quite concerned about you two. He wants to tell you that he knows your scared, but you need to tell someone how bad it really is, before someone gets hurt. He wants you to know that he doesn't blame you for any of it." Scarlett and Catty didn't answer, looking away, not knowing how to take this with everything else that they had just learned in 7.06 CatScar Fiction. The museum chuckled, letting their arms go. "Anyway, don't forget to visit the gift shop."

The museum guide turned around, walking away, leaving. Scarlett and Catty were still in shock, overwhelmed and shaken up.

"Cat?" Scarlett asked. "Do you think he was really talking to Brett?"

"There's no other way that he would have known," Catty answered. "Plus, we're in New York. Brett's homestate, so if we were ever gonna be able to hear from Brett's Ghost again..."

"It was here," Scarlett finished. "You think that since Osiris is done with Brett, that his Spirit will go back up to Heaven now?"

"I hope so," Catty answered. "Come on."



Sam was waiting at the bottom of the staircase. Dean walked down the stairs to join him.

"Where are Scar, Ness and Catty?" Sam asked.

"Giving us a minute," Dean answered.

"We don't have time for this," Sam told him, walking toward Ness' Car and the Challenger. "We hit up the graveyard, dig up Kate."

"All right, wait a second," Dean told him, following Sam.

"All signs point to her, Dean," Sam told him.

"No," Dean told him. "Just hold on a damn minute." Sam stopped, turning to face Dean. "Enough with 'just the facts'."

"We agreed--" Sam started.

Catty and Scarlett walked into earshot, stopping when they saw they were arguing.

"No, we agreed to work the case," Dean told him. "And, all thanks to Scar, Catty and Ness, and even Ava inside your head. If it wasn't for them playing peace-maker, you and I both know that we would've headed separate ways. We didn't agree for you to be a dick the whole time."

"What?" Sam asked.

"You're pissed, okay?" Dean asked. "And you've got a right."

"Yeah, damn straight," Sam agreed.

"But enough's enough," Dean told him.

"Says who?" Sam asked. "Look, I'll work this damn case, but you lied to me, and you lied to Cat, and you lied to Scar, and you killed my friend."

Sam turned around, walking toward the cars.

Dean followed. "No, I put down a monster who killed four people, and if you didn't know her, you'd have done the same thing."

"I did know her, Dean," Sam told him.

"Yeah, which is why you couldn't do it," Dean told him. Sam turned to face him. "Look, I get it. There are certain people in this world, no matter how dangerous they are, you just can't."

"Don't pull that card," Sam told him. "That's bull. Look, if I've learned on thing, it's that if something feels wrong, it probably is."

"Usually, yeah," Dean agreed. "But killing Amy was not wrong. You couldn't do it, so I did. That's what family does. The dirty work. And I would've told you, eventually, once I knew that this whole 'waving a gun at Ava and Satan' thing was a one-time show, and I wanted to give Catty and Scar a break from all the freaking drama. I think it's reasonable to want to know that you're off the freaking high dive, Sam. You almost got us all killed, so you can be pissed all you want, but quit being a bitch."

Dean walked past him toward the car.

Sam watched him, turning to see Octavia standing behind him. "Ava..."

Octavia shook her head. "Not gonna say anything, Sam. No comment. For once."

Catty held her head in her hands, not knowing what to do. She saw Ness walking down the stairs of the museum, lowering her hands to her sides.

Ness walked closer, noticing Catty and Scarlett's odd behavior. "You okay?"

Catty nodded unconvincingly. "Yeah, yes. Just... trying to get the job done."

Ness stopped. "Catty. Scar."

Scarlett took a deep breath. "Look, we can have Ness talk time after we finish the job, okay? But I just--we can't do this right now."

Catty and Scarlett could barely meet Ness' gaze. Ness looked at them in concern, nodding slightly. Catty and Scarlett walked past Ness toward Sam, Dean and the cars. Ness hesitated, thinking, turning to follow.


