Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

By katherinep97

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The revelation of Castiel being controlled and manipulated into such things has shattered everyone involved. ... More

Chapter 1 - Meet the New Boss
Chapter 2 - Hello, Cruel World
Chapter 3 - The Girl Next Door
Chapter 4 - Defending Your Life
Chapter 6 - CatScar Fiction
Chapter 7 - The Mentalists
Chapter 8 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!
Chapter 9 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
Chapter 10 - Death's Door
Chapter 11 - Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter 12 - Time After Time
Chapter 13 - The Slice Girls
Chapter 14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
Chapter 15 - Repo Man
Chapter 16 - Out With the Old
Chapter 17 - Born Again Identity
Chapter 18 - Party On, Garth
Chapter 19 - Of Grave Importance
Chapter 20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Chapter 21 - Reading is Fundamental
Chapter 22 - There Will Be Blood
Chapter 23 - Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 5 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil

147 11 1
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link


From 3.09 - Malleus Maleficarum: In the Impala, Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean were posing as detectives.

"I hate Witches," Dean told them.

From 3.09 - Malleus Maleficarum: In the Dutton House's bathroom, Janet Dutton had blood dripping down from her chin, choking, turning to lean over the sink, spitting out teeth and blood. She spat out another tooth.

From 3.09 - Malleus Maleficarum: In the Van Allen House, due to Elizabeth the Witch's spell, Tammi the Demon coughed blood and tacks into her hand.

Dean: (voice over from 3.09 - Malleus Maleficarum) "They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere."

From 3.09 - Malleus Maleficarum: In Amanda Barnes' House, Amanda continued to look at the platter. The buzzing intensified. There were flies, maggots and worms crawling all over the rotting food.

Dean: (voice over from 3.09 - Malleus Maleficarum) "You know, it's downright unsanitary."

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In Zane and Crowley's Lab, Castiel suddenly pushed Scarlett and Catty toward Dean, Ness and Bobby in hopes of protecting all of them. "You need to run now! I--I can't hold them back!"

"Hold who back?" Ness asked.

"Leviathan!" Castiel answered.

From 7.02 - Hello, Cruel World: Leviathan!Castiel walked into the reservoir, into the water, arms raised at his side. Ness, Scarlett, Sam, Catty, Dean and Bobby ran through the gate, watching as he walked under. A whirlpool appeared, black liquid radiating out from it in all directions, disappearing.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the Gas & Sip, The man poured a pot of hot cheese over the clerk, making him scream. He transformed. His mouth enlarged, his teeth becoming long and lagged, and a two-pronged tongue protruded.

Bobby: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "They're like Shapeshifters, only a lot more into eating folk."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Rufus' Cabin, Catty, Scarlett, Dean, Sam, Bobby and Ness were gathered.

"Oh, and nothing can kill them," Bobby told them.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the Gas & Sip, the Leviathan man was on the phone. "Yes, sir. Sam, Scarlett and Catty Winchester were definitely here. I'll find out where they went from here."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the woods, Sam was following Amy.

Sam: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "There was a job in town."

Scarlett: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "Where's the body?"

Sam held a knife to Amy's chest, looking at her crescent pendant necklace.

Sam: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "I let her go."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the motel room, Catty stood in surprised confusion. "Why?"

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Amy's House, Amy looked at Sam. "You know me. You know the kind of person I am."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Young Amy's House, Young Sam and Young Amy broke their kiss.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the alley, the man was tackled to the ground.

Dean: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "She's dropping bodies, man."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the motel room, Dean looked at Sam. "Which means we got to drop her."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Young Amy's House, Amy's mother raised a fist toward Young Sam. Her fingernails extended into long, pointed claws. She gasped. Her fingernails returned to normal. She fell to the floor, revealing Young Amy standing behind her and a knife in her back, dead.

Sam: (voice over from 7.03 - The Girl Next Door) "She killed her own Mom, Dean, to save me."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the motel room, Dean looked at Sam. "I'm sorry, but it's that simple."

"She's done," Sam told them. "Trust me. Guys, please."

Catty nodded. "Okay."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Amy's motel room, Dean looked at Amy. "You are what you are. You will kill again." He stabbed Amy in the heart, killing her. "I'm sorry."

Dean removed the knife.

From 7.04 - Defending My Life: In the Apple Farm's Barn, Catty was chained to a chair. Dean, Scarlett and Sam sat next to her. Brett's Ghost appeared.

Catty looked at him in numb shock. "Brett?"

"Catty," Brett told her. "Long time."

From 7.04 - Defending My Life: In the motel room, Catty was standing in the middle of the salt circle.

Brett stood outside the circle. "You deserve better."

"No, you did," Catty told him. "You deserved better, Brett."

"You carry all kinds of crap you don't have to, Catty," Brett told her. "It kinda gets clearer when you're dead."

Brett had veins trailing through his arms. He took Catty's arms in his hands. Catty gasped in pain as if she was starting to become poisoned. Brett looked as if he hated himself for doing this. After Osiris was killed, Brett let Catty go. Catty breathed heavily in relief.

From 7.04 - Defending My Life: Riverside, Dean sighed. "Cat, we've always known that you have guilt coming out of your pores, but this time, it nearly got you killed. I mean, we have tried to tell you that we can't save everyone, and you still think you're supposed to. And some of the things that you blame yourself for... the things that you have no control over..."

Catty turned toward the car.

Sam grabbed her arm to stop her. "You need to find a way to let the past go and move on with the future."

Scarlett looked at Catty. "But if you need to talk and a shoulder to cry on, we are here."

Dean looked at both his sisters with slight sarcasm. "Goes for both of you."

Catty pushed Dean away lightly. "Shut up." Dean chuckled. Sam smiled. They slowly returned serious, as if they weren't kidding, waiting for Catty and Scarlett to talk. Scarlett didn't feel like talking, looking down, taking a drink to avoid talking. Catty took a drink. "Well, you three are going to be a pleasure to ride with."

Catty got into the passenger seat of the car, closing the door, looking out of the window toward them. Scarlett got into the backseat.



Prosperity, Indiana

Day One

Morning - Hair Salon

(Song) Salon Music - Watt Son

A stylist walked through electric sliding doors to the back of a hair salon.

A woman with foils in her hair followed the stylist, on the phone. "Karen, don't second guess yourself. Yes, your house is beautiful, but didn't you tell me a million times that it's Rick's dream house? Selling it is how you punish his ass, Karen, and after what you've been through, don't you deserve that?" The stylist places ad plastic cap over the woman's foils. "You do, honey. I'll have the papers ready tomorrow. Yay. I'm proud of you. Bye." The woman hung up, looking at the stylist. "I'm not good. I'm very good."

The stylist chuckled, handing the woman a magazine. "There you are."

"Thank you," the woman told him.

The stylist lowered a beehive hairdryer over the woman's head, turning it on. "10 minutes. Holler if you need anything."

The stylist walked out, leaving through the electronic doors. The doors closed behind him.

The woman flipped through the magazine for a few moments. She started to look uncomfortable, tugging at her clothing. She put the magazine down, trying to lift the hairdryer off her head, but it wouldn't move. "Chris!" She tried to slide out from under the hairdryer, but was pulled back up into it. She tried to lift the hairdryer again, but it was now too hot to comfortably hold. She jerked her hands away, shaking them out. "Ow. Chris--Ow." She continued to try to get away to no avail. Smoke started to come out of the hairdryer. "Ow. Chris, get back here!" Light flashed from the hairdryer. The woman started to scream. "Chris! Chris!"

The woman continued to scream and struggle as light and smoke continued to come from the hairdryer. She was then lifted up from her seat, further into the hairdryer, going still. The hairdryer beeped, turning itself off.

Chris walked back through the sliding doors. "Oh, my God. Somebody, help!"

Chris lifted the hairdryer from the woman's head, screaming at what he saw.

(End of Song)

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Day Two

Morning - Motel Room - Girls' Side

Catty was lying in bed, dreaming restlessly.


Flashback - 6.01 "Exile on Main St."

Night - Sarah and Kyle's House - Living Room

Pete and Stacie the Djinn both laid a hand on Sarah and Kyle's arms, their tattoos glowing as they poisoned them. Isaiah the Djinn took Abby from Sarah's arms before she could drop her, poisoning her, setting her in a baby stroller nearby. Brigitta the Djinn placed a hand on either of Brett's cheeks, her tattoos stretching and glowing as she poisoned him. A lot more poison was used on Brett than was used on the others. Brett's eyes rolled back into his head with a blue hue.


