Woman Long Lost

By MimikuLanoue

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She was once Ciel's sister, but after the fire broke out. She could not take the pressure placed upon her. Fi... More

She Returns Chapter 1
Sealed Secrets Chapter 2
Secret Kills Chapter 3
Jack But Two Chapter 4
Kidnappings For Seals Chapter 5
Nuance Dogs Chapter 6
Frosted Rings Chapter 7
Puppets And Birthdays Chapter 8
Troubled Princes Chapter 9
Curry Chapter 10
Lost Kings Chapter 11
Angels And Cults Chapter 12
Children and Torture Chapter 13
Pleasures And Punishments Chapter 14
Fall In Paris Chapter 15
A Demons Claim Chapter 16
Chains Chapter 17
Secret Ties Chapter 18
House Wife Chapter 19
Letters Chapter 20
Trancy Chapter 21
Games Chapter 22
Murders Chapter 23
Run Around 24
Circus 25
Secrets And Advancements 26
Unpleasantries 27
A Mother's Love 28
Fatal Fall 29
Flaming Love 31
Treasures To Never Be Claimed 32
Ships Too Far 33
Dead Parties 34
Fallen Blood 35
Priorities And Ties 36
A Mission That Shouldn't Be Taken 37
Escaping With Hell 38
Running From Death 39
Crystal's Of Blood 40
Children 41
Phantom Characters
Sweet Trips 44
Times Of Age 45
Threats 46
New Beginnings 47
Showdown 48

