Eden || Edward Cullen

By Just_A_Lonely_Girl3

64.4K 1.8K 590

The voices in her head weren't her own, but the voices of everyone around her. [EdwardxOc] More

[1] Hello, Eden
[2] Walks in the Woods
[3] Glowing
[5] Sick
[6] Chase
[7] Healthy Ditching
[8] Hunting
[9] Suspicions
[10] Port Angeles
[11] Explanation
[12] Weep

[4] Visit

5.2K 168 28
By Just_A_Lonely_Girl3

Eden woke in the emergency room. She was laying across a long white bed in a row of them, all separated by patterned curtains. She was still in the neck brace, and her head pounded uncomfortably. Tyler Crowley, a boy from Bella's government class, was in one of the beds nearby, a number of bloodstained bandages wrapped around his forehead. She could feel her own bandaging on her head, and she unconsciously raised her hand to touch them, flinching away. Even with Tyler looking worse than Eden was sure she did, he was still staring anxiously at the girl.

"Eden, I'm so sorry!" Oh god, she probably hates me-

Eden cleared her throat. "I'm fine, Tyler. Are you okay?" she asked, letting out a short gasp as a nurse began unwinding his bandages, exposing shallow slives all over his face.

I nearly kill her, and she's asking me if I'm okay?  "I thought I was going to kill you-!" Tyler cried, ignoring her words despite hearing them, "I was going too fast, and I hit the ice wrong..."

Eden flinched slightly as a nurse started dabbing at his face, watching him wince in pain. Guilt bubbled through her as she watched the teenager squirm. If she hadn't been standing there, the collision wouldn't have been so bad, and Tyler would be okay.

"Don't worry about, I'm sorry too," Eden assured him softly, looking down as she fiddled with her hands. "You missed me, anyway."

That's right... "How did you get out of the way so fast? You were there, and then you were gone..."

Eden fought a light blush, not meeting the boy's eye. "Edward- Cullen, was next to me. H-he pulled me aside."

"Cullen? I didn't see him... wow, it was all so fast, I guess. Is he okay?"

"I think so," Eden answered carefully, her quiet voice making Tyler strain to hear. "He's here somewhere, but he didn't have to use a stretcher."

I hope she doesn't have a crush on him... I-I've got to make it up to her somehow...

Eden winced, for a different reason that time, and was glad when a nurse came in a moment later to wheel her off. She had a mild concussion, an explanation as to why her head was pounding and an excuse as to why she wasn't allowed to leave yet. The nurse had firmly told her that she'd have to get checked by a doctor, and Eden was immediately filled with the woman's thoughts of Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Eden hoped it would be him, if not just for the chance to meet more of Edward's family even despite her nerves. Tyler's thoughts occupied themselves with apologies and ways of "making it up" to her, and Eden nearly felt a pang of anxiety when he vowed to take her to the upcoming prom. Without regretting it much, Eden closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing and trying to tune out the voices in her head.

Still, Eden knew the exact moment Edward Cullen came into the room.

"Is she sleeping?" his musical voice asked, and she resisted the urge to snap her eyes open; instead choosing to blink drowsily. When she looked, Edward was standing at the foot of her bed, smirking not unkindly. 

Tyler started in a rushed tone, "Hey, Edward, I'm really sorry-"

Edward raised a hand to stop him, flashing a smooth grin. "No blood, no foul."

Eden listened in to his thoughts intently, eager to hear what he was smiling about. His mind ranged from how easy it was to ignore the fresh blood when the focus is directed elsewhere, to, when he realised Eden was listening, an old nursery rhyme. Edward moved to sit on the edge of Tyler's mattress but faced Eden with a small smirk.

"So, what's the verdict?" he asked her.

Eden shifted uncomfortably, looking down. "I'm sure you already know. With your father, and all. It's... different, having so much attention." Eden laughed shortly, despite herself. 

Carlisle Cullen walked in a moment later, and Eden knew that Edward was watching for her reaction closely. She couldn't help her eyes widening slightly at the resemblance, her heart racing for a moment. He was young, blond, and pale like all the Cullens. He had the same tired eyes, and if Eden hadn't already known that Edward and Carlisle were related, she would have then. 

"So Miss Bane," Dr. Cullen greeted in an appealing voice, "how are you feeling?"

Eden already felt his soothing aura, and Edward could tell. Eden answered softly, her eyes averting back to the boy. "I'm fine."

The doctor moved forward and turned on the light board, sparing a short glance at the X-rays before looking back at Eden. "Your X-rays show a mild concussion. Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard."

Dammit, Cullen. "Uh- it's fine. A bit of a headache, but that's it."

Carlisle drew his cold fingers through her hair, lightly brushing the skull, and noticed when Eden's face pinched for a moment. "Tender?"

"A bit."

Edward grabbed her hand in a sudden movement as if sensing her distress. Eden had seen worse. She'd felt worse, too. She didn't like hospitals.

