Until The End: KrisxRalsie (D...

By VibesOfThought

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(y did I make this...I am a troubled child) In the incomprehensible 5th dimension where thought and imaginati... More

Who Am I Again?
White Ribbon
Snowflakes and Confessions
Christmas Day
Shower Thoughts
Update 1
Freedom Ends Here
Update 2
Shredded To Pieces
Update 4: Yay We Did It
Update 5: I'm Continuing This
I Don't Want To Leave...
Update 6: I'm back ^^


643 9 0
By VibesOfThought

'Ahhh... he is cute, I'm glad were all together now- hopefully today I get to know him more, not forgetting Susie as well, I wonder what he's doing now?... Ah, jeez! I'm starving...' Kris woke up from her lucid daydream when she forgot she didn't eat yesterday, her dream smoked off into the air and vanished.

Opening her eyes to the ironically dark sunrise, Kris saw an un-explainable odd assortment of food ahead of her on the table, there was stuff like tasty looking candy which glowed a gooey and vibrantly night sky purple, some toast coated in red jam, berry cornflakes, thankfully cake and for some reason... a lone egg, next to it all there was a note... Kris read out through her mind.

'Hi Kris! Sorry to surprise you like this, I remembered how hungry you were yesterday so I decided to make breakfast early, I can't write for much longer because I'm feeling tired... I hope you're ok and excited for today where we can finally get to know each other! Bye for now!... My paw is all numb... - Your hopeful (and very tired) friend Ralsei'

"Breakfast served like this?... But its only... 5AM" Kris pointed out questionably, Kris looked over slightly to the left to see the tired and worn out little thing sleeping to the nearest place he could find, lightly snoozing the freezing cold air, he twitched his foot paws a little and yawned, rubbing his charming white eyes over to the surprised face of Kris, and looked blankly and tiredly.

"Ralsei? Did you make all this for me at night?... You didn't have to do that! You must be tired! You- you are OK right?" Kris asked in surprise, Ralsei simply nodded as he raised himself from the corner he was resting in, and yawned, smiling gleefully he gave Kris a seat and a really tired and really small smile.

"I-I just wanted to make things up for you in case you forgot... sorry if I worried you! I just want to spend all this time with you! Can...-can I join you...?" Ralsei stuttered in what looked like slight panic, Kris whipped her hair around and gave him a slightly downed look.

"Yeah, you can join me... you sure you're ok?... you look nervous about something." Kris asked again, Ralsie hid his face away nervously and slightly blushed a little, Ralsei knew inside his mind, he couldn't deny it, but he had feelings for Kris, she may not remember it too well but Ralsei could, she's such a good friend... but Ralsei wondered, is there something more then a 'friend'?

"I-I'm ok, I promise... its just, I feel really bad how you forgot me... Kris, I'm not going to lie you're the best friend I ever had... only if it was short timing, you were so nice, but... now you don't remember it K-kris, I haven't lost you, have I? I know it might be much to ask but... can we be really good friends? Again? I promise I'll take care of you Kris... I-I've been hiding it up till now..." Ralsei felt like glass having to tell Kris what was stressing him, Kris looked in surprise of how he felt, herself especially, Ralsei knew it with nerved anticipation stinging his mind.

"Ralsei... of course! I mean, we've got know each other more but y-you've been so generous to me lately it'd hate myself if I said no. I didn't know you felt this way... I'll happily say ye-s" Kris's heart thumped as she was cut by Ralsei giving her a small, fragile hug with his paws, for what felt like minutes, yet it was seconds before he let go of the sudden hug as Kris, all surprised gave a small blushed smile to the small and shy critter.

"Hi dorks." Susie mildly interrupted, unexpectedly phasing out of her bed when no one expected, Ralsei stuttered nervously as she yawned, she didn't look surprised about her surroundings as she assumed that she woke up late, not even surprised by her timings.

"Hi Susie, are you alright this morning?" Kris asked, managing to hold her words on Susie, Susie took a seat and glanced at her breakfast, which thankfully for her wasn't chalk, she casually swallowed breakfast in no time at all, she nodded straight after as she stumbled over to the fiery stove to keep warm, keeping the paw she burned away from it.

"Is it alright if I keep warm by the fire? Its freezing again this morning, hopefully this freeze wave ends before I punch something....don't worry its none of you guys, hopefully, anyways, we're gonna destroy the geyser today right?...Still I don't know where Lancer could've gone off to, having just made our team, I had to go with you guys just to help Kris..." Susie explained, sort of worried about him.

"I'm sure he's ok Susie, he's resided here for ages... you just warm yourself by the fire if you want!So, um, Kris, is it alright if we get some fresh air?" Ralsei asked while simultaneously calming Susie, Kris nodded and followed on behind him, cold air never seemed to get past his intense layers of floof, Kris almost wanted to huddle up against him, Ralsei's view leaned over the balcony into the infinite darkness... Kris was freezing.

"Kris? Are you ok back there? You look shivering...should we go back in?" Ralsei asked looking at Kris in compassion as she shivered, she moved forwards more over to the area where he was, Kris shook her head and began training against a training dummy nearby, that looked like Ralsei, Ralsei himself wavered back on the balcony watching Kris...she fought for a full five minutes but felt like her fingers wanted to snap off.

"Good job Kris, now try acting on it!... Kris?" Ralsei questioned, Kris stumbled back freezing from ice cold air, yet she still thought well against the dummy, Ralsei lingered over to see if Kris was alright, tilting his head in wonder, he looked so cute... Kris struck up and hugged him, his surprised pure white eyes suddenly looking deeply into Kris, as he blushed against the unfamiliar feeling.

"K-kris? I don't know if this is what were supposed to be doing... but... I-I guess if this makes you feel better then..." Ralsei blushing shyly responded, Kris resided there for half a minute until they moved back indoors, he couldn't help but feel Kris's hand warm his paw, they kept going forwards.

"So... are we going to destroy that geyser Ralsei, and then I'll go home?" Kris asked, Ralsei at this point felt an uncomfortable wave of heat strike over him, his paw felt sweaty with denial, and his eyes filled with worry and a static expression, Kris looked over as he hid his face. Trying not to make the situation complicated, Ralsei nodded objectively to himself.

Susie walked over with another mug, yet with coffee, her mug from yesterday to be precise, she glanced at Ralsei and Kris and shrugged her shoulders, as she smothered her paw on the floor, wanting the heat of fire to draw off her, she looked she couldn't wait to get home, not out of enthusiasm, only because she was annoyed with her surroundings.

"...Hi again dweebs, lets move out at get this over with." Susie called, Kris waved back to her as they got ready to leave into the field, hoisting their weapons and moving out... Ralsei had to confess at some point, he could feel the end getting close with every step of the way... he had to do.

"Alright! Finally! Lets go guys!" Susie triumphed aggressively, they all moved down through the snake wind path way, hoping not to get instantly swarmed and attacked, Ralsei remained quiet, he looked so calm but deep down inside he was facing a battle he knew he needed to win, it was that or risk losing the one thing he truly found.

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