The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off to the Races
Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 10: Beach Party
Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 13: Hunting for Love
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont

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By ZimmerGurl

Having departed from Applewood Manor, Maxwell, Bertrand, and I ride in a limo toward the Beaumont estate...

"I, for one, thought Riley's performance at the Applewood events was spectacular."

"Maxwell, she did fine."

"Thanks! Hey, did I miss anything at the country jamboree while I was with Liam? There was a lot going on..."

"Not really. It was par for the course... Lots of gossiping, lots of mingling, someone got hit with a racket during the badminton tournament... The usual."

"Is that the usual?"

"Oh! The real big news was that a reporter managed to sneak onto estate grounds. You hardly ever get someone who can do that." Maxwell looks at me surprised and I shudder at the thought.

Bertrand assures us both, "Yes, but she was quickly caught and ejected. She should've known better than to come to a private event. Honestly. Now, enough reminiscing... I cannot stress enough the importance of our upcoming fete. The Beaumont Bash is the final event before the Coronation, and expectations couldn't be higher."

Maxwell nudges me and raises his hands, "Which means we have to throw the best paarrrttttyyyyy!"

"The very reputation of House Beaumont is on the line." Bertrand shuts him down and I try to hold back my laughter.

"And remember, just like Olivia had the advantage when she hosted the royal court, now we'll have the upper hand!"

"Are you prepared, Riley?"

"Honestly, I won't let us down."I clench my fist and look up with confidence.

"I suppose that cliched assertion is the only thing I can rely on..."

Suddenly, Maxwell slides across the limo seat to look out the window, "Hey, we're home!"

Gazing our, I see rolling vineyards all the way up to the edge of a large manor. The limo glides to a stop, and I hop out.

"Wow... this is some fine real estate."

"It's beautiful in all its splendor." Bertrand gazes out and smiles for the first time in a long time.

Maxwell plops down onto the couch, "Ahhhh, the cushion still remembers my shape."

"It's cozy... but it also feels empty for a noble's estate. Shouldn't there be, you know, people?"

"To cut costs, the house staff isn't scheduled until tomorrow, but the caterers and cleaning crew from the event planning company should've been here by now."

"It's a big place, Bertrand. You gotta shout to reach them." Maxwell stands and projects his voice, "Hellooooo! We're home!"

I hear no response, "Hmm... Maybe they're all pranking us."

Bertrand turn to me, angered, "The company I hired has one of the highest reputations for professionalism and service to the nobility. So, no, they are not pranking us."

"It was just a thought."

"Something isn't right." Bertrand looks around the house. He finds a note above the fireplace. Opening it, he reads it, "WHAT? They back out of the event!"

Maxwell rushes over and takes the note, "Huh? Why would they do that?"

"It appears... there was a... ah... a paperwork issue. A logistical hiccup, it seems. And rather than wait for our arrival, they cancelled. This is going to be a disaster.." Bertrand falls into a chair and almost cries.

"Well.." I stand and think of the options we have, "There's got to be something we can do. This isn't the first time the crew we hired hasn't shown up."

"Don't remind me, Riley..." Bertrand hangs his head back and massages his forehead.

"I'm just saying we can pull through if we work together."

"I suppose you're right." Bertrand springs up and begins his plans, "There's no alternative except to cover for this mess before the entire royal court arrives tomorrow. Maxwell, call in every favor you can. We need extra hands to clean the estate. I'll see what I can do about getting the flowers and furnishings for the ballroom... Lady Riley."


"The kitchen should be fully stocked. We're going to be feeding a lot of mouths tomorrow, so anything you can prepare in advance will be valuable. Maxwell will help you when he can."

"Team break!" Maxwell jumps and runs to his assignment.

Down in the kitchen, I check the pantries to take stock of what I have to cook with.

"So far, Caviar... squid ink.... truffles... Where's the normal food?"

Maxwell saunters into the room, "Calls have been made, so now I can concentrate on food. Any culinary ideas?"

"All of this stuff is fancy, and... I have no idea what to do with any of it."

"The fancier stuff, the less you have to do! Just dump it on a plate and call it 'deconstructed'!"

"Oh my gosh... you're a genius."

