ღℳasked ℑdentityღ {Itachi Uch...

By AllBeautyDestroyed

58.8K 2.8K 1K

The night of your graduation changed your life drastically after your willful decision of leaving everything... More

♥20♡ TADA~!


3.1K 124 18
By AllBeautyDestroyed

WARNING: Again, there is smut. If you dislike mature content (where *CAREFUL* is marked) then skip such parts and there ya go. Enjoy.


"Ah! Well, well if it isn't my estranged roommate," snarked Lilah, leaning against the doorway after flying the door open. She eyed you up and down with a wiggle in her brows to obviously notice a smiling Itachi next to you. Irritation fulfills you instantly now that her teasing began when her voice suddenly switched to a British accent...dammit.

"Hi Lilah," you greet with a roll of your eyes. "Quit the accent, please. You know I don't-

"Mr. Uchiha," Lilah interrupts and tilts her chin at said man, ignoring your request. "I see you took good care of her~?"

He nods. "In many ways, yes."

"Excellent! So, [N! Name], I notice your eyes are now [E/C]." Lilah leans in closer to mistreat your personal space. "I reckon it is now safe to call you [Name]?"

Itachi now looks at you, also questioning, "What, she knows already?"

And you hopelessly sigh with a palm smacking at your forehead. Now he's joined her tangle of nonsense. "Yes, Itachi, Lilah found out before you did."

"...I'm offended," Itachi pouts in disappointment.

"It's no biggie!" Lilah beams, giggling at his jealousy. At least she was speaking normally now. "This dork made it all obvious that she was forced to spill the beans, so I'm sure the way you found out was way more spontaneous~! "

You and Itachi switch glances at the steamy events that occurred last night. Oh, yes it was... A light blush spreads across your cheeks when he pulls you closer at his side.

"It was very special." He emphasizes with a smirk, causing Lilah to hum in curiosity.

"Oh? How so-

"AH, AH!" Your hands wave around in a frenzy to stop her dirty train of thought. "Nah-uh, not for your entertainment-Lilah, we need to talk so can we please come in?"

"Oho a blush~ That good, eh?" She wore a cheeky grin as she opens the door wider. "Yes, you may come in. I actually have something to talk about with you as well anyway."


"I have about two hours before work," Lilah informs as she sits back on the leather futon, across from you and Itachi. "So you go first, [Name]; tell me everything."

"Really, everything?" You rub your temples, hoping not to, but her little nod gave you no choice but open up completely...again.

As always, it was quite the challenge and time consuming to fill in with your roommate about the whole update. She'd dramatically gasp and interrupt to express her hate opinions on the whole Avery situation; then she gave you a high five for the 'glorious' slap on Avery's cheek, sharing a laugh with you while Itachi shook his head in disapproval.

'Women...' he thought.

Though you skipped out on the details of Itachi's way on finding out your identity, Lilah still managed to figure it out due to the many shades of red your face faded before the whole envelope exchange scenario. It wasn't until Itachi brought up the whole car incident (which you planned on keeping a secret) that an excited Lilah jumps up on the futon.

"Aha! A shovel? With a fucking shovel, [Name]?!" Her hands clap while many laughs engulfed the room. Itachi had to bite back his own fits while you deadpan, waiting for Lilah's laughter to cease. "Really, how creative; at least it wasn't a nailed bat, pfft!"

You dart Itachi an annoyed glare-which he simply chuckled at-and huff out a sigh. "Yeah, yeah... Well I was pissed off and needed an outlet. So I picked up the first object I found sturdy enough and destroyed something I knew she treasured. And I'm satisfied... Probably less work than burning the damn house down," you mumble out those last few words and Itachi shoves your shoulder, to which you shrug carelessly at. "I considered it."

"Alright, fine," Lilah said between her giggles. "I'd probably do the same after being told so much crap from someone who claimed to be my best friend." Then she showed a serious face. "What are you two going to do now?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," you begin. "As you can see, Itachi is here with me."

"Yes, I'm aware of his presence, meaning he is no longer your boss?"

"Uh yeah," you mumble, weakly smiling when his hand grabbed yours. "Obviously, he will no longer live with Avery and I wanted to ask your permission for him to stay with me until his two-week notice is up."

"What, he's quitting his job?"

