Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time

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"You've been invited to the Prince's coronation at the palace. Tonight, the Prince will choose his bride!"

Accept the invitation!

Cordonia - Now:

I glance at the invitation as I am preparing for Liam's coronation. I brush my long black hair and pull my bangs into a side braid. As I slip on my 'perfect princess' dress, white with gold embroidery, I think of all the moments I've shared with Liam and I can't help but smile and think about the wonders that lay ahead of us now. I guess you could say I'm confident that tonight will go well for the two of us.

As I arrive at Cordonia's palace I can't help but have a skip in my step with all the happiness in my heart. The doors to the grand ballroom of the palace are thrown open, and I make my entrance. "Here we go...", I say trying to reassure myself that I can do this. The whole place was spectacular looking, with a huge golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a big dance floor just waiting to be waltzed on. The band was playing Claire de lune while the guests mingled.

I walk over to meet Hana, one of the friends I made through this whole experience.

"You look so beautiful, Riley. The Prince won't be able to keep his eyes off you."

She glances down at her ruffled pink flowery dress with a sadness in her eyes. Olivia walks over confidently in her grey sparkling dress and a smirk on her face.

"Hah. He might like the way she looks, but when it comes to choosing his future queen, he knows who'll be able to handle ruling at his side".

"Olivia..." There was so much I wanted to say to her at this moment but I needed to be better. "May the best woman win."

"I'm sure I will." She says staring down at me as I try and keep myself composed.

Just then, a trumpet sounds! The herald announces the Prince's arrival. My heart almost leaps out of my chest at the thought of me and him being together again.

"He's headed this way..." Hana says as she nervously tries to fix her hair and dress. I pat her shoulder, letting her know it would be okay. She looks up at me with a thankful smile and we prepare ourselves for this moment.

Liam strolls in, his blonde hair neatly styled and perfect blue eyes ready to take on the night. He is wearing a black tux with a red sash around his upper body. Below his bow tie sits a medallion with his family crest on it. He looks so handsome, I could melt.

He walks right up to me, hand reaching out, "Riley ... may I have this dance?"

"You want to dance with me?... I'd love to." I can't seem to stop myself from smiling.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

He pulls me close to him as we dance to 'La Vie En Rose'. He leads me in a waltz around the room, my gown swirling as I glide through the steps. My heart pounds the entire time wanting it to always be like this.

"To think, a few months ago, I didn't even know the first steps to a waltz."

"And now, no one would ever know that you weren't born into this life," Liam says as he twirls me around, then back into his arms. " I hope you never have cause to regret coming here" his face falls to a faint frown.

"Why would you say that?"

"Well, so much has happened, and..."

The song begins to wind down, and Liam's hands linger on my waist, his eyes searching mine.

The Royal Romance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now