Save You Tonight- A Zayn Mali...

By 1Directoinstorytime

3.4K 36 3

Jenny is tired of the abuse she recives from her family. So she finally makes abreak for it. She meets a nic... More

The Escape
The Date
I should've kissed you
The Kiss
Welcome To London
Romance In Paris
The Challenge
The End

Beach Day

392 5 0
By 1Directoinstorytime

Jenny P.O.V

Wow! These guys are buying stuff for me! They are so sweet!

I get dressed and we head out. We go to a Hollister store and I start trying on bikinis they throw to me. There was a striped blue and white one, a striped red and white one. Also a pink one with a ruffly top and plain bottom. but my favorite was one Zayn gave me a strapless baby blue one with white polka dots. They bought all of them for me. They also got me a few pairs of shorts and a pair of sunglasses. We all bought some towels and went to the beach. We set up out towels and Niall and Liam ran to the water. Zayn lad his towel beside me. Louis ran up to me and said "C'mon Jenny lets go in the water" "no thanks I want to tan first. In a few minutes okay?" I say "NO you go now" he says "zayn grab her legs I get the hands" They grabbed me and dragged me to the water. They got in waist deep and started to swing me and then throw me in. The whole time I was giggling. I decided to have some fun. They threw me in far enough where I can stand very little. I got up a little bit and yelled "I CANT SWIM!!" and started to go under and pretend to drown. I would go up every few seconds for air and splash my arms and shout "help help" the look on their faces was priceless they all start swimming to me at full speed. I went underwater and Zayn got to me first. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. I can hold my breath for a while so he pulled me out to shore and laid me down on the sand and all the others gathered around. I held my breath so it looked like I passed out. He was gonna give me mouth to mouth so right before our mouths touched I burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! You fell for that!!!!" they all laughed except for Zayn. He got up and walked away. Whats wrong with him.

Louis helped me up. "Whats wrong with him?" I asked. I felt really bad. I think he was mad at me. "Dont know" Louis said "but that was amazing acting we all fell for it." "yea I saw" I laughed. We spent the rest of the day at the beach and even ad a barbeque. We then had a bonfire. Niall tok out his guitar and they started singing one of their songs. Nialll told me it was called One Thing. They even taught me the lyrics.

I've tried playing it cool

Girl when I'm looking at you

I can never be brave

Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep me making me weak

Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Some things gotta get loud

Cause if not, they just don't make you see

That I need you here with me now

Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

Now I'm climbing the walls

But you don't notice at all

That I'm going out of my mind

All day and all night

Some things gotta get loud

Cause I'm dying just to know your name

And I need you here with me now

Cause you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my mind

And come on, come into my life

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

You've got that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my mind

And come on, come into my life

I don't, I don't, don't know what it is

But I need that one thing

And you've got that one thing

Zayn didn't want to talk to me. I have no idea why. I just hope he willl forgive me.

Zayn P.O.V.

Damnit! I thought she was actually drowning. I was so freaked out I swam lightning speed to get to her. She wasn't breathing and when I got her on the shore and was about to give her mouth to mouth and our lips were so close and then she laughs.  God I was so scared for her I thought she was dead.

I know I might be overreacting but I lost one of my friends when he drowned so I got really scared.  Espically now that I really like her.  I felt protective and when she was "drowning" I felt it was my fault for throwing her in. Maybe I should talk to her. 

We pack up our stuff and go.  In the car i get a text from Harry "Why you so upset?"  I write back "tell you up stairs'" He sends back "ok"

We get back to the room and I change.  Harry knocks on my door. "Come in" I say.  "Hey mate, so whats up?" he asks. "She scared the crap out of me! I thought she was gonna die.  You know how Flynn died from drowning. After that I promised myself if someone I knew was drowning I would have to save them.  And liking her I got even more scared.  I didn't want to loose her."

"Its okay Zayn" Harry said "but you gotta talk to her. Shes upset"

"Yea maybe your right I will talk to her"

Jenny's P.O.V.

"Thank you Liam. I really had a nice time" I say. As we get back to the suite

"No prob. Okay. Go change into your PJ's we are having a movie night"

"Liam I have to go I need to get a job and..-" Liam cut me off "You are staying with us. You have nowhere to go and we don't mind you tagging along with us on tour. Plus I already had most of our stuff moved to another suite with an extra bedroom for you. So end of discussion you stay with us, and go on tour with us."

"Liam thank you but I feel really bad, plus I cant buy anything and I cant afford plane tickets to go with you guys"

"We can pay for everything don't worry."

"I cant take money from you guys"

"I can work out some job for you to do if you feel that bad."

"Thank you Liam. Thank you so much"

"No prob. Your like my little sister so anything for you lil sis."

"Thanks big bro" And I hugged him.

I went to go change. I was about to walk out of the room when someone knocked.  Zayn. "Zayn I am so sorry if  I did something.  If it was about pretending to drown I was joking and I didnt think you would get mad. Please dont hate me?"  He came in the room. "Jenny I dont hate you. I cant hate you.  Its just..... when I thought you were drowning I got really scared.  I knda feel protective of you. Listen, I lost a friend of mine when he drowned so I dont want to loose anyone from drowning again.  Especially you. I- I like you Jenny"

I went inot shock. Zayn just told me he liked me. ME! "Umm Jenny? Jenny?" my thoughts were interupted by Zayn. "I like you to" I whispered. He smiles at me "do you want to go on a date with me?" "I would love that" I smiled. "Well how about tommorow? 7:00? Dinner?" he asks with a smile on his face "Sure" I say.

We walk to the living room together for one last night before we move to the other room.  "So wht are we watching?" asks Niall.  "Paraormal Activity 4" Liam answered.  Great scary movies. I hate them I get nightmares and the whole movie I scream my head off.  Zayn pulled me close to him on the couch so his arm was over my shoulder and my head was on his shoulder. We were right next to Louis and Harry who snuggled up together.  I searched some stuff up on online about them and aperantly Louis and Harry act gay together for fun.  They evn live together but Louis has a girlfriend named Elanor so its just a joke. The movie started.  Zayn noticed I was a little nervous and whispered in my ear "dont worry I'm right next to you" I smiled.  There came a scary part. I got so freaked I jumped and hid my face in Zayns chest. The guys chuckled. I guess it was so funny that Louis did the same thing later with Harry but he shouted "Harry protect me from them". "You dont like scary movies do you?" Liam asked. "Not really" I answered.  I guesss somewhere during the movie I fell asleep because when I woke I was in my bed with Zayn watching over me.  He must have carried me. AAWWWWW! "Good morning" he said "morning" I replied. "We have a rehearsel today if you want you can come watch?" "Okay" I say "what time?" "In 30 minutes" "WHAT? Why didnt you wake me I could've been ready by now"  "Sorry you were cute whn you were sleeping" I blushed like mad. "Your also cute when you blush" I now blushed even harder.

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