
By Trash-Monkeys

201 18 4

"Now! Forgive me not for what I say Much less what I feel... My lady, You the one who stole my soul And hid i... More

Things you need to know
Father No More
Forest Green Eyes Girl
The Unfinished Project

The Druid Brothers

10 1 0
By Trash-Monkeys

" If it comes; let it
If it goes; let it."


*Emma pov*

My phone started ringing and see Christian's calling, I answered it.

"Yes Christian."

"My sweet dear Emma you forgot to tell us this Arrow guy address."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry my sweet dear Christian but I had work to do and make sure that 'Arrow guy' dosen't die."

I air quote when I siad Arrow guy.

"Wow so much sarcasm."

I smriked.

"Bitch,I'm the queen of sarcasm honey."

"And I must be the king Emmy."

I rolled my eyes at Chirstopher.

"Well, Chirstopher I'm sorry to tell you but I'm both. I'm the queen and the king."

I laughed alittle.

"BITCH!! No you're not."

"Brother you didn't need to yell and please both of you stop using that language."

"Well, my dear brother I don't say anything when you start cussing so you don't have a say in this."

I can hear Christian slowly getting frustered with Chirstopher.

"Fine brother do what you want."

I can tell that Christian hand the phone over to his brother before leaving the room.

"Well Emmy looks like I got him mad, just send us his address and we'll be there tomorrow."

He said before hunging up without letting me speck. I sighed as I put my phone back on the kitchen conter.

*unkuown pov*

"Looks like plan B it is."

I said to myself mad.

"Damn those stupid Armstrongs, always in my fucking way. When I get the chance I'll kill that bitch too along with that Riley bitch but I need her for my plan to work."

*Riley pov*

I'm started getting more worried about Arrow as I stare into the full body mirror I have in a corner of my baby blue color room, as I was staring out to space I didn't notice that my window slowly begin to open.

"Why didn't I take him to the hospital first before I called Emma and why must they insist that he can't go to the hospital. It feels like their hiding something from me, something big."

Suddenly a bag is over my head and tighten around my neck. I throw my arms around and try to hit the person but no luck, I just hit air. The next thing I know I feel something sharp pushed into my skin of my right arm and some type of cold liquid entire my body making it going numb before I could scream.

"You shouldn't have become friends with him because he can get you killed, little girl."

My head fall down as I hear a angel like voice spoke from behind me before they grab onto me and drag me across the floor by the arm.

*Emma pov*

I stayed up all night trying to keep his temperature down from were his body is try to heal from the wolfsbane, I sighed tired and exhausted from loss of sleep. I sit next to his bed watching him taking deep breaths once in awhile and sweat rolling down his forehead to his face, hoping he would wake up soon. Suddenly Knocking boomed through the empty house I quickly got to my feet and run to the front door.

I open the door to see a man with gray and black hair, gray eyes, with thick black frame glasses, on his lips he has a snake bite on the left side, and big earrings that starch out his ears, waring a gray long sleeves shirt with black skinny jeans and black sneakers. There is a another man standing next to him with greenish blue hair, with the same gray eyes as the other one, he has no pursing, his shorter than the other about one inch, his finger nails are painted black.

He's waring all black, short sleeves shirt, skinny jeans, and sneakers. Their known as the Druid brothers, they've been around along time and no one knows their past but them. The tallest and the oldest one of the twin pair is Chirstopher.

And the other one is Christian.

Chirstopher open his arms out for a hug.


He yelled out to me as he pulled me into one of his death hugs.


Chirstopher is hunging all the air out of me and Christian just shook his head at us, I send him a glare for not helping me.

"I'll get you back."

I mouth to him as I keep glaring at him, Christian sighed.

"Brother you're killing her."

Chirstopher quickly let go.

"Oh no are you ok boo."

He said looking at me, I nod as relief filled me as air come into my lungs again. Chirstopher moved around me, into the house he clap his hands together as he looks around.

"Well, this Arrow person has good taste."

Christian stood next to him.

"He sure does brother."

Chirstopher glanced at him before moving on to the kitchen, me and Christian followed behind him. Before I could say anything Chirstopher opened the fridge.

"Well, Emmy, brother I'm staving. What about you two?"

He asked not taking his eyes off the food inside the fridge.

"You're always hungry Chirstopher."

Chirstopher send a small glare at Christian before grabbing stuff from the fridge and sitting it on the counter.

"There barely any food to feed 3 people but hey I gotta make it work and brother I need food to grow even tho we're immortal unlike you."

He said in a sassy tone as he started making our food and Christian rolled his eyes again.

"Hey Christian stop rolling your eyes before they roll out of your head."

I told him and he sighed before I turned back Chirstopher.

"So what you guys going to do to Arrow?"

Chirstopher glanced over his thick glasses after he finished making our food.

"Well, Emmy we need to find out how he got poisoned in the first place, who might have poisoned him and why their doing it."

He hands us a turkey sandwiches, I quickly started eating for I only eat breakfast yesterday.

"But honey you know we can only do so much even tho we have a lot of answers about the world we live in."

I nod my head in disappointment.

"I know but can you at least wake him up and find out who poisoned him."

Christian leans against the counter behind and cross his arms over his chest.

"We can wake him but we can't find who did it to him."

"Why can't you Christian?"

He sighs and take a deep breath before speaking.

"We can't mess up the future Emma you know that better then others and you guys have to do this by yourself."

I nod understanding that no matter what they can't mess up the future. Their like the protectors of time, to make sure everything thing is on track. It's one of their powers to see pieces of the future.

"Just wake him up you two."

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