>IMAGINE<: Mindless Behavior...

By SwagOnMyJayss

66.8K 440 117

Your name in this story is 'Victoria' your best friend's name is 'Bella' and 'Destiny', you live in London UK... More

Chapter1: Please Mum
shopping time!
The Concert
The Meet Up
In L.A
Misfit <3
The Fans
Cast Call Resultsssss! (:
Back Together (new love coming)
Party :) (boys povs)
Heartbreak.. And what's next?
Oh hi Travis

>IMAGINE<: Mindless Behavior Princeton

19.4K 35 3
By SwagOnMyJayss

Your name in this story is 'Victoria' your best friend's name is 'Bella' and 'Destiny', you live in London UK, you're a huge mindless behavior fan :D

This is an imagine for YOU and Princeton from Mindless Behavior.

p.s some parts of it were in my dream ^.^

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