
By dreamin247

46.6K 945 160

Just a bunch of Nemi one shots... More

i'm happy for you
forever yours
a miracle
a miracle (part 2)
valentine's day surprise
am i still your forever?
forgot about us
relapse (part 2)
our first date
forever home
forever home (part 2)
the reunion
the reunion (part 2)
ruin the friendship
ruin the friendship (part 2)
proud (part 2)
forever again
feel the same
it's always been you
he isn't the one for you
he isn't the one for you (part 2)
bora bora
new year
concert tryst
puppy love
*New One Shot Book*
jealous (part 2)

love is tough

2.1K 36 2
By dreamin247


I remained snuggled up on the sofa, blanket slung over my body and a mug of hot chocolate in hand. I was watching reruns of Friends while waiting for Nick to make his appearance at my house. My gaze briefly turned to Batman and Cinderella who were curled up on the floor by the fire that was gently crackling away. The doorbell ringing through the house caused a smile to spread across my face, Batman and Cinderella instantly alert and charging towards the front door, yapping away. I rolled my eyes as I leant forward, lowering my mug onto the coffee table and removing the blanket from around me so I could go and let my boyfriend in. I unlocked the front door, the smile that was previously on my face dropped because of the anger I felt radiating off Nick.

"Hi, Baby" I leant towards him, hoping to receive a kiss but my lips met his cheek instead. "What's the matter? What happened?" I moved out of the way as Nick stepped into the house, trying to refrain from slamming the door as Nick seemed to ignore my question. "Nick?" he looked up at me, a sort of glare in his eyes before turning his attention back to Batman who was soaking up all the attention. "Nick, why the hell are you so angry?" I jumped slightly as he abruptly pushed himself to stand, turning in my direction, the anger in his eyes something I've never witnessed. I have never seen him so angry before.

"Have you been out today?" I looked at him, confusion spread across my face as I shook my head.

"No. I told you that I was spending the day in. It's one of my only days off this month" his anger never wavered.

"You had any visitors today?" I was starting to find this whole conversation funny, but Nick's anger told me that he wasn't messing around.

"No" I tried so hard to hide my amusement.

"Have you been on social media at all today?" I shook my head, rolling my eyes slightly at all these questions.

"No. I switched my phone off, like I told you I was going to. It's upstairs and it has been all day" I slowly stepped towards Nick, going to grab at his hand but he pulled his hand from my grip, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nick, what's with all the questions?" he was staring me down and I couldn't help but to feel nervous that I'd done something to piss him off. "Nick, can-can you tell me why you're so angry at me," I was speaking over the lump that had formed in my throat causing my voice to sound quiet. Nick avoided the question but proceeded to pull his phone from his pocket. I nervously watched as he typed on his phone before shoving it out in my direction. He never spoke but the glare in his eyes told me to look at whatever he'd searched for. I swallowed the lump from my throat as I took a hold of his phone, my eyes remaining locked with his for a moment before they glanced down at the phone screen.

A possible reunion for one of Hollywood's IT couples?

Accompanying the photo of Wilmer and I at dinner was a photo of us kissing, a photo that looked like it could have been taken on the exact same night. Someone obviously has great photoshop skills. I rolled my eyes and released a breath of frustration as I shoved the phone back towards Nick. I could feel myself growing angry at Nick, at the world because nobody understands the word privacy.

"Nick, I never kissed him so you can stop thinking that I did" he grabbed his phone and stared down at the article that I'd left on his screen.

"You're wearing the exact same clothes, Demi. How the hell am I supposed to believe that you didn't kiss him?" I rolled my eyes, running my fingers through my hair, this isn't how I wanted tonight to go. I wanted a quiet night in with my boyfriend, snuggled under a blanket on my sofa, watching movies all night long.

"Somebody obviously has great photoshop skills because I didn't kiss him. Yeah, I went out to dinner with him but you knew about that anyway because I told you beforehand" Nick ran his fingers through his hair as he released a breath, my heart pounding in my chest out of fear that he wouldn't believe me. Would we still have a relationship if he doesn't believe me? Will I still be able to be with him if he doesn't believe a word that leaves my mouth?

"Nobody is that good at photoshop. You look exactly like you do in the other photo. Do you want to get back with him?" I shook my head, rolled my eyes and released a breath. "Are you fucking him?" I couldn't help but to release a chuckle, that angered Nick more though.

