Identity || Shoto Todoroki x...

By KoocieMonster

162K 5.4K 5.2K

(F/n) Chizome, daughter of Hero Killer: Stain, is given the opportunity to join Class 1-A in becoming a hero... More

Chapter One -Interships
Chapter Two - News
Chapter Three - First Day
Chapter Four - Fight
Chapter Five - Growing
Chapter Six - Schooling
Chapter Seven - Plans
Chapter Eight - Birthday (Part 1)
Chapter Ten - Ready
Chapter Eleven - Lies
Chapter Twelve - Mother
Chapter Thirteen - Fix
Chapter Fourteen - Date
Chapter Fifteen - City
Chapter Sixteen - Conference
Chapter Sixteen and a Half - Day One
Chapter Seventeen - Final Exams
Chapter Eighteen - Practical Exam
New BNHA Story
Chapter Nineteen - Family
Chapter Twenty - Change
Ray of Light
Chapter Twenty One - Summer Break (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty Two - Summer Break (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty Three - Summer Break (Part 3)
In Loving Memory of Paul
Chapter Twenty Four - Summer Break (Part 4)
Chapter Twenty Five - Summer Break (Part 5)
Chapter Twenty Six - Training Camp
Chapter Twenty Seven - Encounter from the Past
Chapter Twenty Eight - Events
Chapter Twenty Nine - Aftermath
Chapter Thirty - Worry
Chapter Thirty One - Brave
Chapter Thirty Two - Return
Chapter Thirty Three - Split Worlds
Chapter Thirty Four - Security
Chapter Thirty Five - Multitude of Problems
Future of this Book
Chapter Thirty Six - Fix It
Chapter Thirty Seven - Communication
Chapter Thirty Eight - Detached
New Book
Chapter Thirty Nine - Amends
Chapter Forty - Time
Chapter Forty One - Communication (Reprise)
Chapter Forty Two - Bottled Up Feelings
Chapter Forty Three - Understanding
Chapter Forty Four - Encounter from the Past (Reprise)
Chapter Forty Five - Events (Reprise)
Chapter Forty Six - Searching
Chapter Forty Seven - Enough
Chapter Forty Eight - Home
New Book
Chapter Forty Nine - Adjusted
Chapter Fifty - Moving Forward
Chapter Fifty One - The End
Chapter Fifty Two - Moving On
Chapter Fifty Three - Time Goes On
Chapter Fifty Four - Unwanted Return
Chapter Fifty Five - Don't
Chapter Fifty Six - Struggling

Chapter Nine - Birthday (Part 2)

5.4K 204 126
By KoocieMonster


"Are you sure?" I asked her.
"Very." She replied with a straight face.

I didn't think it was a good idea but if that's what see really wanted then I'll compile. "Okay. I have to talk to the principal about this first. Do you still want to do this test?" I asked her.

"Might as well, I read the stupid book." She replied.

Your POV

He handed me to the test. There were at least 15 questions for each volume of the book. Let's see if I could remember everything that I read in the huge ass book.

I looked at the first question: Why does Princess Drubetskoy need money at the beginning of the novel?

As I kept going through the test, I had more confidence. I knew all the answers to the question like to: "What does the tsar throw to the crowd when he comes to Moscow in 1812?" and "Why does Sonya break her engagement with Nikolai Rostov?"

I turned my test in after I had finished. Aizawa looked through it. It was a long test so it took a while. I sat in silence as I waited for him to finish grading. He cracked a smile at my test and handed it back to me. I got a 98%. I checked what questions I got wrong. Whichever answer I got wrong Aizawa corrected it.

I mostly got spelling of the characters names wrong mostly because they were Russian and not English, plus everyone had like nine different names. It's whatever an A is an A.


"Do you want to get started on the actual hero stuff?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I don't think I'm cut out for this, maybe I was before, but now I'm thinking I should transfer out of U.A and go to a regular high school. Instead of just taking up space for someone who can actually be a hero."

"Don't say that." I paused for a bit. "You're telling me your dreams of being a pro and to prove your father wrong are gone."

