The Luck of the Fallen Angels

By IsisChaos

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One girl is road tripping America, when she get's invited to join Warped tour with Black Veil Brides, along t... More

Don't Panic
Hot Topic Virgin
4th July
Warped At Last
After Party Goodness
The Road To Arizona
Warped Tour Eve
Warped Tour In Arizona
Salt River Fields
Show Time
Good Deeds Bring Good Rewards
Doing What I Seem To Do Best
Stiring Up Some Trouble
Water Slides And Bus Rides
Dallas, Danny and Drunken Adventures
Fixing A Broken Heart With Shenanigans
LA Bound
Breakfast At CC's
Waking Up In A Purdy Place
Sticks And Stones May Break My bones, But Whips And Ropes Excite Me
Birthday Party Part 2
The Average Joe
Breaking News
Pool Party
Pool Party Part 2
Lake Tahoe
Road Trip To Sedona, AZ
Throwback Thursday, Halloween Style
Date Night
New Years Eve in Vegas
The Sweetest Goodbye
When The Past Comes Back To Haunt
Finally A Proper Date?
The Aftermath
Current drama.

Slide Rock

70 2 0
By IsisChaos

The next morning

Isis' POV

I was sound asleep when suddenly I felt something wet drip on my face. Oh god please don't let that be what I think it is.

"Seriously Ashley?!" I groaned thinking it was something that could've came from him. I look above me and notice that there was water dripping from the top of the tent. I turned to face him only to find him sound asleep. I couldn’t help but to watch him, he looked so innocent. I still glared. I lightly rub my hand against the water from the top of the tent and flick it towards Ashley's face. I hear him groan. He opens his eyes and squints at the sudden brightness.

“Hey beautiful.” he said, “What’s wet?”

“The tent,” I said, ”it’s dripping on me, I thought it was you.” He looked confused.

“How would it be me?” he asked smiling.

“I dunno,” I said, “I just felt dripping and didn’t want to know what was being dripped on my face. I thought maybe you’d got a bit friendly with your hand again.” He shuffled over to me.

“Maybe I got a bit too friendly with this.” He said making me gasp as he plunged his hand into my sleeping bag and grabbed my boob and massaged it. He done that for a while before he stopped and kissed me passionately. He then got up and started to get dressed. I whimpered.

“Two can play at that game, missy.” He smirked. He opened the tent before I could get myself dressed, not thinking to close up the hatch after himself. I continue to change without taking notice of the open hatch.

“What the fuck Isis!!!” I heard Gemma shout, I looked over to see her covering her eyes, “I’m scarred for life now! That’s an image I will never get rid of! Cover up, or at least have Ashley present.” I got out of the tent and chased Gemma around our little camp, wearing only my bra and pants. Ashley was smirking. Gemma noticed CC watching the events unfolding, she went over and covered his eyes with her hands. Well trying, she was having to tip toe. Ashley saw this.

“Dude!” He shouts, “Stop macking on my girlfriend!”

“Well she would run around half naked.” CC said, trying to defend himself.

“I’m gunna need counselling now.” said Gemma. I run up to her and hug her from behind.

"You know you love me!! Don't deny our love!" I told her. She tried to smack me away, but I just held on tighter. I glanced at Ashley and CC who just stood there with a confused expression on their faces. I finally let go of Gemma and take a step back.

"This is completely normal." I said with a straight face.

"Oh really?" CC asked.

"No it really is." Gemma responded. I laughed.

"Alright, I'm currently suffering from a THO here! It's freezing out!" I said as I turned to walk back to the tent.

"What's a THO?" Gemma asked.

"Don't say it.." Ashley warned as he followed me.

"A Titty Hard On-!!" I was cut off by Ashley placing his hand on my mouth to muffle what I was trying to say.

“Also,” Gemma said, “This isn’t cold!”

"It is if my tits say so!" I said after I managed to pull Ashley's hand away.

“Uh no,” Gemma replied, “Put some clothes on! And this isn't cold, I’m from England, now thats cold!”

Ashley pulls my arm and drags me into the tent. When I saw his face, I could tell I was annoying him. I sighed.

"Sorry..?" I muttered, not really sure what I was apologizing for.

“Why did you have to do that?" Ashley asked, “I know you’re not one for wearing practically nothing, so why?” I could see the jealousy, and disappointment in his eyes. I shrugged. I grabbed my bag and pulled out a random tshirt, when I put my shirt on, I noticed it was one of my many black veil brides shirts.