A Trip Of Horror 30

48 1 0
By MimikuLanoue

Lorna sat on the bed as Sebastian finished unpacking in their room. "Now why can't I even bathe on my own?" He scowled at her. "Because you managed to slip in the carriage. Lorna You're a walking disaster already. I don't need you getting any more hurt. Stay put." She huffed folding her arms under her chest. Sebastian left the room and she sighed rolling her eyes. "This is irritating. I'll show him a walking disaster." She pushed herself off the bed as best she could putting most her weight on one foot as she walked to a dresser. She grabbed the edge of the dresser just as the door flew open. She jumped startled and scowled at Sebastian. He shut the door looking around. She rose a brow at him. "What? Did you forget something?" He chuckled as he walked towards her. "Only you." She frowned taking a step back but put pressure on the wrong foot and flinched falling back. Arms wrapped around her waist and she looked at him with worry. "Something isn't right about you. Are you sure you're alright?" He leaned down kissing her neck. "I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She scowled at him. "What about my brother? Is he alright?" Sebastian moved back to look her in the eyes. "Yes, everything is fine." She frowned and he placed his lips on hers. The kiss didn't quite feel right to her but she still went along with it. He walked her back towards the bed where he laid her down with her legs from the knees down hung off the bed. He ran his hands up her sides and groped her breasts. She broke the kiss leaning her head to the side a bit as she grabbed his wrists. "Wait a minute Sebastian. I don't think now is the best time." He nibbled on her neck moving up to her ear. "Oh I think now is the perfect time." She tried to push his wrists away and slid her hands up to his shoulders trying to shove at his shoulders. "No. I said wait a minute! Stop!" He slid his hands down to the edges of her corset where he tore it in half from the front. "Hey! I liked that one!" He moved more over her. "We can always get you another one." She pouted at him. He grabbed the sides of her skirt pulling it up. "No! Now wait a minute! It's too early for this!" He chuckled looking her in the eyes. "It's never to early my dear." She glared at him. "I said stop it!" The room door flew open and an angered Sebastian ran in. His eyes widened at the sight before him. He charged at his look alike and tackled him to the floor off his wife where he began beating the fake. The fake placed his hand on Sebastian's chest and Sebastian flew back a bit just enough to be pushed off of the fake. The fake took this chance to escape and disappeared. Sebastian rushed to his feet and ran to Lorna's side. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you at all did he?" She looked up at him with a dazed look as she tried to comprehend everything that just happened. Sebastian slowly moved his hand to her cheek as not to startle her but she instantly threw her arms around him as a few tears slid down her face. Sebastian frowned and wrapped his arms tightly around her leaning down a bit. He laid on the bed with her letting her roll onto his chest where she buried her face into his chest and cried softly. He rubbed her back and she held his shirt in her hands tightly. "What is going on Sebastian?" He frowned looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know. Who ever that was. It certainly wasn't human, and we can rule out it having any other target." She calmed her crying and moved herself up to look into his eyes. "He's good at mimicking Sebastian. How am I to tell you two apart?" Sebastian placed his hand on her cheek. "You know I would never force myself on you. I don't know his intentions, but I do know that your desires and needs come first." She giggled softly leaning forward to give his cheek a kiss. "Thank you Sebastian." He moved her face towards him moving her into a soft kiss. "Anything for you." He rolled her onto the bed and got back onto his feet. "I have more work to do with the young master. I came as soon as I heard your shouting." She frowned looking away. "I'm sorry Sebastian." He leaned down giving her collar bone a soft kiss. "Don't be. You're safety is just as important as this case." She sighed and sat up as he moved back. "Alright, go back to my brother. I'm sure he's waiting for you." He nodded and left the room. Lorna sighed and frowned at the floor. "You know. That husband of yours is quite the bother." Lorna jumped in fright at the new voice and quickly turned towards the window where a man dressed in a suite with a trench coat on sat. She swallowed her fear and brought up her courage to speak. "Who are you?" He chuckled leaning forward a bit as he sat with one leg thrown over the other and his hands on the widow seal. "I'm sure you know who I am." Lorna gasped lightly. "You're that shape shifter." He chuckled sitting up straight folding his arms across his chest with a smirk. "Bingo." She scowled at him. "What do you want with me?" He chuckled once more. "Oh dear Lorna. Only your soul will clench my thirst. If not your soul then your life itself will bring me nourishment. You will bring me great prosperity just by giving yourself to me over and over again. Does your husband even realize the greatness he has within his grasp?" Lorna looked at him with confusion. "What are you talking about?" He jumped out of the window seal and walked over to her. He leaned down placing his index finger under her chin lifting it up to look him in the eyes. Scarlet eyes meeting each other. "Lorna dear. Your vampiristic side has much more to it than what you think it does. A vampire's blood is a precious thing. It's even more precious when mixed with a demons. You my dear are as sweet as fruit. Of course. Not to eat, but to drink from. To take over and over again is the greatest pleasure by your kind." She glared at him and smacked his hand away. "I get it. However, I already have given myself to a demon." He sighed standing tall folding his arms across his chest. "Yes, that is quite the bother isn't it? You're children are useless as well. They're the spawn of two demons and a half vampire. Unfortunately, the demon blood runs too thickly through their veins there is no room for the vampire blood. So that leaves you. Now come with me Lorna. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be." She moved herself back a bit further onto the bed. "No. Why would I go with you? What are you anyway?" He sighed shaking his head. "Of course you would be stubborn. I am but a half snake half bat demon." She jumped to her feet forgetting about her injured ankle and fell to the side in pain. He grabbed her arm to stop her fall and she shoved him away falling back. He sighed moving back towards the window. "I see. So I suppose this is going to be harder than it needs to be. Alright then. Well for a start you can call me Victor my dear. We'll be seeing each other again I can assure you." He jumped backwards out of the window disappearing and her room door opened. "Lorna? What are you doing on the floor?" She looked back at Ciel and smiled at him. "Sorry Ciel. I fell when I was trying to get around." Sebastian scowled as he caught the sent of another demon in the room. Ciel sighed. "Do be careful. Come on Lorna. We need to head into town to do some investigating." Lorna nodded and tried to get off the floor. Sebastian rushed to her side and grabbed her arm wrapping his other arm around her to help her up.