"Why bother? I'm nothing more than his offspring, aren't I?" She said. The lunch bell rung. "I think I'll eat lunch alone for today. Bye, Aizawa." She slide the door open and left.

I went online to see what (F/n) was seeing. All these people were slamming her, insulting her, telling her what she can and can't be, some going as far as threatening her and telling her to kill herself. Even if she's a murderers' daughter, she's still just a 14-year-old. No one deserved this much hate.


Most of Class 1-A and I went to ask Mr. Aizawa if we can get anything out of him on what will be on the Final Exam. We could hear Aizawa and (F/n) talking.

"I don't think we should listen to this." Tsu said.

"Yeah, it sounds really personal." Uraraka added, but by the time they made the comment. Everyone's interested had already been peaked.

"Don't you think it's kind of rude to intrude in people's lives." Shinso Hitoshi said. Shinso was the kid from the sports festival with the brainwashing quirk, he was in Class 1-C. "I don't know much who this Chizome girl, but I doubt she wants you all do know what she's saying. My opinion doesn't matter I guess I'm technically intruding in your lives as well." He just walked off.

After hearing out (F/n), I understood the root of her aloof behavior towards me. She didn't want my name to be dragged down with her. What I couldn't understand is why would she want to visit her father. I don't think the others heard because they were listening to Shinso speak, but all my attention was focused on her.

And today, it was just memories of her past birthdays. I didn't even know it was her birthday today. Everyone came to the consensus that (F/n) deserves a good birthday. During lunch and our free period, all the my classmates and I did was plan.

Your POV

I sat on the rooftop with the lunch Aizawa packed for me. At least eating was a little easier now but even so I could only handle two small meals a day. I heard someone open the door that led up to the rooftop. So much for being alone. I turned around and saw Bakugo walk towards me. I didn't say anything to him, he took a seat next to me and had his lunch right in front of him.

"Heard you were thinking about dropping out of U.A? Are you fucking stupid or fucking dumb?" Bakugo said. "Don't you know how lucky you are to fucking be here? And your dumbass is thinking about dropping it? Wanna know who else dropped out of a hero course? Your father. You're trying to not be like him then don't follow in his footsteps."

"Don't talk to me like you know me." I snapped at him after bringing up my father.

"I don't know, you stupid bitch! That's your problem whether you want to admit it or not... nobody knows! Stop being so fucking closed off, no one will be able to help you then! Those little shits care about a fuckwad like you, you're our classmate now, Water Girl!" His voice was harsh and angry, even if he wasn't presenting the information in the best kind of way, it was what I needed to hear.

I didn't respond to instead we ate our lunch together in silence. After a few minutes I muttered a "thanks", contrary to my words from before I didn't actually want to be alone. I needed company but didn't know how to ask for it.

"You owe me another fight, Water Girl."

"Another ass whopping, coming up." I responded. Bakugo harshly punched you arm, it hurt like a bitch. I responded with a punch in his arm just as hard as well. Which led to a fight on its own.


After school, I was packing up my things. Everyone had already left which was weird since I was usually one of the first people to leave. However, today was different since I and to stay after school with Aizawa.

Once he was finished being a teacher and doing teacher things, we started on our way to the prison. When we got there, Aizawa asked if I was sure. I was.


I sat waiting for the officers to bring my father in. Eventually, he came out, handcuffed and escorted by two guards. I sat on the other side of the glass from him and stared him down. I just sat and stared at him.

"You are the one who came to visit me, are you going to say nothing?" He asked.

I continued to glare at him.

"I'm going to ask to go back to my cell this is a waste of time." He said.

I just kept glaring, I could call his bluff. I was going to do this on my terms. Once I decided that I wanted to speak, I did. "Okay, I'll let you start. Any questions?" I asked him.

"How's the new school?" He asked.
"Fine." I answered instantly.
"How's this society?"
"Your boyfriend?"
"Not my boyfriend, but great."
"New guardian?"
"Better than you."
"You have a lot of answers."
"You have a lot of questions."