"I don't know.. I guess I feel comfortable?" I carefully answer trying to choose my words wisely.

“I’m all for you feeling comfortable around us” Ashley said, “but underwear, that’s for my eyes only.”

"I understand, I guess I wasn't thinking clearly. I just ran after Gemma, forgetting that CC was there." I said looking down causing my hair to fall in front of my face. Ashley lifted my chin and tucked my hair behind my ear.

“don’t hide that face,” he said, "and I understand, we all get carried away, but you know how I get when I see you.”

I smiled deviously at the thought. "And that's my fault how?" He grabbed my hand and placed it on the bulge in his shorts. My eyes widen.

“Thats how it’s your fault.” he said. I bite the inside of my lip trying to hold back from attacking him. He just thinks I'm this innocent person that I portray. But he's wrong. My sex drive is probably as high as his. I just don't want to show it to him yet.

"It may be my fault. But it's your problem." I said as I tried to pull my hand away.

“You think I’m gunna let you get away with that?” he breathes against my neck. I quietly gasp as I felt his hand tighten.

"Please?" I smiled as I tried to put on my best innocent face.

“Nah uh,” he breathed as he kissed my neck, nipping occasionally. I closed my eyes as I let out a sigh.

"Oh fuck it." I said. I place my hand on his chest and pushed him down as I layed in top of him and kissed him deeply. With my other hand, I began to stroke his bulge and soon felt it grow more. Ashley groaned and placed his hand underneath the hem of my shirt and swiftly removes my shirt causing our kiss to split for a brief second.

"Hey! What's going on in there?!" CC asked as kicked the side of our tent coincidentally kicking Ashley's side.

“Dude!" he shouted, “fuck off! I don’t disturb you!” I ignored CC and continued on and began to kiss Ashley along his jaw line.

"Isis!" I hear Gemma yell. Shit.. I stop, mid kiss. “Isis, put the Ashley down, and step away from the penis!” I hear CC and Gemma high five for ruining our moment. I groaned as I gently slammed my head into Ashley's chest, frustrated.

"I give up." I mumbled. Ashley stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.

“Soon.” he said, “we’ll have our moment soon, and we can ruin theirs in the process.”

I laughed at the thought. "We might as well get ready to go hiking now. I'm gonna die out there!"

“Couple more minutes,” he said wrapping his arm around me.

"In case I don't survive.." I mumbled.

“Yeah,” he laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe, and fight off the cold and give you energy, if you run out.”

"Gee.. Thanks." I said as I gently poked his bulge and laughed.

“Tease,” he said smiling. We laid in a comfortable silence for a few minutes and suddenly I felt a kick to my side through the tent this time.

"Isis! Let's go!" I hear Gemma yell. I heard the tent zip get pulled, and felt a hand around my ankle as someone pulled me off Ashley, and out of the tent. That was when I remembered that I was topless again.

"Nooooo! This is just like the zombie movies!" I dramatically called out reaching my hand for Ashley.

“And you’re the zombie!” laughed CC.

“Yep,” said Gemma, “Ashley zombiefied you. and cursed you when you fell for him.”

"Soo... I'm his zombie then?" I sat up and looked at Ashley.

“Yeah,” Ashley said, as he crawled out the tent, “I made you to eat brains of people i don’t like, now, next target is CC.”

Remembering what Ashley has mentioned before, I needed to grab my shirt first. I scurried inside the tent, grabbed my BVB tshirt and slipped it on. Then I growled as I ran after CC. He squealed like a girl and ran in the other direction. After he ran off, I stopped.

"I'll get you back when you least expect it!" I yelled after him shaking my fist in the air. I suddenly felt Ashley's arm around my waist and he handed my sweater to me. When I looked at him, I saw he had a backpack on with all of our things that we might need for our hike.

"Okay let's go.." He tells me. I grabbed my sweater and put it on. Meanwhile CC returned and walked beside Gemma, keeping his distance from me. As we began to walk, I somehow managed to lead us into the direction of Slide Rock. We passed by a few trees when suddenly I felt my foot get caught underneath a tree root causing me to trip and fall. I sighed. Ashley chucked as he came over to me to help me up.

"And so it begins.." He said.

