Not Your Typical Prom

By northofinfinity

6.3K 267 42

'Because I know that there is strength in the difference between between us and there is comfort where we ove... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Two

325 12 2
By northofinfinity

Picture of Cole to the side (or above if you are on mobile) who is played by Fransisco Lachowski. (GOD HE IS SO HOT!)



“So, what are you gonna do about the whole Brandon thing?” Stacy asked me the next day before school.

I frowned down at my latte in thought.

“I don’t know. He asked for my number but he hasn’t called me yet,” I sighed and picked at my manicured nails.

“Don’t worry, he’ll ask you out soon,” Stacy reassured and I shrugged.

“I hope so.”

I spotted him standing a with his football mates, laughing about something. His dirty blonde hair shone brightly and I could make out his chiselled profile even though I was standing a couple of metres away.

I watched as the bus pulled up and a guy dark hair and a slouched posture stepped off. He had his hood pulled up to cover his hair although I could make out clumps sticking outwards.

Brandon and his friends approached him, laughing at something. The guy frowned, looking uncomfortable but not nervous. I watched as his fist clenched at something Brandon said and I wanted to snort in laughter at the thought of this skinny guy beating a jock like Brandon.

“Who is that kid?” I asked Stacy, indicating the boy.

She squinted. “Cole Jackson,” she said finally “a total loner. Bit of an emo, keeps to himself and all. I don’t think he has any friends.”

“None?” I tried to keep the shock out of my voice. Even the geeks in this school had at least one friend. I shrugged. “Whatever, let’s get to class,” I nudged Stacy slightly and we headed inside the school building, but not before I cast one last glance at the boy.


The stupid jocks were at it again.

As soon as I stepped off the bus, they approached me, grinning in malice.

They found the most trivial things to make fun of; my hair, clothes, posture, you name it.

It never really bothered me, what they thought of me. High school would be nothing but a distant memory after I grew up. And I only had one year left.

Brandon, the head of the little ‘make fun of Cole’ clique took a step forward, smirking.

“Hey freak, why did ya take the bus? Oh was it ‘cause mommy couldn’t afford to buy you one? Pity ‘cause I head a spare one and I would lend it to you but I don’t think you have the money to learn to drive,” he jeered and I rolled my eyes although that one hit a little closer to home.

I didn’t know how to drive. Mom didn’t have the time to teach me and I didn’t have the money to take those overpriced driving lessons so I was just stuck taking the bus or walking.

Rolling my eyes, I was about to walk away when Brandon opened his big mouth again.

“So, Jackson,” he began “I saw your mum at the club yesterday. The stripper club,” he smirked at me and his cronies laughed. I clenched my fists. I would have walked away but he had to open his mouth once more. “And, my, if I do say so myself, she had a fabulous rack,” he laughed and that was all it took for all hell to break loose.

I punched him. Hard. In the face. I heard a cracking sound but I ignored it. I brought my knee up to smash it against his stomach. His friends rushed forward and grabbed on to me but I refused to let go of Brandon.

How dare he say that about my mother?

“To my office,” a voice boomed. “NOW!”

I tapped my fingers on the table, impatiently. Brandon sat next to me, an ice pack pressed against his face.

I wanted to laugh at the black eye that he now sported but I restrained myself knowing that would be just inviting more trouble for myself.

“WHAT WAS THAT?” A livid Principal Johnson burst into the room, glaring at us both. “May I remind the two of you THAT IT IS THE SECOND DAY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!”

“It wasn’t my-” Brandon began but Principal Johnson silenced him with one look.

I sat silently.

“One by one, you are to explain to me what happened. There will be no arguments, no fights, no sarcasm and no idiotic replies. Am I clear?”

We both nodded.

“Good, now, Mr Taylor, tell me what happened.” He turned to Brandon with an inquisitive look.

“I didn’t do anything I swear. I was just minding my own business when his douche,” he turned to glare at me “just came up to me and began to punch me.”

