Hello Hurricane {English Tran...

By zaara91

4.1K 292 18

(Domen Prevc x Daniel AndrΓ© Tande, Four Hills Tournament 2016/17) They are young, popular, celebrating one su... More

1. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
2. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
3. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
4. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
5. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
6. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
7. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
8. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
9. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
10. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
11. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
12. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
13. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
14. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
15. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
16. Peter / Anders - Garmisch-Partenkirchen- Day of competition
17. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
18. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
19. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
20. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
21. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
22. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
23. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
24. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
25. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
27. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of competition
28. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of competition
29. Domen - Bischofshofen
30. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
31. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
32. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
33. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
34. Peter / Anders - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
35. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
36. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
37. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
38. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

26. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification

89 7 0
By zaara91

Absently, Daniel stood in the middle room. Classical music was playing quietly in the background. Impassively dull murmurs drifted past him, as did many faces creeping around him deliberately. Photos were shot, voices were caught. Everyone was having fun.

After all the sleepless nights, the doubts and the trouble I had because of you? After all the nerves and the overcoming? Confrontating with something out of norm.

It didn't matter how hard he tried. The stigma of abnormal stuck to his soles as stubbornly as tar. Left treacherous traces no matter how far he was running. Made all his attempts to niece. Made him realize he couldn't escape. And if he tried to take on the role of Ola Nordmann, everything only got worse. Domen would never have wanting to become friends, if he dropped the mask from the start. Then Daniel's biggest concern would be the tournament and maybe Silje would have been with Anders on the way to the sunset and his best friend would still talk to him.

Domen had brought him back from his dream world. With punches directly into his heart. After all the sleepless nights, the doubts and the trouble I had because of you? After all the nerves and the overcoming? Domen brought San back. Then become normal. Do therapy, because that, Danny, is sick.

Daniel turned away from the center of the room to the buffet. He was pretending to have a goal in mind because he was afraid to look lost. Indifferently, he let his gaze wander over the neatly arranged appetizers in a Christmas setting. Christmas. He had laughed with his mother, had dreamed of a Domen now and then, who had been too beautiful to be true.

"That's what I call fate! Finally, we get to know each other! " A hand enthusiastically pushed itself into his field of vision, which was dressed in a dark turquoise-green fabric with silver edging.

"The joy is on my side," Daniel react to the chocolate mousse in front of him without looking up and seized the offered hand, which surely belonged to one of the numerous journalists. He really hoped that this event would be over soon.

"That's not to be overlooked," the stranger said in a unidentifiable tone, making the Norwegian look up. Attentive gray-blue eyes looked at him confidently behind some glasses.

"Andrej Kos. Glad to meet you! After hearing so much about you from your mother, " The Slovenian shook his hand effusively as Daniel's eyes were deflected by an overweight man in the background. More precisely from the corners of his mouth, which the journalist frowned up disapprovingly, while looking at Andrej. The dark green fabric belonged to a kind of tunic. Andrej would have fitted perfectly in every oriental bazaar.

"Delicious these tartlets, eh?" Andrej, who had followed Daniel's distracted look, didn't seem very impressed.

Dumbfounded and obviously more than surprised to even have been addressed, the press man's mouth opened and closed without making any sound, reminding Daniel of a fish on the dry land.

"Sure," it finally sounded dismissive. Demonstratively, the reporter leaned over the buffet, away from Andrej to reach for one of the last two remaining tartlets on the tray in front of him. But the hand of the Slovenian was faster. Under the disbelieving looks of Daniel and the star-gazing murder threats of the scribe, Andrej coldly snatched the last tarts and put them into his mouth.

"You really missed something, if you didn't taste them" The Slovenian licked his fingers, as if nothing had happened. As if the reporter wasn't standing next to him, wishing Andrej to hell.

"Well, successful evening, don't you think?"

Dazed at the sudden change of subject, Daniel didn't know what to say or do. "Um ... yes. I mean, it seems to have gone well, "he stammered speechless, still trying to process what he had just experienced. "What ... um ... why? I mean..."

