Our place (on hold)

By laureen24102002

449 0 0

Riley and Jordan have been best friends for 6 years. They made one deal when they became best friends, Never... More



42 0 0
By laureen24102002

4 years ago:
Riley and have been best friends for 4 years now and it feels right like this. I knocked on her apartment door.
Her mother opened it.
'Hi Misses Jensen. Is Riley ready to go to school?' 'Yes, just wait a minute she'll be out quick.'
After about 2 minutes she walked out of the kitchen. Her hair in a messy bun. She wore blue skinny jeans and a simple graphic tee and a pair of Adidas sneakers and it looked like it was made for her. She took her coat from the clothing rack and walked my way holding her bag.

We walked out of the building and that's when I realized that I'm in love with her, I always catch myself staring at her lips and have a weird feeling when she hugs me or kisses my cheek. But I can't be with her. It will ruin our friendship when we break up. So I need to make things clear for myself.
'Hey Riley I need to tell you something.' She nodded to give me the sign that she was listening. 'We need to make a deal. Never fall in love with each other. It will end up ruining our friendship.'
'Okay...' she said.


After a boring school day I walked home. I told Riley that I wasn't able to hang out with her today. When I came home I started to do my homework but I also did things to myself I wish I didn't do. I did a bandage around my wrists and went to the kitchen, where my dad was sitting. 'I said stay in your room!' he yelled. Before I was able to go back to my room, he already grab my wrist and began hitting me. 'You're worthless just like your mother.' He said. I pushed him of me and ran to my room. I packed my backpack and ran out. He yelled some things when I left the house but I tried to ignore it. Tears made their way down my cheeks. I haven't told Riley everything. I didn't tell her about my father being abusive the past 3 months. I didn't tell her my mom left 2 weeks ago and I didn't tell her I hurt myself almost every day. Before I knew I was sitting on our park bench. I texted Riley.

To Rileeeey:

Can you come to our place pls?

From Rileeeey:

Sure I'll be there in 5.

To Riley:


After about 5 minutes I saw someone walk up to me. When the person came closer I saw that it was Riley. She took a seat beside me. She looked me in the eye. 'Hey have you been crying?'  She asked. 'No...' I said. 'You know that I can see it when you're lying to me, right.' She said. She hugged me. It was like she felt that I needed it. 'What happened?'  She asked.  I didn't answer. 'Jordan?'

'It's just everything, my dad, my mum, myself in general.' 'What do you mean yourself? Jordan you are an amazing person.' She said. I shrugged. 'What's up with your arm?' I ignored her question. She unwind the bandage around my left wrist. 'Why did you do this Jordan? I don't want to lose you. Not like this.' She said. Tears starting to form in her eyes. 'I can't go back there. He's going to hurt me again.' She hugged me again and I felt her tears fall on my shoulder. 'You can stay at my place for a while we just need to pick up your stuff.' I nodded and we walked to my house.

We walked in and the first thing I saw was my father sitting. 'Hey Riley, it's been a while since I saw you. How is your mom doing?' 'She's fine..., Jordan is going to stay at my place. Are you okay with that?' 'Of course no problem.' He said. I guided riley to my room and she helped me pack my stuff. 'I'm going to call my dad to ask if he can pick us up' After 3 minutes she turned around. 'He's coming this way.' She said. She carried my suitcases and amp. I took my guitars and we walked out. 'Are you alright Boy?' her dad asked. I nodded. The car ride was pretty silent. The only noise was the radio playing in the background. Her father drove into the parking lot and parked the car.

He helped me and riley to carry all the stuff inside. We took the elevator to the 15th floor. Riley opened the door and carried my stuff to her room. 'Hi Jordan, did you already eat?' she asked when I passed the kitchen. I shook my head. I followed Riley into her room. She took some empty clothing hangers and made some shelfs empty so I could put clothes on them. 'Do you mind sleeping in the same bed as me?' she asked. I shook my head. 'Jordan.' I heard the voice of her 2 years old foster sister say and a couple seconds later I felt her hug my leg. 'Hey Audrey.' I said hugging the little girl. She climbed on Riley's bed and started jumping on it. 'Careful Audrey.' Riley said without turning around. She jumped of the bed and ran over to where Riley was standing. 'Audrey want blonde hair too.' She said looking at Riley's hair. 'I want your beautiful ginger hair. You know that blonde people aren't special, right? You are special. Ginger haired people are special.' Riley said, smiling at the little girl in front of her.

'Riley, Jordan, Audrey dinner is ready.' I heard her mom say. Riley picked up Audrey and we walked to the dining room. She placed Audrey in her chair and took a seat beside her. I took a seat on the chair on Riley's left side. Her mom cooked a simple pasta recipe with tofu and some broccoli. 'Audrey eat your veggies, please.' Riley's mom said. 'No, veggies are gross.' She said. Her mom looked at Riley. Riley looked at the helpless little girl who was now crying in her chair. 'Hey little one, listen to me. If you eat one of those you get 3 cookies for dessert.' She stopped crying and looked up at her older sister and started eating the broccoli. 'How did you do that?' I whispered. 'I don't know.' She said.

Her dad looked at his phone. 'Carley we have to go something happened at the office.' He said. 'Don't stay up we'll be home late.' Her mom said before they left the house. Riley started cleaning up the plates. 'Riley is always sick after dinner.' Audrey said. 'That's not true.' I heard her say from the kitchen.

After Audrey had her cookies and watched some cartoons, Riley putted her to bed. 'You want to chill in my room?' I nodded. 'I'm just going to change in something more comfy.' She said leaving me alone in her room. I putted on some sweatpants and took of my shirt. I always slept shirtless. She walked in wearing an oversized sweater and some pyjama shorts. She crawled under the covers and placed her head on my chest. 'Is it true what Aubrey said?' I asked. 'It happened one time and it was just because I'm allergic to glutton.' She said. I don't really believe her but I say nothing. She traced random figures on my chest with her finger. 'Do you have a crush on someone?' she asked. I shook my head. 'Me neither.' She said. Cheeto climbed on the bed. Riley started petting him. He jumped of and crawled under her bed. 'His secret hiding spot.' She giggled. 'It's past ten are. We going to sleep?' she asked. I nodded and shut off the light on her nightstand.

After 10 minutes I heard someone cry. 'Riley?' 'Yes?' she said clearly still wide awake. 'I think Audrey woke up.' I said. Not even 2 minutes later her bedroom door opened and Audrey walked in. 'What's wrong little one?' Riley asked. 'Bad dream.' She said. 'Come here.' She said and lifted up the covers. Audrey crawled in the bed and almost fell directly asleep. I hugged Riley from behind and placed a kiss on her shoulder, something I always do when we have a sleepover. After about 30 minutes we both fell asleep.

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