obsession [reddie+bichie]

By haroinsick

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eddie loved richie, and he would do anything for richie to love him too. Copyright © 2018 @haroinsick More



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By haroinsick

Richie and Bill made it to Richies house finally. More of Bills whining about how 'rude' I was to this kid and I'll go insane. Rude? Whatever.

"Being nice doesn't come on the menu here, buddy boy." He hopped out of his black truck, making a bee line for his door. He busted in, immediately running to his room with Bill falling behind his shiny black boots.

The second they made it to his room, Richie fell flat on his face onto his bed. Oh how he missed home for the seven hours of hell.

"B-bev told me there was a party going on at Max's house. Says it's a little study group. I think that would be fun!"

Richie groaned. Of course Bill would find a study group fun. Disgusting.

Richie sat up, stretching his arms. "Bill, pal, good ol pal-"

"Just say it. You won't go." It broke his heart how sad Bill looked.

"-as I was saying... because you are my great friend, I will be your plus one at this study group. What an honor, billy boy."


A few hours later, Richie and Bill were standing outside Max's house, Richie in his usual outfit of all black. Black jeans, black shirt, black boots. Bill in a pair of jeans and a baseball shirt. Very cute, Richie thought. All of his clothes were very cute on him...

Richie looked back towards the house after giving Bill a good check out. "Doesn't look like a study group to me billy boy. I think you got played." He patted Bill on the back, going to head back to his car to take Bill home when bill grabbed Richies wrist and pulled him back.

"I-it's fine. Let's go in."

"Excuse me? Richie called, he wants to know where his freak friend went who's lame as hell and doesn't party." He joked, rubbing bills shoulder to let him know it was only a joke.

"I-I know you like parties r-rich. For whatever r-r-reason that is...you don't talk to anybody."

"Well, kid, there's food and booze. Good enough for me." They bath made their way towards the door, Richie knocking very loudly.

Beverly opened the door, a big smile on her face at the sight of them. However, Bill wasn't very happy.

"Bev! Y-you know I don't like parties! W-why!?"

"Come on, bud! You need to loosen up! Maybe find a girl. There's one right over there, very pretty." She leans in, whispering the rest "I think she's into you. She kept asking when you'd show."

Bills face went pink, leaning over to look at who Beverley was talking about. It was a tall girl with short shorts on, exposing her ass and a crop top, exposing her underboob. She had ratted looking brown hair, dancing in Max's living room with a drink in hand. And she was already dancing on another dude. But, much to his dismay, Bill was already making his way over. I couldn't blame him I guess, no girls really ever liked him like that. Him, neither, but he's not much into girls.

He sighed, walking into the house and accepting a drink from some girl with short brown curls. She was wearing a silky black dress and Nike airs. I like her style.

"Hey, thanks man."

"No problem, bro. Why aren't you hanging with anyone?"

"Because people are disgusting and my only friend made a trip over to skank town." He rolled his eyes, pointing his thumb back to his best friend Bill and the girl talking, the girl way to close to him.

The girl could see the pain in richies eyes. "You like him... don't you?"

"What? No! That's insane. Like.... really crazy and super weird! Ew. No! Gross..."

She gave him a sad smile, still telling he was sad.

"I'm Jane. And you?...."


"Well, Richie. It's nice to meet you. I'm not a big fan of people myself. Wanna go to the back yard?"

He shrugged, following Jane out the back door. She was very short and very pretty. And very ....nice? No girls ever nice to him or like...anybody.

She lead him over to Max's big pool in her back yard, taking her shoes off and setting them to the side to let herself be able to sit down by the pool and stick her feet in.

Richie sat beside her, his legs pressed to his chest and a cigarette now in hand. He only smoked when he was sad or stressed.

Jane finally broke the silence. "Wanna talk about it...?"

He shrugged again for the second time that night. "We've been bestfriends since birth. Our mothers were bestfriends, and we became bestfriends quickly, too. I've loved this boy since seventh grade, Jane. But he never shows any sign of feeling the same." He sighed, his shoulders low.