Andrej shrugged calmly, as if a vulture hadn't been working on his bowels. Daniel had always felt that way. He had known the reporter's derogatory gaze too well. Glances, which asked, with which authority he was actually on this world. Glances that bespoke that he was on the popularity scale under annoying insects. Vigilantly, Andrej looked at him. Embarrassed Daniel avoided him, scratching his head because he didn't know what else to do as an excuse to escape, and looked around the room. More stealthy looks. Today, the past seemed to come alive. To calm himself, he grabbed one of those cupcakes right in front of him and dedicated his entire attention to it. Everything was okay. Nothing unusual. Nobody knew it.

"I seem to be much talked of, eh?" Andrej chuckled, following the Norwegian's eyes. "Attack is still the best defense. And by far the most amusing. You just mustn't leave the game to them, "he replied, as if he knew exactly what was going on in Daniel's mind.

"But they're making the game. That won't change anything." Daniel mumbled tired at his cupcake. That's why he felt so powerless. This feeling of fighting windmills. He didn't understand why it seems different for Andrej. Why he still was laughing. Maybe because Andrei had chosen it? He obviously loved the role of the colorful bird of paradise that blasted the entire black and white movie. Andrej could choose it. Andrej had chosen it. Daniel couldn't. Never had the choice. No chance to escape the nightmare. Domen proved it once more.

"And honestly, who wants a tealight life? "

"Tea light life?" -

"Well, always staying in your comfort zone. Never looking beyond the pretty shiny silver bowl. The same bleak yellow flame every minute until the wax burns down. That's boring, "Andrej said and demonstratively blew the candles on the table in front of them. One after the other. The black looks of the hotel staff Andrej simply smiled away, while Daniel had to resist the urge not to bring a few feet between them.

"It's better to be firework," Andrej continued. "Colorful, loud, distinctive and leaving with a bang. Just the XXL Long Life variant. "Andrej asked with disturbing urgency before puting another piece of cake into his mouth.

Thoughtfully Daniel stared at the Slovenian mental coach, who suddenly turned away, developing big interest in the arrangement and candles on the buffet. He muttered something about bad chi in the room, which led Daniel to wonder if Andrej's brain hadn't been exposed to the smoke of incense sticks too often before. Fireworks ... such a nonsense!

Lost in thought he took another cupcake. Besides, he wasn't afraid of life. He was just careful. For him, a lot depended on a pure-blooded vest.

"If you don't want to chew, then you'd better take some of the chocolate mousse instead of massaging that poor little cupcake," Suddenly Silje stood in front of him staring at his hand. Andrej was gone. "Honestly, aren't none of you guys able to eat anymore? Tom has just throw grapes into Halvor's mouth."

Involuntarily Daniel had to grin. "Table manners are totally overrated."

"Sadly, you're right. The press has enthusiastically documented everything for eternity. If Alex sees this tomorrow, my dad will have to inject him with high-dose valerian tablets again. " The Blonde shook her head in amusement and stared at the two who were actually standing around a table with several journalists. "But honestly, I don't think your sticky-nasty chatter will cause much delight," she naturally took his hand from which the small cream hood was already running slowly over the back of his hand, because he had crushed the cupcake unnoticed.

"Yeah, maybe," Daniel answered as his eyes almost automatically slid back to Anders. Do you have any idea what you are doing? You're playing, Daniel. You know exactly what she feels for you! Quickly Daniel withdrew his hand and lowered his eyes. "I'll do it."

"It's your hand." The blonde joked and Daniel looked at her again. Properly for a long time. Noticed, how happy and guileless she looked at him. How in love. Crap.

"Daniel! Nice to catch you alone! Well ... at least almost, " Dieter Thoma, the German sports expert, burst into the moment of Daniel's realization, and smiled mischievously at Silje. "Congratulations to your victory in Garmisch! It was a great competition! "He clapped on his shoulder.

The silence at the table was unusually lengthy. "Did I disturb you?"

"No you don't, or Daniel? We were just thinking about who seems unconvinced of the new concept Raw Air, "she replied cheekily and threw back her hair. She was back in her element.