Night - Cemetery

Sam and Dean were digging up Kate Fox's grave. Ness was holding the flashlight. Catty and Scarlett were going through a bag, pulling out salt, lighter fluid and a lighter.

"I get why she's killing people," Sam told them. "I don't get why she's warning them."

"Give them a taste of the curse, maybe?" Dean suggested. "It couldn't have been a joyride."

They finished digging.

"Here we go," Scarlett told them.

Sam and Dean got out of the grave. Catty poured lighter fluid over the bones. Scarlett poured salt over the bones. Kate's Ghost materialized, rushing toward Dean, pushing him to the ground.

"Dean!" Ness told him. She looked at Kate. "Back off, crazy eyes."

"Listen to me," Kate told them. "Why isn't anybody listening?" Catty held out her lighter, flicking it repeatedly, but it didn't catch. "No."

"You don't get a vote," Catty told her.

"No!" Kate told her. "Stop!"

Catty flicked her lighter ineffectually. Kate rushed toward Catty. Scarlett stroke a match, dropping it into the grave, setting the bones ablaze.

Kate's Ghost started to burn out of existence. "No!"

The Ghost burned out, vanishing.

Dean stood. "Scar, nice timing."

Scarlett nodded.



Melanie and Camille sat at a table.

Melanie was on the phone. "Got it. And, Ness, thanks." She hung up, looking at Camille. "They took care of it."

Camille smiled. "Okay, so... what? Just go home?"

"I guess," Melanie answered. Camille looked worried. "Hey, why don't you come stay with me a couple days?"

Camille smiled a small smile. "Thanks."


Camille's House

Camille was gathering things to take with her, looking at Melanie. "Just one more minute."

"It's fine, hon," Melanie told her.

"Oh, if you had that vision, you wouldn't want to be here either," Camille told her.

The cuckoo clock chimed 2:00 AM. Camille tensed up.

"Camille, it's okay," Melanie told her. "Let's just go." Camille relived her vision. "What is it?"

The fire roared to life in the fireplace. The lights flickered. Electricity crackled.

Camille looked at Melanie. "Call them back! Now!"


On the Road - Ness' Car

Ness was driving. Dean was in the passenger seat. Sam, Scarlett and Catty were in the backseat.

Ness' phone rang. She pulled it out to answer. "Melanie?"

Melanie was still in Camille's House with her. "Ness, you have to come back."

"What's going on?" Ness asked.

"It's still happening!" Melanie answered.

"Wait," Ness told her. "What do you mean, it's--"

"She's still coming!" Melanie told her. "Just tell me what the hell to do."

Ness did a quick U-turn, driving quickly back into town. "All right. Listen. Calm down. Get to the kitchen."

"Okay," Melanie told her, walking around Camille toward the kitchen. Camille turned to follow, coming face to face with Margaret Fox, the other sister from the photo at the museum. Camille screamed. Melanie turned to see what was going on. "She's here!"

"All right, just go," Ness told her. "Get salt."

Margaret hit Camille, making her scream. Melanie ran toward a can of salt. Margaret grabbed Camille's throat.

Melanie flung salt at Margaret, making her disappear. "It worked. She's gone." Camille tried to catch her breath. Margaret reappeared behind Camille. "No, she's back!" Camille screamed. "I'm out of salt!"

"Find iron," Ness told her. "Is there a fireplace? Melanie?"

Melanie and Camille were standing back to back. Melanie was holding a fire poker. A chest of drawers crashed into Melanie, making her fall into the wall, then to the floor.

Camille screamed. "Mel!"

Margaret appeared behind Camille, pulling her backwards.

Melanie screamed. "Camille! Camille!" There was a sound of flesh tearing. "Camille! No!"


Camille's House - Outside

Ness' Car pulled up to the house. Sam, Dean, Scarlett, Catty and Ness got out of the car, running toward the house. Melanie was outside, on the steps, crying. Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty ran inside. Ness sat next to Melanie, embracing her comfortingly.


