Percy Jackson One Shots And C...

By phantasyfan

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OPEN FOR REQUEST (CROSSOVERS/ONLY ORIGINAL SHIPS/NO X READER) A few one-shots about our favourite heroes... a... More

After Tartarus
(1) Bromance in captivity
(2) Bromance in captivity
Don't fear your strengh
Heroes are the ones who can lose the most
(2) Death and blood- oh, and Batman: Zombies?
(1) Who is Percy Jackson?
(2) Who is Percy Jackson?
(1) Pranks, poison ivy and more pranks
(2) Pranks, tons of make-up and more pranks
Thanks For The Memories

(1) Death and blood- oh, and Batman!

538 17 15
By phantasyfan

Batman/Percy Jackson one-shot (Sorry if you're not a Batman fan) Angst/hurt/pain/death/family


Taking place at the end of BoO.

Death. Everywhere he looked, he saw lifeless bodies littering the blood stained ground. Percy stared wide eyed at all the dead demigods- teenagers- who were surrounding him. He was scared to look at their faces, afraid of whom he might see. He choked back a sob. So many lives had been taken. When his eyes landed on a girl's body, he couldn't stop the tortured scream that escaped his lips. The once honey blond hair was now dirty and tangled, the startling grey eyes forever closed and the smirk washed off her beautiful face.
The few reminding demigods looked sadly at their leader, knowing whose body he'd found.
Percy rushed to Annabeth's lifeless body, falling to his knees next to her. "No, no, no, no, please don't leave me Wise Girl." Tears started to run down the son of Poseidon's face as the grey eyes remained closed. His heart clenched and he let another strangled scream tear through the silence. Why? Why was this happening to him? "Anni," he whispered, gently brushing the blonde locks out of her face. He could almost imagine that she was just sleeping, but the pool of blood he was sitting in told him otherwise, his Wise Girl was gone. "Please open your eyes." Nothing happened. Percy could feel how his will to live left him. He had lost everything, his friends, his family and now his Wise Girl. There was nothing worth living for anymore. That's not true, reminded him a quiet voice in the back of his head. You have Paul and your mom. Percy pulled Annabeth closer to his chest. "What am I supposed to do without you?" Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Percy tensed, but relaxed slightly, once he heard his father's voice. "I am sorry, son. For everything." He knelt down next to Percy, who was looking at him with pleading eyes. "Dad," he sobbed, leaning into his father's shoulder, still clutching his girlfriend's body. He couldn't let her go, ever. Poseidon embraced Percy and held him tight, as he cried into his shoulder. "W-what am I going to do without her?", he asked quietly, looking at the god with teary eyes. Poseidon just sighed sadly. "I don't know, Percy. But I do know that there are still people who care for you. I will always be there for you- screw Zeus' stupid laws, and you have Sally. She must be worried sick about you." Percy nodded and looked at Annabeth's pale face. "I can't- I can't live without her, dad." Poseidon gently caressed his son's cheek. "We all have to leave this world some day, there is no avoiding it, even the gods will fade, maybe not yet, but in a very far future, we will be gone as well. I know that your whole life has been hard, but you've always found a reason to carry on, haven't you?" A tear rolled down Percy's cheek, leaving a clear trace through the dirt and blood covering his face. "Annabeth was my reason."