"Ya know what, yeah, I'm fucking him" Nick didn't find that as amusing as I did. "I'm kissing him in public so that my boyfriend can find out about it" I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Nick, you're being ridiculous, I am not cheating on you" I could feel tears burning at the back of my eyes, threatening to spill over my eyelids.

"What the hell am I supposed to think when a photo of you and your ex-boyfriend, who you were so in love with, is spread over social media?" I dropped my head into my hands as I released a frustrated growl.

"You're supposed to trust me because I'm your girlfriend" I stared into Nick's eyes, allowing him to see the tears that were threatening to spill. The anger on his face never melted even as the first tear rolled down my cheek. I hate to look weak, but that concept flew out the window when the thought of Nick not trusting me is involved. "You don't trust me, do you?" I wiped the tear from my cheek as I released a broken chuckle.

"Demi, what am I supposed to think? If you saw photos of me and Olivia kissing, would your mind jump to me cheating on you?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You and Olivia aren't friends, Nick. You haven't spoken to Olivia in years so if there happened to be photos of you two kissing all over social media, then yes, I would be suspicious but I would still trust you" Nick stared at me, no emotion on his face whatsoever. "You're supposed to trust me, Nick. I'm your girlfriend and you're supposed to believe everything that comes out of my mouth" he didn't seem to react in any way to the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. "Wilmer's my friend and he has been for years. He's been there for me through everything, Nick. I'm not just going to throw away that friendship because you're jealous" Nick rolled his eyes, but I knew that I'd hit the nail on the head. He's jealous of the friendship that I share with Wilmer.

"Well, it's hard to believe anything when Wilmer's involved" I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"Why? Why is it difficult to believe anything that I say about Wilmer? I'm your girlfriend, I'm not going to lie to you. I love you, Nick" I had tears rapidly streaming down my cheeks and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

"Because you're in love with him too" I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion as I watched him.

"What?" Nick remained quiet, still glaring at me. "Nick, I'm not in love with Wilmer. I love Wilmer but I'm not in love with him. I love him like a friend, the exact same way that I love Matthew" Nick rolled his eyes, rubbing at his chin as he released a chuckle, his shoulders moving as he nodded.

"Yeah, but Matthews gay, Demi. You don't have a history" I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair, lightly wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"What are we even doing anymore? If you don't trust me, what's the point in this relationship? You obviously feel threatened by Wilmer, you obviously don't trust me, so what's the point? We may as well just cut our loses, right? We may as well just end this now? I'm sure I can go back to loving you like Matthew" before he had the chance to reply, the doorbell rang through the house, Batman and Cinderella remaking their appearance, yapping at the front door. I stared at Nick for a moment, but he kept his gaze locked on the floor.

I turned towards the door, pulling it open to reveal Wilmer. I internally rolled my eyes, glancing back at Nick who looked even more angry than he did previously.

"Yeah, nothing's going on" he glared down at me as he approached us, barging passed both me and Wilmer before storming down the driveway and towards his car.

"Nick, we're not finished" he glanced back at me as he unlocked his car, slowly pulling open the car door.

"I'm finished" I released a frustrated groan as Nick climbed into his car and slowly disappeared out of my driveway.

"Is everything okay?" I glanced up at Wilmer, releasing a sigh as I shook my head, wiping at my cheeks as I did.

"No but it will be. I'm guessing you're here because of the pictures that have happened to spread their way through social media?" Wilmer nodded as he gave me a small and sympathetic smile. "Someone has some great photoshop skills" Wilmer chuckled causing a small and broken smile to spread across my face. "You want to come in?" I pointed behind me, Batman and Cinderella satisfied after getting a little fuss from Wilmer.

"Are you sure that's wise? It's not going to cause further problems?" I shook my head with a roll of my eyes.

"We may be dating but he can't tell me who to be friends with. You've been in my life for 8 years and I'm not just going to kick you out of it because he's jealous" I stepped out of the way and allowed Wilmer to step around me.

"I think it's a little more than jealousy, D" I glanced at him with my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as I closed the front door behind him.

"What do you mean?" we stared at each other in silence for a moment as I waited for Wilmer to speak.