Day Four

Morning - Melanie's House - Living Room

Sam, Dean, Scarlett, Catty and Ness were gathered around.

Octavia was sitting in a chair nearby Sam. "Should have known that whole 'good sis, bad sis' story was just showmanship crap. Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister. And you burned her bones, so that's gone."

"Ava," Sam told her.

"What?" Octavia asked.

Dean sighed. "All we can do now is go stop Margaret."

"That's not good enough, by a mile," Ness told them.

"I know," Scarlett told them. "Believe me. But... Can we talk about this later?"

Melanie walked downstairs in a bathrobe, still crying.

"Hey," Catty told her. "How you holding up?"

"Been better," Melanie told them.

"Listen, if you need for us to leave--" Dean started.

"I need you guys to leave," Melanie told them.

"Okay, we will," Sam told her. "It's just that... Look. Margret is still out there."

Melanie sobbed. "What do you guys need to know?"

"Is there anything that stood out?" Scarlett asked.

"Well, um..." Melanie trailed off. "She barely gave a crap about me. I mean, I was just in the way. She was all about getting Camille."

"Okay," Catty told her. "That's something."

"One other thing," Melanie told them. "Um... she enjoyed it. She was smiling."



Sam and Dean were digging Margaret's grave. Catty, Scarlett and Ness were kneeling above ground, shovels in hand.

"I feel naked doing this in daylight," Dean told them.

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "Let's just hurry up."

Ness let herself slide into the grave, helping them dig, crashing the shovel down onto the coffin to break it open. "All right, Mags."

Scarlett pulled out her book of matches.

Octavia stood nearby the grave, smirking. "I always liked matches better than lighters, anyhow." Sam lifted the top of the coffin out of the grave, revealing that it was empty. Sam, Catty, Scarlett, Ness and Dean exchanged a look. Octavia sighed. "Uh-oh."



Of course, they had put the grave back the way they had found it, walking through the cemetery toward Ness' Car.

"Geraldo'd," Dean told them.

"Not good," Sam told them.

"Never good," Catty told them.

"If someone knew enough to take Margaret's bones, they're not kidding around," Ness told them. "That's serious binding magic."

"Great," Octavia told them sarcastically. Dean opened the trunk of Ness' Car to put the shovels away. "Psychic Ghost bitch on a leash."

Ness took a flyer out of her pocket, tossing it into the trunk.

"We got to find those bones," Scarlett told them.

"So, we got to find the bonehead," Catty told them.

Ness looked at the flyer for the Annual Lily Dale Psychic Festival, picking it up. "Hey, guys, you know why I'm not going to spend my money at the annual Lily Dale ESP Festival and hot-dog-eating contest this year?"

Ness held the flyer out for them to see. The featured acts were to be Imelda Graven, Grandma Goldy and Nikolai Lishin.

"Can't imagine," Octavia told her sarcastically.

Ness smirked without humor. "Because all the headliners are dead."


Melanie's House - Living Room

Melanie, Dean and Ness were sitting around the table.

Melanie was looking at the flyer. "You know, after Nikolai... They asked Camille to take his spot. I mean, she's so popular. Was so popular."

"Okay, uh, all these people..." Dean trailed off. "Would you say that they're the, uh, you know, top dogs in town?"

"Well, it's not really like that," Melanie told them.

"But they were all doing well," Ness told her. "I mean, your grandma?"

"She wrote a few books," Melanie answered. "Yeah, and Imelda was on 'The Nate Berkus Show' twice, so, yeah, I guess they were doing pretty well. You think that's why she went after them?"

"I mean, if you had to guess, who do you think would be next in line?" Ness asked.

"I mean, I don't know," Melanie told them.

"Well, your grandma was headlining at the big hall, so who do you think they would ask to fill in for her?" Dean asked.

"Probably..." Melanie trailed off, looking at Dean and Ness in dreaded realization. "Me."