Percy stood in front of the door, not knowing what to do. The last time he'd seen his mom was eight month ago. How would she react to seeing him? Would she be happy? Sad? Angry? Would she even want to see him? He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He raised his fist and knocked on the door. To his surprise, the door was already open and Percy carefully stepped inside. He pulled out Riptide in pen form, but dropped it once he saw his mom. Or more like his mom's body, lying on the ground, next to Paul, who had a hole in his chest. Percy couldn't believe this. His mother couldn't be gone, she just couldn't. He fell to his knees next to her, just like he did with Annabeth. Why was the world so cruel. Percy didn't realise he was crying until he felt the salty substance on his lips. "Mom," he choked out, stretching out his hand to touch her, but hesitated. His hand hovered above her glassy eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling. "No," he breathed, the truth finally sinking in. He had lost her. She was his last family and now she was gone. He closed his eyes as sobs racked his body. Why was this happening to him? What did he ever do to deserve this? As he finally opened his eyes again, he took a look at the apartment for the first time. Everything was shattered and claw marks were on the wall. "So it was a monster," muttered Percy to himself. "If it was a monster, than it was my fault." He began to panic. This was his fault. All of this, all the deaths were his fault. He could hear Annabeth's voice inside his head. Don't be stupid, Seaweed Brain. Non of this was your fault and if you don't stop believing that, than I'll come back from the dead and kick your ass, got it?
Percy smiled sadly to himself. "Got it, Wise Girl." He averted his gaze from the two bodies on the ground. What was he going to do now? He could imagine Annabeth rolling her eyes. You call the police, duh!
(Percy isn't going crazy in this one-shot, he just really misses Annabeth and he just could imagines her saying that, but he knows that it's not real)
Percy slowly got up and walked to the phone. He picked it up with shaking hands, hands that were stained in dryed blood once again. "Too much blood," he muttered to himself, whilst calling the police. "Hello, Police Department here, what is your emergency?", said a female voice, sounding slightly annoyed. Percy choked back a quiet son. "My parents were murdered," he whispered. The voice on the other side of the phone softened. "Can you tell me your address, child?" Percy nodded and told her, still staring at his bloody hands. "Two officers will be there in a few minutes, okay?" Percy nodded. "Ok." Then he hung up.

A few minutes later, the door bell rang and Percy opened with shaking hands. He had seen a lot of deaths, but it still shocked him every time. He didn't think he'd ever get used to it. The officers- an elderly man with gray hair and a woman in her mid-twentys- instantly noticed the blood on his hands. "Can you show us your parents?" Percy nodded mutely and showed them the way. He watched from the couch as the two officers inspected the crime scene. After five minutes, the man came up to Percy and sat next to him. "We suspect an animal attack, considering the claw marks on the walls, Perseus." Percy didn't even flinch at his real name. He felt just too numb. No feelings. "We'd like you to come with us to the police station, where we will contact a family member of yours, ok?" Percy blinked slowly. "I don't have any other family," he whispered, hands twitching. He couldn't go back to Camp, not yet. Not in a very long time. The officer sighed sadly. "We will look in the files and see if we find something, someone who can take care of you, okay?" Percy just nodded. He didn't care what would happen to him. He just wanted it all to end, but he couldn't go, not yet. Annabeth would kill him if he did, so he had to live, live alone and without anyone who cared for him.

Percy just sat in the chair at the Police station, staring at his now clean hands, playing with Riptide in pen form. He didn't have any tears left to cry and even if he did, he just wouldn't have the strength to cry anymore. He felt like a shell, a body without a soul. "Perseus," said a friendly voice. Percy looked up. His once sparkling sea green eyes now dull and lifeless. "Yes?"
"We have found a place where you can stay. You have an uncle. It looks like your mother has a brother, but hey didn't have any contact in the last twenty years." Percy frowned. "I have an uncle?" The officer nodded. "And he agreed to take you in. You will be living with him and his four sons."
"What's his name?"
The officer smiled. "Bruce Wayne. A billionaire living in Gotham. He'll pick you up in one hour."