"I knew this would happen." I mumbled a bit embarrassed. I heard Gemma and CC laughing behind us, I turned to see them deep in conversation and holding hands, they looked cute. Ashley finally helped me up.

“I’m not carrying you.” He said.

"You might have to by the end of today." I told him.

“Still nope.” he laughed, he gestured for me to lead the way again. I look at him suspiciously. He just smiled.

"Fine then. I'll just limp around then if I must." I said glaring at him as I continued to lead the way.

“You shall.” he said. I pouted as I continued to walk, and felt leaves from a bush brush against my bare leg.

Gemma's POV

I held CC’s hand as we followed Ashley and Isis, Isis kept falling on her arse which me and CC found hilarious. I saw her kick a bush.

“Hey wasn't that poison ivy?” CC asked. I shrugged.

“I dunno what that stuff looks like.” I said, “but probably. Does anyone have any cream to help when it flairs up?” CC shrugged. I laughed.

“She’ll soon regret kicking the bush.” he said. Ashley turned to us.

“You wanna take a break for a while?” He asked us.

“This really isn’t the place for sex.” I said.

“No,” He said laughing, "Just to take a break from walking?"

“Can do,” I said, I looked at CC, he nodded too.

“OK,” said Isis, “We all have cell reception, so if you need help, call Ashley.” She said pointing at him.

“Yeah cuz you’ll be no help.” said CC, “seeing as you just kicked a bush of poison Ivy.”

“What?” Isis shouted, “That wasn’t poison Ivy!” All of us nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?!" She hit Ashley's arm.

“Cuz it was too late?” he said, more a question than a statement, I think he was more interested in checking out her arse than her legs. She glared at him and stormed off. Ashley shrugged as he kept his eyes on her arse and followed her.

“Perv.” I shouted after him.

“You know it!” he shouted back fist in the air. I turned back to CC. He put his hands in the back pockets of my Trousers and leant down to kiss me. I kissed him back, my hands finding their way round his neck.

Ashley's POV

I was following Isis until I noticed that she abruptly stopped and stared at her leg.

"What's the matter?" I grinned knowing what's about to happen as she glared at me.

"You already know. Do you have any ointment?" She asked. I shook my head no. I knew that we did have it, but I decided to let her suffer a bit. She groaned as she walked towards the nearest bolder and sat down and put her face into her hands.

"I'm just tired. Tired of everything. I keep falling, hurting myself, and now I got this fucking rash." She said as she began to scratch her leg. I went over to her and grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Don't do that," I said. I opened my backpack and pulled out the itch creame and handed it to her. "Here." She glared at me and I smiled, "what? I thought it was funny for a bit."

"Yeah, no." she replied. I smiled at her she went quiet again, shes been doing that alot lately, no surprise with the state of twitter.

"You ok?" I asked, she nodded not speaking, "no you’re not."

"You dont say," she said sounding angry, "I have poison ivy rash all on my legs, so no im not ok." I sighed

"I've seen what people are saying on twitter," I said, "talk to me please, don’t shut me out."

"I know I shouldn't be reading them and I should just ignore what's being said." She paused. "But my curiosity gets the best of me."

"I've told you to stay away from the internet." I spoke quietly.

"I know." She trailed off as tears begin to fill her eyes. "I cant take it anymore! That's why I've been so distracted today. That's also why I've been holding back so much from you. It sounds pathetic, but being called fat or ugly every second of my life growing up sucks. It definitely doesn't help that it's happening all again. The last time I've felt so low about myself, everything in my life spiraled down." I crouched down in front of where she was sitting and lifted her face so she was looking at me.

“Look,” I said, using my thumb to wipe her tears from her eyes, “No way are you any of those things! So don’t even think like that! Just ignore as much as you can, and if it starts getting too much then I’m here for you to talk to, no matter how cliche it sounds, I want to be there for you, you’re my girlfriend. If I could, I would personally kick the shit out of these trolls, cuz thats all they are, trolls trying to get a reaction.”

"Thanks." She smiled, "I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I did at Victoria secrets then, huh?"

“I know you can hold your own if you need to, and when that time comes, I'll enjoy it because that cat fight was kinda hot.” I said as she glared, “But I’m here for those times you feel like you can’t be that strong. Who gives a fuck what other people think about the Isis that we all know and love. OK?” She nodded and smiled as I kissed her forehead.