Outside - Sam's Charger

Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty watched in horror as they watched Sarah, Kyle and Brett fall to the floor.



Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty got out of the car, running toward the house.



Catty knelt next to Brett, cradling his head in her lap, looking at Sarah and Kyle to see that their eyes were almost as bad as Brett. She looked at Abby. Scarlett held Abby. Ness injected Abby gently yet quickly. Sam injected Kyle quickly. Dean injected Sarah quickly yet carefully. Catty injected Brett quickly and carefully.


St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital - Sarah's ICU Room

Sarah was hooked to a breathing machine in her room.

Catty hesitated, nodding, looking down. "Kyle?"

"He's okay," Sarah answered.

"Abby?" Catty asked.

"She's... critical," Sarah answered.

Catty looked down in guilt, nodding as if she had expected this, dreading the thought of the next name she was gonna ask. "Brett?"

Sarah didn't answer, tears starting to form in her eyes.



Catty walked out of Sarah's room quickly, looking like she could hardly breathe. She stopped where she was when she saw Ness and Scarlett standing next to Brett's body. She couldn't move. She watched the nurse take Brett away without blinking, trying to keep control over herself. "Brett?"

Ness and Scarlett wrapped their arms around Catty. Catty slowly returned the embrace, letting a few tears fall, closing her eyes, hiding her face against Ness and Scarlett's shoulders so no one would see.


6.08 "All Dogs Go to Heaven"

Catty's Dream - Brett's Loft

Brett looked the way that he did when he had been poisoned by Brigitta. His eyes rolled back into his head in a blue hue. Glowing, stretching Djinn tattoos appeared over his arms. He reached toward Catty. Catty stood, backing away barely.


6.03 "The Three Angelos"

Day - Hotel Room

Castiel pushed his hand into Aaron Birch's chest, making him scream. Catty and Scarlett stepped forward.

Catty: (voice over from 6.03 - The Three Angelos) "You're gonna torture a kid?"

Sam grabbed Catty and Scarlett's arms to stop them. Aaron screamed, his body lighting up from the inside. Castiel took his hand out.

Castiel: (voice over from 6.03 - The Three Angelos) "I can't care about that, Catty. I don't have the luxury."

Aaron stopped screaming, falling unconscious.


6.19 "Mommy Dearest"

Day - Police Station

Castiel led Catty to the side to talk alone.

"Catty--" Castiel started. Catty turned to leave. Castiel grabbed her arm to stop her. "Catty." Catty turned to him. "Millions of lives are at stake here, not just two. Stay focused."

"Are you kidding?" Catty asked.

"There's a greater purpose here," Castiel told her.

Catty hesitated, sighing. "You know what? I've always had a thing for saving kids. That got magnified when I nearly got Brett's niece Abby killed." Castiel sighed, looking away. Catty moved her head slightly to keep his gaze. "Cas... I was with Brett for six months of Sarah's pregnancy. I was there in the hospital when Abby was born. And I helped take care of her for six months of her life. And she nearly died because of me. Nothing I do will make up for that, but I think I'd like to try by saving a couple of kids and getting them to a save home with a family. If you don't mind. Please try to understand that, Cas."


6.06 "You Can't Handle the Truth"

Night - Motel Room

Catty looked at Castiel. "What happened to you, Cas? You used to be Human, or at least like one."

"I'm at war," Castiel told her. "Certain... regrettable things are now required of me."


6.20 "The Man Who Would Be King"

Night - Bobby's House - Living Room

Catty stood to face Castiel.

"I'm doing this for you, Catty," Castiel told her. "This is happening because of you, Los and Scar."

"Because of me?" Catty repeated. "Because of Scar and Los? Yeah. You got to be kidding me. Zane may be doing this because of Scar and Los, but that doesn't explain why you're doing this, for Scar, Los, or me. Zane and Crowley tried to have Ness, Dean, Scar's and my ties to a normal life killed so they could get us back into hunting and force us to work for them. They got Brett killed. They almost got Brett's family killed. You remember that? I wanted to kill Samuel, my grandfather, because he was involved. What am I supposed to feel when I find out that you were, too?"

"I wasn't, Catty," Castiel told her. "I promise you that."

Catty shook her head, not showing how she really felt, overwhelmed. "What is going on with you, Cas? I noticed something different about you that first day you got back to us. You can change in the drop of a dime. And I--I'm just trying to understand. Because, after everything, I think I should get an explanation. So, if I'm asking you not to do something... you got to trust me, Cas. Please."

Castiel hesitated for a long moment, seeming vacant. "I'm sorry, Catty."

Castiel disappeared, leaving. Catty looked around the room, sighing, slowly sitting back onto the couch, looking out of the window, despaired and betrayed, tears in her eyes, breathing shakily.


6.22 "The Girl Who Knew Too Much"

Day - Alley

Castiel looked at Dean, Bobby, Ness, Sam, Scarlett and Catty. "I will save Sam, but only if you stand down, and I will find them either way."

"Save Sam from what?" Scarlett asked. "Find what?"

Castiel disappeared. He reappeared behind them. Catty, Scarlett and Sam turned to face him in confusion. Castiel touched Sam's temple, then placing his hands on Catty and Scarlett's stomachs. A flash of bright white light surrounded them.


7.01 "Meet the New Boss"

Morning - Warehouse - Zane and Crowley's Lab

Catty walked toward Castiel with a water bottle, kneeling next to him, getting him to drink. Castiel drank graciously, thirstily.

Catty sighed, hesitating. "Hey, Cas, let me ask you something." Castiel nodded weakly. "What did you do to me?" Castiel looked at Catty in confusion. Catty looked away, realizing. "You don't remember that, either."

"No," Castiel answered. "I'm sorry."

Catty sighed. "Great. Is there any chance you survive putting all of these things back into Purgatory?" Castiel didn't answer, looking down. Catty sighed, scoffing softly, looking away. "Right."


7.02 "Hello, Cruel World"

Night - Singer Salvage Yard

Catty and Scarlett turned to see Edgar around a corner.

"What do you want with us, then, if not to kill us?" Scarlett asked.

Edgar stalked closer. "To find two very important things."

Edgar grabbed Catty by her throat, throwing her toward a car, making her hit against the windshield, making it shatter.


7.01 "Meet the New Boss"

Night - Warehouse

Octavia's body was still lying on the floor in the middle of her scorched wings. Sam walked toward Octavia slowly, sadly, numbly. He still had her sword in his hand, slowly kneeling next to her body. Bobby, Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty followed, looking at Octavia's body in shock, still not willing to believe she or Angelos were gone. Ness, Scarlett and Catty's reactions were more evident than Bobby and Dean's, who were trying not to show how effected they really were.

Scarlett was crying in devastation and despair, denial, falling to her knees next to the burn marks on the floor. "Los... He's gone. Ava's gone. Why? Why are they gone?"

Catty and Ness had tears in their eyes, kneeling on either side of Scarlett, pulling her into their arms, letting her cry into their shoulders. Sam, Dean and Bobby looked at them sadly in devastation.


Almost Dawn - Warehouse

Castiel fell to the floor, unconscious.

Catty knelt next to Castiel. "Cas?"

Catty leaned back, looking away, lowering her head.


7.04 "Defending Your Life"

Night - Motel Room

Brett looked at the veins rolling through his arms. He took Catty's arms in his hands. Catty gasped in pain as if she was starting to become poisoned. Brett looked as if he hated himself for doing this. He let Catty go. Catty breathed heavily in relief. They watched as the veins in his arms returned to normal. Brett looked relieved and sad, looking at Catty, putting a hand on her cheek.

Catty closed her eyes in guilt and sadness, looking down, opening her eyes to see Brett disappear, looking around. "Brett?"

Catty realized that Brett was gone, and that she wasn't going to die. She looked as if she didn't know how to feel about that.


7.01 "Meet the New Boss"

Day - Singer Salvage Yard

Dean, Ness, Scarlett, Catty, Sam and Bobby were watching the flames of Octavia's hunter's funeral. Sam let a few tears fall.