"Thank you, Thank you. I'm glad someone recognizes my brilliance. I'll grab the caviar and some other stuff to go with it. You get some fancy serving spoons!"

As I search the kitchen, I call over my shoulder, "I'm sorry the helpers bailed... I can't believe this happened again."

"Yeah, me neither... Bertrand told me he had everything covered and not to ask any questions. But I'm sure this is somehow my fault."

"Maxwell... you shouldn't take the blame for everything. Bertrand is at least as much to blame, if not more so, than you."

"He knows that. He's even harder on himself."

"That's not an excuse for him to berate you. Stand up to him."

"It's not that simple. Look, I appreciate your concern over my relationship with Bertrand... but it's nothing I can't handle."

"You sure? I'm here if you ever need to talk."

"Thanks, but we should focus on these appetizers. We've got a PARTY to prepare." Maxwell sets out the plates and the ingredients, "Here, put a little caviar on the spoon, then a little sprig of garnish, and finish with a dash of paprika!"

"Does paprika go well with caviar?"

"It'll be a novelty..."

"Then here's to culinary experimentation!"

Maxwell and I work for a few seconds in silence assembling the appetizers...

"Hey, by the way Maxwell, where are these friends you called?"

"Oh, you know, all of them said they were busy, or they couldn't make it, or that something came up. I couldn't even get ahold of Tariq..." I shudder at his name and try to erase the scene that happened the other night from my head.  "...not that he'd even know which end of a broom to hold... But don't worry! We can do it together!...Probably"

"Maxwell, Teamwork makes the dream work."

"Ooh, that could be our new house motto!"

"What's your house motto now?"

"I think something about vendettas and giant squid."


"We used to be sea-faring people."

Just then, I hear the door to the kitchen open...Drake waltzes in, "Hello? Anyone in here?"

"Drake!" I stare at him surprised and he smiles.

"Drake! Drake! Drake! You came!" Maxwell jumps up and down and leads Drake over to where we are working.

"Yeah, yeah. Calm down, it's not that big of a deal."

"Yes, it is! We are friends!"

"You promised me whiskey."

"Friendship whiskey!"

"Drake..." I laugh at the two of them, "Is whiskey all you care about?"

"I also care about barbecue and sleeping."

"Sounds about right."

"Alright, I'm here now. What needs to be done?"

"Riley and I are plating some fancy appetizers. Come join us..."

Drake takes up a spot next to Maxwell and starts assembling... Pretty soon, we have rows of paprika-and-caviar tasting spoons.

Maxwell claps in excitement, "Oooh, these are shaping up! I think we need a good name for these though. Maybe 'Jewels of the Sea'..."

"Why not name it the 'Bud of Paradise?'" I chime in and Drake gives me a scrunched nose look.

"Ugh, I feel pretentious just hearing that name."

"That means it's perfect. I can already picture them complimenting the delicious 'Bud of Paradise'." Maxwell grabs my arm are gestures for me to look up.

I laugh and get back to work. I use up the last of the caviar as Maxwell store the appetizers in one of the huge fridges.

"There, that should be enough to get us started. Now then, on to the main course!"

"Do you even know how to cook from scratch Maxwell?"

"Well..." Maxwell's phone vibrates. "Oh, thank heavens. Bertrand found another company to handle the main courses. Let me tell you, nobody would've wanted the science experiments I was about to produce."

"Dodged a bullet there." Drake chuckles and I start to make lists in my head.

"Maxwell, What's next on the 'We're in Panic Mode' list?" 

"Hmm... I should stay here and clean the kitchen, but Bertrand might need help in the main hall. Last I saw him, he was looking for cleaning supplies..."

"Oh boy."

"Summers, I'll stay here and help Maxwell. We'll come find you once we finish down here."

I enter the main hall.  At the base of the stairs, Bertrand obsessively scrubs the tiles on his hands and knees.

"Uh, Bertrand?"


"Well, I was sent here to help you. So... if you need anything, let me know."

"It's fine. I have it under control."

"Bertrand... Let me help you."

"Oh...If you're going to insist, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Remember to get in between the tiles."

I grab a brush and spray from a bucket of cleaning supplies and scrub the floor alongside Bertrand. 

After some time, Bertrand comes over to inspect my work, "Not bad. I suppose I owe you my... my thanks."