He usually never let himself out like this. He was usually rude and sarcastic and he seemed big and scary to everyone else because of this and because he wore all black and broke the norm. He smoked cigarettes and did drugs which was very frowned upon. Some people cowered if he was even breathing in the same room. But, that wasn't him. He really was a nice guy, but everyone broke him. Spreading around that he killed his mom and that he was crazy or that he killed cats in his free time. Cats were his favorite. Bill was the only person to see past all of this and know none of it was true, him being around his whole life.

Jane was just so nice and no one else really was besides Bill. She held real genuine concern. Not the mocking kind.

She wrapped her arm around his shoulder, giving him a small hug.

"I know exactly how you feel.." Jane sighed, kicking at the water with her feet, her toe nails a pretty tropical blue color.

"You do?" "I do."

Before anything else could be said, max came from the back door and came towards them with a small smile when her eyes met Janes. Jane blushed, looking down. Richie smirked, knowing exactly what was going on here.

"Yo Richie." Max rose her head in acknowledgment to Richie.

"You two know each other?" Jane asked.

"We go to school together." Max explained. "Jane goes to a private school." Max explained to me. Oh.. must explain why she's so nice to me. She doesn't know.

"I'm gonna go find my friend Bill." He stood up from beside Jane, giving her a tiny smile. "See you sometime soon?" Jane nodded quickly, smiling brightly at him. He made his way to the door, looking back one last time to see Max now sitting beside Jane.

Richie pushed his way through the crowd of horny, drunk teenagers to see Bill was no where to be found.

Richie found a girl in almost the same attire as the trashy girl he ditched him for. He figured she probably knew the skank. He tapped her on the shoulder, yelling over the loud music, "um excuse me. have you seen my friend Bill? He was with a girl? He's kind of tall and in a baseball shirt?"

She simply pointed towards the stairs before turning back to her friends.

He quickly made his way upstairs, opening doors one by one, many of them scarring Richie for life. Finally he found bill. He found bill on the bed, his pants being pulled down by the skank and his shirt hiked up a bit.

"What the fuck!?"

Bill jumped up, grabbing the girls hands to stop her from pulling his jeans down any farther.

"R-Richie w-w-what are you doing here?" His face was a bright red, a mark matching his face on his neck.

"Oh...sorry for.. interrupting." He turned, not getting far before hearing bill following behind, the sound of him buckling his belt back up. That sound broke his heart. Knowing he was about to get it from that girl. Knowing he liked girls and Richie didn't stand a chance.

"Richie-wait! What's wrong?"

"What's.. wrong?! I'll tell you what's wrong, billy boy! I love you! And I walk in and see you about to get your fucking dick sucked off by some whore who only wants sex from you! It hurts watching someone use you and knowing I don't have a chance with the boy I love!" That got a few people to stop and look with their judgmental stares.

Bill stopped right there, his eyes wide. He turned back around, running off.

Richie sighed, continuing down the stairs and to his truck. He heard Jane calling his name, but he didn't listen. He couldn't go back. He'd just lost his best friend of since birth. Over a stupid crush. Wow.

He took off, heading towards a cliff. It was a small cliff in the woods that was surrounded by tons of beautiful animals and flowers. It was his calm place. It was when he went where he was either sad, or happy. No one knows it's his place though.

He sat on the end of the cliff, tears rolling down his cheeks. I wish this were some sort of romantic movie where the guy would go back for the girl and say they are sorry and that they feel the same.

But it's not. It's not a romantic movie and Bill does not love me back.


It was the next morning and he was laying near the edge of the cliff. Frightened, he scooted farther away from the edge of the cliff.

He barley even remembered last night, but when it all came back, he got really angry at himself.

How could he be so stupid? Bill was just in a room about to get sucked off by a GIRL. Of course he'd never love him back! Even if he was into guys, he's just so ugly. His father even makes sure to remind him everyday of his fucking life.

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