There was another silence.

"Your question time is up." I told him. "It's my turn. Do you know what today is?"

"Oh, that's why you're here. I could never forget. Do you want me to wish you a happy birthday?"

"Save your breathe. I'm not here for you. I couldn't care less about seeing you. If I had it my way, I would choose to never see you again... not after all you put me through." I said in my monotone.

"Ouch." He said. "It's good to see you're not as emotional as you were before... always crying."

"I don't care about your feelings and I'm not your project." I finally got to the point. "Tell me about mom. I want to know everything now."

He simply just chuckled. "Why would I tell you anything about her? You want to find her? Already told you she doesn't want anything to do with you."

"You don't have to worry about that. I've already found her. I was just testing if you could do one good thing in your life for me, your daughter. Instead, you just love bringing me down. So far you've kept me from my mother, treated me the way you did, and murder all those people and tried to convince me it was okay. There's no good in your soul."

"I was cleansing society of people unfit of the title, clearly you seem to love this society as it is. The only thing I did was condition you into being stronger, you cannot deny that. I never kept you away from her, she's the one who didn't want you. You think may ill things of me, but you know I'm not a lair." He father rebutted. "Going to her is a mistake. Don't make it. You won't be able to handle it."

"I didn't come here to argue. I've got what I wanted." I stood up. "Don't worry this is the last you'll be seeing of me and if I ever do see you again, I'll kill you; that's a promise not a threat." I walked out, not paying him any mind.

"Ma'am, you still have 15 minutes are you sure you want to leave." An officer asked me.

I nodded. They led me back to Aizawa, "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I got a text from Shoto.

Shoto: Something really important happened, can you please come over asap?

I looked over to Aizawa, "Shoto needs me for something. Can you take me there?"

"You don't want to go alone?" He asked.
"Not really." I answered.
"Okay, you have his address?"
"Let's go."


I rang the doorbell and Fuyumi answered it. She smiled at me as usual. "It's nice to see you again, (F/n). You must be Shoto's teacher, Mr. Aizawa. Please, come in."

We entered into their home and took our shoes off at the door. "Shoto is in the living room." She informed me.

"Thank you." I said.

I walked towards the living room and Aizawa followed closed behind. When we were approaching the living room, I noticed the lights were off. Weird. I turned the light on. Immediately, a bunch of people came out yelling, "Sur-". I freaked out and controlled everyone.

Once I noticed it was just my classmates, I released them gently. "Sorry." I said. "But what exactly is this?" I asked.

"A party!" Uraraka cheered.
"A party?" I asked.

"A birthday party just for you!" Ashido exclaimed happily.

"Uh, thanks." I said, still unsure on what was happening. Aizawa whispered in my ear, "People usually celebrate their birthday with a birthday party. It's supposed to be a happy day." He explained. That made a lot more sense.

Aizawa took a seat in the corner and went to sleep. I expected him to do as much.

"Thanks, guys. This was really nice of you."

"You should thank Todoroki. It was all his idea." Midoriya said. Kaminari pushed Shoto right in front of me. "It was nothing really, you just deserved a good day." Shoto said, he looked off to the side and place a hand on the back of his neck.

It was alright. Everyone was so nice and cheerful. There was lots of food and music playing, controlled by Jiro, of course. Overall, everyone was having so much fun.

I, on the other hand, couldn't really get myself to celebrate today. It was easy to act the way they wanted me to to get through this. Memories of Toshihiko kept flooding my mind. I hadn't realized Shoto had been calling my name, after multiple failed attempts he touched my shoulder.

I froze his hand down. I don't know, I wasn't a touchy person in general, but sometimes when I get touched it brings back memories. Memories that I'd rather forget.

"Sorry. I keep apologizing, sorry about that." I said.

"It's okay." He assured him. "My real question is: are you okay? You've been really on edge all day."

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." I told him.

"Well, everyone wants you to open up their gifts." Shoto informed me. I walked over to where everyone else was, wondering what gifts were.