The three walked through town with Lorna holding onto Sebastian's arm walking as best she could with only a minor limp. She instantly stopped as she heard a child crying and looked towards an alleyway. Sebastian stopped as he felt the tug on his arm and looked down at Lorna. Ciel stopped as well as he didn't hear the two following him any longer. Sebastian frowned at Lorna. "What's the matter Lorna?" She let go of his arm and instantly took off down the alley. Sebastian's eyes widened and he took a step forward to follow her but instantly remembered his promise to her. Ciel ran past him and that gave him his incentive to go. The two boys chased after Lorna as she ran down the dark alley looking around frantically. She spotted a door with smoke coming out of it and picked up her speed. Ciel tried to run faster but knew he was no match for his sister. "Sebastian! Go get her! Stop her before she reaches that door!" Sebastian sped past Ciel to catch Lorna but didn't catch her in time as she threw the door open to a raging fire. She shielded her face with her arm before stepping inside. Sebastian glared at her as he continued running. "Lorna! Stop now!" She didn't listen and disappeared into the burning flames. Sebastian instantly stopped outside of the door as he was licked by the heat of the flames. Ciel soon caught up to his butler panting but stayed back not being able to take the heat of the fire. Both boys looked at the fire in worry as the sound of wood collapsing was heard. Ciel looked up at Sebastian. "What are you doing you idiot?! Go in after her!" Sebastian frowned. "I'm sorry young master. I can not leave you out here alone." Ciel glared up at Sebastian and was about to yell at him when the sound of the whole building collapsing was heard. The two looked at it in disbelief and waited for any sign of Lorna. Men with buckets of water ran over and began to try to put the fire out. It took a while but the men finally managed. Sebastian and Ciel stood a bit away from the house waiting for results on the disaster. One of the men walked over to them with a frown. "We're sorry to tell you this, but there were no bodies found in the wreckage." Ciel's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" The man looked at the building. "I don't know what started the fire, but it seems as though the place has been abandoned for quite some time. The woman you described was nowhere to be found." Sebastian placed his hand on Ciel's shoulder. "Thank you. We'll be on our way now." The man nodded leaving the two. Ciel and Sebastian left the alley lost not knowing what could have happened. Ciel scowled as he walked. "Sebastian. What could have happened to her?" Sebastian frowned down at Ciel. "I don't know young master." Ciel sighed. "Let's go back to the manor for the rest of the day. We'll take care of this case tomorrow. I need some time to think." Sebastian nodded. "Very good young master." The two walked back to the manor they were staying in and Ciel went to his room. Sebastian did the same and froze in his doorway. "Lorna?" She gave him a soft smile as she held a child in her arms moving side to side slowly while the child slept. "Hello Sebastian. I'm sorry I ran off like that." He rushed to her side pulling her off the bed and into his arms into a tight embrace. She frowned and leaned the side of head against his chest. She took a step back and he let her go looking down at the child. "Who is this?" Lorna smiled down at the child. "This is Anabeth. I ran off because I heard a child crying. When I got into the house. She was in a corner crying. I couldn't just let her die there in the fire." He scowled. "How did you get here?" She looked up at him for a second before looking at the window. "I don't know. I just. After I grabbed her everything became a blur. Before she passed out she mentioned someone who had been setting things on fire trying to kill others. I don't know what is going on Sebastian, but I want to help her." He sighed and she looked at him pleadingly. "Let's take this to your brother." She nodded and the two left the room. Though as soon as Lorna took a step out of her room she fell forward loosing consciousness. Sebastian quickly turned throwing an arm out in front of her catching her and the child. He pulled the child out of her arms and moved it into one of his cradling her against him as he held Lorna limp over his other arm. He carried Lorna back into the room and laid her on the bed before leaving the room. He carried the child to Ciel's room where he knocked on the door before entering. "Young master. I have something to tell you." Ciel looked at Sebastian and scowled. "Where did you get the child?" Sebastian walked closer to Ciel still holding Anabeth. "Actually young master. Your sister Lorna brought her. Lorna is currently resting in her room." Ciel's scowl deepened. "How did she get back? How did she get past us?" Sebastian sighed. "I don't know. She doesn't know either. The only source we have is this child when she wakes up." Ciel nodded looking at Anabeth. "Go lay her with my sister and make me something sweet."