Sam looked into the flames. "Ava was more of a hunter than she was an Angel sometimes. That's why I'm giving Ava a hunter's funeral."

Scarlett was trying not to cry. "Los acted more like a hunter than an Angel sometimes, too. And if there was still a body to burn... but there's not. So I can't even give Los a hunter's funeral."

Ness and Catty both wrapped an arm around Scarlett's shoulders to comfort her. Sam and Dean both held one of her hands. Bobby looked at them sadly, knowing all of them were going through hell.


7.02 "Hello, Cruel World"

Day - Water Reservoir

Leviathan!Castiel walked into the reservoir, into the water, arms raised at his side. Ness, Scarlett, Sam, Catty, Dean and Bobby ran through the gate, watching as he walked under.



Day - Motel Room - Girls' Side

Catty woke in alarm, propping herself up onto one elbow, breathing heavily, realizing where she was, lying back, reaching out for the beer bottle on her bedside table, finding that it was empty. She looked over to Scarlett's bed to see that Scarlett was also having a nightmare, standing up, walking closer to sit beside Scarlett, gently waking her up by luring her out of the nightmare. "Scar. Hey, Scar."

Scarlett was startled by suddenly being awake, looking at her older sister. "Catty?"

Catty nodded. "Let me guess. Another nightmare about Cas, Ava, Los, Brett, Levis, Zane, Crowley and so on."

"You had another one, too, didn't you?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah," Catty answered. "Just like you did. Come on. Let's get something to drink."



Catty and Scarlett were completely dressed, sitting at the table. Catty was on her laptop.


Your search for FREAKY ACCIDENTS produced 1 results

There was a picture of the woman from the salon with a subtitle next to it. Wendy Goodson.



Wendy Goodson, 36, resident of Prosperity, IN was burnt alive while having her hair done at her local hair dresser. Her charred remains indicate electrocution, yet investigators state there were no malfunctions to be found in the dryer or the electrical system of the salon. The electrical system was brand new and inspected recently by the city's building inspectors. Police is [sic] listing Goodson's death as accidental electricution [sic], however, there remains [sic] many questions to be answered. Goodwin's family is bereft and remains vigilent [sic] in demanding answers to her untimely death. Wendy Goodson has an established Real Estate business on Main Street in Prosperity, Indiana. She was known as the golden girl by her many friends. Goodwin was a well known and well loved person as she was involved in many community events and was very active in charity events. She volunteered at the hospice for many years and will be fondly remembered by her friends and colleagues.

Scarlett was drinking whiskey until she ran out. Catty drank from a glass of whiskey, realizing it was empty, pouring another, emptying the bottle. Dean stepped into view of the window, knocking to get Catty and Scarlett's attention. Catty looked up, raising her eyebrows. Scarlett looked up, setting her drink down. Sam ran past Dean, inside. Dean, Catty and Scarlett exchanged a confused look through the window.

Dean followed Sam inside. "Somebody better be chasing you."

"It's good for you," Sam told them.

"No," Dean told him. "No, it's not good for you. Look at you. You're--You're a mess, and you stink."

Catty rolled her eyes, looking at the screen. "Well, while Sammy was out being Lance Armstrong..."

Sam took a sports drink out of the fridge. "That would be biking."

Catty ignored him. "And you, Dean, were getting food and pie, Scar and I were drinking and working. You ever heard of a town called Prosperity, Indiana?"

"Has anybody?" Dean replied.

"Two of their fine citizens died over the past two weeks," Scarlett told them. "Uh, this one chick, she, uh, roasted underneath one of those beehive hairdryers at the hair salon."

Catty brought up a new article on the computer.



Members Log in PURENEGATIVE Pass Word ********

PROSPERITY, INDIANA Mary Ann Liu, Staff Reporter


Residents of Prosperity Indiana are shocked at the deaths [sic] of one of their residents. Carl Dunlop, 42, of Prosperity IN, died in a hot tub from hypothalmia. For unknown reasons, Carl was unable to get out of the seemingly normally functioning hot tub and was essentially cook [sic] alive inside the hot tub. Investigators having scoured the crime scene could find no mechanical failure or other causes for the bizarre accident. Carls' [sic] body indicated severe temperature rises but there was no mechanical justification for the death. Police concluded that there were no indications of foul play. Dunlop was a local architect who designed small to medium sized projects. Of note, his city hall design won the Indiana Architecture Prize two years ago. He is survived by his sister and brother in law [?] with three nephews and a niece.

Catty turned the laptop toward Sam and Dean. "And this other guy boiled in a hot tub."

"You don't see a lot of that," Dean told them.

"No, you don't," Scarlett agreed.

"It's worth checking out," Sam told them.

"Yeah," Scarlett agreed.

Dean looked at Catty and Scarlett. "You know, one more thing. What's going on with you two?"

"We have had this conversation, Dean," Scarlett told him.

"No, we haven't," Dean told them. "See, to do that, you'd have to, uh, sort of... speak. Not push everything and everyone away and just brush them off."

"Okay, let's see if you can get this straight," Catty told them. "Yes, Brett died. Yes, Brett's family nearly died. Yes, I changed after that because of Zane, Crowley and Balthazar. Yes, I got angry and reckless and nearly turned into a killer, but I am back now."

"And, yes, after everything that happened with Cas, Ava and Los, they are dead, now, too," Scarlett told them. "And, yes, Brett's Ghost just tried to kill Catty because an Egyptian God made him before we 'killed' Osiris. I was blaming Cas and taking out what I was feeling on Catty, because of Ava and Los being dead and Cas being forced to kill Los by Balthazar, but Ness got me to see that I was wrong, and we are good now."

"See, you're just saying everything that happened," Sam told them. Catty picked up her glass, taking a drink. "You're not telling us what you're feeling about all of that."

Catty set the glass on the table again in annoyed exasperation, looking at Sam. "All right, shut up, Dr. Phil." She looked from Sam to Dean. "I am all right, okay? I'm fine."

"And I will be," Scarlett told them.

"Yeah, okay," Dean told them skeptically, unconvinced. "Scar, please don't tell me you're gonna start to do a Catty-inspired grieving method, since her method doesn't even work for Cat, so it definitely wouldn't work for you." Scarlett rolled her eyes. Sam and Dean walked out of the room, leaving. "Where's the Truth Goddess when you need her?"

"You killed her," Sam answered.

"Oh, yeah," Dean said.

Catty gave them a look they didn't see, picking up her glass, looking at it for a moment, only to put it down again, sighing, exchanging a look with Scarlett.


Jack's Grocery - Parking Lot

The Leviathan man from 6.03 The Girl Next Door was walking toward his car, carrying a shopping bag, on the phone. "Yes, sir. I understand. Yeah, I definitely do realize this Winchester thing is taking far too long, and I'm sorry about that. No worries. I can be there in a day and a half. Yeah, I'll hit the road now." He put the shopping bag into the trunk of his car, which contained a dead man. "Just stopped for a quick refuel. Thanks. It'll be my pleasure."


Prosperity, Indiana

On the Road

The Impala drove down the main street, past a bench with Wendy Goodson's picture on the back.


Prosperity Medical Arts Building - Outside

Sam was speaking to a woman, posing as FBI. "I'm very sorry. I--I know this is a tough time to have to talk about all this."

"I've already been through it so many times with the lawyers, the police, the insurance guys," the woman told him.

"Right, I know," Sam told her. "I know. We just--we have to conduct our own separate investigation. I'm sorry. I know it's tough. Can I as you... Did your sister have any enemies?"

"Why do you ask that?" the woman asked. "You think her death wasn't accidental?"

"No, no, no, no," Sam told her. "We just have to consider every possibility. Is there anyone who might have wanted to harm her?"

"You don't live here, so you don't know," the woman told him. "Everyone... loved Wendy. She volunteered at the church. She ran a group for kids. I was the big sister, and I looked up to her."

"What about this man who died, Carl Dunlap?" Sam asked. "Did she know him?"

"I don't think so," the woman told him.

"Well, Wendy was in real estate, right?" Sam asked. "Carl was an architect. Maybe they had some business dealings?"

"If they had worked together, I would've heard the name," the woman told him. "Agent Sambora... if someone did this to my sister, find out who."

Sam nodded. The woman walked away, leaving. Sam turned around to see that Octavia was leaning against a nearby statue with her arms crossed over her chest.

