bestfriend's boyfriend. ~ fil...

By canibeyourchild

15.8K 640 1.5K

When Sadie is dating Finn, but Millie starts gaining feelings. More

'well hello there.
"knock knock.
'"Oh poop.
""shes just a friend.
"'"if this is what love feels like.. then i don't want to be in love at all.
"""Dont let him know.
"'""Because I love you!
Dance Part 1.
Dance Part 2.
"Finn! Babe.
"I only want you, Millie."
"Wheres Millie?"
"Welcome back, Finn.
"I'm sorry, I'm late.
"From Secret Admirer.
"Love Actually.

"Enjoy the stake out boys."

575 29 80
By canibeyourchild


"It's just so unlike him." I say down the phone to Noah. I was sitting on my bed, painting my nails with the phone pressed against me ear.

"Has he still not texted you?" Noah asked.

"No and by now, he's spamming me none stop of memes or cute little puppy pictures." I sighed.

"You know what? Maybe you just need spies. I can get Gaten and Caleb and myself to keep a close close eye on him if you want." Noah suggested.

"Thanks Noah, you are a star.." I smiled. I know I say this a lot but thank god, for creating Noah and bringing him to me. "Anyway what are you doing?"

"I'm just about to prank my sister. In a bit Mills. I'll tell you if I get grounded or not." Noah then ended the call, I couldn't help but laugh at how childish the boy still is.

I finished painting my nails, blowing on them to dry. After that was done, I turned on my TV and went on Netflix and carried on watching 'The Crown'.

"Elizabeth is amazing." I whispered to myself, my eyes glued to the telly.

A couple of minutes went by and curiosity got the best of me. I went on Facebook to see how long ago Finn was active.. "2 minutes ago."

2 minutes ago he was active and he couldn't even bother to message me a simple "hi" or an explanation.

I grabbed my pillow and buried my face in it, letting out a scream of anger.

I grabbed my phone calling Noah.

"He was active two minutes ago Noah and he couldn't even bother to say "hi" or "I love you" or "hey sorry for not being very social".. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?! Or is something wrong with me? Was we moving so fast or something!?"

"Millie calm the fudge down.. You're overreacting. I'll spam the shit out of him now for you. Make it look like I'm the crazy one." Noah said, ending the call with me straight away.

How rude.

I decided after I didn't get any news off Noah to call it an early night and just get sleep and pray for a better day tomorrow.


"Noah what is so important? You had to make me pause 'Glee'- I mean 'Avengers'." Gaten said, trying to cover the fact he just announced he is a Gleek.

"It's okay Gaten, I think we can all happily admit we watch Glee here." Caleb comforted Gaten.

"We do." I said proudly. "Anyway we need to go undercover and spy on Finn Wolfhard. Something fishy is going on. So hand me your phones."

Gaten and Caleb passed me their phones, I switched them off and put them in my back pack.

"What the deal, chief?" Caleb smirked, putting on a bandana and wrapping it around his forehead.

"Okay we are dealing with a really tall ass boy hiding something which means we will need these." I handed them a walky tally each and a pair of sunglasses.

"I'll take the side of the house, Gaten take front and Caleb take back. Gaten I have my mums car for you to chill in, Finn never seen it. You see anything suspicious code word is 'ghost been spotted'."

"Okay got it." Gaten said walking off to the front of the house.

"Caleb, you take back. I haven't got another car that Finn hasn't seen. So you have my second favourite blanket and chill behind the back fence. Deal?"

"Yes sir!" Caleb marched off.

I whipped out my favourite blanket and laid of the side of the house, the other side was just his bathroom and his mums room so there nothing to cover there.

"Come in, over." I spoke into the walkie.

"Yes Noah? Over." Caleb replied.

"Enjoy the stake out boys, see you in the morning. Over."

"Night boss. Over."

Finn POV

"Sadie, come on." I smiled, holding her close as we watched a movie on the couch.

"Finn, don't you think we took it to far? Can we be finished with this stupid prank now. Before Millie actually ends up getting hurt." Sadie sighs.

"Oh come on Sadie, it's what makes it more fun." I hugged her tightly.

"Finn please. I just wanted this to be a lesson to tell her that she should be honest with me with her feelings."

"Sadie, stop. We are too far to finish it now. It must carry on.. until I say so."

"You know what, Finn Wolfhard. You can be a dick at times!" Sadie said, getting up and grabbing her coat.

I just want to tell Sadie, I enjoy being with Millie more but I can never hurt Sadie or Millie. I can never hurt anyone.

"Where you going, babe?" I said, getting up and chasing after her.

"At times I feel like you are just with her for the sake of it! To keep your 'friends' and everyone happy! When you are just upsetting me more.."

"Please Sadie! I don't want to hurt you!" I begged. Guilt filling my stomach.

Sadie swung open the front door. "Then tell me you want me and not her. Not us both."

"I.. I-"

"Zip it. Don't message me until you make up your mind."

She walked off, leaving me standing at the door.

"Sadie come back! Please!"


What have I just witnessed I quickly ducked under Noah's third favourite blanket. Holding the walkie close to my mouth.

"The ghost has been spotted! I repeat! The ghost had been spotted! Over!" I yelled.

"What's up Gaten? Over!" I heard Caleb.

Damn these walkies are cool.

"You're not going to like this, Caleb. But I just spotted Sadie leaving Finn's. Over."

"What?! Oh my god!" Noah finally shouted in. Joining the convo.

"Caleb are you okay?" I asked. Silence following for a while.

"I'll be fine, let's go back and tell Millie. Over." Caleb finally spoke. I can tell he was hurting, I'm a kill Sadie for hurting my best friend.

"No we can't tell Millie." Noah said.

"What? Why?!-"

"We just can't! This is something she has to find out on her own. She will never believe us, okay! Let's just go home and get some sleep. Thank you guys, we will talk more in the morning. Okay?" Noah said.

"Over and out." Caleb spoke, cutting off and probably heading home

"Over and out." Noah sighed, doing the same.

"Over and out boys."


I just keep serving y'all some drama. Ye welcome my fellow parents.

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