"No," you answer quickly. "He will be transferred to Venice, our hometown. In about three weeks, we plan on flying back home, hopefully a day or a few days before Thanksgiving at least. And, uh, I also wanted to let you know-since you're assistant manager-that my two-week notice starts today as well."

Lilah crosses her arms, humming as she switches glances from you to Itachi. "I'll let my uncle know once I get to work. About Itachi, I have no problem with letting him stay, [Name]... But know that the apartment manager here is stupidly nosey; they will find out, which means our rent will be doubled for an extra person."

The thought of a doubled rent troubled you, but you nodded anyway. "That's fine. I'll just work extra-

Cutting you off, Itachi placed his hand on your knee and shifts forward on the couch to indicate he was about to take over.

"I'll do you one better, Lilah," he begins, his voice dropped like honey purposely to earn her brown eyes to lock on him. "I understand this is a last minute favor and I'd hate to make my [Name] work extra." You peer at Itachi, curious about his upcoming proposition. "So, as a thank you on letting me stay, I will gladly cover all expenses up until [Name] and I leave."

There was a brief silence that welcomed a faint whistling of the fall breeze from the outside. Your eyebrows jump when Lilah presented the negotiation pose: crossing her legs and leaning forward, rubbing her chin in interest. That greedy glint in her eyes sparked brighter than ever.

"Go on."

Itachi glanced at you, smirking, before switching to your roommate. Shaking your head, you laugh under your breath. Clearly, you knew what he was about to do-something not even Lilah, the hard-headed negotiator, will be able to resist. Here we go...

"Aside personal expenses," he adds. "I will cover the groceries and the rent, including separate bills like water, gas, electr-

"Deal. He can stay."


Itachi chuckled and throws an arm around your shoulders. "Perfect," he said as he leaned closer; you mutter a low 'show off' when he kisses your forehead affectionately.

Lilah struggled to keep her fist from punching the air, a twinkle in her eyes, while you slouched back on the couch, rubbing the disbelief out of your forehead. Of course Itachi can stay; he's practically paying for everything. Then again he most likely earns double compared to your income and Lilah's income if they were combined...

"Well I'm glad I let you talk first," Lilah said sheepishly, snickering as her thumbs fiddled. You blink back at her, remembering that she also had something to talk about. "What is it you need to tell me; do we need to be alone?"

"Nope. " Her lips twitch up. "Actually, this is perfect timing since I'll also be setting my two-week notice today. Coincidentally, I'm moving in three weeks, too."

Your head slightly tilts, creasing your brows and open your mouth to ask, but Lilah clicks her tongue in time.

"Beecaause...yesterday, an hour after you left, I got a call from NYU."

'New York University?' Your eyes lit up when Lilah flashes you a toothy grin. "No way...you got accepted?!"

"I did!" she squealed, kicking her legs like a little girl. "My classes start mid-December so I'll be transferred a week after Thanksgiving! But I plan flying out with a friend to New York earlier to set up our new dorm~"

"Lilah that's...I'm happy for you, and after waiting for months you deserve it!" You clap in excitement, and glance at Itachi, pointing your thumb at him with a cheeky grin. "Consider his offer a congratulatory gift then!"

"And I will humbly accept." Lilah bows her head proudly. Who knew it'd be your own roommate having the upmost potential on outsmarting an Uchiha?

'Now I understand why Sasuke likes her,' you sneered at the thought and playfully nudge his arm. "She totally plotted against you, Itachi~"

"That she did. No wonder she became suspiciously quiet." He shrugged the arm around you. "But in any case, congratulations, Lilah."

"Thanks! I also congratulate the two of you for finally finding each other-although I tried convincing [Name] that you were here looking for her, Itachi."

"Stubborn and oblivious." He nods, glancing at you. "That's [Name] for you."

"Mhm...Well I gotta go work now, then I have school," Lilah announced as she stood from the couch, hung her purse at her shoulder and walked down the hallway to the front door. "I'll be home late so don't wait up. [Name], I'd say 'have a good day at work', but Mr. Uchiha obviously won't be at his usual residence."

"Uh yeah...bye, Lilah."


Four hours later, you're finally under the warm water spray of your shower, sighing out in relief as you lathered shampoo into your hair. "Guess I'll be going back to [H/C] hair soon," you muse out loud, smiling as the shampoo is washed out of your hair.

