7 Bullies In Love *BOOK1* |CO...

By Yhopee200

943K 31.7K 11.7K

7 bullies becomes your destiny... Ft. GOT7️⃣ Read and enjoy this "BTS FF" ;)❤️ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 17

21.8K 787 93
By Yhopee200

"The drive was quiet as I was so scared"

"I just hope he takes me home..."

Yoongi: Are you okay?

"I got a bit startled at his voice ,but didn't look or turn to him"

Y/n: Y-yes..

"It got silent for a minute then Yoongi broke it"

Yoongi: Do you love Mark?

"Does it even look like I love him?."

Y/n: N-no I don't-

"Be brave Y/n!"

Y/n: But he is better than everyone

"I took a glance and I could see Yoongi holding the steering wheel tight and breathing heavily in anger"

"But why?"

Yoongi: Stay away from him

Y/n: Why-


"I flinched at his shout as I bit my lips and looked out of the window"

Yoongi: I'm sorry kitten... but you really need to sta-

Y/n: Why?!

"He looked at me confused"

Y/n: Why do I need to stay away from someone who is really caring and not a Jerk? Why do I have to stick with you 7 when your already hurting me so much? Why?!

Yoongi: You still don't understand anything so don't judge at first

"I scoffed quietly and held my tears very hard"

"I saw Yoongi passed my home making me really nervous"

Y/n: W-where are you taking me?

"He didn't answer me just remained silent leaving me more nervous than ever"

~After 20 minutes~

"It became dark and It seemed I dozzed off a little at the ride ,but then completely opened my eyes after Yoongi's stop"

"I looked out of the window and saw a big house very familiar to me"

"Oh ofcourse it's the house again..."

"Yoongi was about unbuckle from his seat while I turned to him"

Y/n: Yoongi.

"He looked at me"

Y/n: Please take me home...

"He smiled and sticked out his hand caressing my cheek made me confused"

Yoongi: Don't worry Kitten, Trust me.

"I don't ever fucking trust you Min Yoongi!"

"Just hope like the last time Mark comes in and save me right now..."

Y/n: I-

"Before I could say a word he got out with me still inside not moving a bit"

"But then I felt a cold wind rushing in my body as Yoongi opened my door"

Yoongi: Come on Kitten

"His expression was about to change so I got out"

"He grabbed my wrist taking me inside stopping by the huge livingroom"

"It was like a mansion!"

Yoongi: Feel free around

Y/n: I just wanna go home...

"He rolled his eyes in annoyance"

Yoongi: Fine, just after some time

"He grabbed my wrist again and taking me down the hallway as I saw one of the room's door opened"

"Omg no please!!!!!!!!!!"

"It's the place I was about to get raped twice..."

"I started shaking at seeing the broken glasses on the floor left there recalling that time"

"My legs were shaking alot as Yoongi noticed it"

Yoongi: What's wrong kitt-

"Then he immediately looked at the same sight as me and came infront of me blocking my view"

Yoongi: This way babygirl

"He took me to the right side of the hallway and stopped at a room"

Yoongi: You can rest in here

"Inside the room was so simple and white as I stood quietly beside the bed and Yoongi at the door"

Yoongi: Stay here for tonight

"I eyed him confused"

Yoongi: Your mom comes home late-

"He said immediately closing his mouth as if he just blabbed or accidently said that"

Y/n: *Shocked* What??

"How does he know that?! That stalker!"

"He didn't say anything else and left the room"

Y/n: D-did I hear right? How does he know my mom comes home late?..

"I sat on the bed with my head on my palms"

"Feeling sad, angry and scared at the same time..."

"After some minutes, I didn't realize that I have layed on the bed and fell asleep"

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