"Your uncle is in the waiting room, Bella, too. You can go home now, but if you feel dizzy or have any trouble, come back. Take Tylenol for any pain."

Eden nodded slowly and looked back at Edward. His thoughts rung clearly, letting her know that she was to go straight home. And that he would come with her. 

Dr. Cullen continued, clearing his throat as if he didn't see the exchange. "I'll warn you now, most of the school seems to be in the waiting room."

"Oh," Eden responded shortly, stifling a groan and not sure what else to say. The doctor nodded, turning to look at Tyler and telling him he'd have to stay for a while longer.

Edward helped Eden stand, and only once was she on her feet did he let go. "Come on," he whispered, and the two left the room. 

In the hallway, they paused. Eden met his eye and, for a moment, she was struck by his beauty. He chuckled, and she knew that he had heard the thought. 

"Are you ready to face the hoard?" Edward asked, lightly resting his arm around her shoulder and walking with her. "I'm pretty sure your friend Eric is there, along with a few other familiar faces."

"Oh god," Eden groaned, pushing her face onto his shoulder to hide her embarrassment. She felt Edward stiffen and, looking up, she realised his thoughts had turned... different. "Oh." She blushed but stayed at his side. "T-thanks for today, for saving me and all."

They paused at the end of the hallway and turned to each other. An exchanged smile before Edward tucked a loose strand behind her ear. He leant forward, pulling her closer. For a panicked moment, Eden thought that he would kiss her. His action was spontaneous, she didn't have time to see it coming. However, he drew his mouth to her ear and breathed a warm breath.

"See you tonight, Eden."

Without another word, he turned his back and left the room. After the shock wore off, the blush shortly followed. She could already hear the thoughts in the next room over, the waiting room, and tried to take her mind off her own thoughts. She grimaced shortly, the unpleasant feeling of eyes on her proving uncomfortable. Bella was talking to Mike, Jessica, and Eric, with Charlie rushing to Eden's side.

"I'm fine," she assured him, her guard already back up. She didn't miss Charlie's sigh.

Charlie asked, "What did the doctor say?"

"Dr. Cullen saw me, he said I was right to head home." Bella caught her eye and Eden gestured for her to come over casually. "C-can we go?"

Charlie put his arm over her shoulder, not quite touching his niece, and led the two girls to the exit doors. Eden knew he was trying, so she didn't pull away. In fact, she felt a warmth spread through her. Despite the hospital and the memories brought back, it hadn't been all unbearable. Bella waved off her friends, silently telling them that everything was all good and all three felt a huge relief; Charlie, that his niece and daughter were okay, Bella, that she could head home, and Eden. Eden, that she would get to see Edward Cullen again that night. Although Eden didn't talk on the ride back, too occupied with her thoughts, Bella and Charlie spoke casually. 

Eden sighed, resting her chin on her palm and staring out the window, eyeing the green scenery as it passed. A part of her wished that Edward had kissed her, the other glad that nothing happened. The rational side of her reminded her that they had only met a few weeks ago, but there was nothing rational about the situation. They barely knew each other, and yet they knew so much. Eden still craved knowing more, however, and the normal side one out. She wouldn't be able to kiss him until she knew more about who he was.

I wonder what she's thinking about... Charlie's thoughts called, and Eden snapped her head up to see him looking at her through the car's mirror. "You sure that you're all good?" he asked, coughing in an attempt to be casual. 

Eden nodded absentmindedly, fiddling with her sleeve again. Charlie's thoughts flickered to disappointment and she felt a string of guilt. She truly didn't mean to make his life difficult, but it was different with Bella or Edward. With her cousin, the conversation came much easier and with Edward, they just knew each other. But the awkwardness still hung in the air with her uncle, even if Eden knew that eventually, they'd grow closer. When they arrived back at the Swans', Eden blankly went to her room. She sat on her bed, cradling her body and letting her mind run. Bella came in moments after and, as soon as she shut the door, smiled wickedly.

"So..." she dragged, sitting on her own bed. "How's Edward?"

Eden scowled playfully, crossing her legs up on the bed. "He's... nice, I guess."

"Nice? Really?" Bella rolled her eyes and gestured for her cousin to continue. 

The girl in question averted her eyes out of her window and answered softly. "He's patient. He-he gets me, I guess. It's nice. He's nice."

Her cousin 'hmph-ed'. Eden shrugged and gave a small smile. "I think I'm going to have a nap," Eden said quietly, before giving a short wave and ducking under the covers. Bella nodded, smirking, before leaving the room. Although she tried to stay awake, as soon as Eden's head hit her pillow, she fell asleep.


When Eden woke, it wasn't because of Bella's light snoring. Her blankets slightly shifted, and she was up in a flash. It had been the first proper sleep she had slept in a while, but she wasn't angered when she woke. Instead, curious.

"Edward." Eden looked up, her head tilting slightly. 

"Eden." His soft voice sent a shiver through Eden.