"Glad I could help."

"Now, we should find Maxwell before he's left unattended for too long."

Just then, Maxwell emerges from the kitchen, "Whew, that was quite the ordeal. I hope it's at least a year before I ever have to clean another kitchen again. Luckily, with Drake, it went faster than I thought."

"Speak of the devil." Bertrand straightens his blazer and cocks his head towards Maxwell.

"I hope that was a reference to my impish charm."

"It wasn't."

"A man can dream." Maxwell hangs his head.

"Now that you're done with the kitchen, we need to do a thorough dusting. Just be careful with our displays. Your help was appreciated, Lady Riley, but I can finish the floors. Maxwell will need you more. This house needs to be in top condition before guests arrive."

Maxwell and I walk around the room, dusting walls, vases, busts, and paintings. Behind the stairwell, I come across several weapons on the wall.


I touch the small dagger decorated with intricate designs around the head in blue. I draw my hand back, afraid to break it.

"...Wow, they're all so pointy."

"I see you found our wall of weapons."

"Why are these here?"

"These are a selection from our armory. They're very important to our family and Cordonia's history. But the best thing about them is that they act as a variety of exciting bottle openers!"

"Bottle openers... what exactly's going to happen at this party? Because it sounds like blood will be spilled."

"Nothing is more important than safety here at House Beaumont."


"Well... having fun is first. Second is keeping Bertrand from getting mad. Then probably something about dancing...But right after that? Definitely safety." Maxwell's phone vibrates, "Anyway, Bertrand just said he and Drake are working in the ballroom. We'd better go see if they need help."

Maxwell and I make our way to the ballroom, where Drake and Bertrand are arranging centerpieces and setting the tables. I look around to see sparkling chandeliers and the color gold everywhere. 

"It's looking great!" I exclaim, as I twirl around the dance floor. I have a tiny daydream of waltzing with Liam and can't help but smile. 

Bertrand's voice breaks the image, "Thank you. Maxwell, these tables in the back corner are ready for napkins. Can you help?"

"On it!"

"Lady Riley, if you could assist Drake?"


While Maxwell and Bertrand set the back tables, I find Drake arranging flowers in a vase.

"Why, Drake, I never knew you had such flair with peonies..."

"The things I do for you people." As I pick up a vase, Drake steps close and lowers his voice, "Hey... anything about any of this seem off to you?"

"What do you mean?"

Drake nods towards the other side of the room. Leaning in, I hear Bertrand and Maxwell arguing in hushed tones...

"What I don't get is that the money was in our account yesterday!"Bertrand tightens his fists and looks anxious.

"I...I don't know anything about our finances, Bertrand! You know that!"

"You might not know anything, but you're still causing me problems! You're the only other person with access to that account!"

"I..." Maxwell looks down as if in defeat.

"This better not be to pay off one of your idiotic credit card purchases. Last month you said you spent three thousand on a jet ski. What is it this time?"

"I told you, I don't know what you're talking about." Maxwell becomes angry and clenches his fists as well.

"You're lucky I don't have time to deal with you right now, Maxwell."

As Bertrand and Maxwell stalk off to get more napkins, Drake raises and eyebrow at me, "Well? Doesn't it seem like something weird is going on?"

"It seemed like.... There's something suspicious going on in House Beaumont."


"I wonder what's actually going on with their money issues..."

"I'm going to fins out what it is. Besides, it sounds like Maxwell might be in over his head this time. I think he really needs my help...But knowing him, he'd never ask for it."

"I didn't realize you and Maxwell were that close, Drake."

"After all the time I've spent with him in the past weeks, I'm starting to find him less annoying."

"High praise."

"Besides, we scrubbed the kitchen cabinets together. I think I'm invested now."

"Sure...Actually, Drake... There's something else we should talk about. About last night..."

"Last night?"

"What you said... about how you feel..."

"Riley... I don't think we should talk about this here."

"Then somewhere private?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"If we're alone together, I'm not sure I'll be able to stop myself from saying something stupid again."


"Drake! Riley!" Bertrand calls out to us in an angered voice.

"AH! I mean, yes?" I jump and try to regain my composure, almost standing as if I was in the military in front of an officer.

