My Kind Of Hell! (Male!Reader...

By NiceGameEh

401K 4.3K 8.3K

Y/N is a young guy, only 17. He attends school in a small town on the edge of a large forest. As long as he's... More

Suicide Singer
Angel of Despair
Get To Know You
Big Mistake
New Feelings
Date In The Woods
Beginning Of A Harem
Powers And A Competition
Jill's Date
Killer's Name
Time For Killing
Clearing Things Up
Some Real Shit
New Faces
Who Are You?
Ready To Comply
The Reaper
Happy Halloween!
Harem Raid
Full Harem
A Fine Addition To My Collection
Back To The Falls
Lemon? What Lemon?
Who Needs Eyes? I Have Knives!
Turning Tails
Harem Problems
Fem!Creepypasta x Reader Pitch Meeting

Back Into Town

6.6K 83 84
By NiceGameEh

Nice: Hey guys! So, last time, we saw you be all smooth and talk Zalga and her proxies over to your side. Now, I've gone ahead and skipped over the trust issues part of the move and by now, you've still yet to meet the rest of the proxies.

Yami: So they haven't had Scarecrow and Jill gang up on him yet?

Nice: Nope. But trust me, they will. However, that doesn't mean they'll get along!

Yami: Battle of the Thots.

Nice: Something like that. This chapter will be you going into town for a bit! Because all the best stuff happens when you're in town! Enjoy!



After all of Zalga's proxies, including herself, moved into the mansion, Slenda has had to work on expanding it. We've now got three floors, two pools, a hot spring with different rooms for male and female, and another living room.

Y/N: I'll never understand how Slenda does this stuff...

Since all the drama for everyone vanished after Zalga was revealed to not actually be an evil monster looking to kill everything, Jill has been trying to convert some of the others like Clocky and Jane.

Y/N: I really hope those two stay the same. Dealing with Jill is hard enough, not to mention splitting my attention between Benny, Ann, and Slenda. And now all the new girls. At least I don't have to deal with Masky.

Shortly after the other group turned, Hoodie and Masky revealed they were a thing. I guess that made sense, seeing as how they were always together. At least I don't have to deal with two sassy demon women. Tails has proven to be an issue. She has the same problem as all the girls in Zalga's proxy, but she's so rude and annoying about it. At this point, my only conclusion is that she just doesn't like me. In fact, she seems to hate me.

Y/N: Guess Foxy isn't very happy about me tricking her.

As I continued to mull over the most recent events I walked out of the treeline into the town. I noticed the police were still making rounds through the whole town in large numbers.

Y/N: I wonder if they're looking for me.

I walked up to a corner store, the same one I usually stop at.

Dave: Hey kid.

Y/N: Hey Dave. You restock yet?

Dave: Just yesterday.

Y/N: Sweet. I've got some things I need.

Dave: You not getting the usual?

Y/N: Nah, need some different sweets for my girlfriend.

Dave: Who's the lucky lady?

Y/N: Her name's Benny. She's got a major sweet tooth. Got anything sour?

Dave: One of those sour wine gum packs. In the back by the energy drinks.

Y/N: Thanks.

As I went to grab the candy, I let out my wires in secret and used them to grab some stuff I couldn't buy normally. I grabbed the candy and placed it on the counter. I hand him the money before taking the stuff and leaving. I waved bye as I walked out and took out my pen. I took a hit before continuing on. I noticed the weird looks I was getting from people walking by. My look did stand out a bit, but I don't think they were focused on that. I ignored them as I kept walking. Eventually, I saw police cruisers and tape around the entrance to an alleyway. The one I usually hang out at when I'm here. I walked over, poking an officer.

Officer: Get outta here kid, you shouldn't be here.

Y/N: What happened?

Officer: Murder. A couple of thugs. It ain't pretty.

I smirked slightly before continuing on. Looks like I made an impression. As I walked off, I overheard some officers talking.