The next hour passed way too quickly. Percy didn't want to meet his uncle. He would just put more people in danger. Suddenly, he felt a warm presence and the smell of the sea surrounded him. He smiled. Hello, son. Percy could hear his father inside his head.
Percy, I have heard that you will live with your uncle, and I understand why you can't come back to Camp yet, but please don't shut yourself out. Like I said before, there are still people who care for you, in Camp and on Olympus. I have told your uncle and his sons about the Greek world, so you don't have to stress out about hiding your identity. I hope that was okay with you. I love you, Percy. I can't stay much longer, or Zeus will kill me, but always remember that you are never alone and that I'll always love you.
Percy smiled. I love you, too. Then the warm feeling and the scent of the sea vanished, but Percy still had a faint smile on his lips. He wasn't alone, he never will be. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Boy, your uncle is here." Percy slowly stood up and followed the officer through the door.
His uncle was a middle-aged man, with a small frown on his lips. "I'll leave you and the boy alone, Mr. Wayne. Good luck, Perseus." Then the officer hurried back inside the Police station. Percy's uncle took the small suitcase Percy had packed and put it in the trunk. Once they both got into the car and the doors were closed, Mr. Wayne opened his mouth for the first time. "So, you are half god." Percy nodded awkwardly, fiddling with his pen. "Yes, a son of Poseidon." His uncle nodded. "We have a huge swimming pool in the Manson, I can show you once we get there." Percy smiled. "Thank you, Mr Way-"
"Call me Bruce, Perseus," interrupted Bruce him. Percy nodded. "Call me Percy, Bruce." They drove in silence for a few minutes, than Percy asked, "So, you have four kids?" Bruce chuckled slightly and Percy got the feeling that he pretended to be much darker and more emotionless than he really was. "Yes, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian." The way he said their names, full of love, reminded Percy that he'd never hear his name like that from his mother's lips again and he closed his eyes, trying not to cry. "You know, Percy. It's okay to cry. I've lost my parents, too, so did the boys. That's why I took them in, expect for Damian, he is my blood son." Percy stared at him. He got the feeling that this man had lost more than just his parents, so maybe, just maybe, he did understand him. "It's not just my parents," he finally choked out, and Bruce raised his eyebrows. "It's my friends and my... my girlfriend. She was my life, you know, they all were. And now they are gone. What am I supposed to do?" Bruce looked at the broken boy next to him. "You can't do anything. The wounds will heal eventually, but the pain will never fully go away." Percy sniffed. "I know." Bruce sighed. "Do you wanna tell me what happened to your friends?" Percy shook his head, but then he remembered that his dad had already told Bruce about his secret, and maybe it would help, telling someone who wasn't at the battlefield. "As a demigod, life is hard. You always have to fight." He sighed and Bruce frowned. "But if your parents are gods, shouldn't they be able to protect you?" Percy snort humorlessly. "They are the reason we have to fight. Demigods have a scent that attracts monsters. We can't hide. We can't run. Believe me, I've tried. The more powerful your godly parent is, the stronger is your scent." Bruce's eyes widened as he processed what Percy just said. "And your dad being one of the big three..." He didn't need to finish his sentence. Percy nodded. "I was pulled into this mess when I was twelve. And from then to now, we had two wars and we stopped the gods from starting the third World War. My friends, they died during the war, in the final battle." Bruce frowned. "It sounds terrible." Percy smiled sadly. "Not all of it. We have two camps, Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter, one for the Greek and one for the Roman demigods. Camp is- was my home. I met my best friends there, and I met Ann- her."
"Your girlfriend?"
"Yes. She was a daughter of Athena. She always brabbled about architecture and things like that. She was my everything." A tear fell down Percy's cheek and Bruce said, "The boys and I, we've lost a lot of people, too, so if you ever want to talk about it, we are here for you." Percy smiled watery. "Thanks."