"Why are you two standing around chatting like ladies at afternoon tea? you both said you'd help, so HELP!"

"Right away, Duke Ramsford." Drake replies, in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, of course." I slowly turn back to my station in silence.

As I resume arranging flowers, Drake abruptly abandons his vase and walks away. I watch as Drake quietly opens a door at the end of the hallway and slips inside. I bet he's trying to figure out what's going on with Maxwell and Bertrand.

I decide to follow Drake down the hallway and into the room off to the side, "Drake, what are you doing back here?"

"Summers! So, you followed me, huh? This is the Beaumont study."

I look around at the lightly lit room where there are cases of books all around and a giant desk where a leather chair is sitting. "How'd you even know this was here?"

"I used to come to this house a lot, back in the day. We ran in the same circle, being friend with Liam and all that... My sister, Savannah used to think the Beaumont brothers were the epitome of courtly life. She practically worshiped them."

"And you didn't"

"I found them to be more of an acquired taste."

"You mean they both annoyed the hell out of you."

"Yup. Pretty much. Whenever I got tired of their antics, I'd sneak off and come here to their study."

"So, you were the life of the party even back then?"

"Ha ha. Whenever Savannah found me here, she would try to get me to join in on the fun. I don't even know where she is now."

"You don't have any way of finding her?"

"She stopped answering my calls and deleted all of her social media. Wherever she is.. all I know is that she doesn't want to be found. Even by me. And you know what? I don't blame her. I failed her. I don't even know how, but I know that I failed her. I didn't protect her from...from whatever it was that made her leave."

"Drake, maybe she just needs to deal with this on her own."

"Maybe. But she's my little sister... I helped her learn how to tie her shoes. It kills me to think there's something she didn't think she could trust me with."

"Do you have any idea what it was about?"

"She was so happy... and then one day, after one of these Beaumont parties, she wasn't. She locked herself in her room, and I could hear her crying. A couple days later, all of her things were packed, and she was just... gone. But... that's enough about that..."

A silence falls between the two of us as Drake goes to the far side of the room. I let my gaze roam around the study..."So, this is the Beaumont study.... I expected more party hats. I mean, Maxwell lives here, so I figured..."

"It is on the more serious side, isn't it? I don't think they changed it after their father passed away. The former Duke Ramsford made it a point to decorate it with the family's accomplishments." Drake gestures at the walls, which are lined with ribbons and medals, "As you can see, the Beaumont family has a lot to brag about."

I let my eyes wonder over to a lit display case, which contains a set of gleaming trophies and framed pictures of young Bertrand and Maxwell, both on horseback, "I guess Bertrand and Maxwell had a habit of winning."

"A family tradition."

"I can see why Bertrand is always so worried about upholding the Beaumont name."

"Their house goes back a long way. I could never pity a rich kid like Bertrand, but I come very close to it sometimes. He's got a lot of pressure on him. I think his parents gave him a lot of talks about his heritage and Cordonia... And it's not like Maxwell's much help with anything."

"Maxwell tries. Sometimes."

"Heh. Maxwell's always been more interested in having fun. He couldn't care less about prestige and honor. That's one of the things I like about him, actually."

Drake trails off for a moment, his eyes lingering on me... until he quickly looks away.

"Drake, about last night..."

"Hell, Summers, what is there to say?"

"Don't you think we should talk about it?"

"I wish I'd never said anything. The truth is my best friend is head over heels for you. So it doesn't matter hoe I feel. Because that's where it has to end. Liam is the only one who's ever looked out for me. The only one who gave a damn about me after my dad... After he was gone. The rest of the court was ready to cast us out, never mind that he died protecting the royal family."

"Drake, I'm sorry. That's terrible."

"I didn't care much, but my mom and Savannah... it would've devastated them. Liam made sure we had a place at the palace as long as we wanted one. I could never betray him by falling for his girl. So that's what it all comes down to, Summers. Whatever I feel... it doesn't matter."

"Drake, you're right. Liam needs us right now. Both of us. And I feel for him strongly."

"You're right. I'd never forgive myself if...", Drake looks down, his hands idly going to the desk at his side. "Whoa!"

"What is it?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a fat envelope full of cash!"

"That's... That's what that is, all right. But why is it just here in the study?"

