Burn, Baby Burn(EDITING)

By EveryDayIsAFuneral

1.5K 142 104

Can Helena deal with the one man who ruined it all? The Father of her child? More

1: Likes Of You
3:Alone? No.
4:Four Years, Is Awhile Don't You Think?
5:Can Your Heart Still Break?
6:Please Darlin' Don't Be Scared
7:Guest In My Own Home
8: Encapsulating, Mutilated, Our Malice- Part 1
9: Advocating, Lust For A Cause- Part 2
Part 10: Trustworthy Enough Yet?
Part 11: Trees & Gargoyles
12:Hell In The Hallways
13:He Wants To
14:The Window?
15:You Walked Away That Night
16:What's So Good About Picking Up The Pieces?
18: You Know You Love It When We "Oh, Oh, Oh"

17: This Love Was Out Of Control, 3, 2, 1, Where Did It Go?

30 3 9
By EveryDayIsAFuneral

This will be in Chris's view now, just for this chapter. You will see the relationship between Ricky and Chris and his past hate against  Helena. You'll also find Angelo & TJ mentioned multiple times throughout.  Get ready to shed some black tears. Enjoy. -Alyssa

"You know what.. I'm so fucking tired of you Ricky!"

"Oh, boo-hoo, go cry me a river, you've always been such a bitch anyways." I stare at Helena, sensing the tension between the two rather quickly. I know about the hate, I know how depressed Helena was back then, I know everything Ricky said to her. I also know that he regrets some of it, but not all of it. School was terrible back then, we were either friends, or one of us fucked you over.. cough.. Joshua, he was a jackass. Well, that's what he said anyways.

About Thomas, he had gotten to know Helena well, they were practically siblings until he left the band and cut off all connection with her. I remember the day when she confronted him, and that loud slap that rang through the air outside an arcade. Before she was pregnant, before she was so.. so worrisome?

"Ricky, don't you dare!"  He grasps onto the chain around her neck, the one Angelo gave her before she left for good.

The lake area was quite cold, and everyone was snuggled up tightly by the fire Josh had somehow created, the rather large and worn blankets spread. Even some camp chairs that everyone needs, and a few pillows. A little goth camp. I was sitting with Ricky, my arms wrapped around his torso and his laid against my chest. These were the good moments. Ryan was talking with Balz, cans of soda in their hands.

TJ had just previously left, and Helena just seemed so.. saddened. Angelo was tightly holding her hand, caressing the back of it as they snuggled into each-other. Another blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders.

He was so in love, he constantly would draw on about her, the way she moved, the way she looked at him, the way she brushed up against him.

I caught Ange's eyes, and he pulled out a silver chain with small little purple jewels connected in it. Beautiful. He clears his throat, and rubs the back of his head nervously, "So I wanted to.. give.. H-Helena something." Helena pulls back from him, hunching over and staring from under her lashes. He pulls out the chain, handing it to her hesitantly.

"Its a promise necklace, that way we always promise to find each-other, we always promise to know where each-other is at. We always promise to pick up the pieces. We always promise to find our way back. And we always promise to forgive the person for lying, and-" He struggles with the last part, all of us were involved in something a little.. mad to be honest.

"And we always promise to comfort each-other when weak, please except this." Helena smiles for the first time in awhile, and Ricky glares at the two, rolling his eyes at the little scene before him. I was told the story, Ricky broke her heart, and he's been jealous of Angelo for.. 3 years? Angelo unhooks the chain and hooks it back once its around her neck.

Balz claps loudly and the whole time Ricky was just glaring, mumbling curses the whole entire time.

"Do you have a problem, Richard?" Angelo asks, knowing what the problem already was, I could see the fiery look in his eyes.

"You stole my girlfriend!"

"No, you broke her heart! And I was the one there to pick up the pieces! You broke her, and then TJ leaves, leaving me to pick up more pieces!"

"Oh look, such a boyfriend, I hope she uses you."

"I hope you go-"

"SHUT UP!" I roar, whacking Ricky in the back of the head.

"You're with me, Richard, I expect you to realize that, get your head out of your butt." Ricky nods, burying his face into my chest. Helena was all snuggled into Angelo again, the blanket back around her shoulders. Such a lovely lakeside day.

Ricky goes to snap the necklace, but Balz pulls him off of it, being careful not to snap the chain. She still wears it too, and that's surprising.

"I used to like you Richard, but you are just plain rude, your little tainting apathy towards Chris doesn't work.We can see right through you!" Helena grumbles, holding her hand against her chest. I click my tongue, remembering the time TJ and Helena fought against Ricky.

It was a cold, dark day and we were all inside, sipping red bull, or some sort of caffeinated drink. TJ was sprawled along the couch, a sharpie(d) beard on his face, and his hair short. After a long eventful time saying, "Imma ride my horse, to the movies." And many more things like, "I'm a dick." We all eventually crashed, and hopped on the couches- or rug and lied down.

Angelo was intent on drawing, and he was drawing a small photograph of Helena, what a massive crush he had on her. Helena was still drawing on a sleeping Ryan, and a bunch of cocks littered his forehead, neck, and lower back. One was even pointed towards his asscrack.

Ricky and Helena had broken up a year ago, but she still hung out with us. It was sort of funny, she hates him, and he hates her, for some reason. Probably because he broke her heart.

Balz was laying on top of Ricky, chuckling widely as Ricky was too small for Balz. He clapped and shook, an alerted Ricky waking up and attempting to push him off. Funny.

"Chris, grab me a spatula!" Helena whisper yelled, Angelo was just staring at her with such admiration, he was shy, even though most of us urged him to ask her out, except Ricky of course. TJ  was smirking, and I knew this was going to end up bad. In the midst of 2 seconds, you could hear a loud smack and Ryan bolted up, shouting every name In the book.

He stood up, walking over to the mirror and screaming bloody murder. "Helena you fucking ho motherfucking shit bag, go to hell!" We all chuckled, Helena included, except she was dying and had her arms wrapped around her torso.

Those were the times, when it was full of laughter, nothing stood in our way and we just.. lived normally. We knew rough patches were bound to occur, and they did. Helena did her thing, wrapping her arms around her torso once more and lay her head on Joshes shoulder, Ricky must have done something while I literally had my heads in the clouds of memories. She grabbed my arm, and pulled me away.

"I hate him." She chokes, licking her lips in frustration.

"I will forever hate him, he knows how special this chain is to me, he knows it! He tried to break it, I hate him."


"Chris, how could you date someone so.. so.. so.. cruel?"

"He isn't cruel to me, he loves me, and I love him, he may be cruel to you but its because he's jealous. What do you expect of Olson?"

"To be a bit more understanding Christopher!"

She broke down, hunching over in sadness. I pitied her, she comes back four years later, I get the anger, but I guess what Rick said kind of took a bit of her happiness out. If he still acts like this from years ago, there has to be some sort of problem. Some sort of problem that none of us are catching. I'd have to contact Ange again, even though Helena wants her space. I leave Helena with Josh and Rick, walking a few feet away and dialing his number.

"Christopher.. please let me see her." I sigh, if he was begging, then he really wanted her.

"What did you do every time Ricky hurt Helena?"

"I comforted her, I showered her with love, I'd ignore everyone and focus more on her than anything else in the world. She was my everything Chris, you know this."

"I know.. I just.. Ricky tried to break the chain."

"That little raccoon looking dwarf is about to get his ass kicked."

"I don't think that's necessary, Ange."

"That was a PROMISE necklace, and SHE KEPT IT, we both WEAR IT. "


"I'm going to kill him."

Then the phone beeps, and all I whisper is, "Helena, I'm sorry."

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