The Manson was huge, like really huge. "You live there?!" Bruce laughed. "You do now, too." He knocked on the door and muttered, "Let's just hope the boys didn't crash the whole kitchen again." Percy laughed. "They did what?" Bruce sighed and rubbed his temples. "You'll see." The door opened and a boy's head popped up. He was younger than Percy, maybe 13. "Tim," greeted Bruce. "Please tell me that Jason and D-" a loud crash interrupted them and Tim winced. Bruce glared at him and the boy sighed. "Jason may has burned down the kitchen table and when Dick tried to extinguish the fire with the extinguisher, he kind of hit Damian with the white stuff that comes out of it, so Dick gave the extinguisher to Jason before Damian could see who had hit him, so he blamed Jason and then the two started throwing knife at each other and Dick kind if got in the way and Jason hit him with a knife and then Dick and Jason started fighting and now I need to breath!" He took deep breaths and stared at Percy. "Hi. I'm Tim." Three head popped up behind him. "The guy with the white foam in the face is Damian- or Demon brat, the guy with the knife in his arm is Dick and the other idiot is Jason." The three boys waved at him and Percy stared at Dick's arm. "Eh, shouldn't you get that cleaned up?" Dick looked at his bleeding wound. "Huh? Oh, yeah. My arm will be as good as new in one or two days, don't worry." Percy raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "You know that I could just heal you, right." The boys looked at each other. "Right, you are a half god, aren't you?" Percy nodded, shifting slightly under the burning gaze of his- cousins? Yeah, he guessed he could call them that now. "That's awesome! What are your powers? Can you fight? What is your weapon of choice? Against who do you fight? What was the most dangerous thing you've ever done with your powers? Can you show us some thing?" Percy laughed at Tim's behaviour. It reminded his a bit of Annabeth. "I can control water, speak to horses and sea creatures and I can cause earthquakes, but that's really tiring. Yes, I can fight and I use a pen." Tim blinked. "What?" Percy laughed and took out Riptide. He gave it to Tim. His brothers were looking over his shoulder, very confused expressions on their faces. Even Bruce seemed lost. "Uncap it," said Percy and Tim took off the cap. He gasped as he held a glowing bronze sword in his hand. He gave it to Damian, who inspected the sword. "Wow. It's perfectly balanced." He tried to touch the blade, but his fingers went right through it. "What the-?"
"It can't hurt mortals," explained Percy. "As for your other questions, we fight against the Greek monsters and I kind of blew up a volcano once." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You did what?!," yelled Jason. "That's so cool!" Bruce glared at him. "Not cool, so not cool," said Jason quickly, smiling innocently at his foster father. Bruce rolled his eyes and looked at the boys and Percy could see that they were having a silent conversation. Finally, the boy's eyes lit up and they dragged Percy inside. "Well, now that we know your secret-" started Dick. "We thought we should tell you ours," finished Jason. Percy frowned. "Okay?" He let the boys blindfold him and lead him down some stairs. "Careful, we don't want you to fall," said Tim. After a few minutes of walking, they stopped and Percy took off the blindfold.

He gasped and looked at the brothers in shock. Bruce, who stood on his other side smiled. "Welcome to the Batcave." Percy couldn't believe what he saw. He stared at his uncle. "Y-you are Batman." (Let's just pretend that Percy is a huge Batman fan) Bruce laughed. "Yes, I am." Percy turned his attention to his cousins. "Wait, who of you is Robin?" Damian raised his hand. "I am. Dick was the first Robin and is now Nightwing. Jason was the second Robin, but he became Red Hood after- well, doesn't matter what exactly happened. Tim was the third Robin, but he's Red Robin now." Percy still couldn't quite believe this. "This is- I don't know what to say." Bruce smiled. "Wait until you see what I have for you." He led him and his sons to a showcase. Percy gasped at what he saw. A suit. A black suit with blue strips on the chest. "Wait," said Percy slowly. "Is this for me?" Bruce handed him a black mask. "If you say yes, than you need a code name." Percy stared at the suit. Then he grinned. "Riptide," he said and put the mask on. "Call me Riptide."

Maybe he could start over. Percy knew that nothing would be like before, that he'd always be scarred, mentally and physically, but maybe this was a second chance for him, a chance to start over. A chance he'd take.
A/N: Dundunduuun! Phew. That was a long one-shot. So, good or not? Comment and tell me what you think.

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