"And so you just stopped at me?", Thoma asked amused. The TV expert liked Siljes style, like most others, Daniel thought, unable to suppress the small bite of bitterness. Seeing Domen in front of him. And San.

"It's hard to see the difference between worry and age wrinkles with that soft light, or Daniel?" She nudged her elbow in his side, asking him to contribute something meaningful to the conversation. To do his job. Not only to deal with himself. But what did it bring? What had it brought him?

Laughing Dieter Thoma turned back. "So you hook up with a real challenge, didn't you?" He nodded appreciatively. Automatically Daniel nodded back.

Anders sat up strained at the table next to them. Daniel knew he had to correct it. Should. Nevertheless, he hesitated, slipped a little further into the depths and Silje took the answers: "No false pity please. If so, then I would be the victim. I mean, let's be honest: who gets involved in something like the Raw Air and is still looking forward to it is definitely wrong in the garret. Or am I seeing something wrong? "

"Good argument," Dieter Thoma nodded, and both heads turned expectantly toward Daniel.

It's okay with me. It doesn't change anything. Not for me.

"Um ... I ..." Daniel stammered.

I won't call the exorcist right away. It's okay to like uh- ... neon green. . Christ Daniel, you have the same right to love, whom you want like everyone else, and you shouldn't feel guilty about it! Then become normal. Do therapy, because that, Danny, is sick. That's fun, right? You like that, right? Crawling around on the floor. Showing me your ass?

"It probably had leave him speechless," Silje chuckled as she stepped under the table against Daniel's leg.

At least one who realizes that I'm not one of them. Well, do I look like I'm gay?! After all the sleepless nights, the doubts and the trouble I had because of you? After all the nerves and the overcoming?

"I'm normal," Daniel rushed out, knowing that they were still waiting for an answer. He wanted it to be okay. For himself. Fought to become himself again. The version before Domen.

"What?", Dieter Thoma and Silje asked simultaneously. Silje worriedly put her hand on his forearm. Asking him if something was wrong with him, eliciting Anders an angry snort that he wasn't necessesary able to disguise as cough.

Daniel and Anders stared dumbly at each other's heads. It's okay with me. It doesn't change anything. Not for me.

Grimly, Anders mouth grimaced. He screamed. Screamed silently at Daniel: Fair? Of course it isn't fair! The world isn't fair! Neither to you, nor to anyone else.

He could decide. But what?

"Well, I don't know. It's kind of like ... uh ... well, not normal jump off a hill as if you had a deathwish. " Silje's words penetrated Daniel's mind. Normal.

Helplessly he looked around. Just to rest on the tealights in the Christmas arrangement in front of him.

Normal is boring. Normal is ... a construct. An ideal. Not existent. Made for tealight people who don't come out of their metal bowl because they are afraid of real life and need something to cling to. So the question is: Are you afraid of real life, Daniel? Right, you can't influence what they tell or think. But you can decide if you want to play or just let them push you around.

Andrej haunted his thoughts. He couldn't influence it. Hadn't he been able to influence San because he was too weak? Because he hadn't tried it persistently or often enough? What about Domen? You can not influence that. But what could he influence?

Tealight man. Maybe he was a tealight man. Silje worriedly put her arm on his. But at least he always knew what was right and what was wrong. He was such a self-pitying idiot.

"But that's what it's about," Daniel blurted out. Loosened from Anders accusing glances and withdrew Silje his arm. No pushing around any longer, because he was able to decide for himself. It had taken him so long to accept, who he was. And now he was way too close to lose that part of himself again. Not even Domen would be worth this.

"To test limits. Reset standards. Two hundred years ago, jumpers would probably have been admitted if they thought that distances over 50 meters were realistic. You never know where the limits are, if you don't test them. Ready to go beyond set standards. That's the charm. Find out what we are capable of. Six competitions in ten days. For the one madness, for others the ability to move boundaries, " Daniel explained and felt a bit more like himself for the first time in days.

"Well spoken", acknowledging Thoma nodded and their conversation turned to other topics. Daniel confidently answered questions about his form and his expectations for the rest of the season in general and the tournament in particular.