The Emporium

Sam, Scarlett and Catty toward the counter to talk to Jimmy Tomorrow. "Hey."

Jimmy looked at Catty and Scarlett. "Agent Nicolette. Agent Potente. Are you here with my check?"

"We're looking for someone who bought some things from you," Catty told him, putting a piece of paper down on the counter.

"How do you know from me?" Jimmy asked.

"We're kind of doubting they sell ash wood altars at the Gas 'n Sip," Scarlett answered with honest sarcasm.

Jimmy tilted his head in acknowledgement. "Valid. Let me see the list." He took out some record books, looking through them. "Ah. Here we go. Credit card receipt. I assume you want the address?"

"That'd be great," Sam told him. "Thanks."

"It's the least I can do," Jimmy told them. "I just heard about Camille Thibodeaux."

Jimmy wrote down the address, handing it to Catty.

"Thanks a lot," Sam told him.

"You're welcome," Jimmy told them.

Sam, Scarlett and Catty walked out of the store, leaving.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Dean made a circle of salt around Ness and Melanie.

"You're sure that'll work?" Melanie asked.

"That should hold her off long enough for Sam and Catty to find the bones and burn them," Ness told them. Dean sighed, stepping into the circle. "Hopefully."

"Hopefully?" Melanie repeated. Dean shrugged. "Does it hurt them? Burning their bones?"

"I never really thought about it," Dean told her. "Probably, yeah."

Melanie nodded to herself. "Good."


Night - On the Road

The Challenger drove down the road. It stopped outside a house. Sam, Scarlett and Catty got out of the car. Catty checked the address on the piece of paper Jimmy gave them.


House - Living Room

(Song) Thar Desert - Adam Francis Routh & Patrick David Wilson (Bruton Music)

Sam, Scarlett and Catty burst into the house with guns drawn. Women screamed.

"Where's the altar?" Catty asked.

The room contained pregnant women and their partners and an instructor, all seated on cushions on the floor.

The instructor pointed behind Sam, Scarlett and Catty. "It's there."

Sam turned around to look at the altar of candles and incense. "You're... not a necromancer."

"This is a Lamaze class, I swear," the instructor told them.

"I--I believe you," Scarlett told her. "Sorry."

Scarlett and Catty smiled awkwardly, walking out quickly. Sam followed, closing the door behind them.



Scarlett and Catty stopped outside on the lawn, not able to believe the irony of what had just happened, sighing, turning to face Sam.

"Sammy, it's the pawn shop guy," Scarlett told him. "I mean, goose-chasing us to a freaking pregnant yoga class?" Sam walked down the porch steps, toward Scarlett and Catty. "Don't get me started on the irony of that."

"What?" Sam asked.

Catty shook her head. "Nothing."

"All right, well, we gotta figure out where he put her bones," Sam told them.

Scarlett and Catty nodded. Sam, Scarlett and Catty turned to walk toward the Challenger.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Dean, Ness and Melanie were in the salt circle. Melanie looked toward the window, gasping. Dean and Ness followed her gaze to see Margaret standing outside of the window.


The Emporium - Outside

Sam, Scarlett and Catty got out of the Challenger, walking up to the building, seeing it was closed. Catty took out Jimmy's business card.

Jimmy Tomorrow

Private Readings


809 Main Street

Lily Dale, N.Y. U.S.A. 14752

Sam, Scarlett and Catty walked along the street, looking at the street numbers, seeing 811, turning around, finding 809 1/2, opening the door, walking inside.


809 1/2 Main Street

Sam, Scarlett and Catty walked in, guns drawn, looking around the dark room, walking over to a table on which there was a skull, a lit candle and some other objects. Scarlett picked up the skull. They heard a gun cock directly behind them. A gun appeared at the back of Sam's neck.

Jimmy was standing behind Sam. "Somehow, I just knew you three would be back."

Jimmy used magic to make the gun hit Sam in the head to make him fall unconscious. Catty and Scarlett kept their backs to Jimmy cautiously.


