Breaking All The Rules (Jaspe...

By TheEmmysShow

70K 1.4K 69

The ex-French Princess, Sophia, loses her family, ends up in an insane asylum, and then becomes a vampire. Co... More

Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale)
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -2-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -3-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -4-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -5-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -6-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -7-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -8-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -9-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -10-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -11-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -12-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -14-
Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -Epilogue-

Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -13-

3.4K 81 1
By TheEmmysShow

-13- (Fix You - Boyce Avenue)

I go back to where I had been in the forest with Jasper before. Thankfully he wasn’t here. I needed to think before I started practicing. I had to stop avoiding it. I wasn’t healthy. Like how I avoided the possibility of Alice forgiving me. 

How did I feel about him? I mean Alice left because she saw something between us, but what? I should have asked her about her vision. Sure, I saw Alice explain it to Jasper, but I didn’t know exactly what she saw. Why did I let Jasper live? He was innocent, but if it was someone else would I spare them? 

Alice was right. He was just trying help me and make me feel better. I was being such a jerk. I should have listened to him or Esme or Rosalie or Emmett. I was just being selfish. 

Did Jasper even want to be with me? He probably didn’t with the way I was acting, I was probably the reason Alice had the vision she did. Why didn’t Jasper hate me? He should.

My thoughts are interrupted by a rustling behind me. A moment later, Santiago appears out of nowhere - he was part of the Volturi guard. 

“What do you want?” I spat planning my attack.

“I here to give you a message. That Aro will kill you all if you don’t hand over Renesmee.” 

“Fine,” I sigh. As he turns around I pounce. I take his arm and fling him into a tree.

He gets up and hisses at me, “What the hell?!”

“I’m sorry, can you not take a hint?” 

He kicks me, forcing me down and I trip him and get in a few punches before he kicks me off him. I run around through the clearing avoiding him, but he is catching up. I make a split second decision to stop and duck causing him to trip over me and go flying. 

I should have fed, I am not a strong as I normally am. Plus, the human blood in Santiago makes him much stronger than I am. I watch as he gets up and I jump as he charges towards me. 

As he looks around for me, I sneak up behind him and kick him down. This time I know I won’t have enough energy if I keep playing around so I just rip his head right off his shoulders. I create a fire in the clearing and throw his limbs into it. 

“You had me scared for a moment,” Jasper’s southern drawl sounds from behind me. 

“What? You saw that... how much of that did you exactly see?”

“Well I was coming back here, and I saw you and Santiago talking and I hid in the trees when you started fighting. You seemed to do fine without my help.”

“I’m sorry, Jasper... About before. What I meant was that I don’t need your help training. I’m not some weak flower that needs to be guarded, I can fight for myself.”

“I know that you can fight, but I suppose old habits die hard.”

I laugh, “I suppose so. I saw Alice. You were right... apparently no one told me she talked to you guys.”

“I thought you wouldn’t believe me!”

“Well I do now... I’ve just been worrying about a lot. And I know you are trying to help, but things never make any sense!” I groan. 

“How so?”

“I’ve been avoiding a lot of things that I shouldn’t,” I sigh. 


“Ugh! I-” I internally argue with myself. “It’s... Well, I- Now I’m just rambling nonsense! I have a lot of questions, but I’m scared to find out what the answers are.”

“I’m an empath, I can feel your frustrated, but I think I may have an answer to one of your questions,” He says.

“I didn’t even ask any quest-” He cuts me off, mid-sentence with his lips. He holds me to stop me from shaking. I am having another emotional break down, but this one is for the better. I realize that this is what I have been avoiding. I have been avoiding Jasper... I was frightened about Alice’s vision and didn’t want to have any relationship with him. As we separate, he looks at me like I am a fragile doll. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess?” He chuckles. 

“I... Think my emotional break down is over. At least for now.” 

“Good, it was worrying me about you sanity,” He says sarcastically. 

“Watch yourself,” I hiss jokingly. 

We go hunting for a few hours before having to return for a meeting we set up with the werewolves. It is midnight. Alice and Noel are joining us for the meeting since both of them intend to help us fight. 

“So far we’ve got the Denali coven, the Romanian coven, the Egyptian coven, and the Amazons to help us fight,” Carlisle announces. 

“So this is just like before?” Seth asks.

“These vampires are more experienced,” Edward clarifies. “They are centuries older and are well 

trained. We only have a week to prepare at the most. If one of them was after Sophia then, we have to be ready at anytime. We can’t go alone anywhere.”

“So how do we know how experienced they are?” Leah asks. 

“I was on the guard for a few centuries. I can help train everyone,” I explain.

Leah looks at me doubtfully. Like she doesn’t trust me because I was one of them, but we all remember the day at the clearing where I refused to let anyone die, but myself. She seems to approve of me and asks, “How are their numbers?”

“We can out number them with the other covens, but now they could crush us. So pretty high. They have a lot of secret ‘weapons’. I was one of them for awhile.”

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