Love is the name

By soystarluna

1.5K 18 0

What is love ? What is hate? More

Big moment
Great day will come when you can give your heart
Invisibles things
Quite river
Short circuit
Nothing can stop us
Devil in her
I will stay
We're lost in night
Dirty rain
Paradise on the earth
Yes I do
Black tulip
Great escape
Little fun
When you walk above clouds
Gold towers
Invitation in December
Only the only one
Can you tell me?
Let's turn on love

Here's to us

67 1 0
By soystarluna

After all said Muygan.Emir was insecure about emotions by Nihan.He began to realize that he really never loved her.It was just a disease.

"Where are you been? asked Emir with unsatisfied voice.

"I just went to visit my mom."

"Don't lie to me."

He took the phone and showed her pictures.At that moment she didn't know what to say.

"Are you will say something?His eyes were a red of anger.

She wen to the room,and before she ended the room , someone took her by the shoulder.

"We didn't finish the conversation little one."

"Let me go."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Emir you're sick!Let me!

When she wanted to go,he appreciated her and began to smell her hair and neck.

"Let me go.I don't love you anymore."

Emir was surprised at what came from her mouth.

"Are you serious little one?"

"Yes Emir. I'm aware of what I'm saying.Otherwise,why are you surprised if you never respect me or loved me?"

"Don't tell this you don't know what you are saying.You told me yesterday you loved me."He said with trembling voice,while he was staring at the floor.

"It was yesterday because you satisfied my needs.I demand separation.As soon as possible the better. I will sleep in my home for the begging today."

"Don't go stay."He said with a tearful eyes.

"I can't Emir.I want a divorce tommorow I'll send you a location."

"But I don't want divorce.You are my wife are you understand little one!?"

In the house Soydere it's Nihan preparing dinner for her family.They all enjoyed a meal when it was all at once Nihan it became terribly bad that it fainted.

"What is wrong dear?Leyla call the help."said Kemal with a concerned voice.

"The ambulance is coming."

After 47 minutes,the ambulance came.Kemal was nervous.

"Finally,where the hell you were picking. I'll appeal to the trade union for a long wait. I will appeal to the minister of health."

"Calm down mister Soydere."

While the doctor examined Nihan.

"The results will be clear in a few weeks."

"You're fucking with me!We need these damn results at the latest by the second week.Get out.Pussy fucked doctor."

"Hey calm down love.I am ok."

"Sorry about this.I can't control myself."

"It's ok let's go to bed."

"Don't worry about Deniz she will be fine with me and Ayhan ."

"Thank you Leyla."

They both said goodbye and then went into the room.

It took several days and Kemal and Nihan got results.

"Look at you first."

"Why are you scared?"

When Nihan looked at the sheet that wrote she's being pregnant.Her eyes flashes.

"What is wrong? It's something serious?"

"No calm down and look."

"Wau I can't believe.Deniz will get a brother or a sister."

"We tell her?"

"Not now.Wait until we find out gender."


They they kissed and embraced.In the meantime Banu and Tarik went to the second look for the baby.

"Please here miss."said nurse

"It's ok.Are he is ok."

"Calm down miss."

"Yes everything is fine."

"How long I am pregnant?"

"About 5 months."

"Have I already told you that I love you?"

"No.I love you too Tarik."

They grapped their hands and walked towards the exit.In the meantime Zeynep get a lawyer who will take action if Emir will not want separate.In this time Emir thinking whether it should come or not.He decided to stay home because he couldn't drive the car.Zeynep called but he didn't answer because he had a discharged battery.

"Forgive my husband will obviously not be."

"okay,we can take action for such things.Where he live?"

"In Fatih."

Lawyer thank her and leave.Meantime she decided to call Vilan.

"Hi are you ok?"

"A think so."

"Why you tell this is something wrong."

"I waiting for my husband with a lawyer, but he didn't come because he didn't want a divorce."

"Sooner or later he'll meet with his mind."

"I need something to tell you."

"Ok tell me."

"I want to separate from Emir because I'm in love with another person. I already tell this him."

"Tell me who is lucky one?"

"This is you."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I can't thank you.When you saved me and since we spend so much time together , it's obvious.Are you don't feel the same?"

"Yes I feel the same."

They came close to each other and kissed.To that came Emir.

"What the hell you doing with my wife?!"

"She doesn't love you anymore."

"Shh.This is not a true.Tell me Zeynep you love me right?"

"I tell you Emir I'm in love with Vilan."

He wanted to kiss her.

"Let me!Let me!"

"Are you not hearing her she tell to let her go."

"Who are you to tell me what to do with my wife?"

"She doesn't love you.She love me."

"No!She can love only me and her family nobody else.Come little one we go home."

"Let me Emir.I don't want to go home."

"I'll call a police."

After a few minutes police comes.

"Where is problem?"

"This man harasses this lady."

"She is my wife.I can do with her what I want."

"She want devorce from this man."

"Calm down and go home Mr.Kozlouğlu."

"Yeah you're all right."He said and left the scene.

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