Jimmy stepped closer to Catty and Scarlett, taking hold of the gun from the air. "Hi, Agents. How'd you like the distraction tour?"

"Loved it," Catty told him sarcastically. "Very ironic."

"Oh, there's nothing ironic about it," Jimmy told them. "It wasn't accident. It was a shout-out to you."

"Well, apparently, you know who we really are," Scarlett told him.

"Yes, I do," Jimmy answered. "Catty and Scarlett Winchester. The girls who wanted a family. And just as they were about to get it, it was taken from them."

"Let me guess," Catty told him. "You wanna use me to find them."

"I wouldn't mind the power they would bring," Jimmy told them. Catty and Scarlett nodded barely, sarcastically. "Put the skull down, and we can talk."

"Okay," Scarlett told him. "Take it easy. Here."

Scarlett raised the skull. Jimmy took the skull from her.

Catty turned to face him, taking the gun from him easily, pushing him away. "All right. That's enough."


Melanie's House - Living Room

Dean, Ness and Melanie stayed in the salt circle, looking at the window, but Margaret wasn't there.

"Is she gone?" Melanie asked.

"I doubt it," Dean told her.

"But she can't get past the line, right?" Melanie asked.

"Right," Ness answered.

The windows shattered. Wind blew through the room.


809 1/2 Main Street

Scarlett pushed the altar of a table that the skull and the other objects were on to the floor, destroying it. "Nice binding spell."

"It doesn't matter," Jimmy told them. "She helps me because she wants to."

Catty raised her eyebrows. "What?"


Melanie's House - Living Room

Dean pointed a shotgun at the broken windows. Ness was holding a fire iron poker. The wind blew away the circle of salt, breaking it.

Ness sighed. "Oh. Damn it. I hate when they do that. Get the salt. Go."

Melanie looked behind them. "Ness! Dean!"

Ness turned around to see Margaret behind her and Dean. Margaret used magic to push Ness into the wall, making her fall. She turned to Dean. Dean shot Margaret in the chest, making her disappear.

Jimmy: (voice over) "Margaret and me..."


809 1/2 Main Street

Jimmy was pacing. "Are the same. We're the real thing."


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret advanced on Melanie. Melanie backed away.

Jimmy: (voice over) "But guess what? Sometimes the real thing just isn't..."


809 1/2 Main Street

Jimmy looked at Catty and Scarlett. "Pretty or entertaining enough."


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret raised a hand toward Melanie. Dean shot Margaret, making her disappear.


809 1/2 Main Street

Jimmy looked at Catty and Scarlett. "When I show people what I'm capable of, it scares them. I can't pay my rent!"


Melanie's House - Living Room

Melanie poured salt, gasping. Margaret reappeared.

Ness stood. She looked at Melanie. "Get behind me."

Melanie backed away behind Ness and Dean.

Dean stood between Margaret and Ness and Melanie, aiming the shotgun at Margaret. "That's as far as you go, bitch."


809 1/2 Main Street

Jimmy smirked. "Margaret's happy to kill for me. She likes the leash. If she's capable of doing this, I can't imagine what your kids could do."

"You're sick," Catty told him.

"You know what else I am?" Jimmy asked. "A real Psychic, sweethearts." He raised a hand, using magic to push the gun out of Catty's hand, to the floor, picking it up. "Surprise. How do you think I knew about who you really are? See, I don't just move things with my mind. I can actually read other's."


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret smiled. The room started to shake. The lights flickered. Electricity crackled. The floor split, breaking it away toward Dean, Ness and Melanie, breaking the circle of salt.

Margaret smirked. "Aw. I'm sorry."

Ness swung the fire iron through Margaret, making her disappear.


809 1/2 Main Street

Sam was starting to wake, looking toward Catty and Scarlett.

Scarlett looked at Jimmy, trying to distract him. "Where are the rest of the bones?"


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret reappeared, using magic to push Dean to the floor. Ness swung the iron poker through Margaret, making her disappear.