Octavia looked at Sam skeptically in amusement. "'Agent Sambora'? Really? Didn't know you were a Bon Jovi man."

"What?" Sam asked. "They're not that bad."

Octavia chuckled, shaking her head. "Still, though. Sam, I don't understand how you, Dean and Catty haven't been caught yet in the act, always using classic rock aliases. Or how Ness hasn't been caught yet in the act, always using the character names of famous female horror movie characters. Surprised the real Feds haven't caught onto yet."

Sam raised his eyebrows slightly in acknowledgement, shrugging slightly. "Guess we're just that good, Ava."

Sam walked past her.

Octavia watched him go for a moment, smirking, pushing away from the statue. "Getting a little full of yourself there, huh? Oh, I love it when you talk dirty to me."

Octavia started to follow. Sam didn't answer, but a smirk played across his lips.


Josephine's Hair Salon

Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Chris were searching the room where Wendy had died. Dean, Catty and Scarlett were posing as FBI.

"And nobody was back here but Wendy?" Dean asked.

"No," Chris answered. "But I was only gone for a minute."

"You can't even crank these things past a certain temperature," Catty told him. "Am I wrong?"

Chris shook his head. "If it started to blow a fuse or something, it would have shut down."

"Oh," Scarlett told him. "Basically, you're saying that this couldn't have happened."

"Basically, I'm saying it couldn't have happened," Chris answered. Catty looked behind the hairdryer frame. "The insurance adjusters already did that."

"Thanks for the heads-up," Scarlett told him.

Chris sighed. Catty found a coin on the floor, picking it up. It looked old, antique. She showed it to Dean and Scarlett. Dean and Scarlett looked confused.



Sam was walking down the street, on the phone. "Wait. What kind of a coin?"

Catty's voice was on the other line. "It's not American. I don't know where it's from." She, Scarlett and Dean were walking down another street. "It was wedged back behind one of those machines. Somebody could have dropped it. Of course, they don't have pockets in those robe thingies that they make you wear."

Scarlett chuckled. "I didn't realize you were such a spa expert."

Catty stopped next to a bench with an advertisement for Wendy Goodson Real Estate, seeing the plants in planters on either side of the bench were dead, hesitating before she spoke, making Scarlett stop as well. "I might've gone once or twice when I was with Brett 'cause Sarah invited me to do something, and Sarah made me go."

Dean stopped next to Catty and Scarlett, tauntingly. "Man, Cat, didn't know you could be such a girl."

"Shut up," Catty told him. "I was living with rich people for a year going to rich people things, Dean. I had to blend in."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Dean told her. "Whatever you say."

Scarlett was amused, at Dean's attempt to get all three of his siblings to feel better was working, as they each smiled a small smile.

Sam had heard the exchange, chuckling. "So, you thinking it must be some kind of hex talisman?"

"Uh, maybe," Scarlett answered.

"All right," Sam told them. "Pick me up."

"Yeah, we'll be there in a bit," Scarlett told him, hanging up, sighing.

Dean walked inside Van's Liquor. Sam hung up, looking at Octavia.

"Why don't you just run home, Lance?" Octavia asked teasingly.

Sam smirked barely. "Ava..."

"What?" Octavia asked. "You said no more dead jokes, so... I'm improvising, Sam. Can't say that you're not glad to have me around, right?" Sam looked slightly confused. Octavia thought about how she had said that. "I didn't even get that."

Sam was amused, walking down the street. Octavia smirked.


Construction Site

A man was saying goodbye to another man indistinctly. Man 2 drove away in his pickup truck, leaving. Man 1 put some items in his own vehicle, walking into an outhouse. A pump in the back of his car started. A nail gun raised on its own, levitating through air, coming to a stop outside the outhouse. The door sprung open.

The man turned to face the door. "Oh, come on!"

The man saw the nail gun in mid-air, pointing at his head. The nail gun fired multiple times. Blood nails protruded through the back wall of the outhouse. The man had been shot many times, including once to the face. The nail gun moved in closer, shooting twice more, making sure he was dead. The pump stopped. The nail gun fell to the ground.


Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty went to the scene of the crime, showing their fake badges. Sam went inside the outhouse the man had died. Dean and Scarlett were looking over the tools that had supposedly killed the guy.

Catty spoke to a police officer. "So, what do we know about the vic?"

"Dewey Stevens," the police officer explained. "Owner of Dewey Stevens Construction. Biggest outfit in town. Rotarian, Methodist, tenor, blue-ribbon pecan pie champ, asthmatic." Catty raised her eyebrows. "We're a close-knit community."

Catty cleared her throat. "So, this, um, pillar of the community, he was using..." She gestured to the outhouse. "Before he, uh, sprung a few?"

"The crew had gone for the day," the officer told her. "Site was shut down."

"Anything unusual besides the nails in the eyes?" Catty asked.

"Well, we're still trying to figure out where they plugged in the nail gun, seeing as there's no generator on the truck," the officer told her.

"Well, when you figure that out, let me know," Catty told him.

The officer walked away, leaving. Dean and Scarlett walked toward Catty. Scarlett sighed, holding up another coin for her to see.



Sam was using the computer. Scarlett, Dean and Catty walked closer.

"So, another victim everybody likes," Dean told them.

"Not everybody," Sam told them.

"Another physically impossible death," Scarlett told him. "You got any ideas?"

"Cirque du Soleil?" Sam asked.

"Oh, I, uh, found another one of these, just like the one that Catty found at the, uh, the hairdryer brain roast," Dean told him, handing the coin to Sam.

"And I found a connection with all the vics," Sam told them. "Um, these e-mail logs show Wendy, the real-estate chick, uh, Carl, the architect, and this Dewey guy were all working on a shopping center project together."

"Why didn't we know about that?" Scarlett asked.

"I--" Sam started. "Well, it all fell apart for some reason. I mean, there are these emails back and forth, pretty hot and heavy, and suddenly they just stopped."

"So, everybody working on this project has died?" Catty asked.

"Well, not yet," Sam answered. "Um, they were working with a developer, a guy named Don Stark."

"Don Stark?" Dean repeated. "Why do I know that name?"


Art Auction Building - Outside

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty stood outside of a large town building, seeing a bust of a man standing outside the building with a plaque reading: DON STARK Founder of the Prosperity Charity Foundation. Posters on the building advertised an art auction run by The Margaret Stark Charity Foundation.

"Man, this Stark guy is really plugged in, huh?" Sam asked.

"So, all the players in this--this shopping center project have either fried, boiled, or kebabbed," Dean told them. "He could be next."

Dean took out his flask, unscrewing the lid.

"Really?" Catty asked. "From a freaking flask? What are you, Bad Santa? On the job?"

"We're always on the job," Dean replied. His phone beeped. He took out his phone, taking a drink, reading his message. "All right. Ness texted back. I sent her a few pics of those coins we found. Ness says the writing is Romanian Cyrillic, used only in the mid-15th to the 19th century. Apparently, it's an antique Wallachian ducat."

"So, we're looking for an old Romanian?" Scarlett asked.

Sam looked at the dead plants around the base of the Don Stark bust. "You know, is it just me, or is this really weird?"

"Huh," Catty told them. She looked at Dean and Scarlett. "We've seen this once before, where the plants are all dead in one spot."

"Where?" Dean asked.

"A bus bench with Wendy Goodson's picture on it," Scarlett answered. "I mean, I'm no expert, but I don't think plants are supposed to act like this."


On the Road - Leviathan Man's Car

(Song) See the Funny Little Clown - Bobby Goldsboro

The Leviathan man was driving, listening to the music for a few moments.

(End of Song)


Don Stark's House - Office

The man with the bust outside the large town building, Don Stark, led Sam, Scarlett, Dean and Catty into his office in his home. "If the bureau's involved, I assume you think all three were murdered."

"It's looking that way, yes," Dean told him.

"Now, Mr. Stark, you had a relationship with all three victims, correct?" Sam asked.

"Oh, I knew them in business circles, I guess, sure," Don answered.

"And you were all involved in a, uh, a--a shopping center project," Catty told him. "Why'd that fall through?"

"Uh, these things happen," Don told them. A young blonde woman stood in the doorway, knocking. "Oh. Jenny. These Agents are from the FBI. Jenny Klein, my assistant."

