Cats of UA

By jade4839

18.9K 662 353

This is a soulmate AU. Dogs were man's best friends; however, when quirks appeared so did strangely colored... More

Mina x Denki
EraserMic Part I
Erasermic II (kinda i guess)
Ayoma X Monoma (Twink squared)
EraserMic for reals this time
Mini Chapter
Iida x Ururaka
Dabi X Hawks


1.4K 69 21
By jade4839

Ok, so this is the last chapter before we get to the main part that I planned first. Yes like Tim Burton said "Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not necessarily in that order."
Well, I planned out this story with my three best friends, not in a real order, we just have a notebook we pass around between classes.
Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia, this is merely a fan work
Note: this is all taking place in a separate timeline thingy cuz I haven't read the manga, obviously so if I get stuff wrong, that's why
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Bakugo's PoV
The second day in this class full of losers, I ended up sitting next to Deku.
Then there's that shittyhair kid, he tried to invite me somewhere yesterday, and I thought to myself 'who the fuck does he think he is? Talking to me!'
Obviously, he doesn't realize I'm too good for him, well... that's what I thought before the quirk aptitude test. He reminded me a lot of my cat, cheerful, red eyes, could harden his body like a rock (not like I was watching him or anything), and just seemed to get along with everyone, a skill that I lacked, but it's not really necessary. The only problem was, he had red hair, and that is the opposite of black.
My cat had spiky black hair, not red. Maybe he was a relative? I regretted being harsh with him but, what could I do? Show weakness and apologize? As if.
If he was my soulmate, then my cat would have red hair, even if it was dyed, just look at Todoroki and Midoriya's cat. Little shit terrorized us.
I still remember when I got Riot.
I sat on my swing like a king. My quirk had come in and I was so much stronger than those losers that hung around me.
I jumped off and practiced blowing stuff up, it wasn't until I had set off a pretty big explosion (for a five-year-old) that I noticed a tiny black cat sitting in the explosion
"Ah, shit!" I cried scooping up the cat, it was hard as rocks, and then it was suddenly fluffy and purring
"KATSUKI WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT REPEATING THE WORDS MOMMY SAYS!" Momma shouted coming out of the house, stopping when she saw what I had.
Suddenly parents got the whole neighborhood involved. This was a momentous occasion, it's not everyday someone as great as I get their cat.
Little did I know that my parents were celebrating because they thought I was too much of a handful for me to actually find a soulmate.
I looked back over at the redhead. I felt something towards him, and it wasn't my normal feeling towards everyone else.
It was awkward and off-putting. Like I wanted to impress him more than everyone else.
It was fucking pissing me off!
Before Bakugo walked in the last chapter
"Eijiro Kirishima, as one of your best friends I hate to see you suffer like this, so! If you do not talk to him about this I will intervene, and you know what I mean by intervene!"
"No I actually don't," Kiri stated confused
What was going on? Shittyhair was suffering? How?
I was so focused that I wasn't listening to their conversation.
"Dude shut the fuck up!" I yelled coming into the room "what the fuck are you yelling about shittyhair?" I growled
"W-Well Uh... um I-I'm n-" he started to stutter before Mina cut him off
"We have a bomb shelter. Momo made it. It's pretty noice." Why was she saying it like that?
"Bomb shelter? I bet I could totally destroy it!" I smirked
"What if you had someone in there with you?" Kaminari inquired
"Well, that would depend on who it is. Like if it was shitty hair I would still blow the door, with his quirk I can't really hurt him."
"From what Momo tells me you would have to go beyond your limit to break it, and Kirishima's quirk would probably give before then," Mina explained, Kirishima looked mortified
"Well I doubt that, but if you shits want to lock us up there sometime to test it out. I fucking dare you to try!" I yelled stomping out of the room, if they had been talking about Kirishima suffering, why are they talking about a bomb shelter?
Kirishima's PoV
Stupid Bakugo and his stupid pretty face.
I was walking back from class muttering to myself.
"Hey! Kirishima wait up!" Mina yelled sprinting after me
"Oh. Sorry Ashido, just thinking..."
"About a certain soulmate? But he doesn't know you're his soulmate, because it may be unrequited, or you could be wrong, maybe he doesn't believe in soulmates at all!" My best friend mimicked me
"Okay, I get it! I need to talk to him, just not yet. I feel like we're finally getting somewhere with our friendship. I don't want to jeopardize that by admitting that I'm in love with him." I hugged
"But what if you are soulmates. He has a right to know. I don't want to see you developing hanahaki for no reason at all." Mina explained softly
"Right, you still need me to be your best man right? I promise I'll be ok." I waved off her concern.
Hanahaki was first told to us as a fictional disease, but after quirks and the cats started appearing it became all too real. It was rare, but not rare enough to not be considered a threat.