809 1/2 Main Street

Sam subtly crawled toward the back room.

Catty looked at Jimmy. "These people don't deserve to die."

"Oh, come on!" Jimmy told them. "Are you kidding? I live in squalor 'cause I can't put on a show like them?"

"Don't do this," Scarlett told him.

"You're not leaving," Jimmy told them. "Until I do the spell to find the lost little lambs."


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret punched Ness in the face, making her fall, using magic to keep her down.

Dean started to sit up. "Ness!"


809 1/2 Main Street - Bedroom

Sam pulled back the covers on the bed, revealing a pile of bones on the bed.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret turned toward Melanie. "Too bad."


809 1/2 Main Street

Jimmy turned toward a knife on the table, grabbing it.



Sam poured lighter fluid and salt onto the bones, setting them aside, grabbing the matchbook from his jacket pocket.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret appeared in front of Melanie, gripping her throat.


809 1/2 Main Street

Jimmy turned toward Catty and Scarlett, knife in hand. Catty and Scarlett drew their guns, shooting Jimmy in the head and chest, killing him, watching his body fall to the floor, sighing.



Sam stroke a match, dropping it onto the bones, setting them aflame, watching them burn.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Margaret smiled, continuing to strangle Melanie.


809 1/2 Main Street

Scarlett set fire to the skull on the altar.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Melanie slid down with her hands to her throat. Margaret inhaled sharply, stepping back.


809 1/2 Main Street

Catty and Scarlett watched the skull burn. Sam slowly approached Catty and Scarlett from behind. Catty and Scarlett looked at Sam numbly for a moment, looking into the flames.


Melanie's House - Living Room

Ness cocked the shotgun. Margaret heard her, turning toward Ness, rushing toward her. Ness shot Margaret. Margaret exploded with the shotgun burst, also burning out of existence as she dissipated into the air visibly over Ness' head. The sparks faded into nothing as they floated their way to the floor. Melanie was in shock. Dean was impressed. Ness breathed heavily, relieved.


Day Five

Morning - Good Graces Cafe

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty sat at in the cafe/diner, at a table.

"In the bed?" Dean asked. "They were in the bed?"

"Yeah," Sam answered.

Dean groaned. "I can't believe he was boning her."

"Dean," Sam told him.

The waiter walked closer. "Can I get you anything else?"

"Uh, just the check," Catty told him. "And if you affirmate me, I'm gonna punch you in the face."

Sam looked away, smiling. Scarlett and Dean smirked in amusement.

"All right, then," the waiter told them, handing them the check, walking away.

Catty took the check, looking it over, sighing.



Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty were standing at Ness' Car.

"I can't wait to get the hell out of this fortune cookie," Scarlett told them.

"Where's Ness?" Catty asked.

"On the way here," Dean answered.

Sam hesitated, thinking. "Look, you know what? Um... You were right. Ava was right. About Amy. If she was... just any monster, I'm not sure I could have let her walk away. I don't know. I mean, I'll never know."

"So, what are you saying?" Dean asked.

"What I'm saying is... I get why you did it," Sam answered. "You were just trying to make sure no one else got hurt. And you can't lie to us like that."

"And I won't," Dean told them. "Not anymore. Okay?"

Sam, Scarlett and Catty nodded. Sam looked toward where Octavia was giving him a cute, teasing, 'I told you so' look, chuckling in amusement, shaking his head.

Ness walked closer. "Hi."

"Hi," Dean told her.

Ness looked at Sam, Scarlett and Catty putting their stuff into the trunk of Ness' Car. Catty put Castiel's trench coat on top of her things, looking at it somberly. Sam, Dean, Ness and Scarlett noticed she put Cas' trench coat inside, looking at her sadly in sympathy.

Ness looked from Catty to Sam and Scarlett. "That's your stuff."

"Yeah," Scarlett answered. "Yeah, we figured we'd take one car."

