In Love With Them Both.

By chiskey56

401K 13.8K 1.5K

What does a serious nerd like Alex and Paul, a carefree jock, have in common? One Thing. Adrian. A hyper guy... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The End.

Chapter 1

68.2K 1K 99
By chiskey56

Chapter 1

Adrian's POV

"No! I don't want to go and you can't make me!"

Currently I was running through the apartment trying to escape Paul who was forcing me to go to some unholy football game. All I wanted to do was stay home read and relax. Wait! You have no idea what I'm talking about or who I am. Let me explain.

I guess I should start with myself. I'm small, about 5'4 on a good day and thin with really pale skin. My eyes are a brilliant blue and my hair is a dark shade of brown. I'm really quite hyper and when I don't want to do something or I'm scared I tend to run away from whatever it is. Which is what I'm doing right now. Well actually I'm crouched down behind a couch hoping that Paul wouldn't find me back here.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot about Paul. He is my amazingly wonderful boyfriend even though he's currently trying to kidnap me and drag me to a football game. Not that I hate them but they tend to be boring sometimes.

"HA! Found you!" He almost scared me to death...literally!

Jumping up from behind the couch I began to run but then tripped on my own feet and landed face first on the ground. With my face smushed into the floor I could faintly hear laughter from above me. Lifting my head slightly I saw Paul bent over, holding his side laughing hysterically.

"Full of elegance and grace babe..." he got out between the laughter.

"Bite Me!" I yelled frustrated at the fact that he hasn't offered to help me up yet. Pushing myself up from the floor I made my way to the couch where I plopped down. Leaning over the back of the couch he wrapped his arms around me from behind and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"I'm sorry babe but you have to admit that it was kind of funny." He chuckled lightly before nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Yeah...yeah...Anyways do we really have to go watch the game?"

"I guess not. We can always go over your sister's house and spend some time with her. We haven't seen her in what...almost two months?"

As soon as he mentioned my sister my whole body tensed. Don't get me wrong I love my sister she's amazing. What I'm worried about is her boyfriend, Alex. You're probably thinking that he's some horrible person that acts nice to me in front of my sister and then when she turns her back he's abusing her precious brother. WRONG!

Alex has never hurt me in fact I think I've hurt him a few times. I may or may not have fallen on him a couple times after I tripped on...some stuff. Instead of screaming at me for being some kind of klutz or pushing me off roughly he just laughs.

Whenever that happens I end up making everything awkward by trying to push myself away from him but it ends up looking like I'm trying to escape from a diseased person. Then to make matters worse I have Paul teasing me about being graceful and my sister staring at me weirdly.

"So do you want to go or not?"

"Huh?" I forgot that I was supposed to be making a decision about what to do.

I didn't want to go to the game but at the same time I didn't want to really have to deal with the cute couple. It was painful to watch them being so happy together and it made me want to gouge my eyes out sometimes. Yeah I know how hopeless I sound but I just can't help it. I would never hurt my sister like that so I try to avoid being around him, especially alone.

"I guess we can go over to visit them. It's better than watching football." Faking a disgusted face I shuddered in my seat.

"Fine then we'll go see your sister and Alex."

Letting go of me he went to go shut down everything so that we could leave. Turning to look at the door I was plotting an escape when Paul came out announcing that he was ready to leave.

Lifting myself slowly from the couch I made my way to the door where he was waiting for me. When he shot me a confused look I slapped on a while and quickly shuffled out the door. Reaching his car I climbed into the passenger side, buckling my seat belt before sliding down in my seat.

"What's wrong Adrian?"

I tried to jump up so that I could answer him unfortunately the seatbelt was having none of that. For some reason it locked as soon as I jumped and pretty much choked me to death.

"What the-" the car swerved a bit as Paul tried to figure out what was going on.

Finally breaking free of the seatbelt I sat up giving him a sheepish grin as he glared at me.

"Nothing wrong here...just go about your business and keep your eyes on the road before we die!" With each word my voice rose until I was yelling and flailing my arms around. Paul was simply smiling at me but he still wasn't watching the road. Someone help me...I've entrusted my life to a reckless driver!

After yelling at him to keep his eyes on the road several times we made it to my sister's house in one piece.

No surprise I was hesitant to get out of the car while Paul was already standing at the front door pounding on it. I watched as his muscles bulged each time he knocked. He was built nicely and was at least a foot taller than me. He turned around and his stunning grey eyes compelled me to come to him.

Letting out a heavy sigh I knew he wouldn't hear I opened the door and climbed out. Paul quickly wrapped his arms around me once I got close enough to him. Puling me closer he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my temple before laughing at my obvious embarrassment.

"Are you two going to stand out the snogging all day or do you plan on coming in?"

My cheeks burned as I realized that the person who opened the door just had to be the one other person I had feelings for.

Hiding behind Paul I pushed him forward into the house and then made a run for it when they were talking.

I was no bent over, clutching my sides as I panted in the middle of the kitchen. All this running and hiding certainly couldn't have been good for my health.

"Why are you hiding this time?"

My heart almost jumped out of my chest at the sound of his voice. Looking up I was met with his adorable brown eyes. I wanted to reach up and push a stand of his hair out of his face but I knew it wouldn't be right. Instead my feet pushed against the floor as I tried desperately to escape the closeness.

The smug smirk that spread across his face only drew my eyes to his lips. Making me realize that I longed for mines to be pressed against his.

"No reason..." I lied hoping that he wouldn't hear the quiver in my voice. He continued to eye me suspiciously before stretching out his hand to help me stand.

When I finally took his hand he pulled me up quickly, causing me to lose my balance yet again. Wrapping his arms around me he tightened his grip on my waist making sure I didn't fall over again. Without realizing it he had pulled us together, our chests were pressed firmly together as the silence took over.

We stood there for a few seconds as the sounds of the outside world washed over us. Hushed voices, cars honking in the background, birds chirping, footsteps...WAIT! Oh crap.

"Umm...well thanks for that and all..." I began to pull away from him cautiously. Realization finally dawned on him as he quickly let go of me making me almost fall again.

"Hey babe. Your sister has been looking for you."


I responded hiding my flushed face from Paul. I couldn't let him see me like this; he already thought I was a flirt. Seeing me here with Alex looking flushed would only make him think the worse of us.

Looking up I noticed that Alex was avoiding write contact with the both of us as Paul stared at the both of us suspiciously. Dang, he's going to suspect something.

"Okay let's go find her then."

Grabbing Paul's hand I led him from the kitchen. He was starting at me and I didn't need to see it to know it. I could feel the heat of his gaze as it burned into the side of my face.

"Why do you look flushed?" His tone definitely held a bit of suspicion and just a hint of jealousy.


"Because what?"

"Because I tripped several times in there and Alex probably thinks that I'm some klutz who can't stand straight for two minutes...

He stopped us from walking and spun me to face him. Tilting my head back so that I could look at him he began to speak.

"So what?"


"If that's what he wants to think well let him. It doesn't matter what he thinks. You're perfect the way you are."

Awww...I think we're having a moment.

"Yup my perfectly graceful klutz."

And now it’s gone thanks to my wonderful boyfriend.


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