Goodbye Carter

By piano354

326 47 0

Kennedy Summers has never been in love. Never kissed a boy, never had a boyfriend, never experienced more tha... More

goodbye carter
p r o l o g u e
o n e
t w o
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n

t h r e e

20 4 0
By piano354

Love is that person who enters your life
out of nowhere and suddenly means the world to you.

February 10th, 2014

LET ME TELL YOU- high school sucks.

All the work, responsibility, pressure, and drama leads all of us to complete resentment for the public school system.

This is why I welcome the weekend more than anything else.

It was a cloudy, cold, Saturday in which my only plans were to sleep until noon and binge the rest of Gossip Girl on Netflix.

However this idea was tarnished the minute I heard a small ding from my phone.

"Shit," I curse, already knowing that it was one of my friends trying to get ahold of me. They loved to be social- which I resented slightly from time to time.

"Get up." The text read from Aiden.

"Why?" I reply almost immediately.

"We have plans."

I groan. We didn't even talk about anything! Netflix marathon ruined...

"I was planning on watching Netflix all day." I reply. I could practically feel Aiden rolling his eyes at this moment.

"We're going to the movies, that's basically the same thing as Netflix."

He did have a point.

"What movie?" I needed a tad bit more convincing.

"That chick flick, just came out I think."

I squeal inwardly and immediately push my covers back and get up out of my bed.

What? A girl enjoyed her romance.

"What about Hannah and Georgia?" I ask Aiden.

"Both coming- Noah too."

I smile, the girls and I have been wanting to see this movie for ages, I think we've watched the trailer a minimum of twenty times in the past month.

Suddenly I am struck with an idea. One that may not have been the best, but YOLO... right?

I unlock my phone once and again and let my fingers hover over the keyboard, wondering how Aiden would react.

"Can I invite Carter?"

I wait for a reply, staring cautiously at my phone, nerves rising in my chest. Aiden was defensive with new people. The day he met Noah he was immediately struck with the idea that he wasn't good enough for Hannah, therefore refusing to hang out with Noah for a few weeks until he learned that Noah really was there to stay. Finally he let him in and the two became good friends. I only hoped the same thing would happen with Carter.

I notice three small dots and a cloud, implying that Aiden was texting back a reply. The cloud disappears a second later. I sigh. They pop up once again after a few seconds. Then his reply is revealed.

"Whatever makes you happy, I guess."

I smile. And then start to write a text to Carter. Hoping that he could come.


"Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting," Noah mutters as we make our way out of the theatre.

Hannah, Georgia, and I were wiping tears from our cheeks- still imagining the incredibly depressing ending. While the boys had a look of annoyance on their faces, they absolutely hated it.

Hannah gave her boyfriend a stern look, "shut up!" She says with a light slap on his forearm, "that was the best movie I've seen in a long time." Hannah wipes a stray tear from the corner of her eye and frowns.

"Yeah!" Georgia defends, "it was so cute how he sacrificed himself for her. His only goal was to keep her safe."

I see Aiden roll his eyes and I laugh. Out of all of us, Aiden especially didn't understand the premise of the movie. After all I don't think he ever thought of a girl more than a way then to get in her pants.

"Too cliche for me," Carter butts in as turns behind to look at Georgia, then meeting my eyes quickly before looking away.

"Too cliche?!" Georgia argues, "you can't be serious!"

I once again chuckle, amused with Georgia's undying love for the movie. I think she liked it more for Zac Efron's appearance... but hey, who didn't?

"Anyways," Aiden drawls as he throws away the rest of his popcorn, "where to now, gang?"

"Hmm," I say, "dinner at Mel's?"

"We go there every weekend," Noah moans.

"Cause' it's good!" I say with a grin.

"Noah's right, lets do something different," Hannah suggests. Ugh she loved to defend her boyfriend.

"Like what?" I argue, "it's not like there's much to do in this town," I reply with a laugh.

Carter chuckles, "she has a point."

