By Bleach-Grimmjow

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A reboot of my og story. More

My oc
Paige bio
Justin/Ghost bio
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Led and Tyler bio and Set Up for another book
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Christmas Special
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Volume 1 Chapter 7
Volume 1 Chapter 8
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Volume 1 Chapter 10
PSNR's bio
Volume 1 Chapter 11 part 1
Volume 1 Chapter 11 part 2

Volume 1 Chapter 5

64 6 2
By Bleach-Grimmjow

Before Ruby was falling

Paige goes around the forest and looks for a partner, and she bumps into an Ursa.

"I don't think you're the partner I'm looking for." says Paige, the Ursa tries to attack her but she dodges it and gets out her sword, but then the Ursa falls down, and there are 3 people behind it.

"I had that." says Paige.

"My name is Nathan." says Nathan. (RWBYfan3 oc)

"I'm Rogue." says Rogue. (Childofpluto68 oc)

"And I'm Sapphire." says Katherine.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Paige." says Paige.


John is going around, until he bumps into someone, who seems to have fought some Grimm.

"Whops, sorry." says John.

"Its alright." says the guy "I'm Aizen."(GrayYukihira oc)

"John." says John, they then see Cobalt and another guy appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Cobalt." says John.

"Hey John." Cobalt responds "Oh and this is Riley." (ShaNEON_757 oc)

"Hey Riley." says John

"Hey John." says Riley.

"This is Aizen." says John.

"Hi Aizen." says Cobalt.

"Hi Cobalt." says Aizen.

"Well we have to go to the temple." says John and they go there.

Time skip to the temple

"Blake, Led, did you two hear that?" Yang asks.

"Yang, what should we do." Cy asks and Yang shrugs, and Blake points up, and Cy and Yang look up.

"HEADS UUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP!" Ruby shouts and Jaune appears out of nowhere and his flown to Ruby and they go to a tree.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asks Yang.

"I..." Yang was about to answer, then there was an explosion and an Ursa appeared, it feel down and reveals a girl rolling on it and gets up.

"Awwww, it's broken." says a finger head girl and she checks out the Ursa, then a ninja green wearing guy. At one point the ginger haired girl appeared and picked the castle piece "I'm the queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"

"Nora!" says the green guy, referring to the ginger haired girl.

"Coming Ren!" says Nora referring to the green guy.

"Did she just ride an Ursa?" Led wonders.

"How do I say..." Cy was about to say, then Justin and appeared running from something and it was a Geist Grimm having a rock body.

Justin throws some knives, that contains ice dust, and freezes the Grimm in place. They then come over to the temple.

"Hey everyone!" says Tyler.

"Where did these guys come from." Blake wonders.

"Um..." Cy tries to respond then a Beowulf appears stabbed by what appears to be vine, and Paige with Nathan, Rogue and Sapphire appear, they then walk over to the temple.

"Hey guys." says Paige passing by and grabs the king piece and she stands next to Cy, Cy then pants her head.

"What's her semblance?" Led asks.

"Well..." Cy was about to respond but Led interrupts. An explosion appears and John, Aizen, Cobalt and Riley appears, John then goes and grabs a bishop.

"What happened back there." Blake asks.

"Don't..." says Yang, but then Pyrrha Nikos appears being followed by a Deathstalker. Ruby then jumps down from the tree she was sent to by Jaune.

"Ruby!" says Yang as Ruby standing next her.

"Yang!" says Ruby and they were about to hug.

"Nora!" says Nora and appears between Yang and Ruby.

"Did she just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" says Blake and Yang seems mad, Cy also seems scared at Yang's anger.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! CAN EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT FOR TWO SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS AGAIN?!" Yang yells, Ren comes, Cy then puts his hand on Yang's shoulder and calms her down.

"Um... Cy." says Paige and she points up and Weiss is still on the Nevermore.

"How is she up there?" Tyler asks.

"That was me." says Ruby "I said jump!" Ruby shouts to Weiss.

"She's gonna fall." says Blake.

"She'll be fine." says Ruby.

"She's falling." says Ren, Justin runs up to the tree that Ruby jumped from, he climbs it, then at the perfect time and when Jaune jumped to save Weiss, he uses Jaune as a boost to jump, saves Weiss bridal style and he gets down safely, Weiss then looks at Justin and blushes. Weiss gets off Justin.

Weiss to herself: My hero.

Jaune goes to the temple.

"My back." says Jaune, Pyrrha then appears next to the group.

"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" says Yang.

"Not if I can help it!" says Ruby, charging towards the Deathstalker.

"Ruby, wait!" says Yang. Ruby attacks the Deathstalker but fails.

"D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!" Ruby shouts out, she shoots the Deathstalker, giving herself a boost and a head start to run away. A Nevermore appeared and it shot its feathers at Ruby but then the feathers were sliced by John, John then picks up Ruby bridal style and runs back to the group, and as she was carried, Ruby blushed. Justin then threw throwing knives that can froze the Deathstalker, mainly aiming at its feet.

"Guys?" says Jaune "That thing is circling back! What are we going to do?"

