Ghost Rider Academia

By ChannelAMC2000

138K 1.7K 1.3K

This is my first fanfic so don't be so harsh. Kai Cobra is a 16 year old boy who has been in and out of town... More

Life in Gotham
Tour guide around Japan
Entrance Exams
First Day at UA
The Truth
Class 1a vs The Spirit of Vengeance Part 1
Class 1a vs The Spirit of Vengeance Part 2: Enter Blackheart
Class 1a vs The Spirit of Vengeance Part 3: Ghost Rider VS Blackheart
1k Reads/Announcement
Attack on the U.S.J
Aftermath (Season Finale)
Something Special(Please Read)
S1.5: Family Visit
S1.5: Date
S2: The Principal's Office
S2: Declaration of War
Face Reveal
S2: Training Partners
I got tagged... again
S2: Last day of Training(Collab with flamebaron20)
Opening 2
S2: The UA Sports Festival begins
S2: Kai's "Speech"
S2: Race Pt 1
Vote(I need help)
I live.

S2: Training of Death(Collab with flamebaron20)

1.6K 22 65
By ChannelAMC2000

Kai's POV

2 weeks...

We have to do 'this' for 2 F***ING WEEKS!
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Izuku and I have 2 weeks to prepare for the Sports Festival. And guess who's training us.
... it's Barbara.

Her training is a NIGHTMARE for those who aren't physically and/or mentally prepared.

For 2 weeks, we have to do at least 150 push-ups on Monday, Do 150 sit-ups on Tuesday, 150 squats on Wednesday, a 15 kilometer run on Thursday, and then on Friday... she makes us do parkour... WHILE BLINDFOLDED! All while wearing weighted wrist bands, weighted boots, and a weighted shirt. Do you know how much each piece weighs? a quarter of a ton. That's 1.25 tons in total, which is equal to 2,500 POUNDS! LIKE, WHAT THE F**K?!


But anyways, right now Izuku and I are in the middle of our exercise. We both are at 50 push-ups and still going, even though we both are nearly out of breath.


Izuku: "Isn't this... a bit... overkill?!"


Kai: "Already regretting this."


Once we finished the exercise, we were able to catch our breaths. Izuku looked like he wanted to be put out of his misery from just that one exercise alone. And while I was fairing a little better, I was still very much exhausted. It's been a while since Barbara actually put me through this training, but I've been through it enough times to be able to keep a lot of my energy stored in my body. Even after I stopped doing this 2 years ago, I can still survive this Training of Death. Izuku, on the other hand, might end up wishing he was dead by the time we're finished with this.

Barbara: "Okay, now that we finished that exercise, let's do something else."

Izuku: "Oh thank go-"

He didn't get to finish as Barbara hit him with a right hook. He lost balance and fell back onto the ground.

Izuku: "Ow!"

Barbara: "C'mon, get up and fight!"

Izuku: "But, didn't we just finish-"

He was cut of again by Barbara kicking him in the chin.

Barbara: "I don't wanna hear your excuses, now Fight!"

I was about to laugh until Barbara straight up kicked me the stomach.

Kai: "Oooooh my stomach."

Barbara: "C'mon, you've gotta be faster than that! Now stand up and fight!"

Kai: "...I hate it when she gets like."



It's the next day and already we've started our exercise.


Kai: "We're already doing that."


Izuku: "Yes ma'am."



Now I know you might be wondering why I skipped the description for Wednesday. Well that's because it's 150 squats, so I think you guys can take a guess as to what exactly happened.

But even so, the 15k run was already a pain in the ass. While running, Barbara kept yelling at the both of us. That kept drawing a lot of people's attention and they were eyeing us strangely. She didn't care though.


Izuku: "So... much... running."

Kai: "Well... you'll get used to it."

Hopefully, that is.



This is it. The mother load. The worst one of them all.

Izuku: "Well, it looks like I was wrong. Your sister isn't crazy, Kai... She's BATSH*T INSANE!"

Kai: "You're telling me."

Barbara: "Oh quit your wining! This training is supposed to build your senses up, as well as your strength."

????: "Well, you're not entirely wrong. This training can help you become more aware of your surroundings without needing to use your eyes. But you're gonna have to work a little harder since you're human."

I look towards the direction of the voice and see that it's none other than Lucas. You must be wondering who exactly he is. Well long story short, Lucas is a Ghost Rider just like me. Except he's from another universe, one where there's magic. (A/N: Read the Rider from Fairy Tail by flamebaron20)

Kai: "And where have you been exactly?"

Lucas: "Oh you know, just hanging around, trying to make sense of this world, getting your training set up for the weekend, and purging evil souls to hell. *thumbs up* you know, the usual."

We all just stared at him blankly. He's been doing this a lot in our world. Only 5 days he's been here, and he's purged about 50 different souls. While I don't mind it much, the pros didn't take it very lightly. THANKFULLY, Barbara and Lucas were able to convince them that it wasn't me and that it was someone else with a dangerous fire quirk. But we had to tell Lucas to stop going around killing people, even if they're criminals.