"It's not just that, Eijiro. You have so many friends who care about you, and we all want you to be happy. I know it may seem like we are pressuring you out of your comfort zone, but we just want what's best for you."
"I know. I just need a little more time. If I don't do anything within the next week, I'll let you intervene."
"Kiri, the school year ends in a week. I know he's going on a trip with his family. Today is Thursday, right? Tomorrow night is bong circle night, if you haven't talked to him by then we'll intervene." Mina explained
There goes my plan to postpone the inevitable...
Friday night
Welp. I have a feeling that Mina is going to try to poison me tonight at the bong circle, so I was just gonna stay in my room and touch up the massive roots I had hidden under my bandana.
I sat at dinner, the whole dorm had ordered pizza to celebrate passing our latest test.
I sat down next to Sero, he was chill enough to not try anything.
He handed me a drink and some breadsticks and we just talked
Bakugo was standing in the corner, I should go talk to him right? Sero noticed me staring and handed me another cup. He's a good guy.
"Hey, Bakugo! Why're you sulking in the corner?" I laughed
"None of your damn business shittyhair!"
"Oof! You wound me!"
"Shut up, I'm just really confused at the moment."
"Confused about what?" I handed him the drink
"I've just got these weird feelings towards someone."
"What type of feelings?" I asked taking a shaky deep breath in
"Like I want to impress them more than anyone else, like even though they smile all the time I want to be the one to make them smile. I just want to be around them, and protect them no matter what. I don't know what these feelings mean and it pisses me off." He took a sip of the soda
I took a large gulp before speaking
"From what you've said... it sounds like you're in love."
I tried to contain my laughter at his face. I tried to hold back my tears. What had I been thinking? How could he ever love me?
"Love?" He repeated dumbfounded
"Yeah, like what soulmates have. Is this person your soulmate?"
"I don't know, the quirk is right, but I have a black cat. This person has- nevermind." Bakugo stopped himself
"Alright, whatever you say, buddy,"
"It's for a bet, Mina doesn't think you'll take it off, and I thought that was weird, so she bet her last Juul pod." My friend explained
"And she's right. You're not getting my bandana." I explained, but for some reason, I was starting to feel woozy
"But why man? It's just a bandana, we're no longer in the Calvert battle." Bakugo joked, did he just joke? Honestly, he didn't look the best either
"It's so he can cover up his roots Kaminari." Mina giggled
"Shush you, I haven't had time to go out and buy more dye, nor have I had the time to bleach my roots." I shoved her
"You're not a natural redhead?" Hagakure questioned
"Nope! His hair used to be the color of Tokoyami's soul." Mina continued to laugh
"Glitter?" Tokoyami must have been joking
"Black as night!"
Bakugo fell over.
"Oh shit! Ar... you-" everything went black
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
Mina's PoV
"Thank you support division!" I looked down at the two collapsed boys
"Oh, my! We should take them to recovery girl!" Iida implored beginning to pick Kirishima
"NO!l the three of us shouted
"But aren't they hurt?" Midoriya asked
"Nope, we got this tranquilizer from the support division. We are helping Kirishima right now." Denki explained
"You drugged them?" Tsuyu asked
"Yep! It would have worked faster if it was injected directly into their bloodstream, but ingested works just as well." Sero explained as we lifted the two of them up
"Momo could you lead us to the bomb shelter, and don't worry everyone, we had consent from both parties to do this to them!" Jirou explained shifting Kiri on her shoulder
We placed the two of them on the bed. Made sure there was enough food and water for two for two days, made sure they didn't have cell reception and left some weed for them. I mean Kiri would be missing our weekly get together.
I left a note on the door and left
(๑╹ω╹๑ )
Bakugo's PoV
My head fucking hurt. I remember talking to Kiri, and now everything is dark. Because I haven't opened my eyes yet, maybe I just blacked out and went to sleep, but there was something really warm next to me. I snuggled closer, only to feel it move.
I opened my eyes to find myself in a metal room, in a bed, with Kirishima.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" I fell out of the bed
"Bakugo? What are you doing in my room?" Kirishima asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes
"We're not in your room idiot. I think we've been captured by villains. They must have gotten to the rest of the class. But why leave us together?"
He stood up and walked to the door, groaning before snatching a piece of paper that was taped to the wall.
"It's not villains, it's the three dumbasses we call friends."
"I'm sorry what?" I was confused and felt staby
"Do you remember when Mina told you about that bomb shelter? I think this is it. Mina apparently locked us in here until I say who my soulmate is."
"So? Why is it that big of a deal? Just say who it is and get us out of here." At this, he laughed, bitterly. This was a side to Kiri I wasn't used to seeing.