"Hi, there," Jenny told them. She looked at Don. "Okay, Don, I'm off to the cleaner's, and then I'm gonna stop at Beaman, Beaman, and Beaman for the revised contracts."

"Hurry on back," Don told her. "You know how things fall apart without you."

Jenny chuckled. "Oh, I baked you some cupcakes. Coconut."

"Coconut?" Don repeated. "You're too good to me, Jenny."

"I'll see you soon," Jenny told him, turning around, walking out, leaving.

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty exchanged a look, looking at Don.

"She bakes cupcakes," Don told them.

"Yummy," Scarlett told him.

"You know, could you point me to the restroom?" Sam asked. "I had a little bit too much java."

"Yeah," Don answered. "Around the corner, down the hall."

"Thanks," Sam told him, walking out of the room to look around.

Catty looked at Don. "So, uh, usually in cases like these--"



Sam ran up the staircase quickly and quietly.

He heard Don's voice. "Are there cases like these?"

He heard Scarlett's voice. "Oh, you'd be surprised. Uh, we start out with the basics."



Dean looked at Don. "Do you have any business rivals?"

"Sure, tons," Don answered. "You know, real estate's brutal."

Catty looked at Dean and Scarlett. "Well, that was easy."

"On the other hand, I've demonstrated my love for this town, and I think it's safe to say I'm respected for what I've done here," Don told them.

Catty, Scarlett and Dean nodded cautiously.



Sam walked in, walking into the walk-in closet. He discovered a high-heeled shoe with a broken heel, a necklace with a pentagram pendant, and a box containing weird materials with strange symbols.

Octavia stood behind his shoulder. "Let me guess, Sam. Witchcraft?"

"Yeah," Sam answered.

"So, is it the missus or the mister?" Octavia asked. "I mean, which one is the Witch?"

Sam sighed. "Good question, Ava."

Sam and Octavia exchanged a look, looking at the Witchcraft materials.



Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Don looked at a framed award which said: CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Presented to DON STARK in recognition of your outstanding contribution to the community. Your efforts and generous donations have provided tremendous benefits to the citizens of Prosperity and will for generations of the future. On behalf of the state of Indiana. In a logo: Citizen of the Year Award — The Year of 2010 — State of Indiana.

"Yeah, one of my real treasures," Don told them.

Dean looked at a framed picture of an office tower, reading the inscription. "'To Don, take no prisoners. D. Trump.' The Trumpster! Wow."

"Like I said, success breeds fierce competition," Don told them. Sam walked in. Octavia leaned against the wall. "But in the end, everyone here respects and admires me."

"Including your wife?" Sam asked. They looked at him. "Sorry. It's just, we heard the two of you were splitting up, right?"

Catty nodded once cautiously. "Yeah, that's, uh, that's what we heard."

"Yeah, Maggie and I are going through a tough time," Don explained. "It's a separation. Temporary. Sometimes, you know, you grow apart. It's no one's fault."

Catty looked down, sighing.

"And how would you describe the, uh, the issues between you and your wife?" Scarlett asked.

"It's just one of those marital misunderstandings, you know," Don told them.

"No, I'm sorry," Scarlett told him. "I don't."

"It's one of those vague, hard-to-define passages," Don told them.

"She caught you cheating, huh?" Dean asked. "I couldn't help but notice, uh, things were kind of cordial between you and your assistant. Pretty good with the ladies there, Mr. Stark? It's a blessing and a curse, isn't it?"

"Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident woman," Don told them.

Sam looked from Octavia to Catty and Scarlett, sighing, looking at Don. "'Admire'?"

"Okay, look, it's true I had a recent... little thing with a business associate, but that's all it was," Don told them.

"A 'thing'?" Scarlett repeated.

"Yeah," Don answered.

"Like a--like a shoe or a golf club," Octavia told him sarcastically. "Like a waffle iron. Yeah."

Catty smirked barely, looking at Don. "See, Don, uh, wives generally think of an affair as something more than a 'thing'."

"Yes," Don agreed. "And when Maggie found out about it, she needed some time off, temporarily."

"Hmm," Catty hummed. "Now, if we were to guess that the, uh—uh business associate was Wendy Goodson, would we win the weekend trip to Maui?"

"No, her death had nothing to do with the affair," Don told them. "It was over long before her accident."

"If it was an accident," Dean told him.

"You're not implying that Maggie was behind this," Don told them.

"No, we're not implying anything," Sam told him. "We're just saying... you should be careful."

Scarlett nodded. "And take her to dinner. And apologize."

"Yeah, and, uh, grovel," Octavia added. "Wouldn't hurt."

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty, walked out, leaving.



Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked outside.

"Found a bunch of hex junk in their stuff," Sam told them. "Clearly her thing. And the empty closet didn't seem like she was coming back anytime soon."

Catty noticed more dead plants near the front door of the house.

"So, Don admires Wendy, Biblically, Wendy dies weird, and the scored wife is into the dark stuff," Dean told them.

"While Don's just in the dark," Catty told them.

"Hmm," Dean hummed. "It's kind of like 'Bewitched'. You know, Don's Darrin, doesn't even know it. A lot of laughs until, uh, you cheat on your wife."

"A 'Bewitched' reference?" Scarlett asked skeptically. "Really?"

"Catty, Scar, Nicole Kidman was in the remake," Dean told them. "Redhead. Hello!" He looked at Sam. "Bet you would've loved that one, wouldn't you, Sammy? Remind you of Ava?"

Sam turned to see Octavia. Octavia smiled a small smile, twirling a piece of her red hair.

Catty smirked. "Look at all these dead plants."

"Hmm," Scarlett hummed. "It's kind of like the real estate lady's place and Don's statue thing."

"You know, if she's strong enough, just being pissed off is enough to send some pretty bad vibes their way," Sam told them.

Dean pulled out his phone to make a call. "Literally kill off everything around her just by PMS-ing at it. Eeh. That's not creepy at all. Ness, hey, it's Dean. Listen--Winchester. Yeah, very funny. So, we need your kind of Terminix. A Witch. Yeah, we're headed over to her place to get you some more specifics, so if you could just, uh--y--thank y--" He hung up, looking at Sam, Scarlett and Catty. "Ness is on it."

They got into the Impala, driving away.


Leased Home - Outside

Sam opened the trunk of the Impala. A sign outside the house said: For Lease: Furnished Executive Home. Above it, another sign said: Leased.



Catty picked the lock to get inside, which was full of moving boxes, walking upstairs. Scarlett and Dean followed Catty swiftly.



Catty, Scarlett and Dean walked in, going to the closet, finding an altar with Witchcraft materials and photographs of Carl Dunlop, Dewey Stevens and Wendy Goodsoon that had been marked with a symbol in blood. An unmarked picture of Jenny with the name Jennifer Klein and her library member number below it was in the center of the display.

Dean took down the picture of Jenny, picking up her library card. "Don, keep it in your pants, man."

"So, at least we know the next target so we can stop it before she kills her," Catty told them.

Scarlett nodded. "Right."



A car with the license plate Stark 2 pulled into the driveway. Sam tried to make a call.

Recorded message: "All circuits are busy."

Sam closed the trunk of the Impala, walking toward the woman getting out of the car. "Mrs. Stark." He showed her his fake badge. "Could I have a moment?"

"Of course," Maggie answered. "Um, would you mind coming back in, say, a half an hour? It's just a really bad time right now."

"It's very important that I talk to you," Sam told her.

"Of course, and I'm happy to," Maggie told him. "I'm just in the middle of an emergency, so, please, come back. Thank you!"

Maggie walked toward the house. Sam looked around for something to stop her.

Octavia was leaning against Maggie's Car. "Come on, spaz. Have a spaz attack."

Sam realized what she meant, pushing hard on Maggie's Car, setting off the alarm. Maggie turned to look at the car.


Inside - Bedroom

Catty, Scarlett and Dean heard the car alarm going off, closing the closet doors, walking out of the room.



Maggie used her remote to turn off the alarm. Dean, Scarlett and Catty appeared in the second story window behind Maggie.

Sam moved his leg several times to create a further distraction. "I'm sorry, uh... restless leg syndrome."

Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked downstairs, out of the view of the window. Maggie turned around, walking toward the house. Sam couldn't stop her.

Octavia smirked in amusement. "I said spaz attack, not seizure moment."

Sam chuckled. "Ava..."