"Look, there's no sense dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us." says Weiss.

"She's right." says Ruby "Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs, there's no point in fighting these things."

"Run and live, that's a plan I can get behind." says Jaune. Everyone is now ready, Paige and John hear a noise, which are clearly Grimm.

"Guys, there are more Grimm right there." Paige points where, its the East side of the temple "My team and John's team will take care of the Grimm, giving you guys less trouble." Cy sighs.

"Cobalt." says Cy to Cobalt and he looks at Cy "Please take care of Paige." Cobalt blush but he nods, Justin even re enforces it.

"Let's go." says Cy, Paige and John's respective teams go east and the others go to the Cliffs.

Time skip

Cy, Justin, Led, Tyler, Yang, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora and Ren have reached the Cliffs, Cy notices the Geist Grimm.

"Go right up ahead, I'll take care of the Geist Grimm." Cy runs to the Geist Grimm, and Justin, Led and Tyler follow him.

"Good luck Cy!" says Yang to Cy.

Cy gets assault rifle and fires at the Geist Grimm, Justin stands next to Cy, gets his pistol and shoots at the Geist Grimm. Tyler climbs on it, using his Blades of Chaos and attacks it when he gets the chance, but then the Grimm punches him away. Led fires a energy ball at the Grimm, the explosion was able to cause some damage to the Grimm's body and pushed it back a bit. The Geist Grimm then gets out its fingers and grabs some near by rocks, it makes the rocks its fingers and fires the rocks to Cy, Justin, Led and Tyler, Cy uses his boot enhancement to dodge, Justin uses his semblance to phase through, Led uses her staff to deflect the rocks, and Tyler uses the Blades of Chaos to slice the rocks. Cy jumps at the Grimm, as well as Justin. The Grimm punches Cy away, Justin used his semblance to dodge the first punch, then the second but got punched by the third. Led tries to hit the Geist Grimm's face, but the Grimm blocks the attack. Tyler gets his Chaos Gauntlets and punches it hard causing an explosion at it.

"At this point, none of us can take it down." says Tyler, Cy looks at Tyler's Blades of Chaos, remembered his fight with Led that she can teleport, and knows what Justin can do.

"I have a plan." says Cy "Tyler, use your Blades of Chaos to rip the Grimm's legs off, Led, teleport me up to it, I'll destroy the body, and Justin you do the final blow." The Grimm was about to kick them.

(Video time 1:04-1:38)

But Tyler blocks the attack and uses his Blades of Chaos to rip off its legs. Led teleports Cy up to the Grimm, so Cy gets his katana and slices the Grimm's body in pieces. The Geist Grimm gets out, and flies away, but Justin got his katana and slices the Grimm in half.

(Pause the song)

Time skip

Paige, Nathan, Rogue and Sapphire are in the same team and Paige is the leader, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren are in the same team, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang are in the same team, John, Aizen, Riley and Cobalt are in the same team, John is the team leader, Cy, Led, Justin and Tyler are in the same team, they are team CLJT, and Cy is the leader which makes Led shocked.

"One more thing." says Ozpin "This is Mystery Lightning Dark, he'll be the solo man on this one." Opine then turns on a TV and it shows Lightning fighting. (Hi-TechLightning00 oc)

At the time the video takes place

Coco is about to get attacked by a Grimm but it then gets sliced in half and a man with a robotic arm and a ninja outfit appears, its Lightning.

Lightning slices a Beowulf in half, vertically, then moves on to chop an Ursa into pieces. He does a backflip to dodge an Ursa's attack then shoots it, with his dual pistols, repeatedly till it died. Lightning does a push kick at a Beowulf and used his robotic arm to punch it hard in the face, causing the Beowulf's head to snap. He climbs up a wall, jumps at an Ursa and slices it in half, horizontally, Lightning's sword seems to have electricity appearing, he then makes a giant shockwave of electricity happen, with a single slice, killing several Grimm. Lightning then stabs a Beowulf, chops an Ursa's head off, a Stalker tries to bite him but he shoots it in the mouth and kicks it away to another Beowulf. He then does a jumping spinning vertical attack at an Ursa, chopping it in half.

(Pause the song)

Lightning helps Coco up, when he finished fighting.

"You okay?" Lightning asks Coco.

"Yeah." Coco responds "I'm Coco."

"I'm Lightning." Lightning introduces himself.

Back to the present

"Congrats Paige, for being team leader." Cy says to Paige and Justin gives a thumbs up.

"Yeah Paige, you deserve it." says Cobalt to Paige.

"Thanks Cobalt. you too brother., you'll also be a great team leader" says Paige.

"Yeah, you'll be a great team leader." says Yang to Cy.

"I'm so happy you're team leader John." says Ruby to John.

"Thanks, me too for you Ruby." says John to Ruby.

"Jaune, no matter what everyone may say, people will think you'll a great team leader." says Pyrrha to Jaune.

"Thanks Pyrrha." Jaune replies.

"It looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year." says Ozpin.

The End

Theme song:

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