"Works for me," Ness told them. "So, you guys seem a little better."

"You could tell that from the walk up?" Dean asked. "What are you, a Psychic now?"

Ness smiled. "Take me or leave me."

Sam chuckled. "All right." He sighed. "Is there ever gonna be a time when we have a better week? At least a semi-decent week."

"Hmm..." Ness trailed off. "Well, answer's hazy. Try again later."

Sam nodded sarcastically. "Right."

"You four still want to break each other's faces?" Ness asked.

Dean smiled. "No. Uh, not at this moment."

Ness smiled a small smile. "You know, Sam, you don't have to feel weird about talking to Ava in front of us. I mean, we can't see Ava, but we know she's there for you. You don't have to feel weird about it."

Sam sighed in relief. "Ness, Dean took your advice, and I took Ava's advice and we are trying to get past it."

Octavia nodded, smirking. "Uh-huh."

"Ava," Sam told her.

Octavia smiled in amusement. "I just said, 'Uh-huh'."

"Yeah, and I just said, 'Ava'," Sam told her.

"And whenever you say 'Ava', in that tone of voice, it usually means a teasing warning, Sam," Octavia told him.

Sam looked at Ness and Octavia. "'Cause you don't have to say 'I told you so' this time. We get it. You were right. You're always right."

Ness thought for a moment. "When have I ever said, 'I told you so'? When has Ava?"

Dean had to think about it. "Never, from what I can remember, but it's not the words, it's the look that just says it."

Catty and Scarlett smirked in amused agreement.

Ness chuckled, shaking her head. "Look, my point is, if we learned one thing from the museum, sibling acts are tough, but you four seem to be doing pretty well for yourselves, all things considering."

"Ness, don't compare us to that hall of crazy," Catty told her, walking toward the passenger seat. Ness walked toward the driver's seat. Sam and Scarlett walked toward the back seat door on Catty's side. Dean walked toward the backseat door on Ness' side. Catty looked at Ness from over the car. "Me, Scar, Dean and Sam are like poster kids of functional family life compared to them."

"It's a low bar," Scarlett told them.

"Well, hey, grading on a curve has got me past everything since kindergarten, so don't knock it," Dean told them.

Ness smirked. "Whatever you say." She looked at Catty and Scarlett. "So, you said that we could talk after we finished the job. Well, we finished the job. What's got you on edge even more so than usual?"

Scarlett sighed. "Oh, here we go."

"Catty, Scar, here's the thing," Ness told them. "You can't just look us in the face and tell us you're fine. I mean, you're not sleeping, you drink for the record. Look, whatever. Last one to preach, I know. But we know that something happened. Something you're not telling us about."

"Yeah, because neither Sam or Dean have given me and Catty a chance to tell you, Ness," Scarlett told her.

"We know," Dean told them. "And we're done, all right? We're done fighting. You said that you needed to tell us something." He gestured from himself to Sam. "And we, being us, were dicks toward you and just walked away. So tell us. What's going on?"

Catty hesitated, looking down. "You're not gonna believe it."

"Cat, Scar, we have seen everything," Ness told them. "Trust me, we'll believe it."

Catty scoffed softly, shaking her head. "We haven't seen this, Ness."

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

Catty and Scarlett sighed, looking around, closing their eyes, looking at each other, nodding. They looked at Dean, Ness and Sam hesitantly.



Catty and Scarlett had explained everything. Everyone was in shock, overwhelmed.

Sam hesitated. "What?"

Scarlettt nodded. "Yeah. We don't know how to explain all of it the way that the Levi!Brett explained it, but, uh... The gist is that the things were inside of me and Catty, and then when Levi!Cas..." She didn't finish, but touched her stomach to show them what she meant. "It kind of... zapped the kids out. Now, no one knows where they are, but there's a blood spell to find them. Levis need every drop of blood from our bodies to find them. Because... because they're ours."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch that. I think you just said that you both have a kid and you didn't ever know about it. I mean, how in the hell..." Catty raised her gaze. Scarlett tilted her head. Dean seemed to remember. "Oh."