Inside - Foyer

Dean, Scarlett and Catty were hiding behind different walls. Maggie walked inside, walking past without noticing them, into another room. Dean, Scarlett and Catty snuck out of the front door.



Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked toward Sam.

"Spoiler alert," Scarlett told him, handing Sam the picture of Jenny and the library card they took from the house. "Jenny Klein's next. Swiped her photo off a hex deck, but Maggie's gonna notice it's gone eventually. We got to get over to Jenny's."

They got into the Impala, driving away, leaving.


Inside - Bedroom

Maggie walked in, taking off her jacket. She noticed the closet door was ajar, opening it the rest of the way, seeing that the photo of Jenny and the library card was missing.



Frosted cupcakes were sitting on a tray. Jenny was taking more cupcakes out of the oven.


Leased Home - Bedroom

Maggie took another photograph of Jenny from a box. She used a tack to prick her finger, drawing blood, drawing a symbol on the photograph, over Jenny's face.


Jenny's Apartment

Jenny picked up one of the frosted cupcakes.


Leased Home - Bedroom

Maggie chanted over the altar and Jenny's picture. "Puterea magiei negre te condamna la suferinta si moarte."


Jenny's Apartment

Jenny took a bite of the frosted cupcake. Blood appeared on her lips, running down her arm from the cupcake she was holding. A bleeding heart was beating inside the cupcake. Jenny choked, dropping the cupcake. The heart inside the cupcake continued to beat. Jenny spat blood into the sink, vomiting the blood. There was knocking on the door. Dean kicked in the door, running inside. Scarlett, Sam and Catty followed. Jenny fell to her knees, still choking.

"Find the coin, now!" Catty told them, helping Jenny sit on the floor. Scarlett looked over the cabinets. Dean looked through cupboards. Sam looked through the drawers. "Come on, guys!"

Scarlett found the coin on top of the cabinets, placing it on the counter, drawing her gun, shooting the coin to destroy it and a piece of the counter with it. Sam and Dean cringed back to avoid shrapnel. Catty shielded Jenny. Jenny breathed heavily in relief, no longer choking or dying, fine.


Jenny was on the sofa. Catty, Scarlett, Dean and Sam watched her from near the kitchen.

Jenny was in shock. "They were tiny beating hearts in my cupcakes. There were hearts in my cupcakes. Hearts in my cupcakes!" She became hysterical. "That's never happened before! Hearts in my cupcakes!"

Octavia appeared next to Sam. "You think slapping her will help her deal with this sooner? You know, break her out of this phase?"

"Give it a second," Sam told her.

Jenny was becoming more hysterical, but didn't say anything, breathing heavily and rapidly.

"I still think you should slap her," Octavia told him.

Sam gave Octavia a halfhearted look. "Ava."

Jenny calmed down, looking at Catty, Scarlett, Dean and Sam. "Oh, my God. What just happened?"

"You were hexed," Scarlett answered.

"Hexed?" Jenny repeated. "Who are you people? What the hell do I do?"

"What you do is you go in there and you pack a bag, you get in your car, and you go," Dean answered.

"Go where?" Jenny asked.

"It doesn't matter," Catty told her. "Look, 500 or 600 miles ought to do it."

Scarlett nodded in agreement. "You got someone real powerful real pissed, and they're trying to get rid of you now. In line with that, you might want to cool things with Don Stark."

"Don Stark?" Jenny repeated. "What are you talking about?"

"You and Don," Dean told her. "You know."

"'You know'?" Jenny repeated. "There's no 'you know'."

"No?" Scarlett asked.

"Don Stark is my boss," Jenny told them. "That's it. He's married, for God's sake."

"Yeah, well..." Catty trailed off.

"Me and Don Stark," Jenny told them. "Ew."


Art Auction Building

The building was being set up for the art auction. There were tables with white clothes over them evenly spaced out in groups. The chairs also were white with gold ribbons tied around them. Caterers and other staff were preparing for the auction.

Maggie looked at one of the movers. "What are you doing? Bunch these tables more in the middle. Give me more air between paintings."

A woman walked toward Maggie. "Hey. Maggie, can you sign for the flowers? I've checked them. They're fine."

Maggie took the clipboard from the woman. "Thank you, Sue. What would I do without you?"

"Oh, please," Sue told her. "I like helping. What are best friends for?"

"It's just been so tough to focus with Don, the whole mess," Maggie told her.

"It's like he put a knife right in your heart, isn't it?" Sue asked.

"Yes," Maggie answered.

"Was I wrong to tell you about him and Wendy?" Sue asked.

"No," Maggie answered. "No. You think I'd want you to stand by and watch him make a fool of me? I love you for what you did."

"I love you, too," Sue told her.

Maggie looked at one of the movers who was putting a painting on a wall. "No, no, no. The still life doesn't go there. It goes on the left side."

Maggie walked off, leaving.

Sue looked at one of the staff. "So, uh, we're gonna need, uh, one centerpiece on each of the tables and two at the back." The man walked away, leaving. Don walked in. Sue looked at him with distaste. "Don."

"Where's my wife?" Don asked.

"You mean the one who's divorcing you?" Sue asked.

"Sue, I know you can hardly wait until I'm out of the picture," Don told her. Maggie walked into earshot. "And I know it's been a thrill whispering lies into Maggie's ear--"

"Oh, but they weren't lies, were they, Don?" Sue asked.

"I made one mistake," Don told her. "One."

"I sincerely doubt that," Sue told him.

"This is between Maggie and me," Don told her. "It has nothing to do with you."

"What do you want, Don?" Maggie asked.

"I'd like to speak with you," Don answered.

Maggie nodded to Sue. Sue walked away, leaving.

Maggie looked at Don. "Make it quick."

"Okay, you know what, Maggie?" Don asked. "I think I've been patient. And you've had your fun. It was very creative, the thing with Wendy, but, you know, enough is enough."

"No, Don, enough is not enough," Maggie told him. "Not even close."

"What do you want, my oysters on a tray?" Don asked.

"Well, now that you mention it--" Maggie started.

"The fact is, none of this was my fault," Don told her. "Maybe if you'd been around a little more. But between the art and the charity and that evil bitch Sue, I was edged right out of your life."

"Oh, boo-hoo, Mr. Big Shot," Maggie told him. "Mr. 'I got to put my name on every public works in town'." Don made a protesting noise. "There was three of us in this marriage. Me, you and your ego. That was the problem, Don. So, excuse me. I have a charity event to arrange."

Maggie started to walk away.

"Four FBI Agents came by, asking questions," Don told her.

Maggie stopped, turning to face Don. "Hunters, sweetheart. That's what they are." Don raised his eyebrows slightly. "Oh, I can see you're terribly concerned for my safety, but don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"Maggie, this stops," Don told her. "You hear me? As of now."

Don walked out, leaving.

Maggie smirked. "You're so cute when you try to tell me what to do."

Maggie turned around, walking away.



Don walked out of the building, looking at the dead plants around the base of his bust. The Impala pulled up. The bust started to shake, the head cracking into two, the face falling to the ground. Maggie watched from a window. Don glared toward Maggie, getting into his car.


The Impala

Dean was sitting in the driver's seat. Sam was sitting in the passenger seat. Catty, Scarlett and Octavia were in the backseat.

"Now, she's just getting nasty," Octavia told them. "Killing the girlfriend is one thing, but his commemorative bust? That's got to hurt."

"She'll take the whole town out," Scarlett told them. "She don't care who gets in the way."

Dean's phone rang. He answered. "Hey, Ness. What do you got? Yeah? You think it'll take her out? All right. No, I don't need to write it down. I'll remember. Go ahead. Mm-hmm. The--Wait. Hang on. Hang on." He gestured to Sam, Scarlett and Catty. "Yeah? Wait. Wa--ho--ho--hold on. Hold on. Hold on." Catty handed over a diner menu and a pen. "Okay, what was the, uh--what was that last one? Right. Uh-huh. I'll remember, Ness. It's fine."


Night - Art Auction Building

Maggie was at the podium, in an evening dress. "Hello, everyone, and thanks for coming. Most of you know that philanthropy and art are my two passions, but what we've--" No one was at the auction yet, revealing Maggie was just practicing her speech. Maggie looked at a caterer. "Not there! Where is the ice? People will be here in seconds. What we've assembled here tonight may be my crowning achievement, not to be immodest."

