Truth Or Dare? ✞ kth.jjk

By xceljeon

56.6K 2.5K 850

[COMPLETED] "You have to pick Dare." "Why?" "Cause you picked truth twice!" "Fine...dare." "I dare you to let... More



2.7K 117 51
By xceljeon

Warning you guys now....

Long ass fucking chapter

He's shocked, but really, he wasn't that shocked. Would it be weird if he said he was expecting this?

Jungkook doesn't know whether to thank his dick or scold it for jumping up at the wrong time.

Jungkook is left fiddling with his thumbs as he bites the inside of his cheek. Taehyung sits across from him, patient and steady, waiting for an answer. Truly, Jungkook is amazed at how well Taehyung is dealing with this situation. Even now, he's not tapping his foot or looking at Jungkook with a glare. He's simply staring, a soft smile on his face in hopes of not pressuring Jungkook into anything he doesn't like.

Right now, he has nothing else on his mind except for accepting this offer and enjoying himself to the fullest.

So with a choked sigh, he looks up with a small smile on his lips and agrees that they can have sex. Taehyung could fix his little problem for him.

*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*

Taehyung thought that it would be a good idea to wait a few more days before anything happened. He didn't want the boy to feel uncomfortable, even though he has.

To say the both werent feeling the sexual tension in the air would be a lie. Even the rest of the guys could sense it. "Why the fuck is it always awkward!" Hoseok shouts, he either gets a reply like 'I don't know you ask me' or 'it's not awkward it's peaceful because you aren't talking' They all noticed that Taehyung and Jungkook has been getting closer but didn't want to ask the younger about it, already knowing that Jungkook got the man he wanted.

They were just happy he got the man of his dreams. Except for Jimin of course. That boy was a jealous fuck. Every time Taehyung and Jungkook were a little too close to each other, he would either smack the shit out of whoever was next to him or smack the shit out of himself.

Whenever the two were in a space alone together, the feeling would be so suffocating that Jungkook would have to leave the room. Whenever they grazed exposed skin against eachother unintentionally, they felt an electric spark tingling on their bones. Whenever one of them talked, the other would merely focus on the lips, never catching what the other was saying. God, was this driving them up a wall.

But true to Taehyung's word, they waited until the day they both agreed upon.

As soon as the time rolled around, Jungkook could feel butterflies erupt in his tummy, now completely ready for whatever was about to go down in the bedroom.

He was waiting on the bed, only in a large shirt that he found on the floor (was probably Taehyung's) and nothing else. He was kneeling, sitting on his calves as he watches the door and waits for Taehyung to finish eating. Jungkook purposely bit his lips harsh enough for there to be a pretty pink and tussled up his hair to give himself a messy look. He hopes he looks as enticing as he thinks.

Suddenly, Jungkook hears the bedroom door door click open and he can't help but shift nervously on the spot.

This was it. Jeongguk would finally have his first with the only person he could imagine. Gosh, was he smiling?

The thought of giving himself to Taehyung in one of the most intimate ways possible has now replaced the anxiety and doubt with giddiness. Taehyung would finally claim him in a whole other way and maybe Jungkook was just too happy about that.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's voice rings through the bedroom as he slowly opens the door, Jungkook snapping out of his trance to see the older peeking his head through. Jungkook giggles, tells him he can come in.

Taehyung lets out a laugh himself, one full of genuine fondness towards the younger. When the older sees Jungkook sitting on the bed in one of his shirts with some of the fabric falling off his right shoulder, he finds himself letting a huge smile break across his face.

Taehyung believes he looks so cute in his clothes, especially with his messy hair and pink cheekbones. Even in this dim lighting does he look stunning, and Taehyung lets him know that.

"You're so pretty, Guk." Taehyung whispers, his voice breathy. Jesus, was he entranced. Jungkook was like a magnet, reeling him in as Taehyung tried his best to shed himself of his sweater, his sandals and this overpowering affection. He was too blinded by such a pretty Jungkook, just for him, that he hasn't noticed he already hit the edge of the bed, crawling towards a blushing Jungkook.

"So, so pretty." Taehyung whispers as he brings a hand up to the youngers face, stroking his plush cheek gently with his bony knuckles. The younger beams at the praise, pressing onto the knuckle as if he were a kitten.

"Thank you TaeTae." Jungkook says out of manners, placing one of his hands over the olders slighlty larger one. He feels the warmth of the palm seep through his skin, firing him up in both want and affection.

Jungkook is glad that Taehyung's taking this slow, as to not overwhelm him. Even if Taehyung's pants are currently restricting in one specific place, he's able to hold Jungkook in just one hand as if he were the most precious thing on this earth. His heart burns with desire to help Taehyung and to not drag this on any longer. He's made the older wait for more than he needed too and to show his gratitude, he'll be willing to do anything to please him.

Taehyung then leans down to finally collect the youngers sweet lips onto his, finally giving the both of them some relief from the tension that lingers in the air. Yet despite the fact that these past few days have been filled with want and lust, the two take it slow, making sure to re-remember every part they can get a handle on. "What if they hear?" Jungkook pulled back, Taehyung let out a chuckle and leaned down to Jungkook's ear.