Cop 1: I heard there were some other people killed and left like that not long ago near the woods.

Cop 2: Seriously?

Cop 3: You don't think it's one of those urban legends do you? Like the one about the tall faceless person who kills people that go into the woods.

Cop 1: That's just a story parents made up to keep their kids in line. We need to focus on finding this very real serial killer.

I smirked wider, struggling to contain my pleasure. As I continued walking, I was stopped again by a cop in her cruiser.

Cop: Hey, kid. Where are you heading?

This cop clearly was under the impression I was some kind of hoodlum. I turned to her and she immediately noticed my patch and the bandaging visible coming up from my shirt. I was still healing from my wound I got from Jill's chainsaw a while ago.

Y/N: I'm heading to the theatre hall.

Cop: You going to watch a show?

Y/N: No, I'm performing.

Cop: Oh, well, if you want I could give you a ride there.

Suspicious. Most people would be fine with taking a ride with a cop, but I'm in a different boat.

Y/N: I'll be fine. It's not far. Besides, I could do with some exercise.

Cop: Alright then, watch out for trouble.

I waved at the officer as I walked off. While barely noticeable, I could tell she was tailing me. I eventually got to the Theatre Hall, walking through the front as I saw the receptionist. She looked at me and gasped, holding her hands over her mouth.

Lena: Y/N?

Y/N: Huh? Oh, Lena. Hey.

Lena came running from behind the counter hugging me. I reeled back a bit in surprise but patted her back as she let me go.

Lena: I heard people say you died! I thought you had... I thought...

Y/N: Right, that show... Well, I didn't die. I've gotten better since then.

Lena: I was so worried about you.

I pulled the collar of my shirt up a bit, hoping she wouldn't see the bandages. Fortunately, she didn't notice.

Lena: So, are you here to perform again?

Y/N: Yeah.

Lena: I can take you to the room.

I nodded and followed her to the theatre room I was using. A sign went up saying I was performing in an hour. I've known Lena since I was little. She took care of me for most of my life after my parents died. However, she could never adopt me because she was too young and couldn't properly provide for me. She did so much for me, and I completely forgot to say goodbye before I left.

Y/N: Lena?

Lena turned her head to look at me

Lena: Hm?

Y/N: I'm sorry... For leaving... For not saying goodbye...

Lena: Y/N... It's ok. As long as your ok now.

Lena smiled at me as I smiled back slightly. When we got to the room, I looked around, noticing the new lights and cleaner looking stage.

Y/N: You guys have done some work since I've been here.

Lena: You going to be doing your usual type of show?

Lena never really approved of my offensive shows, but she was able to understand why I did them. This time though, I would just be playing songs.

Y/N: No. Just music this time.

Lena: Well, that's a relief.

Y/N: I've got some nice songs in mind. The show shouldn't be much longer than 20 minutes.

Lena: Well, I'll see if I can watch the show.

Y/N: Thanks.

Lena left the room, leaving me to set up. I went to the stage, hoping up as I looked around, noticing the piano was still where I left it. I sat down at the piano, opening the cover. My eye widened as I looked at the inside of the piano cover. It was a small engraved plaque with my name written on it. It was a memorial plaque.

Y/N: Seems I left a pretty strong impression here too.

I tested each key nothing how well kept the piano had been. It's been a few months since I left but the piano was clean and kept like it was brand new. I played a few keys and made sure they were all in tune. Then, some guy came up to me. He had a clipboard with him and had other guys on the catwalk near the lights.

Guy: So, you're the guy?

Y/N: Depends.

Guy: What kinda lights you looking for here?

Y/N: Well, just blue and white.

Guy: Alright, any other effects you want?

Y/N: No, just the basic lights.

Guy: Alright. So, where's the Y/N guy? Isn't he in here?

Y/N: You're talking to him.

Guy: You? Thought Lena would have some better taste.