After re-arranging your room to accommodate Itachi, you were exhausted and covered in sweat. You internally screamed for a shower that you snuck into the shower meanwhile Itachi busied himself with his laptop, browsing for available plane tickets. But little did you know the devious smirk he wore when the door to the bathroom clicked after you shut it.

There were moments he'd stare in awe watching you swiftly push furniture around and moments he'd brush past your shoulder on purpose, wanting to spark what was interrupted in the car, but you were too exhausted to even notice. Seeing you lost in natural oblivion, Itachi had no choice but wait patiently for the right moment, when you'd be relaxed-which apparently was now...in the shower.

*CAREFUL* Sensitive readers: skip to next asterisks (*SAFE*) to continue.

You gasp in surprise as you were tugged back against his bare body, held tight by his arm that wrapped around your waist; his free hand gently tilts your chin sideways, yielding the nape of your neck for his lips to kiss before brushing up to the shell of your ear.

"Please tell me it's a first in the shower," he murmurs seductively, making you squirm as his hands lowered; the tips of his fingers caressed your soaked body until he stops at your hips, and turns you around only to meet a pair of dark, craving eyes.

"Everything is a first with you, Itachi," you cooed, but quickly bite your lip when your back is pressed against the cool vinyl tile wall. Instinctively, your arms wrap around his neck.

"You mean you never had sex before me?" he asked bluntly, his voice cut through the waterfall like an arrow, leaning into your touch. At first you hesitate since your answer would probably upset him.

"Y-yes and no."

He scowls, yet confused-just like you expected.

"Yes because, well-and this happened at one of Lilah's college parties-I had found myself in a bed and did experience another man's touch... But-but I was manipulated by alcohol," you added that last detail with a blush, and Itachi snorts.

"You do get pretty wild under the influence; I was tested by you-but, were you touched like I do you?"

"...Yes," you finally breathe out after seconds of staring, and his lips sternly purse. "B-But I only let him because I... I-I fantasized his hands being yours." Itachi winced, taken aback. "At least up until my legs parted, I felt a strange sensation and opened my eyes..." you trailed off, letting water mix with your tears as you cling to him. "My fantasies were so vivid that I panicked after realizing that another man was touching me, so I ran. I was so traumatized that it wasn't you, Itachi... I was frightened to date other men."

He pulls back, holding your face between his hands. "Yesterday you didn't bleed when we... Were you raped?" Fear crossed his face, but your head shook instantly.

"No! I don't think he went that far...Even while drunk, I'm sure I would've felt a deal of pain being my first, but I did feel something different." Your shiver at the memory. "When I got home, I found blood on my underwear and I wasn't even on my period; so I figured that the sensation I felt was him fingering me without knowing, so I might've 'popped'-is that what it's called?"

"Except that doesn't count," Itachi scoffed and held you closer. "You were still sexually innocent."

"Yeah, were," you grumble and playfully glare at him. "Thanks to you, today I woke up sore, damn you."

"So naïve," he mused in your hair, smiling proudly as he kissed your forehead. "I'm technically your first."

"That was my plan." You smiled, until you pulled away, quickly dropping your lips in a pout. "Still, I'm upset that I'm probably not your first... am I?"

"Yes and no," he answers with a smirk, copying your answer, and you return the same confused scowl. "Yes because, well, I did sleep with other girls, BUT." He presses a finger at your pursed, jealous lips. "Never without protection."

"So?!" you snapped as jealousy continued to consume you. "You used protection with me. What's the diffe-

"You didn't let me finish."

A squeal cuts through the sound of running water when Itachi suddenly lifts you and hoists your legs at his sides. His hands grabbing onto your hips, he pushes you back on the wall and slides you up the wall for you to level with his steeled gaze.

"Out of sorrow I slept around, yes, but never with any romantic intentions," he lectures voluptuously, and pressed against you, causing you to whimper a moan as his bare erection rubbed your entrance. "You're the first I make love to, not sex with-there's a difference between love-making and fucking."

Holy shit. Hearing him curse huskily at your ear gave you that ticklish thrill and parted your lips as he starts to gently nip at your collarbone.

"You're the only one... I ever fantasized about laying under me, or topping me," he teasingly breathed into your skin, creating a trail of goosebumps all over you. "Let me hear your voice, my love."