Sue was also in an evening dress, clapping. "See? I told you. Everything's perfect."

"Yeah, you--you just reminded me," Maggie told him. "I have to check on the finger sandwiches."

Maggie walked away, leaving Sue slightly confused.


Motel Room

Catty and Scarlett walked into the motel room with a bag of food, wearing normal clothing.

Dean was sitting at the table next to the window, wearing normal clothing. "You get pie?" Catty reached into the bag, pulling out pie with tons of whipped cream. Dean smiled, laughing. "Oh. This is why I should always send you two on food runs. You never forget the pie."

Catty put the pie on the table, walking toward the bed, sitting down. "Have at it."

Dean opened the pie, grabbing a fork, digging in. Sam walked in, wearing normal clothing, setting a plastic bag down right next to the pie.

Scarlett groaned. "That is--"

Sam sat down on the other bed. "Chicken feet, just like Ness' recipe calls for. Butcher's fridge is down."

"I can smell that," Scarlett told them.

"Uh, says the power's been wonky and that he's lost so much product, he probably won't make rent," Sam told them. "Ditto every shop on the block. Nothing but burst pipes and blackouts."

"Huh," Dean told them.

"He says it's like all of a sudden, the town ran out of luck," Sam told them.

"So, coincidence, right?" Dean asked sarcastically, picking up the bag of chicken feet, walking toward them.

"Uh..." Sam trailed off. "Yeah. We're past the point of dead flowers."

"What can I say?" Octavia asked. "I guess the Witch is pissed."

Catty sighed. "All right, let's, uh, we better get a move on here."

"Why don't you just..." Dean trailed off, holding the bag out at arm's length. "C--can you take the feet?"

Sam held out a bowl. Dean dropped the bag into the bowl. Catty and Scarlett groaned at the smell.


Art Auction Building - Outside - Don's Car

Don pulled up in front of the building in his car.



(Song) Alegretto - Opus 1 Music

Maggie walked toward Sue, holding drinks. "To us. I couldn't have done it without you."

Sue took her drink from Maggie, clinking their glasses together. "To us."

Sue took the skewer out of her drink, seeing an olive and an eyeball, screaming, dropping her glass, making it shatter on the floor.


Outside - Don's Car

Don could hear Sue screaming, smirking.



Sue looked at the olive and the eyeball on the floor. "That is disgusting!"

Maggie looked around. "No." The paint on the paintings hung around the room started to run. "No. Not my paintings."

"Maggie?" Sue asked. "What is going on?"

"He did this," Maggie told her. "How could he? He knew what this meant to me."

"Do you mean Don?" Sue asked. "Don rigged all this?"

"Yes!" Maggie answered.

"But how?" Sue asked.

"Just trust me," Maggie told her. "He wants to hurt me."

"I told you," Sue told her. "He's a dick. But we'll get through this because you have people who love you, and he can't take that away from you."

A silver platter levitated from a table, sailing through the air, decapitating Sue, killing her, making her headless body fall to the floor. Maggie took a deep breath of anger.


Outside - Don's Car

Don smiled, driving away, leaving.


Art Auction Building

Maggie looked up from Sue's body. "Fine, Donald. It's war."

(End of Song)



The Impala pulled up to the housing art auction building to see flashing police and ambulance lights.

"What the hell?" Catty asked.

They got out of the car.



Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked up to the door, showing badges to a police officer, walking inside, seeing a pool of blood and a covered body.

"Whoa," Octavia told them. "Clean-up on aisle 7."

Sam looked around at all of the ruined paintings and ruined furniture and items. "Okay, I don't guess she'd do this to her own auction."

"No, obviously it was someone who hated her guts and wanted her party trashed," Scarlett told them. "Don Stark."



Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked outside.

"So, the mister's a Witch himself," Catty told them. "That means we got not just one pissed off Witch, we've got two. It's full-on 'War of the Roses'."

"'Bewitched' just got a lot less funny," Sam told them.

"It's like when they switched Darrins," Dean told them.

They got into the Impala, driving away. The Leviathan man was sitting in his car, watching them go.


Stark House - Outside - The Impala

Dean was sitting in the driver's seat. Catty was sitting in the passenger seat. Sam and Scarlett were sitting in the backseat.

Scarlett sighed. "Where is she?"

"She'll be here," Catty told them. "They've been throwing thunderbolts at each other's favorite toys. There's nothing left to destroy but each other. This is basically ground zero."

"I hope so," Sam told them. "We're gonna need them both in the same place if we're gonna take them down."

Maggie's Car pulled up.

Dean leaned down in the driver seat so as not to be seen. "Screens up, Captain."

Catty leaned down in the passenger seat. "Yep."

Sam and Scarlett leaned down in the backseat. Sam was leaning down to the side because of being so much taller and having to hide himself more than the others, his head ending up in Octavia's lap, looking up at her.

Octavia smiled, looking down at Sam. "Hi."



(Song) Murmures de la Seine, Nocturn in E-flat, Opus 9 No. 2 - Frederic Chopin

Maggie walked in angrily.

Don was sitting in an armchair, drink in hand. "Want one, sweetie?"

"Shove it," Maggie told him. "We are so having it out right now."

They heard the door open, looking toward Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty.

Dean was carrying the bowl. "Furor divina virtute in infernum eam detrude!"

Sam stroke a match, dropping it into the bowl, making it catch fire. White smoke and steam rose. When it faded, they saw that Don and Maggie were fine.

"Let me guess," Maggie told them. "Chicken feet? Not chilled?"

"For obvious reasons, you won't be leaving this room," Don told them, putting down his glass, standing. "Well, you will be leaving. Just not alive. Maggie?"

Don and Maggie raised their arms toward Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty, chanting. "Puterea magiei negre..."

Sam looked at Dean, Scarlett and Catty. "Okay, Plan B."

"What's Plan B?" Scarlett asked.

"Talking," Sam answered.

"Now?" Catty asked skeptically. "Really?"

"This is obviously a domestic dispute," Sam told them. "So if you can't kill them, counsel them."

"Yeah," Dean told them. "You know what? Not my area. You know, that's Ness' area, and if you hadn't noticed, Ness is not here."

Don and Maggie continued. "Supune-te ordinelor mele--"

Scarlett took the bowl from Dean. "Okay, okay, okay. Uh...." She put the bowl down on a chair. "Look, obviously, you two are capable of wiping each other out, right? But you haven't, huh?"

Catty stepped closer. "Which means that you two, you still value whatever it is you got. A--and you want keep that dance going. Maybe it's--maybe it's punishment. Look, what we're trying to say is that--is that you two--whatever it is you have, you're bonded."

"Are you out of your minds?" Maggie asked. "He cheated on me. Humiliated me."

"He did?" Scarlett asked in shock.

"Yes," Maggie answered.

"We're not trying to say what Don did was right," Sam told her. "When a relationship cracks, usually both parties have a hand in it."

"Indeed," Don agreed.

Maggie glared at Sam. "You're defending him?"

Maggie raised an arm toward Sam, using magic to make him fall to the floor in pain.

"Whoa!" Catty told her. "Okay, okay. Okay, look, nobody can defend Don. Right?"

"Uh, totally," Scarlett agreed. "But, uh, we get that you feel betrayed. Because you were."

"Don't suck up to her," Don told them, raising a hand toward Catty and Scarlett, using magic to push them into a glass door, making them shatter and the sisters fall to the floor.

"I was betrayed by all of them," Maggie told him. "Carl introduced you to Wendy. Dewey covered for you. Wendy did you!"

"Okay, okay, look," Dean told them. "I got to say I--I don't think Don was lying when he said he regrets the whole Wendy thing."

"'Thing'?" Maggie repeated. "Sit down."

Maggie raised her arm toward Dean, using magic to cause him pain and make him fall to the floor.

Octavia was standing nearby the door, arms crossed over her chest, chuckling in amusement. "It's affair, jackass, not 'thing'." She looked at Sam. "Is it bad that I'm actually enjoying all of this a little bit too much?" Sam was still on the floor, giving Octavia a pained look. Octavia shook her head. "No, it's not bad. It's terrible. I'm a terrible hallucination. I'm very, very bad. But I can live with that."

Sam and Dean rolled on the floor in pain.

Maggie looked at Don. "I think the only thing he regrets is getting caught."

