Fear and Blood

Bởi TheWorldTurns

145K 2.8K 295

Ly's hate and fear towards humans has cased him to do horrible things in the past, but is there a way he can... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 23

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Bởi TheWorldTurns

Chapter 23

“He's gone!” Cassian cried, having just been told of Ly's escape. His pale face coloured slightly with anger. “How could he be gone? You were meant to be watching him. He's injured and you just let him walk out! No-one knows where he's gone?! How could this happened?”

“We're sorry sir,” Damon said, glancing at his fellow guards. There were about eight of them lined up in Cassian's bedroom, looking downcast as the injured vampire reprimanded them. “But he is a member of the Aleron family. It was unrealistic to think that we would be able to stop him from doing what he wanted. The power of his voice alone...”

“Do you know how much danger he's in?” Cassian said, shifting in his bed. He looked like he wanted to get up, but the wound in his leg still prevented him from doing so. “There may be vampire hunters and after him, not to mention the human police!”

The bedroom door opened and Val was led in by another of the household guards. The young doctor sighed as he took a seat beside the bed, ready for the interrogation that was sure to come, thought at the moment he was too relieved to care. Rome and Ly had made it out of the house without any trouble and no-one but the girl, knew where they were heading.

“Val,” Cassian turned to the blond vampire, a pleading look on his face. “Tell me you found him. Please tell me you at least know where he is.”

“I'm sorry,” Val replied, shaking his head. “There's no trace of him in the house. I can only assume he left just after I did, though how he got out without being seen is a mystery to me. He was in his room when I left, Damon can vouch for that, but, apparently, by the time I got to my car he was gone.”

Cassian looked extremely worried, which didn't surprise Val in the slightest. Ly was the last remaining member of the Aleron family. If he died without an heir the countries vampire community would fall apart.

“I don't believe this,” Cassian said, looking truly distressed. “What would Lord Tristan say if he knew I had left his younger brother unguarded in his condition. He would never forgive me if anything happened to Lord Ly. There has to be something we've missed. We have to know where he's going! We have to find him...wait...Val, someone said you came in with a human. Where is he now?”

“She,” Val said slowly, trying to keep his heart rate regular and the worry off his face. “I sent her back to the blood bank some time ago. She had a lot of work to do and I didn't think it wise she stay in the house for so long. Not with the way things are now.”

“Send someone to the blood bank,” Cassian ordered one of the guards, who bowed and left the room. “We have to find that girl. Maybe Lord Ly managed to get into the car before she left.”

“I'll go and call the blood bank and see if she's still there,” Val said, standing up and heading for the door. To his dismay, Cassian stopped him before he made it that far.

“Val,” he said softly. The tone of his voice made Val very uneasy. “I'm sorry, but I want you with me at all times. I know you're loyal to the Aleron family, but I don't think Lord Ly would have be able to get out of here on his own, and you were the last person to see him.”

Val sighed, trying to sound exasperated rather than worried. “It's a waste of time, but if that's what you want, then I'll stay.” He sat back down slowly, hoping that Rome and Ly were too far away for the other vampires to find. What Ly needed right now was to disappear, which he couldn't do with Cassian watching over him.

* * *

What am I thinking? Am I insane? I must be for having agreed to do this. These were Rome's thoughts as she stopped Ly's car outside The Basement, which she now knew catered specifically for vampires. Being there during the day, instead of late at night, didn't help in the slightest.

“Ly,” Rome whispered, trying to keep all emotion out of her voice. “Are you sure you want to do this now? Maybe we can wait until you get some of your strength back, or maybe we don't have to...”

The look Ly gave her made her stop in mid sentence. All Rome could do was nod and watch as Ly got out of the car. His midnight blue eyes were blazing with a fierce inner fire that was terrifying to see. For some reason he didn't look so tired any more and he didn't stumble or sway as he made his way swiftly across the street towards the club.

Rome hesitated before following. She knew he must be in pain and she couldn't let him walk in there on his own, but the club was full of vampires and this time she wouldn't have Val to protect her. With a grunt of annoyance, she got out of the car and ran after the vampire.

There was no line outside in the daylight and the bouncer was waiting just inside the door for any latecomers who wanted to enter. He tried to stop Ly as he came down the stairs and quickly found out that getting in the younger vampires way was a big mistake.