Swallowing hard, your lip was about to be bitten until he unexpectedly enters you-dazzling you in shock, and threw your head back, gasping in pleasure as he pushed in further to fill you completely. The warm water cascading in between only made you crave more, dwelling in melted bliss.

"M-move," you begged, wrapping your legs tight around him and dig your fingers at his shoulders when his sinister lips smirk at your neck.

"So bossy," he whispers, his warm breath sending a chilly tingle before thrusting into you, granting your command, and receives a set of your moans through clenched teeth. Slowly increasing his pace, Itachi grunts to the light-head sense of lust. Already he felt his limit overpowering from holding back for so long and steadies his pace to prolong his arousal. As you beg with groans, he closes the gap to silence your panting, and laps his tongue into your mouth.

It was new to him, another first to be inside you unprotected- something he wouldn't even dare to attempt with past "relationships". Even though most of those girls were on the pill, it was disgusting to him unless it was with you. And now that it happened, he overwhelms with sheer pleasure that he speeds up again.

Your body begged for relief as he kept pushing into you, yet you didn't realize that that sensation was the beginning of a passionate peak. It was all so new to you: hearing him breathe in such desperate patterns, spitting curses with every few thrusts, wringing your insides, twitching hotly for the first time that your head drops to rest on his shoulder as your legs began to stiffen.

One deep thrust and suddenly your whole body jolted, crying into his shoulder as you unexpectedly erupted around him; arms and legs tightened around him when an involuntary tremor of pleasure spikes throughout, shaping your gasping lips into a grin as you lifted your head to stare into him. The way his name rolls off your tongue draws him to his peak, and pulls out of you in time to release at your stomach; the running water quickly washing it off.

Seconds into minutes pass while staring into each other's eyes, recovering from racing heartbeats and heavy breathing before you are set back on your jittery feet.

"The water bill is... rising because of you," you say shakily with a laugh only to be shut by his delicate kiss.

"I'm paying for it anyway," he counters, smiling as he cut the water and hands you a towel.



After dinner, you were happy to know that Itachi was able to obtain last minute flight tickets, which meant that you'd be back home a day before Thanksgiving as planned.

With a clean kitchen, you and Itachi then relax by lying next to each other in your bed, talking and laughing about random subjects-from the past to now. It felt as if nothing changed despite all those years of being apart. Now laying in silence, he caressed your arm while your head rested at his chest, listening to the beat of his heart like you always longed for... but the memory of the shower scene wouldn't leave you alone.

"Itachi, why did you...?" Your low mumble broke the silence, causing his caressing hand to stop at your shoulder.

"Do what?"

"Uhm..." You flush red, sinking lower into his chest. "...pull out."

He props up on his elbow, studying you in bewilder. "[Name], you know what would happen if I didn't."

"But I want...err we want..." You swallow shyness down your throat and sit up on your knees. "Don't you... want kids?"

His eyes widen a fraction, stunned at the disappointment in your voice, and sighs as he tipped up your chin to look at him. "Of course I do, [Name]. I've wanted a family with you since I first proposed, but we need to straighten out a few issues back home before we do."

You lips curve in content, taking his hands in yours. "Hey... Ask me again."

"Ask what?"

"Itachi, ask me again!" You laugh and playfully tug at his hands. At first he only stared clueless, but once your left hand wiggles its fingers at him, his hand ran through his hair with a chuckle.

"I have to do it again? You said yes before, so why-

"No, no! That one didn't count!" You object with a waggle of your finger. "It wasn't proper and my attitude misfired. Plus, we haven't been rightfully faithful to each other these years," you point out in a frown. "So ask again... I want a do-over-A ROMANTIC REDO!"

While you stared him down for an answer, Itachi merely blinked away as he reasoned with your words. The past engagement was practically lost after leaving your ring behind and him opening up to other girls.

Guess she's right... He nods in agreement, becoming lost in amusement as he watched you hop on your knees like a child, determined for his response.

"I won't repeat myself, Itachi," you whined, jerking him forward once more by his hands.

"Fine, fine." Earning his hands back, Itachi stands from the bed, laughing under his breath as he walks to the corner of the room. He crouched down and rummaged through his luggage until a miniature white box was pulled out.

"Hopefully it still fits."

>>>3 weeks later>>>

Many yard sales were set up in different locations in order to sell furniture and appliances as soon as possible; the money earned was split up between you and Lilah and whatever wasn't sold, it was either donated to charity or given away to co-workers and friends.