Meanwhile, Daniel was busy thinking how to handle the matter with Silje and Anders. When Dieter Thoma finally thanked him and the evening came to an end, he saw his chance.

"I'm done for today. You too? ", He announced and as Silje nodded in agreement, they walked together through deserted corridors of the hotel back to their rooms.

"So. What was going on before? Swallowed fortune cookie note? "Silje asked curiously. Anders was gone ten minutes ago. His expression had spoken volumes as he walked past their table.

"Calendar sheet," Daniel replied, having no idea how to handle the whole thing. "Listen ... thank you. For tonight, I mean. I wasn't quite in the spot today. "

"I've noticed." -

Daniel nodded silently as they passed by the large glass front of the foyer. The Norwegian breathed deeply. "Let's sit down for a moment?" He pointed to a small bench in a corner.

"For sure. Doesn't that look pretty? ", Sighed Silje, as she sat down next to him and looked dreamily out of the window. Innsbruck lay brightly lit among them, surrounded by mountains whose peaks seemed to shine in the darkness.

Silje leaned against his shoulder and felt more and more uncomfortable. He wanted to quit, so to speak. Give her the brush-off, even if she had never officially asked him. And what did he do? Make sure that at least the romantic backdrop was right. Sometimes he really was wrong in the garret. "Silje?"

"Mmmh?" -

"Can we- I mean, I'm sorry- I- Stupid that everyone is thinking we are a couple, right??" He finally managed and would have liked to bury himself in the flower pot of the weird palm next to him.

"They do that all the time," Silje explained wearily against his shoulder, continuing to enjoy the view as he struggled with rebuff her.

"Yes, but I mean, doesn't that bother you?" -

"Why should it? Man, if you start tomorrow with the wind, you can only be saved by a higher power. Better you start praying to all the great gods in the world, "Silje pointed out a large birch right in front of the hotel, which was dangerously tipping aside.

"Yes," Daniel growled impatiently. Couldn't she just stay with the topic? "So, let's come back to this couple thing-"

"Daniel," the blonde interrupted him with a sigh and straightened up. "Shut up, okay?"

"But I want to-" -

"I know what you want. And I think it's ... nice? that you want to tell it gently, but honestly: You rain on my parade! ", Silje complained with a punch in his side.

"Ow! You should better take care, otherwise I demand compensation for suffering, "Daniel lamented before he became serious again. "I-"

Sighing, Silje interrupted him again: "What did I told you?"

"I just don't want to ... I just don't want you to be exploited or to create false hopes," Daniel gasped, relieved to finally say it. Confused, he registered that Silje was starting to laugh. "What's so funny about it now?"

"Please, Daniel! Wrong hopes? I'm not an inexperienced teenager anymore. Just because you occasionally smile at me uncomplicatedly from time to time, I don't assume that you have an immortal crush on me. You know, I have a penchant for you and sometimes I let myself dream a little bit much of you. But that is my fault. So, if so, then I'm the one who uses you, "Silje clarified, keeping her eyes out the window.

"Why am I always the victim?" Daniel shook his head incredulously. "Honestly, it's not right to keep this in suspense. Always taking you on such occasions and letting everyone believe that we are a couple just because it's easier for me. That ... is evil. "

"Yes, very evil, Daniel. You deserve lifelong house arrest. I'll arrange the terms later with your mum " Silje chuckled and educed a sullen drone from Daniel.

"But honestly, I know what I'm doing. And now and then... mmhh ... losing yourself in imagination and escape from everyday life, to imagine what would be if, is nothing wrong. As long as you don't lose sight of reality, right? ", Silje asked thoughtfully. They both stared out the window.

"But it's still theater. Not real. I mean, why- Isn't there anyone you really want to be with? "Daniel asked curiously, hoping for Anders. In his opinion, there was no reason why Silje was still single. And, as often as they had wrangle, Silje and Anders fit well together.

"I don't have talent with men. I always get into idiots! I don't remember the last tim I had a date that was fun and romantic and everything. I mean, just getting cozy, getting to know each other ... Is that really that hard? " Silje said as Daniel came up with an idea.