The girl nodded towards the door, using her thoughts to tell him to head to the bathroom instead, and Eden herself got up. She felt herself cringe as her feet hit the cold ground, and she was glad she still had socks before she slipped out of the room, Edward in tow. For a moment she was afraid she had woken her cousin as Bella grew silent, but her soft snoring continued after the sound of shifting blankets. 

Eden flickered on the light, her eyes meeting Edward's in the enclosed space. It was a small bathroom, with a large mirror and benches covered in stacked supplies. She glanced at the clock suspended on the wall. 1 am.

"There goes my full night's sleep," Eden muttered, and Edward snorted a short laugh. She hauled her frail body on top of the counter, her legs swinging casually.

Edward was leaning up against the same counter and Eden grinned at his appearance. His coppery hair was windswept to the side, and it was obvious that he had just thrown on a hoodie before leaving. Even his eyes were seemingly occupied as if he had just come back from a run.

"D-did you run here?" Eden asked, shock lacing her tone. Edward smiled sheepishly.

He answered quickly. "It was only a short ways away. It's too dark for anyone to see anything, anyway."

Plus, he continued in his thoughts, this way is always more fun. 

Eden felt her cheeks redden, and she moved her head back to let her dark hair cover her face. She tapped her fingers impatiently on the countertop, and Edward began speaking.

"My family seems to have a few concerns with me helping you today," he said, brushing away the loose strands from Eden's face. "But Alice's vision told them what they need to know, and it seemed to be enough."

Eden made a face. "I don't think Rosalie likes me very much. And what vision?"

Edward shrugged, that sheepish grin returning once more. "She tries. She gets... jealous, sometimes. Of humans, I mean. You guys have a lot that's taken for granted. We'll save the vision for another conversation."

"But she's," Eden struggled for words, and resorted to waving her arms wildly in front of her. "She's gorgeous, beautiful. She can have anything, or anyone, that she wants."

"This conversation isn't going to be about my sister, is it?" Edward asked, the hint of a grimace showing through. "I came... to you, tonight. I want to talk to you, about you. About us."

When Eden realised where his mind had turned and what his words were hinting at, her blush darkened. Still, she couldn't shake the nagging doubt. She just wasn't ready.

"Edward, I-"

He placed his hand carefully on hers, his cool fingers interlacing with her warmer ones and cutting her off. His honey-like eyes met her own brown eyes, and his crooked smile complimented his musical voice.

"I know, Eden."

After a few moments of peaceful silence, Eden spoke again. "What's your favourite colour?"

"Brown," Edward answered immediately, and after a curious glance from Eden, he continued. "It's the colour of your eyes."

A second past, before a small giggle bubbled out of Eden. "That was so cheesy," she told him but squeezed his hand to ensure he knew it was appreciated. 

Only for you, my angel. Edward flashed her a cheeky wink, grinning. "Where were you born?"

"Amsterdam. But my parents liked to travel around Europe for months at a time. H-how old are you, Edward?" Eden replied, her heart panging at the thought of her parents.

Even though she could hear the answer in his head before he said it, the number still caught her off guard. "Around 104. But, my body still looks seventeen."

Trust me, Eden titted playfully, I know. "Should I be talking to such an old man?"

"Not sure," Edward responded in the same light tone. "Will I have to leave if I say no?"

I won't let you go, Edward. You're stuck with me. 

Edward rolled his eyes with a quiet laugh, and Eden's heart fluttered. He continued, "Why did you move to Forks?"

"Ah," Eden looked down, not meeting his eye. She knew he was about to tell her that it was alright, but she raised her hand and nodded encouragingly. She took a deep breath and answered. "My parents passed away. Car accident, a few weeks before school started. Charlie was the closest relative willing to take me in, as he thought Bella and I would get along."

Edward tilted her chin up to meet his eye, wiping tears off her cheek that she didn't realise were falling until her cheeks turned cold. She sniffed, waving her hand. "No, I'm fine. I needed that, thank you."

"You're so strong," he whispered with a kind smile, before wrapping his arm around her frame. "Now, come on."

Eden looked up at him with confused, cloudy eyes. "What do you mean?"

"The human needs her sleep," he answered casually. "Now, do I have to carry you there or will you walk?"

She looked up at him, her lips parted in a playful shock as she played along. "I'm not sure. Will I get to be your spider-monkey if I say the first?"

"Of course."

She swung out her arms gesturing at herself and grinning a tired smile at Edward. He nodded, smirking crookedly, before scooping Eden into a tight embrace. He covered her mouth just in time to muffle the squeak of surprise that she let out, and made it in a few short steps back to her room. Silently, he lowered her onto the bed, standing back. Without another word, he kissed her forehead. 

Sleep well, Eden.

Then, he was gone. It took a moment for the realisation to kick in, that he had kissed her. She was able to hide her blush from the rest of the room by burrowing her head into her pillow, before drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 

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