"There's an address on the back... a French address! It looks like someone was going to mail this today."

"Drake... this had got to be the missing money that Bertrand was talking about! We've got to take it to Bertrand."

"That does seem like the responsible thing to do..."

I sen a quick text to Bertrand, and a few seconds later..."Lady Riley, I received a text from you. How could you possibly have my number?" 

"Maxwell gave it to me!"

"I hope I haven't somehow given you the impression that I'm at your beck and call."

"Hey, simmer down Bertrand! You're going to like what I have to say!" I hold up the cash, "Look what we found."

"Our missing funds? How did you even..."

"I heard you talking about it earlier. The cash was on the desk here in the study."

"Yes. Yes, of course it was. How silly of me. I must have misplaced it. Thank you, Riley. I never thought I'd say this, but today you're a credit to House Beaumont."


"Unfortunately, it's too late to rehire the cleaning crew, so we'd better finish the last of the arrangements. Back to work!" 

He strides away as Drake lowers his voice, "Something is off. You getting that feeling too?"

"Yeah...It seems like Bertrand might be hiding something."

"And I want to know what it is."

"Maybe we'll find more clues while we're prepping the house?"

"We'll see. Keep an eye out, but try not to be obvious about it."


Drake and I leave the study and return to work.

For the next several hours, I help clean and spruce up the estate until at last I meet with Bertrand and Maxwell in the main hall...

"Whew, I just did the last of the bathrooms! I think this place is finally ready to go!" Maxwell wipes sweat off his forehead.

"Yes, this house is... actually acceptable." Bertrand gives off a small smile and I gasp.

"Wow... Does something actually meet your standards?"

"DO I need to call a doctor?" Maxwell grabs on to me and we both intensely stare at Bertrand.

"No, you don't. It's only that tomorrow will be something special...I can feel it..."

Just then, there's a knock on the estate's great door. Bertrand walks over to answer it, "Who could it be at this hour?"

He opens the door to find Prince Liam. Bertrand immediately bows, and I find myself smiling. 

"Oh, Your Highness! You're... early! Ahem, I mean, what a pleasant surprise..."

"I hope I'm not disturbing anything."

"Of course not. I hope you find everything in order."

"As grand as I remember it, Bertrand."

"Of course. Come on in... If you'll excuse us, my brother and I will check that your room accommodations are in order. In the meantime, I'm sure Lady Riley here will entertain you..."

"I'm sure she will." The prince walk in and straight up to me. Bertrand grabs Maxwell's arm and leads him away, leaving the two of us alone.

"You're a delightful surprise." I look up at him and feel the butterflies return to my stomach.

"You're assuming I'm here to see you, hmmm?"

"You know, you better be."

"What gave it away?"

"You have my name written all over your lips."

"There's no hiding from you is there?"

"Not a chance."

"I arrived early because I knew you'd be here, and I wanted to see you before the festivities began. I know all of this must seem strange to you... jet-setting around Cordonia, attending grand formal events... I imagine it's much different from 'dating' as you usually know it in New York."

"Heh. You could say that, yeah."

"I appreciate that you've thrown yourself into courtly life with such enthusiasm, but I wanted to... meet you halfway, so to speak."


"I also have this idea... it's maybe a little silly, but... will you go on a date with me?"

"A date?"

"My first true date. I want it to be with you."

"We're on an estate surrounded by acres of vineyards... Where would we go? What would we do?"

"Leave that to me. I promise you, it'll be a proper first date. Tonight, I just want to be Riley and Liam, two normal people going on a normal date... What do you say? I know it's a bit last minute..."

"Liam, I'd love to go on a date with you. I think I can do 'ordinary' for one evening."

"You can be normal, but I think you can ever be anything less than extraordinary..."

"You're really pulling out all the stops, aren't you?"

"For you, definitely. If you think about it, it's our first real date... I mean, we've been spending time together, but it's been here and there..."

"I'll be sure to break out the awkward icebreaker questions and first-date nerves..."

"Sounds perfect. I need to make a couple of arrangements, but I'll meet you at your room in an hour?"

"Yes. I'm in the east wing, fourth door from the right. I'll see you then."

Later in my room...