"Wow, a date? With ice skating, nice talks, shy smiles, romantic food and a kiss goodbye? ", Daniel hooked eagerly. That was the chance for Anders.

"Yes, isn't that hard, right? Instead, I always get the whiners mourning because their ex's or the machos who would most like to have the first date in bed right away "Silje threw her arms up in frustration as she vented her anger. "And you, you don't have a crush on me, but - well, you just make it too easy to dream for an evening," she indignantly punched her fist against his upper arm. "I've just changed my mind: you're guilty."

"What if I would know someone who wants the same as you? Would be crazy, right? "-

"Yeahhhhhh?????" -

"What do you think of a blind date?" Daniel asked.

"With your mysterious friend, or what?", Silje wanted to know suspiciously.

"Yes. I promise, he's not an idiot and knows how a great date should be. He's nice, accommodating and he likes you, "Daniel praised his best friend in the highest tones.

"Who do you want to make me palatable? "-

"I am not going to tell you. Where else would be the surprise? The nervously happy excited butterflies in the stomach, "Daniel grinned innocently to the blonde Norwegian. He didn't want to blow Anders, especially since he had no idea what had happened between them. "So: Are you afraid?"

"Damn, Tande! Woe, there isn't the perfect gentleman in front of me! Then you can choose your gravestone! ", She threatened darkly. The corners of her mouth didn't move a millimeter. So that wasn't a joke. Woe, Anders would screw it up. Then he would drag Anders with him into the depths of hell, that much was certain.

"And now, let me use you a bit longer and bring me up, as it befits for an imagined perfect boyfriend," she told him.

Grinning, Daniel jumped up and bowed, "May I escort you to your room, Madame?"

"I'd be glad to," she rose gracefully from her seat and let the Daniel bring her to her room. He said goodbye to Silje with a kiss on the cheek and found himself back in front of his own hotel room door way too fast.

He was sure that Anders wasn't that easy to convince like Silje. The older Norwegian was rarely angry, but when he was, he act it out. But, to be honest, then you had earned it. And Daniel really deserved it. He had needed the kick in the ass. After days of feeling sleep-shaken and helpless at life, Anders had tried to galvanize him again.

As he entered cautiously, he found Anders lying on his bed. Darkly, he looked at him, before he disappeared behind his magazine again.

Sighing, Daniel sat down at Anders bed. "I am sorry. For real. S- "

"That's what I saw tonight," It snarled behind the magazine, before Anders quietly fliped a page.

"Hey, I cleared that! Just as you wanted! ", Daniel protested loudly and threw his shoes into the corner of the room.

"I'm touched that you did that just for me," Anders mocked without looking at him.

"I didn't mean it like- I just wanted to say that - would you please listen to me if I want to apologize ?! "Daniel explode, as Anders seriously put on his headphones and read on.

Stunned Daniel stood in front of Anders bed, who digged his heels in. And if Anders didn't want something, then it was hard to convince him otherwise. Sometimes he was a little diva. But even a diva had weak points and Anders' he knew only too well.

Grimly, he struggled with his suitcase. Anders would listen, whether he wanted it or not. He had indulged way too long over and over again. Guided by his feelings of helplessness, Daniel thought doggedly as he scattered one garment after another on the floor, making sure to drop enough in front of Anders's bed. As he disappeared into the bathroom with his sleep shirt and boxer shorts under his arm, he could already feel the deathly glances on his neck.

And as he hopped into the shower, he already heard suppressed cursing from the outside. Grinning, he grabbed his things after brushing his teeth and stepped out of the bathroom, just dropping his stuff in the corridor between his and Anders's bed carelessly on the newly tidied up floor. Satisfied, he saw that he had even lost a sock on the way. Anders glared at him, but everything Anders could do, Daniel could do better.

"Good night," Daniel ignored the mutter from the other side of the room, turned out the light on his side, covered himself and waited. For a short time only the restless adjustment of a blanket and a pillow was heard.