"Are you two love birds ready?" I turn to see CC and Gemma waiting to go. I turn to look at Isis and saw her nod.

We continued to walk towards the road where we saw a lot of cars in line going up hill. We walked past the admission gate for free, since we walked instead of drove, and made our way into Slide Rock National Park. We stopped to look around and enjoy the scene of the area by going into the two stores they had on site and then continued walking until we hear water. Isis made her way down the stairs that were made out of flat stones and proceeded onto the red dirt that was next to the flowing creek.

Once we were all caught up, we decided to sit down and set up our picnic near the water, as it was practically lunch time. Gemma was enthralled at the beauty of the place, as she nibbled away at the sandwiches.

“Hey Gemma,” said Isis, “I have a dare for you, once we’re done eating, go stand there in the middle of the stone in the water there.” She pointed towards a super shallow area of the water and there's a small slick rock in the middle.

“Fine,” She replied, “Dun’t look too bad.” I saw Isis smirk.

“What are you planning?” I asked her quietly.

“The stones on the bottom of the water are really slippery, she’ll fall in before she even gets the chance to make it to the rock” she said smiling "I figure this would be a good way to get back at her from earlier "

“You evil woman!” I snickered.

"At times." She winked at me.

“All the time.” I replied taking another bite of my food. We all finished our food pretty fast, The walk here had made us hungry. Gemma went over to look at a way to get to the rock she was supposed to stand on. She took her shoes and socks off to keep them dry for the walk back.

“Can CC help me up?” she asked Isis. “Or do I have to climb up myself?

"Oh! Yeah, He can help too!" Isis grinned. "In fact he can join you." I rolled my eyes. We watched from the sidelines as they made their way to the edge of the cold water barefooted.

"They're gonna wish they kept their shoes on, or at least their socks, going barefooted is the worst way to go." Isis said in between laughs.

We continued to watch them step into the water and hold hands for balance as they continued to walk towards the rock. They made it to the rock, CC helped Gemma up first, I saw her wobble and nearly lose her balance. Isis was right, this was a good way to get them back for ruining our moment. It all fell apart when CC tried to get up, he stepped wrong and pulled them both into the water, I heard Gemma scream as she slipped. They both surfaced to see Isis doubled over laughing, she was using my shoulder to keep her stood up. I was laughing myself, especially when they both gave us the finger. They moved towards the bank area, near to where we were standing.

“Come help us out?” Gemma asked I shook my head, still laughing, she tried doing puppy dog eyes, for a while it didn’t work, but she looked funny with her make up running down her face and hair slowly turning to rats tails. I gave in, and helped her out, but instead she pulled me in. Fuck this waters cold! This caused Isis to laugh more.

“Babe!” I shouted to her, “It’s not funny, it’s cold!”

“Shut up,” Gemma said, “I’ve dived in colder, now help us out" I look over to Isis and smirked. I pull myself out and make my way over to her. She looked up, she soon stopped laughing and her eyes widen.

“Don't you dare!” she shouted, making me smile even more, I chased after her. I was slightly faster and caught her and held her in a tight embrace so she was getting wet too. I then pick her up and take her back to where CC and Gemma were and drop her in.

“I’m gunna fucking kill you Ashley Purdy!” She screamed when she came back up. I ran up to the other end of the ledge to get away, fortunately her legs are shorter than mines so that meant she was slower than me, or so I thought. She eventually caught up, but ran past me and towards a super rocky area that was located near the top of the creek. I then saw her sat down in the water between a couple of rocks. The water was barely to her chest and soon she quickly slid down. Wait..theres slides? I stepped closer and looked at the place where she had slid down, I made my way up to where she had got in and followed her. This was pretty cool. We slid down all the way towards the deep area where I finally caught up with her. When I got a closer look, I noticed her teeth were chattering from the cold and her bottom lip was turning blue.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked concerned about her getting sick. She nodded. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Helloooo? Where did you guys go?" I hear Gemma call out. "I swear, you guys better not be fucking behind that tree!" I laughed as Isis covered her face with her hand and sighed.

"We're not! Come over!" I shouted. After they also made the slide discovery, we continued to swim and enjoy the rest of the evening. Once we saw the sun was starting to set, we all climbed out and air dried. After we were dried, we grabbed our things and walked back to out camp. We also packed the rest of our camping supplies ready to head back to LA in the morning.

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