Date With Destiny

By guardian_ace1

44.5K 1.8K 633

Have you ever thought that your dream will come true. Shen Wei is just an ordinary student back then with a b... More

Blind Date
Waking Up In Your Arms
My First Love Is You
Looking Through Your Eyes
Throwing My Heart To You
My Comrade In This Fight
Dreaming Of You
After Math
Loving You Back
I Left My Heart Behind
Yearn For You
Don't Lie To Me
Shen Wei's Rage
Kiss And Make out
I Caught You
I Need Him Back
My First Date
If The Clothes Fit
Baby Problem
Meeting the X
The Wedding Day

I Can't Hear Your Heart Beat

1.5K 66 13
By guardian_ace1

     After Shen Wei landed in America,  his secretary Wang came to welcome him, "Sir I have checked  every  hospital here and the best hospital in that kind of field is McLean Hospital. It is located at 115 Mill St. Belmont. Sir you can leave tomorrow." Said Wang. "Why not now?! I need to rescue someone!" But secretary Wang won't let him. "You need to rest sir our people will be happy to help in finding your special person. But for now you need to rest.

     In the private room, Yunlan return to his old room. Still his old stuff is still there. "Welcome back sir Yunlan." Said Dr. Brown. As a defeated Yunlan laid on the bed. "Please  make my son well again!" Said Mr. Zhao. "It would be my pleasure sir." As he left the room, Dr. Brown and his two assistance gave Yunlan a tag and a sleeping pills to make him sleep for a while. But Yunlan was suprise when he was injected on something. "What's that for?!" He furiously said. "Sir your notorious in not taking your pills thus your father order us to inject it instead, sorry sir." As he about to shake the doctor, he felt weak as he become sleepy and black out.

     Next morning, the people of Shen Wei gave him the information he needed. He found out that theirs no patient name Zhao Yunlan in that hospital or in other hospitals. But one of our informant said that their is one private hospital some we're in Virginia. But we still looking on it's we're about.

     "It's been  two days or so forth?" Said Yunlan. As Yunlan is loosing hope in seeing Shen Wei again. How can he find him if the hospital is located underground. It's not only him in here but many patient like him as well with prestige and we'll  known family. One by one they have a guard on their side, as Yunlan about to eat his food in the canteen,  two patient seated next to him, one is an Asian guy like him while the other one is  Caucasian . "What do we have here?! Hi! My name is Lynk and this is Jasper, he don't talk to much but he almost killed his brothers because they're so mean to him. While my case..." He suddenly cry. As he continue Jasper rubbed his shoulder. "They just left me here because I'm not normal and crazy somehow." As he keep babbling nothingness. Yunlan suddenly have the urgent to back away. As Lynk saw his tag, he grip his arm. The guard of Yunlan and Lynk tried to entangled his hands to Yunlan's arm. "You have the same tag as mine!" As he laugh crazy. "You'll be just like in a few days and so!" As the guards dragged Lynk away from Yunlan, Jasper follow Lynk. Yunlan suddenly lost his appetite, as he walk away from the canteen followed by his guard to the small garden of the hospital.  As he seated by the bench he wonder what day is today, is it night or morning in the surface. As he can  only see the artificial scenery of the hospital. He miss Mt. Kunlun we're he and Shen Wei had sleep on that dim cave, at least he can see the stars there. As he laid there on the bench wishing that scenery was real and holding Shen Wei by his side. Suddenly an alarm was heard, it's time to go back to their room to drink their medicine. As Yunlan won't move. "Hey! You! Get up it's time to go back to the room!" Said the guard as he was pull to stand up. "Wait! Shen Wei is waiting for me! I have to stay and wait for him!"
As the guard called another guard.
"I need back up here, his becoming crazy!" As the other guards came he was dragged back to his room, while shouting for Shen Wei's name.

     In the surface, Yezun called Shen Wei it's been a week, since Yunlan missing. "Gege! Have you found him?" Shen Wei tried not to cry,  "Not yet! The hospital is hidden somewhere and we can't find it! I don't know what to do anymore!" As he cried to his brother. ''Don't worry Gege! Da quing have found something! We will come there tomorrow! So, there's still hope we gonna find him! So rest for a while Gege!" As the line went dead. Shen Wei can breath again.

     Next morning Yezun came with Da quing on his side, he gave Shen Wei an address. "Wait this is a private village? It's not a hospital?" Said Shen Wei. "We talk to a former guard there. He can't take it anymore, they're treating normal people into a crazy patient. The patient being treated their either they gone crazy or have amnesia." Shen Wei furrow his brow, "What do you mean?" Da quing explained, "Yunlan is not the only one there, many children,teens and adult being brought their by  their well known family. The hospital is underground and cannot be seen at the surface. That's why we can't locate it. It's for prestige and rich family only." Shen Wei suddenly smile, "What if we have a way to go in there? And have proof to shut down that facility as well rescue Yunlan." As the twins both look at Da quing. "Oh! No! Why! Me?" Said Da quing.

     As Da quing was inside the hospital with Shen Wei being his fake brother. "Hello! Mr. Lee! I'm Dr. Brown, so this must be your little brother. Such a cute kid." As he ruffle Da quing's head. "Kid?!" Said Da quing to himself. "Please take care of him, I hope he will be normal and fine by the time I came back." As Shen Wei whispered to Dr. Brown, my brother thought that his the mighty cat king." The doctor make an okey sign. Don't worry sir by the time you fetch him, he'll be good as new.

     While Da quing is being led to his room, many we'll known people leaving their relatives behind. As one of the patient grab him, "Look! We got fresh meat!" As he shout. While his guard dragged him toward his room. "I'm not fresh meat! I'm Da quing and you will bow to me!" Da quing said. As his guard roll his eyes. Suddenly he saw someone in the garden who looks like Yunlan, he seated at the bench while looking to no where.
"Whose that?!" As the guard looked.
"That's Zhao Yunlan, poor kid his been calling Shen something, ever since his been here. But a year or two he will forget that name, all of them do. And you will get better soon too." After he was lead to his room, he was given a sleeping pills to make him rest for a while and a tag. As he fake to swallow the pills, the doctor and guard left him. "Did you see that?" As he call Shen to his small camera and radio attached to his eyes. Shen Wei almost can't talk as he see Yunlan again. "Yes! Can you talk to him? "Ask Shen Wei. "I can't maybe lunch will see, one patient have each guard. Record everything I see, okey?!"

     Lunch time, every body eating at the canteen. Seeing Yunlan, Da quing suddenly sit at his side. While there guards looking at the other way. "Pssst... Yunlan it's me Da quing!" But Yunlan just keep on eating. "Hey! It's me Da quing don't you recognize me?! Look at me!" As Yunlan looked at him. "Who are you?" Said Yunlan. Da quing almost want to pop his eyes off. It's me Da quing! Your best friend!" Yunlan just shake his head. "Don't you want to see Shen Wei?!" Suddenly Yunlan stand up, "Where is he?! His waiting for me!" Da quing tried to calm him down, but he keep on shouting Shen Wei's name. As the other patient shout out with him. Making the guards alert, while the other   went out of control. It became a ramble stage. As the other patients went on the table and shout. Da quing pull Yunlan under the table and cover his mouth. "Yunlan! Stop shouting! Stay calm, his gonna rescue you?" As he stop and looked at Da quing. "His coming? My Shen Wei is coming?!" As  Da quing nod.
"So I need you to stay calm and wait for us, okey?" Said Da quing. But a guard saw them, "Hey! You two come out of there!" As the guard of Yunlan took him away. While Da quing guard take him to his room.

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