“Hey wait right there, you can't come in here without...” the bouncer began, but was cut off when Ly's left arm came round and hit him in the throat, pinned the bigger man to the wall and holding him there with little effort.

“You will go and find me the owner of this club,” Ly whispered, his voice dark and low and his tone leaving no room for objection. “You will do it now and you will not talk to me again until you do. Am I understood?”

The bouncer tried to respond, but all that come out of his mouth was a strange gargling sound. Ly seemed satisfied, however, because he removed his arm and let the bigger vampire run off to find his boss.

Rome stood back and watched these events in horror. Only minutes ago Ly had looked like he didn't even have the strength to walk, he had looked ready to pass out, but now it was as if all his energy had come back in seconds. She found it terrifying that his thirst for revenge could give him so much power.

As Rome was still recovering from what she had just seen, Ly turned and fixed his burning eyes on her. “Come with me,” he ordered harshly. “Don't you dare leave my side.”

Without waiting for a reply, Ly pushed open the inner doors and walked into the club. Rome had enough sense to do as she was told and followed. It was exactly like she remembered from last time, multicoloured rapidly flashing lights made it hard to focus properly on the surroundings and the excessively loud music drowned out all other sounds.

Rome stuck close to Ly as he pushed violently through the crowd, not caring in the slightest when he knocked people to the ground. To Rome's surprise, no-one complained, they just picked themselves up and watched Ly pass.

He lifted himself easily onto the stage where the DJ was playing and pushed the guy into the crowd. The DJ himself was caught by the crowed and set on his feet, where he stood silently, looking up at Ly.

The music was cut off abruptly when Ly smashed his fist into one of the decks, effectively getting the attention of the people who hadn't been assaulted by Ly's entrance.

Rome watched as the eyes of hundreds of vampires turned to the stage, fixing easily on the young vampire lord, who radiated rage throughout the room. She stood by the stage, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

“You know who I am,” Ly said, his voice was low, but it still managed to carry throughout the entire club. As one the vampires in the crowd all bowed low. “I am looking for a vampire named Nicator and his accomplice Calista Media. I know they're here. They will be brought to me within the next five minutes, or you will all wish you had chosen a different place to drink tonight.”

This threat was taken extremely seriously by some members of the crowd, who rushed off immediately, presumably to find the people their Lord had just demanded be brought forward. The rest of the vampires just stood and waited as Ly began to pace the stage.

“Wow, the Jarlan's really lost it,” a young vampire close to Rome whispered to her companion. “I heard that he's going to start a war with the humans because of Lord Aleron's murder.”

“No doubt about it,” her companion, a tall young man, replied, nodding. “Lord Tristan was a great leader, but he was nothing like Lord Ly. I think he was way too tolerant of humans, but our new Jarlan won't make the same mistakes. Everyone knows he hates humans more than anything.”

“Talking about humans, what have we here?” a third vampire popped up next to Rome and smiled down at her. He grabbed her arm before she could move away. “What is this little girl doing in one of our clubs? You know that's not allowed.”

Some of the other vampires close by looked a little startled to find a human among them. Some just smiled sinisterly and turned away. “Maybe we should show her what happens to humans who break the rules,” the young woman who had spoken first said, sliding forward to stand right behind Rome.

“She looks sweet,” the tall young vampire said, also moving in closer. “What's your blood type honey? On second thought, don't tell us, we'll have more fun finding out on our own.”

Rome looked around at the three surrounding her and felt as if she was going to faint in fear. She knew there was no way they were going to let her leave and she knew she couldn't get away from them by herself.

“Ly!” Rome called out, just loud enough to be heard over the quiet chatter of the waiting crowd. He didn't seem to hear her so she tried again, louder. “Ly!”

Finally, Ly turned in her direction, but it seemed that this time he wasn't the only one who heard her. There was a sharp intake of breath from the vampires in the crowed and the man who still held her arm shook her violently. “How dare you address the Jarlan like that,” he hissed. “I swear, girl, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself...”

