Homeless ⇝ Jyatt

By sk8ternerd

1.7K 71 11

Jaeden Wesley Martell, a kid that lives in LA runs away from home after something horrible happens in his lif... More



124 7 0
By sk8ternerd

Wyatt's POV
January 20th 2019
Los Angeles, California
2:30 pm

We ran to the bus stop as fast as possible. We just patiently waited for another bus to come. Luckily, the bus came just in time. We all entered the bus and sat down. All I could think of is Jaeden getting beat up and being bruised, or possibly getting killed.

I was taping my foot very fast, wondering if he'll be okay. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I looked back and Sophia was giving me a half smile. "He'll be okay, your over exaggerating." "What if he's not?" I say giving her a worried face. "Just think positive." "I will." I say breathing in and out calmly.

20 minutes past, we finally reached downtown LA. We got off the bus and we all start to walk to Jaeden's usual spot where he stays at. We speed walked, until we were finally outside of McDonald's.

I was in shock when I realized that Jaeden wasn't there. I yelled  "JAEDEN?!, JAEDEN?!, JAEDEN?" I panicked and had tears fall down  my face. "I-I knew something was gunna happen." I say pacing around back and forth.

"Calm down, Wyatt. Just breathe" Sophia say trying to calming me down. "Don't worry, we'll find him." Jack say smiling trying to cheer me up. "Don't worry, i'll call the cops." Jeremy say picking up his phone. "We should search around the area, and i'll be back in 5 minutes." Finn says walking off with Jack and Chosen. Sophia and Jeremy decided to keep me company until the cops arrived.

5 minutes later, the cop has arrived. He came up to you asking questions. "Hey sir, i'm Deputy Brown, can you tell me what happened." I explained everything to the cops, once I was finished my friends returned from searching. They all came up to me with a sad face. "Anything?" I wondered. "No, i'm sorry Wyatt.

"You know what? I'll just call him and see if he will pick up." I say picking up my phone from my pocket. I clicked Jaeden's name and clicked the call button.

*phone rings, NO ANSWER.* I hanged up my phone and start to call him a couple more times. But still, no answer. "Did he pick up?" Sophia say rubbing my back. "No.." I answered back.

Then, I see Deputy Brown come up to us with sad face. "Sir, we found where your friend Jaeden is." I quickly responded "really?!" "Where is he?" "He's in the hospital. He was shot." I went into tears once he told us Jaeden was in the hospital. I never cry, I just don't want anything bad to happen to him. Sophia went up to me and hugged me.

"Is he gunna be okay?" Sophia asked. "He should be fine, he came out of surgery." "Alright guys, let's head to the hospital. Thanks Sir." Sophia says as we all walked together to the bus stop.

Once we reached the hospital, we all went to the front desk and asked "Hello, i'm looking for my friend Jaeden Lieberher. He was shot." "Yes, he is on the 3rd floor room 337A." "Thank you!" I say walking to the elevator.

We reached to the his room and we see him peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed. "We'll go in one by one to see Jaeden, if that's okay with everyone." I said. Everyone eventually agreed and nodded their heads. I decided to go first, I walked into his room.

Once I entered the room. I sat down and raised my hand to touch is arm. I moved my hand up and down. "Jaeden...." I whispered. I moved my hand and played with his hair. "I-I think I love —.." I was cut off by my mom rushing into the hospital room.

"Omg, is he alright? I heard the news." "Yeah, he'll be fine. He hasn't woken up yet, so you gotta be quiet." I whispered. "Can I be alone with him?" Your mom asked. "Yeah sure, i'll be in the hall."

I closed the door on my way out. "Why didn't you guys tell me that my mom was coming in." I say hitting Finn in the arm. "Oww! You don't have to hit me." Finn yelled back. "We didn't tell you because we don't want Jaeden to wake up." Jack says.

My mom ran to the door and opened it with a slam. "Guys, Jaeden's awake." I had a smile on my face. We all walked inside the room together. "Hey, Jae. Are you okay?" I say softly. "Y-Yeah, my stomach really hurts." "We are all glad that your okay. Wyatt has been worried about the most." Sophia says.

"You have?" Jaeden says looking at Wyatt. "Of course, your my best friend." I responded back. "You know, if you haven't lived outside, you wouldn't been in this situation." You mom says yelling at Jaeden. "MOM! Not right now." I yelled back at her.

The doctor walks in the room doing his daily checks. "Hi Jaeden, how's your stomach?" he asked. "It hurts a lot." he responded. "That should be normal, we'll give you pain medications." "You are able to leave the hospital in a few days. Also, can someone pay for the bills?" he asked.

"I will." Your mom says. As she leaves to pay at the counter, we all stayed beside Jaeden comforting him. Jeremy, Chosen, Finn, Sophia and Jack all hugged Jaeden at the same time. "We missed you." Sophia says. "I missed you too, i'm sorry I didn't tell you guys what happened." He replied.

"Don't worry about that, we're here for you." Jack says. "I love you guys." "We love you too." We all say at the same time. "We should all leave, you need some rest. I'll be back to see you." I say.

"Okay, i'll talk to you soon." Everyone starts to walk outside. I looked at Jaeden, smiled at him and leaned in close to him and gave him a kiss on the head. He looked back at me blushing. "W-Wyatt.." Jaeden whispered. "I-I'm sorry." I replied walking away. "Wyatt, wait!" Jaeden says reaching his arm to grab mine."

I turned around and held his hand, I leaned closer and wanted to give him another kiss. I moved to his lips and gave him a kiss. He didn't resist and kissed me back. "I would love to say but I have to go, i'll talk to you later." I say walking out the door.

to be continued...

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