Lorna woke up and rubbed her forehead. "What is going on?" She looked next to her finding Anabeth and smiled softly. "At least you are alright." Lorna sat up and tried to get off the bed only to flinch as her foot made contact with the floor. "I suppose I'm not going to be walking well." The door opened and she looked up giving a soft smile to her brother. "Hello Ciel." He frowned at her. "Lorna. Don't ever run off like that again. Do you hear me?!" She giggled and nodded. "Alright." Ciel looked at the child on the bed and scowled. "What's with the kid?" Lorna looked at Anabeth. "This is Anabeth. I saved her in that fire." Ciel shook his head. "Rest up Lorna. Tomorrow we go to a factory to check out the disappearances of a bunch of workers." Lorna nodded. "You rest up yourself Ciel." He nodded and left the room. It wasn't too much longer Sebastian entered the room with some tea. She scowled at him. "You are Sebastian right?" He sighed. "Yes Lorna. I promise your tea isn't poisoned." He poured her her cup and took a sip from it before handing it to her. "Here." She frowned looking down at the cup. "I'm sorry Sebastian." He tilted her chin up to look at him. "Don't be. It is perfectly logical for you to be worried about such things." She looked away from him still upset and he leaned forward giving her a peck on the lips. She drank her tea and the two looked over as Anabeth woke up. The little girl rubbed her eyes and Lorna smiled at her. "You're awake. How are you feeling?" Anabeth looked at Lorna but as soon as she looked at Sebastian fear consumed her and she jumped onto Lorna's back making Lorna spill her tea. Sebastian quickly dove down using the cup in Lorna's hand to scoop up the tea back into it's cup so it wouldn't spill into her lap. The two sighed in relief and Lorna frowned at Anabeth. "What's wrong sweety?" Anabeth tried to hide further behind Lorna as she shook in fear. "That's the man I told you about. He set the fire. He's been slaughtering the town." Lorna frowned. "I see. This isn't him sweety. This is my husband. The man you're thinking of impersonates him to deceive others." Sebastian sighed standing up and Anabeth slowly came out of hiding. "Really? So this isn't the demon?" The two looked at each other before Lorna looked back at her. "What do you know of demons?" Anabeth frowned. "Well, my brother is a demon." Lorna frowned. "Would his name happen to be Victor?" Anabeth looked up at her. "Yes, how did you know?" Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her. "Lorna sighed and moved herself to the side a bit. "Because that man who is impersonating as my husband told me his name was Victor, and you look a little like him." Anabeth's eyes lit up. "You're Lorna Phantomhive?!" Lorna's eyes widened. "I am. Why?" Anabeth wrapped her arms around Lorna's neck as she jumped onto her and Sebastian quickly took the cup away from Lorna. "You're our savior! Our salvation! You will bring prosperity to my family!" Lorna frowned and gently grabbed Anabeth's arms pulling her away. "I'm sorry Anabeth. I'm not going to be your savior." Sebastian scowled at them. "What is going on?" Lorna sighed. "I'll tell you about it later." Anabeth frowned. "Why not? Mrs. Lorna we need you." Lorna pat her head. "I'm sorry Anabeth, but I have a loving family already." Anabeth glared up at Sebastian. "I bet he just takes from you and doesn't even bother to savor it." Sebastian rose a brow at her. Lorna scowled at Anabeth. "Now that's enough." Lorna tried to get up but flinched as her foot hit the ground once more. Sebastian helped her up and walked her out. He walked her down the hall to her brother's office and knocked before entering. Ciel looked at the two confused. "What's going on?" Sebastian sat Lorna down on the edge of Ciel's desk much to Ciel's dismay. "Ciel, I've solved your case." He scowled at her. "What is it?" She sighed. "The one causing all your misfortunes is the one who attacked me back in the manor. It's a demon who goes by the name Victor." Ciel scowled at her. "How do you know his name? Have you met him?" Lorna sighed. "I have. He came to see me in his true form after Sebastian left the room the other day. He says that he's half snake and half bat. So to say the least that could pose a bit of a problem." Ciel scowled at his desk. Sebastian gave her a soft glare. "Why do they want you?" She closed her eyes for a moment before frowning at the floor. "Victor told me that he wanted me because of my vampire blood. Evidently have blooded demons with a vampire as the other half is a rare species and their blood is rich with life. I suppose the reason he wants me is to use my blood for his own sake and nourishment." Sebastian frowned. "Your blood is very sweet. Your soul is much sweeter now as well now that I have claimed it. I suppose I can see why they would want your life. Vampire half lings are said to give their spouse a long life of richness. As long as the vampire half ling isn't a human half ling. It's said that every time a vampire half ling gives their body to their spouse their spouse will grow stronger within every time. I suppose I haven't taken into true consideration of the benefits of having you by my side." Ciel glared at Sebastian. "Now isn't the time to be gawking at my sister's misfortune!" Sebastian nodded. "Yes my lord." Ciel looked up at Lorna. "Lorna, we need to stop these demons at once. I'm going to need you better so you can fight along Sebastian's side. You have until tomorrow night to get better." Lorna nodded and a thought came to her mind. "Um Ciel. Would you mind taking Anabeth into your room for the night?" He instantly glared at her. "Absolutely not!" She clapped her hands together into a pleading look. "Please Ciel? Sebastian can't help me with others in the room." Ciel's face became flushed and he huffed looking away. "Fine!" She smiled bending down pulling him to her in a tight embrace. "Thank you Ciel!" He squirmed around in her hold. "Let go of me!" She giggled before letting him go. "Thank you again Ciel. I'll see you tomorrow." He shook his head at her as Sebastian scooped her up into his arms leaving the room.

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