"Is Mr. Aizawa still asleep?" Jiro asked.

"Yeah, the man can sleep anywhere at anytime, sometimes it's really annoying." I said.

"How's living with him?" Uraraka asked.

"I mean, I live with a yellow human caterpillar. It's better than living with my dad that's for sure." They laughed at my comment.

"Okay, what exactly am I doing?" I asked.

"You're opening gifts, we got you." Yaoyorozu said. Going off what she said, gifts were something someone received I'm guessing.

"You should start with mine." Shoto said.

Aizawa POV

I decided to listen to what was actually going on. I choose at the absolute worse time. I sat in the corner observing everyone else.

Shoto handed her a neatly wrapped box and a card. (F/n) fiddled with the card in her hands. She hummed is amusement. She opened the box, in the box was a cat collar with Fubuki's name and other essential information on it.

(F/n) spoke sincerely. "This is so thoughtful... Shoto." He looked at her to meet her eyes. "No one has ever gotten me something so nice." She leaned over to him. I was getting agitated by the second while everyone was shitting their pants in anticipation.

She picked up the card that was beside Todoroki put the card in between their lips and smirked. "Woah there Todoroki, let me see what your card says first dude."

"If you keep teasing me, I might have to burn it." Todoroki said with his lips still pressed against the card.

"I'll just put out your flames." She said in a smug tone. The sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Their eyes were glued on one another.

"Ehhh... if you're done with whatever that is. Bakugo didn't want to come but he got you a card!" She opened the card and quickly scanned it.  A smile became very evident on her face. "What'd it say?" Uraraka asked.

"Um, he said I shouldn't share what he said so I won't."  She answered.

"I also got you something!" Kirishima said gleefully. Kirishima got (F/n) a fancy bookmark, a book light, and a tote bag for books. "I'm not a reader but I saw that you liked to read a lot, so I thought you'd like this."

"Thank you so much!" She said excited. Kirishima's eyes were practically begging for a hug. She hugged Kirishima and he hugged her back with a smile. In the past, I could tolerate Kirishima but now he's on the list with Todoroki. "It'll definitely help with studying for the final exam." Kirishima smiled. Todoroki stayed stoic at (F/n)'s side but he couldn't hide the jealousy in his eyes.


(F/n) had been surrounded by her classmates for a while and I could tell she was getting tired. I made up a simple excuse to get her out the party. "Well, I'll see you all tomorrow. Thank you so much for all of this." (F/n) said politely.

Todoroki walked us out. (F/n) turned to him and held him in her arms, "Thank you, Shoto." She said barely audible to anyone else but him. With that we were on our way home.

"So how'd you like your party?" I asked her.

"I really don't think I should be celebrating, it's not exactly something I want to celebrate, but it was really nice of them." She said. After she was away from them her facial expression changed for grateful to depressed. I wondered... since everything that had just happened was just an act for her. If she was already so good at hiding what she felt from others than what other things is she hiding from me.

"Well I also got you something, it's at home, once we get there we can drink tea on the balcony and star gaze. My parents also want to wish you a happy birthday." I informed her.

She nodded.

Your POV

Aizawa got me two framed pictures one of just him and I when I recently moved in and another of us and his parents. I smiled his gifts as set them on my desk side by side.

Most of the things I received today was scattered in a corner. I got a baritone ukulele from Jiro, a sweater from Uraraka, a journal from Midoriya, a very thoughtful card from Bakugo, pictures from Aizawa, a collar for Fubuki from Shoto, reading supplies from Kirishima, and the list goes on.

I went over to my laptop which had the picture and information of my mother on the screen. I was going to spend today not to meet her but she be around the area she lived which was not far from here. I wonder if she even thinks about me or maybe dad was right and she wants nothing to do with me. I sighed and tapped on the corner of my laptop. Eventually, I turned it off. Mom...

Unknown POV

I sat alone and I waited... waited for the clock to strike midnight, I need today to be over.

I tapped kn the corner of my laptop. When midnight hit, I finally turned it off. (F/n)...

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