"Crap! You're such an asshole, Daniel!" Anders finally jumped up angrily to tidy Daniel's things away.

"Yes, I'm an ass! And I'm really sorry, Anders! If I had known-" -

"Then it should've made no difference. If you really want to fool yourself, then that's up to you, but you can't just indiscriminately involve people around you, "he interrupted Daniel, glaring at him as he spread Daniel's shirt on the small table, to fold it up carefully.

Angrily, Daniel slammed his blanket aside and wrested his socks out of Anders' hands. At some point it was enough. "I understand, Anders. I know it was a shitty thing to use Silje like that and I'm sorry I didn't realize what's going on with you. This whole thing has somehow completely thrown me off track. So, can we please talk about it like two adults now, or do you still prefer to sulk? Tell me, what I've missed." He invited Anders instead and dropped onto his bed. The hardest hurdle was taken and he was looking forward to announce that he had given him a date with Silje.

"Do you remember the National Day party?" Anders asked as he also went to bed nervously smoothing his blanket.

"Um, yes. You were there with the brown-haired ... What was her name? ", Daniel tried to remember the name of the woman wondering where the connection with Silje was.

"Hannah. Her name is Hannah, "Anders jar Daniels memory, starring self-oblivious into the distance. "We went to school together. Were friends since I can think. "A sad smile crept up Anders face: "At some point it was more than friendship to me. Just imagine it as in these bad teen movies. With hidden daydreams and everything. I haven't dared to tell her forever. I thought at someday she'll realize that we're the perfect couple by herself."

"Was there a someday?" Daniel asked cautiously as Anders stopped talking. The situation seemed vaguely familiar to him.

"Hannah moved to Oslo after school to study. I visited her there as often as I could. I was always there when she needed me. I just kept it up. Every time I set out to tell her what I feel, she came with some other guy she was dating. And I -"

"Stood idly by. Smiling and hoping that someday she would consider you to be more than just a friend while it has inwardly killing you? "Daniel speculated, remembering Anders's words.

"Well combined, Sherlock. Einar couldn't endure my grouchy behavior any longer at some point. Gave me a verbal ass kick. So I went to visit her. She had just met Tyler. Tyler is an arrogant psychopathic ass. At the beginning, he paid just enough attention to keep her in line. It was almost ridiculous. But I had no chance. She wanted Tyler, not me, "Anders grumbled, clenching his fists.

Daniel guessed how the story went on. "And you remained friends?"

"Surprise!" Anders shouted bitterly into the room. "I persuade myself exactly the same things as you. I continued to persuade that she would realize at some point, what a dubious guy Tyler is. He did something to her ... isolating her from everyone, treating her like she was his personal slave or something ... Without his permission, she wasn't allowed to go anywhere. When she was on the road, she had to report with a photo every half hour. Allegedly, because he's worried about her, Hannah took him under protection when I asked her about it. He controlled everything. Manipulated her whole thinking. I didn't recognize her at all. But no matter how many times I've tried to open her eyes ... How often I begged and hoped she might finally break up with him, in the end she's always back to Tyler. Every goddamn time, "Anders beats his fist on his bed.

"What was with the party?" Daniel asked horrified. He could hardly remember Hannah. He had met her briefly at the buffet, where she had hastily avoided him. He had thought, she was just shy.

"The day before, she called me. Completely dissolved. They had argued and then Tyler slipped his hand, as she couched it in terms nicely. I sprang her. Away from Tyler. That's why she was at the party. Of course, Tyler has managed to convince her that she has completely overreacted. That it was a one-time slip-up, "Anders sneered. "I tried so many times ... Giving her the strength to finally break up, instead, I couldn't shake the feeling of giving her the strength to stay, "Anders stared thoughtfully at the ceiling. "Maybe she would have separated from him a lot sooner if I hadn't existed."

"You don't know that, Anders." -

"I know, but well, it's like with your never-happen coming-out: I can never be sure, right? I've messed everything up that I could. For her. For me, "Anders said and suddenly Daniel understood Anders so much better. Why he had urged him to provide clear conditions. Just because he would never forgive himself for missing all those chances. What would have happened if Anders had confessed his love right away?