"So..." Sam trailed off.

"There's so much more to this than we can get right, but this is why the Levis are after us," Catty told them. "They're going to be stronger than anything we've ever seen. And Levis want to find them so they can kill them before they get old enough to fight back. And, uh... the only way to do that is to kill me and Scar to use our blood for the spell. And Levis know that you three are never going to let that happen..."

"Which is why they want us dead," Sam finished.

Catty took a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah."

"So, these things that were inside of you, but now are not..." Ness trailed off. "Los and Scar's kid, that Zane helped create, is an Arkosios, part Demon, part Angel, part Human. And Catty and Cas' kid, it's everything we've ever faced? Every monster, Demon, Angel, Human..."

"Not Ghost, Ghoul, Vampire or Zombie," Scarlett told them. "Oh, and not Levis. But it's not just Levis that want... whatever they are. Boy, girl, whatever they'll turn into. They said that any one who knows about them that wants their power for their own will want it. Jimmy Tomorrow the Psychic Witch proved that last night when he tried to kill me and Catty. You wanna know who wants it more than anything other than Levis? Crowley and Zane. This is why they and Balthazar had Cas under the binding spell and sent those Djinn after us in the first place, why they killed Brett, and Ava, and Los."

"This is what you wanted to tell us?" Sam asked. "The thing that we pushed off because we were dealing with our own crap and fighting?" Catty and Scarlett looked down numbly, nodding. "My God, Cat, Los, I'm so sorry."

"You didn't know," Catty told them. "How could you?"

"That's no excuse," Sam told them. "We should have never left you alone."

"Can you honestly say that you're not scared?" Ness asked. Catty and Scarlett didn't answer, looking up. "Okay. We'll deal with this. Like we've dealt with everything. We'll find them. And..."

"And then what?" Catty asked. "Kill them?"

"Cat, your and Cas' kid is every monster we've ever faced, and Demon," Dean told her. "Scar and Los' kid is an Arko... whatever, part Demon."

"Yeah, but they both are also Human and Angel," Scarlett told them. "And they're babies. I mean, Jesse Turner could cloak himself from the radar without knowing what he was doing, and he was eight years old. We saw him exorcise that Demon with 'Get out of her'. How powerful do you think that our kids are? And you know how hard it could possibly be to find them?"

"They're just kids," Catty told them. "They haven't done anything."

"Yeah, but you heard Eve when she was talking about this 'jack of all trades', your kid," Dean told her. "It's gonna be the perfect beast."

"Yeah, and you heard what the Khan worm possessing Bobby said about it," Catty told them. "'This thing can tip the scale either way. It can turn the world to darkness and blood or save it'."

"And how exactly would it be able to save it?" Dean asked.

"We've met good monsters," Catty told them.

"Name one," Dean told her.

"Lenore," Catty answered. "Lenore's Vampire pack."

"Fine," Dean told them. "Name two more." Catty and Scarlett opened their mouths to speak, but nothing came out. "Exactly."

Octavia popped up, giving him a look. "Dean, are you stupid? Not all monsters are evil, jackass. Cas and Catty's kid, and Los and Scar's kid, both of them could still be good."

"At least give this a chance, Dean," Ness told him. "They're still just babies. Scar and Los' child. Catty and Cas' child." She looked at Sam and Dean. "Your nephews or nieces."

"That's if we can even find them before anyone else does," Sam told them. "I still want to know. I get why Scar and Los were able to have the Arkosis, because of Zane, but Catty, why were you able to have the 'jack of all trades'?"

Catty scoffed softly, shaking my head. "Forget it, Sam. The answer to that question is enough to make me blow my head off." She looked at Ness. "Can we just go?"

Sam and Dean exchanged a look. Ness looked at Catty and Scarlett sympathetically. They all got into the car. Ness' Car drove away, leaving Lily Dale, New York behind.

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