I was about to open my mouth to complain or even better, to punch him again but Principal Johnson stopped me with a firm look.

“Is that all?” he asked and Brandon nodded. “Okay, then Mr Taylor please get to class, I believe you’ll make it just in time.”

I watched Brandon leave, glaring as he smirked at me arrogantly. i clenched my fists and turned back to Principal Johnson who was frowning at Brandon.

“Okay Mr Jackson, time for your side of the story,” he said after the door slammed shut behind Brandon, indicating his departure.

I stared at my scuffed converse, not knowing what to say.

“I didn’t do anything, sir,” I said finally “but Brandon was insulting my mother.”

Principal Johnson stared down at his desk. “I believe you,” he looked up and said. “You’re a good kid Cole, with decent grades and an excellent artistic ability. I don’t really know what Brandon said and I’m not sure I want to. For your punishment though, you’ll both be having detentions.”

I groaned but nodded. I had punched him after all.

“Yes sir,” I replied.

He nodded and handed me a late pass. “Here, give this to your teacher.”

I accepted the slip and stood up. “Thank you sir.”

Principal Johnson nodded evenly and went back to doing his paperwork as I left his office.

I walked down the now quiet halls while looking down at my schedule.

Next up, I had psychology.

I groaned internally. Psychology had become mandatory for our school since last year because the teacher’s felt like it would help us understand each other.

In my opinion, it was just a waste of time but the school had gone all out and hired a special psychologist who was going to teach us all about emotions and feelings and tolerance.

The thought itself made me nauseous as I finally located my new classroom and entered, hesitantly.

I was still tossing up about the idea of skipping class when an excited squeal alerted me to the fact that everyone’s attention was now on me.

I could already here the murmur of whispers and I had an idea of what they were probably talking about.

That’s the guy that beat up Brandon Taylor.

I ignored it and focused on the teacher that was beaming at me with an excited expression.

“You must be Cole!” she gushed and I took a step back, crept out by this strange woman that I had never seen nor met before. She wore a loose fitted blouse that had sunflowers printed on it and a long skirt that reached her ankles that was covered in cherries.

Big cherries. Small cherries. Red cherries and pink cherries. Just lots and lots of cherries.

But that wasn’t the worst thing. No, that would be the bells attached to the bottom that tickled with every movement that she made.

I blinked, feeling a little hypnotized after staring at the skirt for a moment too long. “Um…yes.”

“Great, take a seat blossom, we’ve been waiting for you,” she smiled brightly and I raised my eyebrow but plopped down into an empty chair anyway. “Now we can start,” she clapped her hands together, excitedly. “Welcome to psychology class, I am Ms Garcia and I will be your new teacher for this subject.”

She smiled brightly at us before continuing.

“I have some very simple rules. One, we are all going to respect each other and that means, no swearing, no name calling, no fighting, no coming late to class and absolutely no sarcasm and talking back. Two, you must complete all assignments if you wish to pass. No excuses unless you have a signed note from a parent and guardian and the last rule is that you are all going to be partnered up with someone of my choice and under no circumstances are you to change partners. Questions?”

A girl in front of me raised her hand. “But Ms Garcia, why is it partners of your choice?”

“I want you to get to know someone you don’t know at all through the projects that I give you this year,” Ms Garcia replied and I shrugged.

That sounded easy enough.

“Okay, now listen up guys, I will be calling out names,” she grinned at us and I settled back in my seat to listen.

“Olivia with Jack, Missy with Adam, Mimi with Oliver, Cole with Scarlett…” her mouth continued to move up and down but I couldn’t hear anything that was being said.

All I was focused on the two names, Cole and Scarlett.

Scarlett Anderson.


A/N : This update proves I am capable of updating regularly ;) and if you couldn’t tell, I am very proud of myself for the accomplishment. Hope you enjoyed and if you did, make sure to vote and comment and maybe even fan.

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