“Let her go,” Ly said, lowering his voice into a menacing whisper. If words could kill the vampire holding Rome would have been dead where he stood. As it was he stepped back sharply, letting go of Rome so quickly it was as if she suddenly burned him. “I will personally tear apart the next person who goes anywhere near that girl!”

The crowd didn't need telling twice. Rome suddenly found herself surrounded by a lot of empty space, though she could still see the vampires in the room eyeing her with interest.

“My Lord Jarlan,” a well dressed vampire now entered the room from one of the back doors, closely followed by the club bouncer. He looked up at Ly and smiled warmly, as if greeting an old friend. It was obvious that he was the owner of the club. “To what do I owe the pleasure of you're visit?”

“I have come to kill one of your patrons, Leander,” Ly said calmly, returning the smile, though his was somewhat colder and less inviting. “If you would just see to it that Nicator and Calista Media are brought to me then I will deal with them quickly. You needn't get involved further than you already are.”

I don't like this! I don't like this, Rome thought frantically as she watched Ly's calm features. Just seconds ago he had looked angry enough to tear half the building apart, but now he was looking calmer than she had seen him in a while. Was that blood she saw seeping through his shirt?

“I would like to ask why you feel it necessary to kill someone in my establishment, my Lord,” Leander said, still smiling. “But who am I to question your wishes?” He then nodded to the bouncer who turned and opened one of the side doors.

As soon as Nicator was pushed into the room all of Ly's forced calmness was lost. He scowled deeply, eyes fixed on the struggling vampire, who was being held by three others and looked terrified.

Ly jumped off the stage and all but ran at the restrained vampire, knocking his guards out of the way and pinning Nicator to the wall with his left arm, just like he had done with the bouncer minutes before. It was then that Rome realised that this was the same man who had attacked her in the street outside the pub not so long ago.

“I didn't think you would be smart enough to leave this place you pathetic peace of spineless scum!” Ly spat, as Nicator struggled against him. The entire room was silent as they watched the confrontation. Rome pushed her way to the front, wishing that she had never agreed to bring him here in the first place. “You bastard! Tell me what's going on right now or I'll...”

“No!” Calista had just been dragged into the room and saw Ly with Nicator, who's face was starting to turn red from lack of oxygen. “No, Lord Ly, please, please don't hurt him. He didn't do it on purpose, I swear, he didn't...”

“Shut up you bitch!” Ly growled at Calista, who cringed and clamped her mouth shut instantly. “I couldn't care less about you or why he did what he did. I only want you here so you can tell me why you sent that letter to Rome! Well! Answer me!”

“M...my Lord,” Calista trembled, looking around the room for some kind of assistance. “I don't know w...what you're talking about. I don't know anyone by that name.”

“Don't you dare lie to me,” Ly whispered, looking over his shoulder at the cowering woman. As he did so he pressed his arm harder against Nicator's throat. The captive vampire let out a painful gasp. “Tell me why you sent that letter!”

“I didn't,” Calista replied frantically, large brown eyes now fixed on Nicator. “I swear on my life, on the life of my family, on Nicator, I didn't send any letter. I don't even know who you're talking about.”

As Ly looked down at her, he knew she was telling the truth, and that just made him madder. “You sit there and shut up. I'll deal with you in a minute.” Calista let out a frightened squeak, but did as she was told.

“Now you,” Ly hissed, turning his attention back to Nicator, who looked just about ready to pass out. “You are going to explain everything that's going on, everything!”

The pressure on his throat was realised slightly and as soon as he was able to talk he started babbling rapidly. “Ly, Ly you have to believe me. I didn't know. I swear I didn't know. I never would have, if I had known I wouldn't have...”

“What the hell are you on about you piece of shit!” Ly yelled, slamming Nicator against the club wall. “Why the hell did you kill Matthew Scott? Don't you dare try to tell me you didn't know what he had done! He was mine, you bastard! Only I had the right to do what you did! Why did you do it? What did you get out of it?”

“Ly, my friend, please,” Nicator pleaded, eyes filled with fear and pain. “Please, think about what I did for you. I treated you like my brother...”

“How dare you address me so informally,” Ly snapped back, slamming the already dazed vampire against the wall again. “I am not your friend and I would never consider you my brother! Tell me why you killed him Nicator, I'm becoming impatient with this game.”