I need to get ready for this date! I go with a floral dress and black high heels. I imagine seeing Liam again and my heart starts to pound. Who would of thought I'd have a date with the prince all by myself? This night will be truly magical.

A little later, Liam show up at my door, his hand behind his back, "Riley..."

"Your Highness..."

"Please. Just Liam. These are for you."

He flourishes a bouquet of roses, and I take them, inhaling in the sweet scent.

"Are they... were they the right thing to get for a first date?"

"Liam, they are amazing."

"I'm so glad you like them."

I sniff them one more time before dropping them in a vase near the door and putting my arm out for Liam, "Shall we?"

Liam leads me down the hallway and up the grand staircase, "So are you going to spill what we're doing tonight?"

"I did some research on traditional first dates..."

"You researched dates? That's super adorable."

"Hey, I wanted tonight to be perfect."

"And what did your research tell you?"

"That a traditional first date is dinner, then a movie... But there aren't any local theaters secure enough to be cleared of any threats, so... we're going to be focusing on the dinner part. This way..."

His hand slides to the small of my back, guiding me forward as he opens a door on the second floor... Inside , I find a rustic game room where a romantic dinner for two has been set up. The light from the fire sparkles gold against the crystal and silverware on the table.

"Awww, Liam..."

"Dinner for two at the finest 'restaurant' I could find... or recreate."

He hold out a chair for me, waiting until I take it before he sits across from me. As we're seated, Maxwell pokes his head into the room, "Ready?"

"Perfect timing, Maxwell."

"Diners, welcome to Chateau Beaumont!", Maxwell comes in, wheeling a cart with two covered plate and a bottle of sparkling wine. He pops the wine and starts pouring it into flutes.

"Maxwell? You're our waiter tonight?"

"Of course! Hey, isn't this funny, Riley? When we first met, you were our waitress."


"I hope I can be half as professional as you were! Now, ahem... For your dinner, the finest bubbly Chateau Beaumont can offer and a simple homemade tomato pasta. A requested, Liam. Enjoy."

He lets himself out of the room, and Liam lifts his glass of sparkling wine.

"What shall we toast to?"

"We should toast to first dates. So far, this one's starting out great."

"Here's to first dates and the hope that this will continue to be great."

We clink our glasses together. I sip the wine and take a bite of the pasta.

"Mmmm! This tastes wonderful!"

"I'm glad you like it. i wasn't sure what to request, so I chose this. It's a simple pasta, but it makes me feel nostalgic... I used to eat this when I was a kid."

"It's great. No need to get too fancy on the first date... We can just take it slow and get to know each other. "

"Of course. Now I believe I was promised some awkward icebreaker questions..."

"I've got an icebreaker question for you... are you a coffee or tea person?"

Liam lets out a laugh, "Excellent. I feel like I'm in a New York bar already."

"Hey, you're not off the hook. You still need to answer."

"Coffee or tea, huh? It's blasphemous given that there is a Cordonian tea ceremony, but I'm a coffee person. I find that I need something a little stronger than tea."


"Are all first-date questions like this? Fun, but a little silly?"

"More or less. I can't believe you've never been on a real first date."

"Ah, yes, well, as you know, life as part of the royal family can have its limitations since I have to consider things like schedules and security. I've been introduced to women I've been interested in, of course, but our time together was spent at courtly functions, not on 'dates' in a traditional way."

"And have you ever been serious about anyone before?"

"Once, I though I might have been... but the spark wasn't there." He reaches out and take my hand in his, twining our fingers together, "Before you, Riley, I didn't even know what was missing with everyone else."

"Liam..." He always finds a way to make me smile uncontrollably.

"And now, what about you? Are there any former lovers I need to worry about? I mean if that's not too personal a question."

"Well, I've dated some. Not that many. I'm choosy with who I spent my time with." I squeeze his hand and melt into his gaze.

"It's a good life when you can spend it with the people you truly care about."

"Yeah... and I don't regret anything. It's brought me to this moment, hasn't it?"

"It has."

He smiles at me, and for the next little while, Liam and I talk over our meals...

"...What's the first thing you'd save if your castle was on fire?"

"It would be my guitar."

"You play the guitar?"

"Er, rather horribly. But it's my mother's. She took it up for fun, but she was great. She'd sing when we went on picnics..."

