Submissive Heart (BDSM Love S...

By Submissive_Heart

700K 9.8K 475

After getting out of a bad relationship with her last Dom, Angel is looking for a new start. She just recentl... More

before you read...
The Interveiw
Party Time
No Take Out?
Play time
Date Night
Little Pet's Dream
Back Again
Doms don't do dinner
Switches don't like Stitches
Sweet subs
Dommes Don't Sing
Its Always More Fun With Lesbians
Disfunction Dinner
Blast to the past
Old Man
Get all the inflated dicks
Can't Resist
exploding dick cake
When Dommes Break
Don't forget the dick balloons
Broken Boners
Loving A Woman
Life Doesn't Give Lemons
Coffee Coffee Coffee
Cancer Sucks
Newest Friends
New Year New Life
Happy Valentine's day! (bonus scene)
Merry Christmas.! (Bonus Christmas scene)
Christmas Party (bonus)


5.1K 117 5
By Submissive_Heart

Sometimes the universe is your best friend. You get out of the house at the perfect time so no light stops you. You get the last muffin. You manage to get the perfect balance of ice to your coffee. When these little things align ever so nicely that is when your day is perfect. Nothing can touch you. You're on top of the world.

Other days the universe is a dumptruck and its taking you for the ride of your life...

My morning started out horrible. Justin got some frantic call from work so he has to leave before me. I hated not riding into work with him. So I slugged around the house until it hit me. No coffee. No tea. Not even hot chocolate. Meg had grabbed not only the last of the coffee but also the last muffin.

I flew out the house with a hope of maybe picking up a drink and snack before work. I got stopped. Not only by every light. But also a cop. No drink for me...

Maybe I could steal something from the break room?

As I was about to turn into the parking lot for work... Crash. Someone had driven into the back of my car. So much for sneaking something from the breakroom.


When you're driving don't text. If you slam into the back of a turning car... don't get out and yell at the other driver. And when the cops show up don't tell them you might still be tipsy from the night before. Better yet. Don't drink and drive. Especially at 8 in the morning.

Justin had just gotten out of a meeting when he saw me sitting at my desk. I sat there stiff and grimaced as I turned towards him.

"Angel, are you okay?" Justin bent over to look at my head. I wondered how bad it was. It has slowly began to hurt more and more. "What happened?"

I just started crying. Through my tears I hope Justin managed to make out "car accident" and "hit". I gengerly touched my head. There was a huge painful knot.

"Please tell me someone's looked at you." Justin tenderly took my hand and felt my head. "That's a nasty lump..." I whimpered in pain.

"You were in a meeting. It's just a bump." I closed my eyes and whimpered. I slowly moved to stand but quickly lost my footing. "My head hurts so bad..."

"I'm going to call Kasey and Ann. They're going to take you to get looked at. I will be there as soon as I can. Okay?" Justin was dialing before he had finished.

"No... I'm fine. I just skipped breakfast." I tried to grab Justin's phone. I missed. My hand landed on his arm.

"No. You're going to the doctor. You need to get checked out." Justin held my hand. He waited for Ann to pick up. "So what did happen?"

"A lady was texting. And drinking. And hit the back of my car. The was going really fast." An had picked up and was talking to Justin. I continued anyway. "I think I must have hit my head. I was in the middle or turning and it spun my car a bit."

Justin gently stroked my cheek and growled. He was frustrated. "An, can you come take Angel to get checked out? She was in an accident and hit her head." He gently played with the end of my hair. It tumbled all the way down my back. "Thanks, An. I owe you one." Justin kissed my forehead. "That's all you want? I mean I could get you a couple..." Justin chuckled.

An had an obsession with a type sorbet that Kasey refused to buy. It was only available at a very specific shop that Kasey said was too far out of the way. A pint of the strawberry was An's cost to come take me to get looked at. I asked Justin to also get me some muffins.

"You're a moron." Meg glared down at me. We had stopped by the hospital after the doctor looked at me. Concussion and tomorrow I'd be very sore. "You should have called me." Meg pouted slightly. "I see accidents all the time."

"Did we hurt your feelings Meggie?" An loved being a Domme to Meg. She enjoyed toying with her. "Come here, my cute little whore."

We were in a small office in the hospital. It was a good thing because An was taking advantage of Meg's sexual frustration. Meg crawled to her begging for more.

"I'm going to get something to snack on from the vending machine." I slipped out of the office and walked down the hall. I found a nurses station.

"Hey, do you know where the closest vending machine is?" I was feeling a lot better after An had made the executive decision to give me an apple while I waited for the doctor.

"Yes, sweetie. Go down that hall to the left. Its in the doctors lounge but I saw you with Dr. Megan." The nurse smiled. "But if you're really hungry the cafeteria is serving fish and chicken." She had me at fish. "Just got down the hall. Get on the elevator. Go down. Turn left. The cafeteria is on your right."

I got in the elevator and went to the ground floor. Turned left and walked straight into a doctor. He was tall. And lean. His lab coat now had tomato soup spattered across it.

"Oh!" He had dark hair. His eyes were a sharp blue. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you."

"Next time don't rush so much." He was bent down trying to clean up his sandwich and soup. "There goes my lunch."

"Can I buy you another lunch?" I felt very guilty.

"Don't worry about it." He stood up and glared at his lab coat.

My phone buzzed. Justin was calling me. "I'm sorry. I need to take this. He's probably asking me what the doctor said." I answered.

"Angel... Have you looked at your car? How did you not think to mention-" The doctor was walking away.

"One second." I walked after him. "How can I make it up to you Dr. ....???"

He looked down at me and shrugged. "Davis. Dr. Davis. And don't worry about it." He smiled. "Just make sure you get something to eat. You look pale."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I was going to grab something to eat from the cafeteria and ran into a doctor. Spilt his soup on him."

"Where's An? She didn't answer my call."

"Her and Meg should finish up soon." I shrugged and headed into the cafeteria.

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