I then glared at him, my eye turning to its murder colour of purple and red. His eyes widened in fear as he backed off. I sat down at the piano, going over the songs I was going to play. After I was finished, the show was about to start. As I was standing backstage, people were starting to pool in, filling almost every seat in the room.

I starred out at the crowd, feeling odd. All these people were here, and they seemed like they were here specifically for me. Some people had signs saying things like 'Welcome Back!' and whatnot. I smiled a bit as I stood up and walked to the front of the stage. As I walked out people started cheering and waving their signs. I got a good look at a few, noting how they said some things you'd see at a boy band concert. As I sat down, the people quieted down a bit.

Y/N: Hey everyone.

The cheering came back again and I had to gesture them to quiet down.

Y/N: Seems you guys missed me. Well, here I am. I didn't exactly leave you all with the best goodbye, so this time I'll be just playing songs. Sorry, no comedy this time.

Some people seemed disappointed by this, but I just chuckled. I went over to the piano, placing my hands over the keys.

After the song was finished, I sighed. The song was very fast so it took a fair bit of energy out of me. I looked out at the crowd as they cheered and clapped. I skilled and continued to the next song.

For that song, it was long and I had to discretely use my wires to hit some extra keys. Now, I had only two more songs. The crowd seemed happy with the first two, so I was going to stick to no vocals until my final song.

Finally, it was time for my last song. This one had lyrics. It's an oldie, but a fun song none the less.

She packed my bags last night, pre-flight
Zero hour: 9:00 a.m
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the Earth so much, I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight

And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no! I'm a rocket man
Rocket man! Burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no! I'm a rocket man
Rocket man! Burning out his fuse up here alone

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact, it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man! A rocket man!

And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no! I'm a rocket man
Rocket man! Burning out his fuse up here alone
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no, no, no! I'm a rocket man
Rocket man! Burning out his fuse up here alone

After I finished the song, the crowd went wild, cheering, whistling, and clapping loudly. I smiled a bit before standing up and walking out to the front.

Y/N: Alright everyone, thanks for showing up on such short notice. I didn't think you're all be here so soon, let alone with signs. What, were some of you at boy band concerts before this?

This got a laugh out of the crowd.

Y/N: So, thanks again for showing up! I'll be sure to stop in every so often for a short show from now on. Things have just been a bit hectic since I was here last. So, I'll be taking my leave now! If you want signatures, you all have to try and catch me!

I then walked off stage, going backstage to see Lena standing there. She smiled as I walked over.

Lena: That was very impressive, Y/N! You've been practicing!

Y/N: A bit, yeah.

Lena: So, you're leaving again?

Y/N: Yeah, I've got some people waiting for me.

Lena: Like who?

Y/N: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Lena: Nonsense!

Y/N: Well... My, uh...

Lena: Y/N... Who is it?

Y/N: W-Well... My... Girlfriends...

Lena seemed shocked by this. Telling the woman who is basically my step-mom I've got multiple girlfriends is so awkward, plus if she found out they were demons, I'd be crucified.

Lena: Y/N L/N!

Y/N: W-Wait, it's not like that! I'm not cheating!

Lena: So you just have girls crawling over each other to get at you?

Y/N: That's actually pretty accurate...

Lena: I can't believe you...

???: Y/N!


Nice: Hey! Thanks for reading! So, another cliffhanger! Who do you think it is?

Yami: Is it gonna be one of the girls from the mansion?

Nice: Well, yeah, but more specifically.

Yami: Are you using a new character?

Nice: No, it's one of the core 7. Well, one of 3, since only three of them could disguise as humans.

Yami: And those three are?

Nice: Clockwork, Sally, And Jane.

Yami: Jane?

Nice: Far as this story goes, she's got a normal face under her mask, she's just a bit pale.

Yami: Her eyes aren't pitch black?

Nice: Nope, they're green. She just wears the mask out of the mansion. Anyways, place your bets now! Signing off!

- Iain

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