"Hey, you just got here, you have no idea," Aiden refutes.

I sigh.

I look at Georgia who has been surprisingly quite through this whole conversation. She was studying her phone. Her fingers swiped through her Instagram, obviously disinterested with the conversation.

Suddenly she looks up and smirks.

Uh oh, she had an idea.

"What about a party?"


Three hours later, after a quick dinner at Mel's (a compromise to me), and an hour or so to go home and get ready, our whole group was crowded into Noah's car and heading to Nick McAllister's house.

Georgia, Hannah, and I had all helped each other get ready. I know we were predictable.

Georgia was wearing a black jean skirt and a light pink camisole tucked into it with tall black heals to dress her outfit up.

Hannah decided on wearing a tight, light blue dress that held onto all of her curves perfectly. She paired it with a black bomber jacket over it and nude sandal heals.

I, on the other hand, decided to wear an airy floral dress that truly demonstrated a look of innocence. I pulled a cardigan over it to keep me warm and wore high black heals to make me look taller. I kept my hair in its normal wavy curls and kept the makeup natural. I never dressed up too much for these type of things, it just wasn't my personality.

The boys dressed slightly more casual than us.

Carter wore a simple maroon, long sleeve shirt with tan khaki jeans and his hair jelled up perfectly. He had that 'just rolled out of bed' look while still sporting an orderly, good boy vibe.

Aiden on the other hand, had barely bothered with his hair- leaving it exactly as he always did. His excuse was that girls always liked messy better. I personally disagreed but he usually didn't listen to me. He wore a casual leather jacket and jeans. His usual look.

Noah looked similar to Carter, simply wearing a grey long sleeved shirt and jeans, not bothering to change his shoes or his hair.

I sat in the back seat of the car, next to Aiden and Hannah. As soon as the car started moving I plugged my earphones in and shuffled my playlist.

It was habit for me. Anytime I went into a car I brought my earbuds- it was second nature. Sometimes I thought that the only thing keeping me sane was my music.

Aiden, who sat next to me turned to look at me. His eyes softened, he looked innocent and kind in contrast to his fuck boy persona he sported regularly.

"Whatcha listening to?" He asks.

I take one earbud out, barely understanding Aiden's original question.

"You wouldn't like it," my answer is automatic and immediate. No one ever liked my music.

"And how do you know that?" Aiden asks with one eyebrow raised.

"You never like it," I say with a playful smile.

He rolls his eyes and motions for me to give him an earbud.

I sigh, he would hate it- but he did insist.

I turn up the volume and let Heroes by David Bowie envelop us both. I loved the classics, while others weren't very pleased with my music choice, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

Aiden bops his head to the beat and I wonder if he's acting to make me feel better or trying to impress me.

I furrow my brow, what was he playing at?

I see a light, airy smile make its way onto Aiden's lips. Maybe this was real, he liked it.

I grin. Whenever someone shared my same music taste, I felt a real connection to them- like we were communicating in ways we couldn't speak.

I lay my head on Aiden's shoulder and close my eyes. I loved moments like these. I loved Aiden- I truly did.

I open my eyes to see his bright blue eyes staring down at me. I smile, he smiles- and we were infinite, and this moment lasted forever.

Just Aiden and I, staring up at each other, enjoying the company, and taking comfort in the warmth that we both casted upon one another.

I felt something deep in my chest. A flutter.

A flutter?

I suddenly take my head off Aiden's shoulder and desperately try to start to forget everything that just occurred, looking away out the window. But not before catching Carter's eye from the passenger seat, giving me a look that I couldn't read.

And suddenly I felt guilty.

For what? I didn't know.


I get out of the car quickly- careful not to meet Aiden or Carter's eyes.

I stumble slightly as I open the car door, I was clumsy already- and I hadn't even started drinking.

Georgia comes around the car to grab my arm, "are you ready to drink our sorrows?"

I laugh, "drink our sorrows?" I question.

She gives me a confused look.