I watched as he looked through the same cabinets in the room, stopping to take out a small tin and a lighter. My question of what it was had been answered when he lit a joint. I had heard from Sero that Kirishima joined them at their 'weekly get-togethers' but I didn't really believe it until now.
"Welp, sit down because I'm not talking." He sat on the bed taking a long drag of the cannabis
"Why not? How bad can it be?" I huffed, I was getting annoyed with Kirishima, I mean when we were talking before all of this he labeled my feelings for him as love. But I wanted to punch him right now, in the face, softly, with my lips. Ah, fuck!
"How about that you are finally getting to a place of friendship with the person in question, and then they tell you they are in love with someone else. How about the fact that I don't want to fuck up the fact that I'm finally getting close to said person by telling them I've been in love with them for the past few months. How about the fact that I know I'm not good enough for them. They deserve so much better than me. They could have anyone they wanted, and if I develop hanahaki because of it so be it. I would rather be their friend, than risk everything we have."
"Well shit I didn't expect you to have such a thought out answer."
"Yeah well, I get deep when I'm high, except this time I skipped past the fun part. So now I'm just slightly confused, hungry, and pissed."
"Well, I'm so sorry princess! You didn't have to get fucking high the moment we woke up, I thought you could handle your shit." I taunted
"Oh shut the fuck up! I got high to help with the panic attack I'm currently having, and to block out most of the bitching I knew you would do." Kirishima growled, "besides, I'm obviously the dragon asshole."
"Whatever I'm gonna blast the door so just get fucking hard," I commanded, and he did as he was told.
As I started to blast nothing expect my and Kirishima's clothes got damaged
"Everything in here was made to be blast proof. Momo joked that it was your time out corner."
"Not helping shittyh- what's up with your hair?" I asked, his bandana had ripped and I could see that his red hair was black at the base
"I told you earlier, my roots are coming in. I'm not a natural redhead. Before I came to U.A. I had black hair."
My heart froze in my chest.
I was the one he had been talking about, his soulmate who was in love with someone else, wasn't I?
"Kirishima, what does your cat look like?"
He froze mid-drag.
"Lemme see, Blaster is a fluffy, angry, blond cat, that hates most people, has red eyes, and causes explosions with every step he takes." He looked me dead in the eyes
"So, I'm..." I dropped off
"Ding ding ding! We have a winner, folks. It's not like I figured it out on the first day of school and invited you out so I could get to know you. So imagine my surprise when you cursed me out for talking to you."
I felt horrible, I had been so stuck up I hadn't seen what was right in front of me,
"And imagine earlier when you talked like you were in love. I almost started crying right there." He laughed a bit, silent tears falling from his eyes
"Did you ever think, that the person I was talking about was you?" I asked softly and he looked up at me.
"You didn't did you? Eijiro, I've never been good with emotions. I -" I was cut off by feeling his lip press against mine 
"I get it dumbass. You have the emotional scale of a rock." He whispered against me
I pressed my lips to his once again. It just felt right, sure it wasn't how I had imagined finding out who my soulmate was, in a bomb shelter, on a bed, because of our friends.
"I hope you know I'm going to kill all three of them when we get out of here." I pulled away for a moment
"Aw, they've been high since before the pizza got here. You can't really blame them."
I felt him bite my lower lip and I slipped my tongue into his mouth.
It tasted like something I had never experienced before, then I remembered he had just been smoking weed.
"This isn't just because of the weed right?" I muttered
"I may be high, but trust me when I say, I do love you."
We stayed like that for a while, forehead to forehead, occasionally exchanging kisses.
"So this means we're together right?" Kiri asked
"No shit Eijiro. It's not like we've been making out and cuddling for like the past three hours."
"Well sorry Katsuki, I just wanted to be clear." He snickered
"Will you say my name again?"
"It sounds way to good coming from you." With that I reconnected our lips, slotting together perfectly.
I guess we did owe those dumbasses one.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Well, that's it for the kiribaku chapter! Thank you so much for reading, and if you enjoyed this story please like, comment, vote, subscribe, favorite, and just do all the things.
Now I haven't posted any of the chapters yet when I'm writing this, this has actually been the main story I have been working on all summer, and well... school starts in a week, and I'm excited to see all my friends again. But my method of writing is write during breaks and when you have the time. Usually, I will write multiple chapters before I publish, just for the sake of content.
So I will be working on the two-parter section next, but it will probably take a while for me to get out. I don't have a study hall this year, but whatever!
Anyway thank you so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter!

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