The Dark Lord

By kate_hy

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Ington,a vampire town where humans and human vampires are seen as unclean is the home of Ava, a human vampire... More

Author's note
Chapter 1:Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 2:Not falling for Vador
Chapter 3:An Assitant
Chapter 4:Scared of Him
Chapter 5:Call Me Vador Again
Chapter 6:What's Your Thing?
Chapter 7:Art Exhibition(I)
Chapter 8:Art Exhibition(II)
Chapter 9:Dying to be yours
Chapter 11:Starting to like you!
Chapter 12:A Visit from Jadis
Chapter 13:She has to leave
Chapter 14:Time will tell
Chapter 15:You shouldn't be here
Chapter 16:Aiden is in love with you
Chapter 17:I"m Addison
Chapter 18:Mature Content
Chapter 19:The Shield
Chapter 20:The Real Queen
Chapter 21:Shared soul
The Dark Lord's witch

Chapter 10:Vador is bad for you!

1.8K 130 12
By kate_hy

"I know you're dying to be mine," Vador said making Ava freeze completely after opening the door.

Gaining her voice "what did you say?" she asked with her eyes closed.

"Come here," he ordered.

Walking toward him "yes" she replied shyly.

"What do you feel for me?"

"I uh," she said stammering looking at Avan who had this smirk on her face.Who knew snakes could smirk too."I'm afraid I've fallen in love with you Vador," she said almost losing her voice.

"Every lady is in love with me," he laughed.

"Wha?," Ava asked.

"You May leave now"

"What?" Ava asked again already feeling rejected.

"I said leave," Vador shouted.

"No!" Ava shouted back at him which made the lord totally dumbfounded. Did she just raise her voice at him.

"You might be the dark lord, the vampire king and all. You are privileged to even be in this position,I know you can have any one and anything thing you want,you can do whatever you want! I mean this is your kingdom,but I will fucking tell you what you cannot do. You cannot play with my heart Vador,you cannot keep playing mind games. It's either you like me or you don't. I refuse to be treated like nothing, one day you're cold and the next you're all sweet. This has to stop! Make up your mind dear dark lord. Man up and stop acting like a kid she said before slamming the door in his face.

"Why did you do that?," Avan asked.

"I can't afford love Avan, I don't want to end up like you," Vador said hitting his hand on the wall."I think I just hurt her," he whispered.

Running out of the room and slamming the door behind her,she broke down into tears.
"Why did he shout at me after asking me to confess my love for him. I should have known better than expecting the Vampire lord to love me back.How is it that even after everything I heard about him I still love him so much.Vandora is right," she said falling on her knees. "He is incapable of loving anyone other than himself,it's like he can't feel. He really needs to figure out his shit cause game over."


"Vador asked me to get today's paper," Ava said smiling admiring Avan's shade of skin.

"So we're back to Vador,aren't we?" Vandora asked eying her."vador is bad for you. Nancy,girls please let's tell our dear baby a little story."

"Once upon a time," Nancy said "the lord brought a girl into the royal house,he found her in the forest wounded and decided to help her by providing shelter for her. She was his first assistant ,she was pure blooded.
Well she fell for the lord,he fucked her random times and fed on her,one morning she was found dead in her bathroom."

Ava was trying to keep a straight face but it was so hard because she was affected by what Nancy had said.

"Another full blooded vampire came in after Tracy the first girl. She was about to be initiated by the black witches when the lord had saved her. Falling for the dark lord ,she said she didn't have a family because she wanted to stay with the lord forever,the foolish girl lied. Well she's in prison now,I sent her there," Vandora smirked.

"After Sarah was Patricia and Jayda and Joyce. They were all too weak, Vador fed from them everyday and used them to satisfy his sexual needs. So I'm telling you Vador isn't good for you,if you don't stop this foolishness now you'll end up  dead like them.You think Vador likes you,my dear you're wrong because once he's done with you,you'll be sorry for yourself," Taly said throwing the paper at her.

Ava was dumbstrucked. She couldn't say a word but they were going to do more than that to break her.

"Did tract,jayda and Joyce go on a date with the lord?" Ava asked gaining her voice "Has Vandora or Taly gone one a date with the lord? No! But guess who has? This girl right here. Has the lord ever asked for a dress to be made to you Taly? What about you Vandora? The answer is still no. Vador had a cloth specially made for me. If you're as smart as you say you're then you would know that I'm different from you and the girls you just mentioned well at least Vador treats me differently.Give up trying to get under my skin cause it's honestly getting boring lately.l

"you three are so funny tho. Vandora,Nancy and Taly. Why did you leave out the parts where you all slept with the lord while keeping this from"re not different from the girls you mentioned,and you too think you have a chance with Vador,you fools are being used too. You should check yourselves before checking others,I can't believe you all. You're just maids!" Avan said!

"Omg did the snake just speak?" The three maids were confused.

Dropping the paper at Vador's study she rushed back to her room.

"What was that Avan! They were all saying the truth right?" She asked"I can't believe the person I'm in love with Is someone that  uses female vampires like paper. I'm disgusted. I only stop
up for myself outside because I didn't want them
Feeling I believed them."

"Ava.. you don't have to...

"Killing innocent girls,feeding on them,having sex with them. Even sleeping with the maids! Some dark lord he is,"

"Ava,listen. I'll advice you not to judge now or do something stupid.I know that your love can change him,please don't give up on him," Avan said disappearing.

"Yes,run to your master. You shallow minded snake," Ava said losing it. She cried a lot before finally deciding to leave the royal house.

End of flashback.

"I wish I had left,I wanted to but there's something that's stopping me,a force.
I don't understand what it is,what exactly did Vador do to make me love him this much.
I'm afraid I'm never leaving him," Ava said crying out loud "I really can't continue living like this.He promised never to hurt me again,well he's doing just that."

Just so y'all know I hate Vandora, she's literally obsessed with the lord. Well they all are,stupid maids!
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