"What happened to Hannah?" Daniel finally dared to ask, though he was afraid of the answer.

"Hannah is recovering from her friend's last beating attack at the hospital and messes with several lawyers. Finally, she indicated Tyler, "Anders smiled grimly. "But ... well, I don't want to lie: this isn't a happy ending. Somehow, he just broke her. "

Dejectedly, Daniel nodded and snuggled deeper into his blanket. "Do you still have contact?"

"Sporadically. But Hannah and me ... It's no longer an issue. "Anders said in a firm voice and for Daniel there was no reason to doubt his friend's statement. And at some point after that, he must had developed feelings for Silje, Daniel guessed.

"I talked to Silje. She knows there will never be more, "Daniel grinned at the older man, hoping to cheer him up a bit.

"Mmm. Sorry for that. Every time I look at Silje, I see myself and would like to kick her in the ass to move on "Anders mumbled embarrassed.

"Is that why you always wrangle?" -

"Why else? She knows my story and I've told her so many times that she should move on and not waste all her youth with infatuations of you - Sorry. "-

"Never mind. You're right, "Daniel waved and was just about to announce the happy news as his best friend continued:

"Or at least have a clean break. Talking to you to get a rebuff. I mean, I even fixed her a date with Rasmus because he really liked her and I got the impression that they got along well. And what does this stupid girl do? Drops him off, ice-cold, and hangs back on your arm the next night at some of those silly charity events! I mean, did she learn nothing from my story?! "Anders continued to rage, not realizing that Daniel was just starting to sweat next to him.

"But why did you fix her a date with Rasmus?" Daniel croaked a few octaves higher than usual. That didn't fit into his theory.

"Well, I thought maybe she realizes that there is more then one guy existing. Everyone has noticed that you treat her as if she were your little sister. I mean, I've always wondered why you never reciprocated her advances until well, by the time I saw you and the little dickhead after jumping in Oberstdorf, " Anders explained carelessly, while Daniel already felt like the noose around his neck became closer. "And today ... I knew that two weeks ago she dumped another guy and when Alex started to talk about your non-existing date and she ... I was just so mad! And you have accepted it! Made everything worse. You said nothing again. And she doesn't listen to me on principle! ", Anders helplessly threw his arms in the air.

"Okay, um ... but just for me to write down: That means you're not even like Silje?!" -

"What?! No! That ... no! Why are you asking? ", Anders stared at him in confusion.

"Well, I thought ... um ..." Daniel stammered, wondering how he should teach Anders that he had inadvertently fixed him a blind date with Silje. "And you really haven't even thought about it? I mean, Silje is pretty, intelligent, and really nice..."

"Also rebellious, know-it-all and stubborn. I've told her a thousand times that she'll regret it sometime later, but all I get back is a fuzzy: take care of your own tragedy, Fannemel! "Anders aped the blonde.

"Um ... yes. The ... Um ... " Fitted to Silje and Anders. He was so dead. "What if you got the chance to convince Silje?" Daniel asked meekly, pulling his blanket up a bit higher.

"What do you mean?", Suspiciously Anders stared at him.

"Um ... well ... maybe I ... accidentally ... I mean, who could have guessed ..." Daniel babbled nervously and decided that he was somehow attached to his life. At least now as he had the feeling to get his life back under control.

"Come to the point, Daniel," demanded Anders, who was already looking angry at him.

"I only did that for your sake. It would be nice if you keep that in mind, okay? "-

"Danny, I'm not getting younger." -

"I accidentally fixed you a date with Silje," Daniel blurted out and Anders sat up in horror, staring at Daniel with his mouth open. "And hey let's see it positivly: Presumably you now have the best chance to finally convince Silje. And you would be a pretty couple."

"What the hell did you take to think that that was a good idea?! And why does she even think so?! Did you smoke dope?! ", hissed Anders, aghast.

"She doesn't know it's you?" Danielhurriedly pressed out, deciding that he preferred a cremation like the oldVikings did to a normal boring funeral ceremony.    

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