"Aww... I'd like to hear you play sometime."

"Yes... sometime."

And later...

"Riley, are you more of a cat or a dog person?"

"Oh, I'm a dog person."

"Excellent. We could have an entire kennel."

"You're a dog person too?"

"Is it obvious?"

"I knew I was attracted to you for a reason."

And during the dessert course...

"When we first met, Liam, I told you that I wanted to live each day to the fullest."

"Do you think you've succeeded?"

"Yes. These last few weeks have been full of exciting new experiences I never imagined  I'd do in a lifetime! But what's your dream? Your heart's desire?"

"More than peace and prosperity for Cordonia?"

"I'm talking to Liam, not the Prince."

"Maybe this is sentimental, but it's been on my mind lately, especially given... well, never mind that. What I really want is to have a family. Maybe not this year or the next, but eventually. And not the type that most kings have, but one where we're close and listen to each other. I've never mentioned it to anyone before. It's a pretty mundane dream now that I say it aloud..."

"Liam... I think it's sweet"

"I know it's cliche to say this, but the more I live, the more I realize... Life is nothing without the right person to share it with. The most precious thing anyone has is time. You never know just how much you have left. And when it's gone... it's gone. I want to spend my time with the people I care about. With you, Riley, more than anyone else."

"Liam..." My heart starts to pound a mile a minute and I begin to blush.

"I just had to say that. I had to make sure you knew how I felt."

"I treasure all of our moments together too."

"You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that."

"Well, this got awfully romantic for a first date."

"Are you telling me that guys don't lavish you with praise and adoration on all your first dates?"

"No, not exactly."

"What a pity for these fools, then..."

Later, Liam walks me back to my room...

"Thanks for coming out tonight Riley, I had a great time."

"Yeah, dinner was lovely."

"Does this mean a second date is in the cards?"

"If you want it to be like a real first date, this is probably where you'd  say that you'll text me and then wait a week to actually do it."

"I could never wait that long."

"Me neither." We stop in front of my door and I turn to face Liam.

"Good night, Riley..."

"Where's my goodnight kiss?"

"I was working my way up to that."

He leans down, kissing me sweetly at first, then more passionately as I press into him.

"Riley, somehow kissing you once never feels like enough..."

"No one told you to stop..."

He groans and pins me against the door as he lays kisses against my neck, his hands weaving through my hair...

"Mmm, that feels nice..."


I tug at his shirt, pulling it up enough to run my hands over his bare chest and around him, tugging him closer--When we hear footsteps down the hall!

He immediately lets go of me, stepping a respectful distance away. Both of us breath hard in the silence, listening...And after a moment, Liam smiles ruefully at me.

"That was close."

"Yeah, really. Though being caught in a covert make-out sesh is a classic first date trope."

"Check that off the list...But really, I have kept you out too late." He lifts my hand to his lips, kissing it, "Good night, Riley..."

"Good night, Liam."

The next morning...

"Rise and shine, our little budding princess!" 

Maxwell stands over my bed and I roll over to the other side, only to find Bertrand there.

"Yes, up,up,up! Today's the big day. We've prepared the house from top to bottom, and now, for the final step, Preparing out representative lady."

"Let me guess..." I groan as I rise up.

"Go, go, go. Maxwell, make sure she's presentable."

"Right away!"

Maxwell pulls me out of bed and over to the closet. I wipe my eyes and walk in where one dress hangs on the rack, "This is quite the, uh, selection."

"It's all we could get ahold of, but I thought it'd make you look like the princess you're destined to be! The local dress shop said they'll charge it to us if we want to keep it. I think we do..."

"Alright, I'll try it on."

I slip on a beautiful blue princess gown. The sleeves go off the shoulder and the bodice is tight, decorated with sparkles throughout. Even Cinderella would be jealous of this ballgown. Guaranteed to last past midnight. 

"I await my magical pumpkin carriage..."

"Hm, fresh out of pumpkins, but I can offer you a paprika-and-caviar appetizer..."

"That works."

"You look stunning by the way..."

"Thank you, Maxwell."

"Alright, let's go! We're going to throw the BEST PARTY EVEEEEEEER!"

*Will you and the Beaumonts pull off a successful bash? Find out in the next chapter!*

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