"What if I want them to hear how well I'm fucking you?" Taehyung pulled back and smirked. He then continued to kiss Jungkook.

The kiss is sweet and passionate, full of only head movement and simply lips smacking together. When Taehyung tries to push through Jungkook's pretty petal lips with his tongue, he willingly opens them, taking everything he can get from Taehyung.

His hands fumble across the expanse of Taehyung's back, eyes shut tightly as he focuses on the way the olders muscles are flexed with their position. He lets out a guttural moan as their tongues meet in the middle, Jungkook fighting back only to become pilant once again in Taehyung's hold.

He's panting now as they pull away, foreheads locked together because they can't bear to pull away fully. Both their eyes are shut, bodies still as they try to hold onto this feeling of calm in the air before everything else begins.

"Just tell me when you want me to stop, okay?" Taehyung says, and even though Jungkook's vision is only darkness, he knows Taehyung is looking at him with this mixture of worry and adoration.

"Okay." Jungkook whispers after a moment, and he can feel the air shift as Taehyung makes his way off the bed and to a drawer, were he presumes the lubes and condoms are. "Where'd you get that from?" Jungkook watches Taehyung pull out a pack on condoms. "I was...luck I guess."

Jungkook hoped he would be able to have Taehyung's member in his mouth before this all started, something familar that's hot and heavy that would calm him down, but it seems unlikely. But thinking about Taehyung's hard member, straining now against his pants, leaves Jungkook feeling the pit of arousal stir at the bottom of his stomach. God, how he loved to have his best friends cock in his mouth, his favorite past time besides riding Taehyung's strong thigh.

"Ngh." Jungkook let's out a soft moan as he tries to imagine Taehyung's shaft, right there infront of him and entering his mouth slowly --

"Fingers." Jungkook demands brattily, wanting something in his mouth that will keep him grounded through all this.

He first hears Taehyung laugh, then a pair of fingers press against his lips and he smiles, taking the fingers into his mouth and suckling happily. Usually, it would take more begging and a lot more respect to get what he wanted from Taehyung, but he assumed that he was being generous since Jungkook was finally going to have his virginity taken.

As the youngers busy with moaning around the fingers sloppily in his mouth, Taehyung uncaps the lube bottle with an audible click and pours it directly onto Jungkook's rim. He chuckles when Jungkook gasps, his fingers coming out of his mouth with a pop as he uses two hands to hold Taehyung's palm in its place by his mouth. He looks like a baby holding their bottle.

"S'cold." He whines, taking the digits back into his mouth as he finally keeps his eyes open to watch every move that Taehyung does.

In all honesty, Taehyung felt a little shy under Jungkook's gaze. With how Jungkook was staring at him so intently, his pupils blown wide and cheeks a different color, he has an effect over Taehyung like no other. But even then does he keep complete eye contact, making sure Jungkook stares at him the whole time he stretches him open.

"Ready?" Taehyung asks for verbal confirmation, not wanting to hurt him. If he ever hurt Jungkook in any way, dear god send him to hell. He could never imagine himself hurting someone so precious as his best friend, and if he did, he deserved to be burned.

As soon as Jungkook nods a yes, Taehyung presses the pads of his fingers against the virgin hole, not breaking through just yet. He's too amazed by the way Jungkook's already fluttering, wanting to seemingly clench around something already.

"My pretty baby." Taehyung says as encouragement as he gently starts to press against the puckering hole, watching Jungkook's facial reactions to see if anything changes. Taehyung continues to spew praises after praises as he waits for something in Jungkook to change, to let him know when to stop. He glances down quickly to see how far he's got his fingers in and gives Jungkook props for not crying out when already more than half of Taehyung's finger has disappeared inside him.

"So good for Hyung, right?" Taehyung coos, looking at Jungkook again to see the corner of his eyes brimming with tears. At the sight, Taehyung coos again and removes his hand from the youngers mouth, wiping away the salty substance before it can fall. 

He takes one more long look at Jungkook to see if he's all right and then glances back down to see his middle finger fully inside of his Jungkook.

"Wow baby, so strong. So, so good for Hyung." Taehyung praises and he gains a reaction that leaves his heart beating faster. Gosh, Jungkook's giggles can kill a man.

Stilling his hand for the time being to let the younger adjust, he rubs his free hand gently against Jungkook's slightly toned stomach.

"Look at you, so cute. So beautiful. Look at how cute your stomach is." Taehyung says endearingly and pinches the skin on his waist. Jungkook jumps at that, stills and lets out a moan. Taehyung looks at Jungkook in shock, the sign of a smirk on his face. "T-There's Nothing w-wrong with my stomach."

"Did that feel really good, baby?" Taehyung questions and he let's the smirk bloom across his face when Jungkook eagerly nods a yes.

"I'm gonna move now. Just tell me when its too much, okay?" Taehyung makes sure he understands when he doesn't vocally confirm. "Got it?" Taehyung asks again for good measure.

"Yes Hyung." Jungkook sighs out, his hands reaching out to grip the bedsheets out of nervousness. He's heard that it is painful at first and then it will be replaced with immeasurable pleasure but he's still scared shitless and is already thinking how am I gonna fit Taehyung's cock in there?