Kai: "*sigh* Yeah, the usual I guess."

Barbara: "Didn't we tell you to stop purging souls?"

Lucas: "Yes, but I only agreed to tone it done, as well as make sure to not kill most of them. And I did."

Barbara: "... smug prick."

Izuku: "Uh can we get back to the training and get this over with?"

Barbara: "Yeah, that's a good idea. START!"

Izuku and I make a sprint after hearing her yell. We both jumped and tried to make it to the next building... with little success.

We both fell in between the buildings into an alleyway. Once we landed, I could hear my back breaking. And then I heard someone speak to me.

????: "Wow, you suck at blind parkour."

Kai: "Urgh... Shut Up!


(Time 8:27 pm)

Barbara: "Okay, I think that's enough training for today. You both can have the weekends off if you want."

Izuku: "Oh thank goodness."

Barbara: "AND... next week, I'll try to go a little easy on you. And Izuku, if it's alright with you, I want you to come over again so we can discuss your power.

Izuku: "O-Okay. Thank you, Barbara."

Barbara: "No problem."

Izuku waves us goodbye as the training ends today, for now that is.

Barbara: "But YOU, little brother, I'm gonna make sure to go a lot harder on you now."

Kai: "Oh that's just not fair!"

Barbara: "That's your punishment for slacking off for 2 years. For now though, go ahead and rest."

Lucas: "Yeah, you're gonna have to prepare yourself for tomorrow. What I'm gonna teach you is gonna make you a whole lot stronger."

Kai(with sarcasm): "Great, can't wait."

Lucas seemed to brush off the sarcasm. With my training done for now, I'm just gonna go to bed.

As I lay down, the spirit of vengeance talks to me again.

????: "You ready for tomorrow?"

Kai: "I suppose. I just wish my back wasn't so sore."

????: "Well watch your step next time"

Kai: "Piss off."

????: "Can't."

Kai: "*sighs in annoyance* Hey listen, I know you said to call you the Rider, but I don't feel right about calling you that now that I know you used to be human."(A/N: Again, read the rider of fairy tail to get an understanding)

????: "Well I don't remember my real name, so you're gonna have to come up with one if that's what you want."

Kai: "How about Sol?"

????: "Sol?"

Kai: "Yeah. You know, since you were once human and now you're a spirit, it's almost like I have another soul inside me. What do you think?"

????: "... Sol it is."

Kai: "Okay then."

I simply lay on my bed trying to find sleep, only to not find it. I decided to ask Sol a question that was bugging me.

Kai: "Hey Sol."

Sol: "Hm?"

Kai: "Why exactly did you try to trick me? I mean, I know you're a Spirit of Vengeance and all, and you've essentially suffered for God knows how many years; but if you could talk to me all this time, why didn't you? Why did you try to take control of me?"

There was a long silence.

Sol: "Honestly, I didn't really think about it much. I just wanted to take vengeance on those that did wrong. And with you suppressing me, it was just making me angry. I couldn't really see reason. But thanks to your 'friend' from another universe, I guess it worked out okay."

Kai: "Oh... I see."

Sol: "But honestly even then, I could've just tried harder to take control, other than doing the things I did."

Kai: "Wait, if that's the case... then why didn't you?"

Sol: "You weren't the first person I was 'cursed' onto. There were people before you. People who despised me. So much so, they were willing to do the devil's bidding to get rid of me. I hated them. So much so that I completely took them over after they completed their deed, which of course means I killed them before Mephisto could take me back. But you... you were different somehow. Even though there was a part of you that wanted to get rid of me, you wouldn't do it. When you were given the opportunity by Mephisto to give me back to him when he asked you to take down his son, you rejected his deal. Even if it meant being free of the spirit of vengeance, you wouldn't do it. It made me confused, but also... at ease I guess. It made me respect you a bit. It was nice to see someone strong enough to refuse Satan... Not a whole lot of people do that."

I was surprised to hear that the Spirit of Vengeance respected me. Now I feel kind of bad for calling him a curse, even though that's technically what he is at this point. A small smile crept on my face.

Kai: "Well... thanks for not taking me over."

Sol: "No problem... thanks for not completely rejecting me."

Kai: "... Sure thing"

And with that, I eyelids slid shut, and I drift off to sleep.

Kai: "Tomorrow's another day."

End of S2: Training of Death

A/N: SURPRISE! This ended up being a bit of a colab chapter. I wanna thank flamebaron20 for allowing me to use his OC for this chapter. If you wanna see how the training goes, go ahead and read both of our books(Ghost Rider Academia, and the rider of fairy tail). Also wanna thank PlusUltraShadow and jekyll8623 for the training suggestions. Anyways, thank you guys for reading; and as always, I will see you in the next chapter. Peace.

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