Itachi was able to sell his car, thus taking the bus or taxi became a new form of transportation in the meantime.

The empty apartment now echoes in footsteps as Lilah, you and Itachi roll out the last of belongings before stepping outside. A taxi was parked on the driveway, ready to drive you and Itachi to the airport on that snowy day.

"Alright, all set!" Lilah clicks the door shut for the last time and adjusts her hat before stepping out into the dust of snow where you and Itachi waited.

"Just need to drop the keys off to the office, then my ride will be here soon," she informed, kicking her boots as she turns to you. "Well, [Name], it was a treat having you as my roommate. Guess this is where we part?"

You surprised her by instinctively stepping in for a tight hug, showing gratitude for her undeserved kindness.

"Thank you, Lilah. I'd be living in the streets if it wasn't for you."

"Aww~" She squeezes your shoulders. "I'd do anything for a hobo like you~"

"Don't ruin it," you grouch, yet giggle as you pull away, allowing Itachi to say his goobyes.

"Good luck in New York, and thanks for my stay."

"Mr. Uchiha, please take care of my dorkasaurus," Lilah says with a firm shake of his gloved hand. "And you're welcome, though you definitely saved us a great deal of money!"

He nods with a roll of his eyes and glanced to his left. "Five minutes, [Name]," he says before stepping away, leaving you and Lilah alone.

"Hey, Lilah, if you change your phone number, please let me know, yeah?" you request shyly. "I'll need you for a special event in about a year or less, that's if you can."

Lilah quirks a brow. "A special event?"

Nodding, you began slipping off the glove from your left hand. "I hid the evidence so I could surprise you," and flash a bright smile as you wave the glistening ring at her face.

"AH!" Lilah squealed in joy before jumping at you in a constricting hug. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

"Lilah-hah!-I need to-heh!- ask you an important question," you manage to say through the bear hug, before turning your head at Itachi's call, letting you know time was running out.

"Okay! What? What is it?!" Lilah asks anxiously as she sets you down, still fidgety.

"See, I'm going to need someone loyal and honest at my side up until my wedding day, and you...you've been nothing but that as my friend all these years." You bite your lip in excitement. "So I was wondering if... you would like be my maid of honor?"

Her jaw drops and pressed a hand at her heart. "Oh... [Name], that's just..." She pressed her lips in a tight line and whimpered. "BAH! Of course! I mean hell yeah I'll be there! I'll even quit school if-

"Please don't quit school."

"Okay, I won't-but I will DEFINITELY do my best to support you, I promise~!"

You nod, blinking unnecessarily fast to fight back the tears. "Then, we'll keep in touch. See you soon, Lilah."

A last hug takes the last word before you made your way to step into the taxi, waving at your maid of honor before being driven away to Sea-Tac Airport. Leaning your head on Itachi's shoulder, you spend the whole drive gazing out the window, a few tears now freed from your eyes, wondering how much could've changed back at home.

After what seemed slight minutes, your thoughts are soon interrupted when the car door opens on your side, snapping you awake, and realize you are at the airport already.

"Ready?" Itachi's hand extends out to you, and you take his hand, exiting the taxi with a belly full of butterflies. In less than four hours, you will see your family again for the first time in seven years-Josie, your step-mother, Dana and especially your dad were all waiting.

What will everyone say? Not only your family, but Itachi's as well? And how will they treat you both after showing up out of nowhere?

"Have a nice flight~!" The flight attendant beams after scanning your plane ticket, allowing your entry into the terminal. Walking down the hall, Itachi squeezed your hand to relax, easing your anxiety before entering the plane.

Sitting back on the seat, you sigh in relief once the plane is off the ground and gliding through the clouds. Averting your attention out the small window, you smiled when the peeking sun blinds you through grey clouds.

There was no going back now that you were 37,000 ft. up in the sky.

Turning to Itachi, who was flipping through a random magazine, you lean in to kiss his cheek. He smiles and turns to you.

"Nervous?" he asked, watching you play with your snug engagement ring.

It took you a couple of seconds to process his simple question, but you shake your head with confidence. The nerves were gone and you're suddenly fulfilled in joy, utterly carefree that you lean in again to kiss his lips this time.

"I'm glad we're going home."


'I'm finally coming home, Dad.'

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