He closes his eyes as he feels the drag of Taehyung's finger pull out, and then push back in just as slowly. He let's out the breathe he was holding and lets himself relax as Taehyung uses his other hand to knead his meaty thighs as a way to calm him down.

Jungkook cracks open an eye to see the smirk on Taehyung's face is completely wiped off and is replaced with more of a worrisome expression. The sight almost makes Jungkook laugh but its cut off with a high pitched moan as he feels Taehyung hit a spot in him that leaves him with goosebumps.

"Did I hit your prostrate, baby?" He asks it in that same mocking tone again, the one that leaves Jungkook tearing up in a good way.

"Y-yes, Hyung." Immediately Jungkook answers back.

"Good." Is all he growls before he starts a bruising pace, always brushing against those bundles of nerves but never hitting it full on. This leaves Jungkook frustrated, tears building up in his eyes as he asks for another finger in hopes of filling up this space that seems so empty with just one finger.

When he's given what hes asked, he feels his back arch and he grasps the bedsheet tightly in his knuckles, his mind becoming filled with Taehyung.

Everything becomes dull around him, even his own senses and he can only focus on the pleasure that wracks through his body in different waves and intervals. The pit of arousal in his stomach grows, the feeling of euphoria that he knows all too well suddenly arriving as Taehyung continues his ministrations.

"T-taehy-hyungie." Jungkook squeaks out, Taehyung immediately slowing down his pace once he hears how weak his baby's voice sounds.

"What's wrong?" He asks, once again taking his free hand to brush away the strands of hair that have fallen onto Jungkook's forehead. He pushes them back onto his head and Jungkook nuzzles into the feeling, loving the way Taehyung's big hands feel against his body of any part.

"S-so good. M'bout to c-cum." He whines, trying to push himself back onto Taehyung's fingers as the movement comes to a stop.

"Wanna c-cum." He wails, ready to fuck himself on the olders fingers if he has too just so he can get what he wants, just so he can feel that same feeling wash over him, the one he gets when Taehyung gives him a blowjob or handjob.

"Now, now baby. Don't you want to come on Hyung's cock?" Jungkook's never frozed so fast in his life. The offer was tempting, him wanting to know how good did Taehyung's big cock feel in him, how good it would make him cum.

After a moment more, Jungkook nodded eagerly, tears finally slipping down his cheeks as he begged for Taheyung to move on with it.

"Okay, don't worry. I got you." He says reassuringly as he jostles them into a more comfortable position, condom already on his stiff member and pants discarded to the floor.

Jungkook takes a look at his demeanor, finds his hooded eyes and furrowed brows as he concentrates to be a turn on. He runs his eyes over his defined jaw and sloping nose, the way his eyelashes touch his cheeks as he looks down to see what he's about to do to Jungkook. God, was he beautiful.

Before Jungkook can get out the words, they get caught in his throat as he finally feels the tip of Taehyung breach his entrance, the action sending a small burning sensation up his back. But the good kind of burn that leaves Jungkook reeling as he lets his eyes roll back and his body to relax and lay submissively under Taehyung.

Despite his build, he was more narrower than Taehyung was and enjoyed being mandhandled by such large hands, especially when they were on his tiny waist and thick thighs.

Just then, he feels Taehyung grip his waist in a deathly hold as he finally pushes all the way in, his hips flush against Jungkook's bottom.

Jungkook felt so full. Every part of him was preoccupied with focusing on the fact that Taehyung was in him, filling him up to the brim that he felt as if he was gonna explode. It felt so good. So right. Even the stinging sensation of pain that stayed there for the littlest time felt so good that Jungkook couldn't help but let out a choked moan, amazed at how he waited so long for this.

"You okay, Guk?" Taehyung asks again and again, but the only words that Jungkook can get out is, 'Move'.

And god, does Taehyung surely do move.

He doesn't give time like before, just completely sets a fast pace right from the beginning, pounds into him with no warning.

The sounds of skin against skin, the guttural and deep groans of Taehyung mixing with the more higher pitched moans of Jungkook overwhelm the younger s sense as he reaches out a hand. He feels Taehyung intertwine them together and places them onto the bed next to his head. He kisses Taehyung's wrist and asks for more, screams out Hyung.

Taehyung responds back with a more sharper snap of his hips, hits right against Jungkook's nerves that unravels him into a blabbering mess. The girth of Taehyung completely stretches his hole, leaves it fluttering and clenching with every push and pull.

"J-Jungkook. I-I fucking love you." Taehyung panted, Jungkook noticed Taehyung's pace was getting slower and he was getting to his high. "I-I Love you too." Jungkook squeaked out as he came. Taehyung was still thrusting into Jungkook until he pulled out and came onto Jungkook's back.

"So what are we?"

"You can be my fuck buddy." Jungkook slapped Taehyung's arm. "I'm joking." Taehyung cleared his throat.

"Jeon Jungkook would you like to be my boyfriend?"

*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*

The longest smut I've ever written and I don't regret it one bit.

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