"I was with Joe, a couple of days ago and he happened to go on a rant about Nick" I kept my eyes locked on him, waiting for him to continue. "He doesn't think he deserves you, Demi" my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "He doesn't think he's good enough for you. He doesn't understand why you'd want to be with someone like him" I was speechless. Why would Nick ever think that he wasn't good enough for me?

"I-I-I don't-I don't understand? Why-Why the hell would he think that?" I stared at him with my mouth slightly open.

"I didn't get the full conversation because he was kind of rambling but all I really got was that he thinks you're too good for him, he's scared that he's going to lose you, he's scared that he's not going to get the forever with you" my heart was pounding in my chest as everything Wilmer said was going in.

"I'll let him cool off and then I'll tell him that he isn't too good for me" a small smile spread across my face as my heart swelled with more love for Nick.

"You want me to go and find him? Tell him that the photos aren't real?" I shook my head as I sighed.

"No, it'll just make it worse. He'll think I told you to say it" Wilmer nodded as he gave me a smile. "You want something to drink?" he nodded and followed behind me as I began into the kitchen.


I stepped from the car, slamming the door behind me as I stared up at Nick's house. I was thankful that I found his car in the driveway as I drove up to the house, thankful that I wouldn't have to search for him. I crossed my arms over my chest as I began towards his front door, my heart rapidly thumping in my chest and butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as I rang Nick's doorbell, waiting for him to answer. I jumped in surprise when he pulled open the front door.

"Hi" I gave him a small smile, biting down slightly on my lower lip.

"I thought you were done with me and our relationship?" I rolled my eyes, stepping passed him and into the house. "Come on in" his voice was laced with sarcasm.

"Nick, I think we need to talk. I'm not willing to throw away our relationship because I trust you and I love you more than anything else in this world. If you still don't trust me after I've spoken then, I suppose I'll have to let you go" I swallowed the lump from my throat, trying so hard to ignore the tears that were burning at the back of my eyes.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I rolled my eyes while I shook my head.

"Nick, this is serious" I leant towards him, taking a hold of his hand and my heart skipped a beat when he didn't pull his hand away.

"And I was serious, do you want anything to drink?" a slight smirk played on his lips causing me to smile too.

"Come on, we really need to talk" I pulled him into the living room and pushed him down onto the sofa, throwing my legs either side of his legs so that I was straddling him. I ran my fingers along the collar of his shirt, running my tongue over his lower lip. My heart did a somersault and tingles traveled throughout my whole body as Nick ran his hands along my thighs. "You know why I love you so much?" Nick watched me curiously, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he ran his fingers around in circles on my hips. I didn't reply until he shook his head. "Because of how strong you are" I ran the back of my index finger along his jaw, slowly running it into his hair. "You were diagnosed with diabetes at 13 but you never let that stop you. You still worked hard for your dream" I ran my other hand down his chest, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. "If anyone doesn't deserve anybody in this relationship, it's me" Nick's arms slid around my waist, his hand settling on my bum as he pulled me more into him.

"Who told you?" I set a small smile on my face as I glanced down at him, my fingers still running through his hair.

"Wilmer and don't be mad because Joe kind of let it slip while he ranted" Nick rolled his eyes but dropped his head back against the sofa, my forehead pressing against his. "And I'm glad he did. That's something that we should have spoken about. If we're going to make this relationship work, we need to communicate, Nick" Nick gently adjusted himself beneath me before lowering me down onto the sofa, hovering himself over me. "I can't lose you because you mean too much to me. I love you, Nicholas. There's no one else in this world that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're my world, Nick" Nick ran his thumb along my upper and lower lip as tears welled in my eyes, threatening to stream down my cheeks. "Nothing is going on with Wilmer. I-I'm not cheating on you. Nick, please believe that I'm not cheating on you" Nick pressed his forehead against mine, his fingers running through my hair.

"I believe you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you too" he nudged his nose with mine causing me to smile. "I promise I won't accuse you of anything ever again. I love you so much, Beautiful, and I am so sorry" I shook my head, wrapping my arms around his neck, running my fingers into his hair.

"Just kiss me, you idiot" he chuckled as he crashed his lips against mine, my heart soaring in excitement. I don't have to search for my forever anymore.

'No matter how much I say I love you, I love you so much more than that'


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