Falling For My Best Friend

By short_grace

1.2M 37.5K 35.6K

What's worse than being a guy in high school who figures out they are gay and they have a crush on another gu... More

Authors Note?
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Ending Authors Note
Some things to talk about

Chapter 2

62.3K 1.9K 2.3K
By short_grace

Sorry for this chapter being a bit late, I was having a bit of writers block :)

Anyway, enjoy!

(Hunter's POV)

That night, I couldn't go to sleep.

I just stayed up, constantly replaying the events in my mind. I wanted to go to sleep, but my mind just wouldn't stop racing.

I hated it.

I hated that I couldn't go to sleep. I hated that I couldn't stop thinking about it, I hated that I couldn't stop thinking about him.

His curly brown hair, that gets darker gradually when the seasons change. Those ocean blue eyes, that I sometimes find myself getting lost in whenever they are looking my direction.

And damn, don't even get me started about his abs.

I swear, their so defined they could probably cut someone if he wanted them to. I've only seen them occasionally, which is a good thing, because whenever I do I find myself getting a bit...


Noah Chambers.

I hadn't actually meant to do anything, to act on my feelings. But when I turned around and saw that he apparently liked what he saw, I was so happy that I just had to flirt a little from a distance.

And now I may have cost our friendship.

Whether or not I liked him, Noah was still my best friend. I didn't want whatever was happening with me and my feelings to break our friendship. We have been best friends for almost my entire life. I don't think I could live without the guy if I wanted to.

But every time I think about him, that adorable smile, his curly hair, that I've imagined running my hands through more times than you can count on both hands.

I just want him.

I slam my head into my pillow to get me to stop thinking about him. I closed my eyes tight, desperately trying to get myself to fall asleep, but it didn't work.

Of course.

I decided to get up and walk into my family's kitchen. I could faintly see the time on the stove that read three thirty a.m. I was trying to be really quiet, that way I didn't wake up my brother, or worse, my parents. They aren't very pleasant when they get woken up randomly.

As I'm walking to the fridge, I feel a pair of hands grab my waist and I nearly jump a mile, forcing myself not to scream. I feel the hands leave me and a few chuckles come from behind me.

"Damn, it's so funny when you get scared so easily."

I scowl and turn around to be met with the face of my brother, Brody. His blond hair with brown tips was almost exactly a replica of mine, except his was a little more white and mine a little more blond. His skin was lighter than mine, a product of him not having done football for the past year. He was taller than me by about a few inches. If anyone just glanced at us, they would think we're twins. But looking more closely into our lives and our personalities, you would see we are anything but.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Brody then stops laughing. His smile still lingers on his face for a moment, but then his smile goes away as his frown deepens a little.

"What's wrong? Why are you up this late?"

As much of an asshole as Brody sometimes is, I can always count on him to care for me, to be there for me. No matter what. Which is why he already knows why I'm up.

"You already know."

Brody's face falls just a tad, but he doesn't let it show for long. His face shows sympathy for me, and I don't really want it right now.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

The question surprises me a tad, and apparently it shows on my face too.

"You don't have to if you don't want to but, I'm here. Just letting you know that."

Brody already knew I was gay. Around the time of my fifteenth birthday, I began to be attracted to guys. One night I was crying about it, because I wanted to be normal. Brody came into the room and hugged me for a little while, even though he didn't know what was wrong. For that reason is why I told him.

Brody is straight, at least that I know of. To most people at school he may seem like the kind of guy that just gets with girls, but his personality says that he's more than that.

I stood for a moment before I decided what to say. "I just can't stop thinking about him, man. It's driving me insane."

Brody gave me a small smile and held his arms out.

He wanted me to hug him.

The thought was comforting. So slowly, I leant forward and put my head in his chest as he rubbed my back slowly. I was fine for a moment until the tears came. They were very quiet sobs, but Brody could still here them.

"Hey, it's okay." He said.

I wiped my tears with my hand. "No it's not. Here I am, acting like an emotional bitch over a guy. I just-" a sob choked my throat for a second, and Brody noticed this.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He repeated the same question over again, and this time I gave thought to his offer. I looked up at him.

"Promise you won't make fun of me?"

He laughed then. "Hunter, I would never make fun of you for this. Now when you were little and you fell on your face in the front yard, THAT was something to make fun of." He chuckled a little and I scowled.

"But seriously, no I wouldn't." He gave me a small smile and patted my back.

I nodded and we went over to the couch and sat down, where I told him everything about Noah. When I went to bed that night, I felt a lot better now that I had told someone about it. I was finally able to get a decent nights sleep.


The next day at school was almost torture.

Sitting in class and seeing Noah across the room was driving me nuts cause all I wanted to do was go over there and kiss him. It was difficult to hold myself back. He caught me staring and blushed before he turned his head away from me.

I almost lost it damnit.

When we went to lunch though, everything was okay. Noah was acting normal. He sat next to me, and like any other day, started talking about the video game he was obsessing over. I didn't want to act like what happened didn't happen, but it was better than the awkward conversation that would have come.

So I played along with what he was doing. Acting normal, that is.

He was talking about his mom today.

"Yeah, I guess she wants me to get a girlfriend or something."

I thought over what he had said before responding, "And when exactly would that be happening?" I was hoping I didn't sound too clingy or whatever.

He blushed just a tad, but he covered it up quickly. "I guess whenever I meet the right person." He said it so quietly, I just barely heard him.

The thought hurt me. The thought of him having a girlfriend. Or anyone else for that matter. I didn't want to see him dating anyone else but me. Just me. No one else.

I felt oddly jealous at the thought of him and some girl kissing in the hallways between classes. The thought was enough to get me to stand up.

"Hang on guys, I have to go to the bathroom. Be right back."

The guys all nodded, but Noah looked suspicious. I didn't think too much of it, and walked quickly over to the guys restroom where I proceeded to lock myself in a stall, that way I could chill out. It wasn't too long till the bathroom door opened.

"Hunter? Are you in here?" The sound of Noah's voice made my head pop up. Why was he here?

"I know you are in here. I just want to talk. Please. We need to."

I was going to say no, but the pleading sound in his voice that made him sound like a sad puppy pushed me to answer.


Why did I always fall for his cuteness tricks?

Haha I left you on a cliffhanger:) guess you'll have to come back to see what happens :')

Sorry for the update being a little late. I had major writers block but I just got home and felt the creative juices FLOWING and I knew I had to write.

Also I'm going to start qotw(question of the week) things

So here's the first one:

Qotw: I might be changing the front cover. Do you guys like it or think it could use a little bit of editing?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update!

Bye fellow Wattpadians :)

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