“He said he would pay me, Lord Jarlan” Nicator said hurriedly, using Ly's formal title so he wouldn't risk making him any angrier. “He said I could have all the blood I wanted, but I swear I didn't know that they were setting you up. I didn't know. I just did as I was told.”

“Setting me up?” Ly repeated, eyes narrowing. “What do you mean? Explain!”

“All he said was to get Matthew Scott,” Nicator replied quickly. “Just kill him, but make sure it looked like a vampire did it. He said he was setting someone else up to take the blame, but if I had know it was you I never would have gone along with it. You have to believe me, my Lord.”

“Who hired you to do this?” Ly said, sounding a lot calmer now, but for some reason this was even more frightening.

“I don't know,” Nicator replied. Ly slammed him into the wall a third time, cracking the concrete. “I swear I don't know! Please my Lord. All I know is that he was a human, the president of a hunters club, the one Scott belonged to. Scott had become a liability and they needed to get rid of him. He's the one who's been hiring me for the other humans as well, but I never knew who he was. He used a vampire to meet with me so I never saw him.”

“The president of a vampire hunters club as been hiring you to kill humans?” Ly said, smirking. “You expect me to believe that. I knew you were an idiot Nicator, but if this is true you're even dumber than I remember.”

“It's true, my Lord,” Nicator panted. “Every word. I swear it! I'm so sorry my Lord...”

“Fine, I believe you,” Ly said, turning away slightly and sighing. “I suppose now there's only one thing left to do.” He spun sharply, gripped Nicator around the throat with his left hand and slid him up the wall so his feet were dangling above the ground. “It's not quite revenge for my brother, but it will have to do for now.”

“No!” both Rome and Calista cried at the same time. The attention of everyone in the room shifted to the two young women. Rome ran up to Ly and put a hand on his arm. Ly pushed her away with his right hand, sending a sharp wave of pain through his body, which he ignored.

Rome stumbled back and tripped, landing hard on the floor beside Calista, who eyes the red-head in shock. Ly only then seemed to realise what he had just done because, for a second he look horrified with himself. Rome ignored this and stood up.

“Ly,” she said softly, looking him in the eyes, but not coming any closer. “Don't kill him. I know what he did was wrong, but if you think about it, he stopped you from becoming a murderer. He's the reason you're not guilty of killing Mr Scott. He deserves to be punished, but you shouldn't kill him.”

Ly growled in frustration, tightening his grip around Nicator's throat for a second before he let go, sending the other vampire spiralling onto the floor, gasping for breath and shaking. Calista burst into tears of relief, but it was obvious that Ly wasn't done yet.

He marched over to the blond woman and held out his hand. “Blood,” Calista looked up at him, confused. “Give me the blood you fed to me last time I was here! Now Calista, or I really will kill him.”

The young vampire fished a small glass vile of dark red blood out of one of her pockets and handed it to Ly with shaking fingers. “What are you going to do with it, my Lord?” she asked, sounding just as frightened as she looked. “It's q..quite potent. It could be very dangerous if you take too much.”

Ly didn't answer, instead he moved back over to Nicator, who was still on the floor. Grabbed his face with his left hand, Ly forced his mouth open and pored the entire contents of the vile down the struggling vampires throat.

Nicator swallowed, then began to convulse violently, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Within minutes he had passed out. Ly smirked as he stood up and kicked the unconscious vampire in the ribs, hard, before turning and walking away.

Rome took one look back at the scene before running off after Ly. What she saw was a sobbing Calista crawl over to Nicator and begin to shake him. Some other vampire checked his pulse, confirming that he was still alive.

The light hit Rome hard as soon as she stepped outside the club. It felt like they had been underground for days, but really it had been less than an hour. She took a few deep breaths, and closed her eyes, trying to forget what had just happened and focus on what still had to be done.

Only after Rome opened her eyes did she notice that Ly was slumped against his car, breathing heavily. His right arm was limp again and she could see blood dripping off his fingertips. Now that they were out in the light she could see that his shirt was drenched in blood. His wound had opened up again.

She ran over to him and helped him into the passengers seat. She was horrified by what he had just done, but she knew she couldn't focus on that now. She had to get him out of the city and to safety.

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