"Wendy was nothing to me," Don told her. "It was over as soon as it started."

"She was part of a pattern, okay?" Maggie asked. "I've had 800 years of this. Do not make me bring up the Renaissance!"

"Oh," Don told her sarcastically. "Oh, you're one to talk. 1492 ring any bells?"

"The man was about to set sail!" Maggie told him in defense. "He could possibly fall off of the edge of the earth. I took pity. So, what's your excuse?"

"I told you, nothing happened with the Medici chick!" Don told her. "You've always been insanely jealous."

"Oh, I wonder why," Maggie told him sarcastically. "Jenny. Wendy."

"Jenny?" Don repeated. "Nothing happened with Jenny. She's just my assistant."

Catty stood, standing in the doorway. "That's true. She, uh, she told us. Just an assistant." Maggie raised her arm toward Catty, using magic to push her to the floor. "Whoa."

Maggie looked at Don. "Is that true?"

"Yes, I swear it, babe," Don answered. "I would never. I made a mistake. I'm sorry, Maggie."

Scarlett, Sam and Dean stood.

"See?" Sam asked. "See? Guys, guys... You're talking." Catty stood, leaning against the doorway. "All these years, you--you--you buried your anger and your disappointment till it tore you apart. All you needed to do was talk."

"And I would have missed the nuking that my melon just took," Dean told them. "Well, who wants that?"

Maggie raised an arm toward Dean, using magic to push him into the wall. Don raised an arm toward Dean, using magic to make bees surround Dean's head.

"Nice touch," Octavia told them.

Dean inhaled, spitting out a bee. Octavia laughed.

Don looked toward Catty and Scarlett, looking at Maggie. "They're right. I couldn't kill you. All I ever wanted is you, Mags. I've been crushing on you since forever. You're the woman that I want to never grow old with."

"I could never murder you, either, Don," Maggie told him. "It's crazy... but true."

Maggie smiled, kissing Don.

"Somebody want to call these things off?" Dean asked. No one answered. "Ex--Excuse me!"

Octavia laughed.

(End of Song)


Motel Room

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked into the motel room, turning on the light. Dean took out his flask, drinking. Catty raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, give me a break," Dean told her.

"I didn't say anything," Catty told him.

"It's been a long day," Dean told them.

They heard the Leviathan man's voice behind them. "And it's not over yet." They turned to face the Leviathan. Catty instantly drew her gun, aiming at the Leviathan. "Hi, Sam. Hi, Dean. Hi, Catty. Hi, Scarlett."

"Do we know you?" Sam asked.

"Well, I definitely know you," the Leviathan told them. He looked at Catty and Scarlett. "You're the girls my people want." He looked from Sam to Dean. "And you're the dead guys. Well, you will be in a minute." He stepped forward. Catty shot him in the chest. Black liquid bled from his chest, the bullet popping out. "Sorry. You're a bit outmatched." The Leviathan punched Dean, making him fall to the floor, turning to Sam, kicking him away, into the wall, making him fall to the floor, turning to Catty and Scarlett. Catty shot him in the chest, but obviously it didn't have any effect. The Leviathan hit the gun out of Catty's hands, gripping both her and Scarlett by the throat. "Now, that tickled."

The Leviathan suddenly let go, falling to the floor, electrocuted. Don was standing behind him in the doorway. Sam and Dean stood. Catty and Scarlett tried to catch their breath, sighing in relief.

Scarlett smirked. "Don. Well, thank you. We owe you."

Don walked in, looking at the Leviathan. "Good God. What is that thing?"

"Say hello to a Leviathan," Catty told him.

"Well, I call them Levis," Scarlett told him. "I'm getting them and our friends to call them Levis."

"Leviathan?" Don repeated. "Levis? How the hell are you supposed to kill that thing?"

"I guess we should be figuring that out," Sam told them.

"It is on our to-do list," Dean told them.

"You know, find a bottomless pit and drop it in," Don told them. "Spell only lasts for a few days."

Don walked toward the beds, feeling around under a mattress.

"Uh, what are you even doing here?" Sam asked.

"Apparently, saving your lives, twice," Don answered, holding up a coin for them to see. "Got it."

"Maggie?" Sam asked. "Seriously?"

Don felt around under the other mattress.

"She was gonna kill us?" Dean asked. "We just saved your damn marriage."

Don held up a second coin, seeing the double doors, walking into the girls' side, feeling underneath Catty's mattress. "Yeah, but to be fair, you also tried to kill her." He held up the third coin, finding the fourth coin underneath Scarlett's mattress, walking toward them. "You know how she is when she gets a bug up her ass. Got to love her, right?" Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty didn't answer. "Right. Bottomless pit. Ciao!"

Don walked out of the room, leaving, closing the door behind him. Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty exchanged a look.


Whitefish, Montana

Rufus' Cabin - Basement

Sam and Dean put the Leviathan man into a chair, chaining him down. The Leviathan man was still unconscious.

Dean turned to face Bobby. "Well, it's a good thing that you have this place to put him, Bobby."

"Yeah, well, now all that we need to do is figure out what the hell can hurt them, and hopefully kill them," Bobby told them.

"Right," Sam agreed. "Yeah, that would be helpful." He looked around in confusion. "Dean? Where are Scar, Catty and Ness?"

"Where do you think?" Dean asked.

Sam looked at Dean. Dean raised his eyebrows slightly.



Catty's Mustang, the Impala and Ness' Car were parked outside. Catty and Scarlett were sitting on the hood of Catty's Mustang, drinking, looking into the night sky above them. Catty's gaze was moving around as if she was counting the stars. Ness walked closer, leaning against the car next to Catty and Scarlett. Catty offered Ness the bottle. Ness took it, taking a drink.

Scarlett sighed. "Let me guess. It's Ness talk time?"

"It's Ness talk time," Ness answered. "My special talks for you and Cat, Scar, and Dean, and sometimes even Sammy."

Catty shook her head barely. "Then I'll pass, thanks."

Catty stood, starting to walk away.

Ness grabbed her arm to stop her. "Catty."

Catty sighed, sitting back down on the hood. "Ness, I am so very, very, very, very... very, very tired--"

"Cat, Scar, like it or not, the stuff you don't talk about doesn't just go away," Ness told them. "It builds up, and it ends up exploding at some point or another. Cat, you're proof of that. Do you want what happened to you last year happen to you this year?"

"No, of course not," Catty answered.

"Scar, Catty, it's fine," Ness told her. "I know you can't talk about these things with Sam and Dean, but I am not your brothers. I am me, and you know me. You can unload. That's kind of what I'm here for."

"If I said I'm good, will you let it go?" Catty asked.

"No," Ness answered. "Because I know that's crap."

Scarlett sighed. "Ness, you really should've been there with Don and Maggie. The things that Sam, Dean, Catty and I said to them... It's something that you would've said. But I know you. I know that you would've come up with better and bigger things to talk about to get them to calm down and... just move on from the killing. I know you could've done it without being bashed around by magic, too, because I know that you wouldn't have pissed them off while you were at it." Ness looked at them. Scarlett sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know, Ness. I don't know what to do or how to deal with this. Not like you do, Cat."

"Well, like Dean said, Scar, don't develop my grieving methods, because mine became explosive," Catty told her.

"Because of Zane, Crowley and Balthazar," Scarlett replied. "You're handling Cas, Ava and Los being gone better than you handled Brett being gone because you weren't dosed up with some kind of poison that they wanted you to be dosed up with."

"Well, believe it or not, Scar, you're doing better with dealing than you think," Ness told her. "But neither of you are handling it, because drinking days away and lying about nightmares you've both been having isn't handling it."

"We lied to Sam and Dean about the nightmares, but Scar and I talked about it," Catty replied.

"Ha, smartass," Ness told her sarcastically. They barely managed small smiles. Ness took Catty and Scarlett's hands. "You know that I'm more of a sister to you than a friend, and you know that you can tell me anything. So just... let it out."

Catty and Scarlett gazed off into space, thinking, knowing Ness was right, looking at each other sadly. Ness looked at them with sadness, sympathy and concern, wrapping an arm around either of them. Catty and Scarlett leaned their heads against Ness' shoulders, wrapping their arms around her so the three girls could be in an embrace, and even while all of them were going through hell in their own way, they were there to be there for each other.

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