Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fan...

By dragonlover098

216K 3.6K 1.5K

Matsumoto has a party and invites you to it. It's going great, and after many drinks, Matsumoto comes up with... More

Disclaimer and Author's Note
Chapter One: Matsumoto's Planning
Chapter Two: The Party Begins
Chapter Three: A Game
Chapter Four: A hair clip
Chapter Five: A scarf
Chapter Six: A broken light bulb
Chapter Seven: A black ribbon
Chapter Eight: A necklace
Chapter Nine: A Red Rose
Chapter Ten: A hair band
Chapter Eleven: Strawberry Bracelet
Chapter Twelve: Bookmark
Chapter Thirteen: A feather
Chapter Fourteen: A smiley face sticker
Chapter Fifteen: Sewing Needle
Chapter Sixteen: A travel mirror
Chapter Seventeen: A Silver Cross
Author's Note
Author's Note - Wednesday July 23, 2014

Reader-Insert Info Update - August 16, 2014

3.5K 59 38
By dragonlover098

Alright, so as stated in my Notice upload, this is the update on what Reader-insert stories I will be writing and some information on them.

Stories I will definitely be doing:

1) Toshiro x Reader – This will most likely be a love story, and will hopefully be more progressed and detailed than the chapter in Matsumoto’s Party. This story may be different than the chapter, in the aspect of how the two fall in love, but that depends on how the story goes as well.

2) Aizen x Reader – This will definitely be a love story; however it will be difficult to do while keeping Aizen to his true personality. But this will be fun to write, as I’ve got some ideas on how to start it and I’m interested to see how well I write Aizen.

3) Izuru x Reader – This will definitely have a lot of backstory in it (thought really I think the chapter in Matsumoto’s party gave a lot away T-T unless I change some things). I’m not sure I write Izuru right (because I haven’t gotten past the Aizen situation in the manga and the anime I haven’t watched in a while) but you guys seemed to be alright with how I wrote him in the chapter, so I will write him similar to what I did before.

4) Ichigo x Reader – I’m not entirely sure what I had in mind for this anymore (because I made the decision to do this as a full-story and didn’t write any notes for it down -.-) but I’m coming up with a good storyline for this. It may turn out to be short, but that depends on how the story flows.

5) Byakuya x Reader – I really don’t remember what I was thinking when I said I’d do this >.> Honestly, Byakuya is hard as hell for me to write, and the chapter for him in Matsumoto’s Party sucked (I made him cry for crying out loud, when does Byakuya ever cry?), yet still, I feel as if I should write this. As of right now, I’m not entirely sure what this will be about. I will try to make it a love story (just like all the others) but fitting Byakuya’s personality into it will be complicated.

Stories I am considering (will update if I decide to do these or not):

1) Renji x Reader – I don’t know if I will do this, for the reason that though I enjoy writing Renji, his chapter sucked. It was rushed and not well-written T-T If I do do this, I will probably not be able to do love that easily in it, however I would try my best. Anyway, I will keep my mind open for any ideas that come to mind for this.

2) Uryu x Reader – Uryu is kind of hard for me to right, seeing as I see him as a person who dislikes (or hates) Soul Reapers, and these stories will have love in them, so even writing that (seeing as the Reader is a Soul Reaper) is going to make it harder.

3) Ichimaru x Reader – I have not gotten down writing Ichimaru >.> He’s a difficult character to write, as unbelievable as it may seem (I thought he’d be easy at first, but then I was proved wrong when I had to write him), and I need more practice. I also don’t have that many ideas for a full story for him, so this seems unlikely.

4) Urahara x Reader – This is probably not going to happen sadly xD I adore Urahara, however I don’t enjoy writing love stories about him as much as I do others. It’s not that I don’t think he doesn’t fit the romance category, I just don’t know if I write him correctly when I do write love with him. I also don’t have very many ideas for this.

5) Ikkaku x Reader – I enjoyed writing Ikkaku’s chapter, and that is the only reason I am considering writing him a full story. Ikkaku never used to be a character I liked (too violent I guess) but after writing his chapter I grew to like him a lot, and I enjoyed writing him (though not sure the way I had him act was how he’d really react to love – maybe it’s just a head-cannon of mine that Ikkaku may be great at fighting and his duty or such, but is shaky with romance) so I might write him a full story, I just need to think of some ideas.

Stories I will most likely not do:

1) Hisagi x Reader – I don’t like Hisagi’s chapter nor how I wrote him, not to mention I have no ideas for a full story for him. While I do like Hisagi, I don’t think I could possibly write him in love without ruining his character.

2) Chad x Reader – I did make Chad’s chapter very unique - I made the reader and him already in a relationship so there was no awkwardness - and that was basically all I had for ideas for him. Personally, Chad is hard to write, and he’s not my favorite character to write either. I can’t see him being the romance type, but I can imagine what he’d do when he’s in love; he may be more protective of the person and will probably stay closer to them than even his friends (okay I kind of doubt that) – basically, Chad I cannot write in love.

3) Yumichika x Reader – While I do enjoy writing Yumichika (and his big ego) he is a pain in neck to write @.@ My god, it took me forever to come up with the idea for his chapter, and I still think I ruined his character T-T I can’t imagine Yumichika in love really, probably because of his big ego (though I can imagine him going star-struck if he ever meets someone that is to his standards and/or beyond them), so there will probably not be a full story for him.

These are all the characters that I had done in Matsumoto’s Party (besides Julian Kurosaki) as result chapters, and I hope you understand my reasoning behind my decisions. I hope you look forward to these stories, as I’m getting excited just writing this up! (Random discovery: Apparently Auto-Correct thinks Ikkaku is Pikachu x3)

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