Wait! How did she know? Did she see the debacle? How could she possibly-

"For our uneventful and ever presently lonely love lives... of course," she's says with a sigh and a light chuckle.

I chuckle, "now this is true."

Relief washes over me, I had no idea how I would explain that one.

"But who knows," she says with a smile, "maybe Carter will change that."

I blush and look away, "yeah. Sure."

Georgia smirks and leads me inside the house, as I try to disregard the nervous feeling in my chest. I wasn't one for parties...

Immediately I'm bombarded with the classic McAllister Party Smells:

1. Alcohol
So presently strong that it probably made you tipsy just from inhaling it.

2. Sweat
Bodies on top of bodies- and that's all I'm gonna say.

3. Cheap Pizza
We all had to be happy drunks somehow, and greasy foods accomplished this the quickest.

4. Male Ego
I mean, who can't smell it?

5. Weed
For the few who go harder than alcohol...

I smile, giggling at each smell and all the memories each brings.

I'm suddenly transported to the first party I had ever been at, Freshmen year.

Wasn't that lovely?

Bahaha, NOT. Georgia and I were so nervous the whole time and refused to talk to anyone in case they were secretly child predators. We thought we were drinking the whole time; but turns out, it was only stale Diet Coke.

God, how I miss those days.

"Drinks ladies?" I hear a voice ask from behind us.

I look back to see Noah holding two beers for Georgia and I, as Hannah stood beside him, sipping her own.

I grab one and mutter a quick thanks, before returning to stare around the living room. Looking for other familiar faces. I first land on Aiden, he's already flirting with two pretty girls. I didn't recognize them, so they were probably from a different school.

I shook my head and sigh. That means they don't know his reputation. Poor, innocent girls.

I see Nick McAllister out of the corner of my eye making his way towards us, probably to say hello to Noah.

"Hey man," he says to Noah as he drapes a hand on his shoulder, he then nods to us girls, "ladies."

I smile, "hey Nick, hows it going?"

"Pretty good, how about yourself?"

"Alright," I reply before looking away.

This was the extent of the conversation that I usually had with Nick, we didn't know each other well, but both Noah and Aiden are good friends with him. We were always civil- never friends though.

I excuse myself quickly when I see Carter appear by the drink table. Socializing with another guy.

"Be right back," I say to Georgia and Hannah as I point to Carter.

I see Georgia smirk and I roll my eyes.

"Hey," I say as I reach Carter's side.

He gives me a bright smile, "Hey Tootsie."

I laugh at the pet name, still getting used to it.

I look away to introduce myself to the boy Carter was talking to, "Hi, I'm Kennedy," I say, trying my hardest not to social and confident.

The boy smiles, "hey, I'm Thomas," he extends a hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you," I say as I shake his hand.

"How do you know Carter?" He asks, giving a strange look at Carter.

"Oh um, we met around a week ago. He just transferred to our school and-"

"Ah yes, I'm aware. Carter and I were buddies back in New York."

"Oh yeah?" I ask, feeling awkward.

"Yep," Carter cuts in, "best friends." He says.

I smile, imaging Carter and his best friend at his old school in New York.

"So what are you doing all the way in Connecticut?" I ask Thomas.

"Kind of a coincidence, but one of my friends invited me to this party- I had no idea that Carter would be here," he finishes.

Carter chuckles, "small world."


"Listen I'll talk to you later, I'm gonna treat this girl," Carter motions towards me, "to a dance."

I stifle a laugh.

Thomas nods, "yeah sounds good man, I'll talk to you a little bit later."

The two boys do the classic "boy hug/handshake" and Thomas turns to leave in the opposite direction.

"So," I say, "a dance?"

"Oh yes," he answers, "it's this new thing that kids do where they move their body to the beat of the song in a way-"

"You're such a doofus," I interrupt.

He smiles, "who even says that as an insult anymore? That was sooo 2000s."

I roll my eyes, "you're always so quick to debate."

"You love it. Admit it."


Carter extends his hand, "are we gonna dance or what?"

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