Our place (on hold)

By laureen24102002

449 0 0

Riley and Jordan have been best friends for 6 years. They made one deal when they became best friends, Never... More



93 0 0
By laureen24102002

6 years ago
It is my first day at this school and I already feel like an outcast. Why wouldn't I be? I'm the girl who arrived in the middle of the 2 trimester.

I was looking for my locker when I bumped into someone and almost fell over. 'Hey, careful out there.' A boy said. 'I'm sorry.' 'No, problem. Are you new here?' He asked. I nodded my head. 'I'm Jordan.' 'I'm Riley. Can you help me? I can't find my locker.' 'No problem. Can you give me that piece of paper?' He said pointing at the paper I was holding. I nodded and gave it to him. 'Our lockers are next to each other.' He said. I followed him. 'Do you know how they open?' He asked. I shook my head. He showed me how to open the lock. 'Thanks...' I said. 'What do you have the first period?' He asked 'I don't know can you take a look at my schedule? Cause I'm kinda panicking right now, I'll have no one to help me find the classroom or to sit with.'

He looked at the back of the paper I gave him earlier. 'We have the same schedule. So you can stay with me if you don't mind. We have history.' I nodded. I looked at which subjects I had, put the books in my bag and closed my locker. We walked to the classroom together, where the teacher was already preparing everything. Jordan knocked softly on the doorframe. 'Hello you must be the new student from Los Angeles.' 'Yup, that's me.' 'And I see that you already have someone who can help you the next few days.' I nodded my head. The bell rang. I took a seat beside Jordan. A lot of people came in and took a seat close to each other. 'Silence, please.' The teacher said. Everyone stopped talking. 'May I introduce you to the new student. Her name is Riley Jensen.'For a couple of seconds everyone was staring at me. After that the teacher started his lesson.

80 minutes later:

I checked my schedule. 'We have English literature right now.' I said. He nodded and we started walking to the classroom. We walked in and I saw some people already sitting there. 'Are we late?' I whispered. 'No they are the nerds.' He whispered back. I nodded. We took a seat in the back of the class. When everyone took a seat, the teacher started talking about a not so interesting subject, so Jordan and I started talking about music. 'Mister Greenwald, can you and Miss Jensen Please stop interrupting my lesson. If you think it's not interesting enough you can always have your conversation on the hall or at the principle office.' She said. I rolled my eyes and turned around so I was looking at the white board.

12.10 pm:

Jordan and I walked in to the cafeteria.
We took a seat at an empty table. 'So, tell me something about yourself.' He said. 'I'm Riley, but you already knew that, I was born and raised in downtown LA where I went to some kind of private school for kids of business people, cause my dad is a business man and my mom works at CNN. I play bass, piano and guitar but I'm not as good as it as playing bass. I sing. I really love music and all kind of alternative, indie, pop rock bands. I have a dog called Otis and a cat called Cheeto. And that's about it. What about you?' I said

'I was born and raised in Malibu and moved here when I was ten. I play guitar and piano. I write my own songs and I sing pretty often. I'm also really into music and all kinds of bands. And I don't know what to say anymore because I don't really do more things than singing and playing my instruments.' He said.

'Can I have your phone number, so we can hang out sometimes and play music together?' He nodded and passed me his phone and I gave him my phone. I gave his phone back and started eating my lunch.

1.05 pm:

We walked into the classroom for French. An old lady with hair grey hair and glass was sitting in front of the class. 'Don't worry she looks very stern and mean but she is really kind and she kind of remind me of my grandmother.' Jordan whispered. I nodded and took a seat in the back of the class.

3.25 pm:

After I went to my locker to put my books away, Jordan and I walked to my place. 'I'm home.' I yelled. Nobody answered. 'I guess nobody is home.' I said. 'You can hang your jacket over there.' I said pointing at the clothing rack. We walked into the living room where my dog greeted me. 'You didn't tell me that he was this cute.' he said petting Otis. 'Do you want to play some guitar?' I asked. He nodded. I walked him to my room where my guitars were hanging on the wall. 'Do you want to play electric or acoustic guitar?' 'I love the electric guitar.' He said. I took one of the wall and gave it to him. 'I'm just going to get my bass and amps from the living room.' I said. He nodded.

'So which song do you want to play?' I asked. 'Do you know the song Break Your Little Heart by All Time Low?' I nodded. 'Are you okay with it.' I nodded again. The first guitar riff blasted through the amp that was connected to Jordan's guitar. Together we started singing the first verse. By the end of the song I was singing at the top of my lungs.

'You have a lovely voice.' He said. 'Thank you. And I also like your voice I really like the soft roughness of your voice.' He smiled. I heard that someone entered the house. 'Riley, I'm home.' I heard my mom's voice say. 'Riley? Where are you?' 'In my bedroom.' After a couple of seconds my bedroom door flew open. 'Hi mom, this is Jordan.' I said. 'Hello Jordan.' She said. 'Hello misses Jensen.' He said. 'I'm going to leave the two of you alone. If you need something you just have to ask.' She said before she walked out. We played some songs for about an hour.

'Riley I have to leave my mom is probably waiting for me to make dinner.' 'no problem, I will let you out.' I walked him to the front door. He hugged me. 'See you tomorrow.' I nodded. 'bye Jordan.' 'bye Riley.'

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