Lost And Found

By SavedByShady313

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Second part to my fanfiction 'All On Contract'. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Sixteen

645 20 7
By SavedByShady313

Ryder's P.OV:
"I ask for one thing from you, Ry. One little thing." I ignore mom as I lean foward and spill my guts out in the toilet once again, making her grab onto my shoulders before she starts to rub her hand against my bag. "You could have-" She says as I lean up.

"I didn't though, did I? I didn't get arrested." I say before I slump down on the tiled floor and let mom wipe the corners of my mouth and the front of my shirt with a green wet towel.

"Well you didn't this time...But you did the last time and the time before that and the time before-" She says making me talk over her.

"I'm done drinking. I swear." I talk over mom and look up at her. Mom shakes her head before she laughs lightly and stands up. She walks towards the bath and takes a seat at the edge of the bath.

"Yeah...We all say that when we're 18 or 19." I hear her mumble.

"So you used to drink at my age?" I smirk. "Why do you punish me when you used to do the same shit when you were my age?" I ask and get ignored.

"I need to call your uncle Nick and let him know that you came home safely." Mom stands up. "He's probably looking everywhere for you." She mumbles.

"Where's Iris?" I ask.

"With Mason." Mom states. "Somewhere in the garden." I add. I shake my head as I look away. "What? You don't like that they're friends?" Mom asks.

"They're not friends though are they, mom? I see the way he looks at her....And I even catch her watching him." I shake my head.

"You don't like it?" Mom asks.

"She's my baby fucking sister, of course I don't like it." I shrug.

"Watch your language." I hear mom mumble.

"But he's my bestfriend." I add.

"I haven't seen Iris happy in such a long time-" Mom says but gets cut off when I quickly sit up on my knees and throw my breakfast out into the toilets. I spit as I shake my head and let mom wipe the corners of my mouth again with a towel.

"You're okay." Mom says quietly. "You did more than drinking...What drugs did you take, Ry?" She asks after a long minutes of silence. I sniff as I drop down on the tiled floor again and breath in and out heavily.

"Mom!" We hear Iris shout.

"In here, Iris!" Mom shouts. "Well?" She turns to face me.

"I didn't take any drugs." I lie as I shrug.

"I just got my bank statement mailed to me." Iris pushes the toilet open. "Ew, it stinks in here." She places her hand over her nose.

"Really? I thought my vomit would smell of fresh roses." I say sarcastically.

"Very funny." Iris replies back quickly before she turns to face mom. I quickly shoot up on my knees and place my hands on each side of the toilet before I throw up again, making mom rub my back once again.

"Fuck...Me." I inhale sharply before I moan in pain and get ready to throw up again.

"I thought we agreed on you not placing money in our accounts?" She says.

"Don't tell me-" I say and get cut off before I throw up again.

"What money Iris?" Mom mumbles as she rubs my back before she wipe the corners of my mouth once again.

"The money we talked about a couple of weeks ago." Iris states. I sink back to floor and squeeze my eyes shut.

A couple of weeks ago mom wanted to even out money between us kids. She wanted to send around a million and something to our bank incase something happened to her or incase we were in some sort of emergency situation. We wouldn't allow it and she wasn't too happy but eventually let go of it and moved on.

"I didn't send any money." Mom states.

"Then who the hell sent me money?" Iris asks as she holds two letters up. "

"How should I know, Iris." I shrug.

"I have 9.6 million in my account mom." Iris says, making me and mom snap our heads towards her direction.

"I didn't send you any money, Iris." Mom says before she takes Iris' bank statement from her hand.

"9.6...Million...Dollars." I repeat.

"Tatum records." Mom sighs lightly. We all look up when we hear a loud bang on the door.

"I'll get it." Iris says.

"No, no...You stay here. Look after Ryder. I got it." Mom says quickly before she walks past Iris and out of the bathroom. I stand up on my shaky legs and walk towards the door.

"You look like shit." Iris states.

"You look beautiful too, baby sister." I mumble sarcastically as I walk past her.

"Did you do drugs last night?" Iris asks.

"No." I reply back.

"Stop lying, Mason said you did a bunch of different drugs with some bitch you met at a club." Iris states.

"If you already know then why are you asking, Iris?" I say bluntly.

"Where are you going?" Iris asks.

"To go see who's at the door....We never have visitors." I state as I walk out of the bathroom and make my way down the empty hall.

"You think mom sent the money?" Iris asks.

"I don't know." I mumble. I walk towards the balcony and look down at mom's old manager and his guards. "Hey, check it out." I whisper, making Iris follow me before she stops at the balcony.

"And I said no." Mom hisses. "You can't be here. Get off my property." She adds.

"We're here for the contract." Leroy states. I walk around Iris before I start to make my way down the stairs, making Iris follow me.

"The contract is over." Mom states.

"Precisely." Leroy smiles evily.

"Look. I don't know what the hell your problem is...But you know I have a restraining order against you." Mom says.

"We're just here to take back what belongs to the contract." Leroy replies back in a bored tone.

"Yeah and what's that exactly?" Mom folds her arms across her chest.

"Iris Mitchell." Leroy says simply, making mom freeze. Iris and I look at eachother in confusion before we look back at her.

"Iris Mathers....Belongs to me." Mom states.

"She belongs to the contract, Tessa. We agreed that when it was all over, we would pay her a certain amount of money which will give her a good start in life....Look, don't make this harder then it actually is." Leroy sighs. "We gave her money...Just hand her over and-" He gets cut off when mom quickly close the door on him, only for Leroy's guards to quickly push the door open again.

"Mom!" Iris says quickly when mom falls to the marble ground.

"Go to the nursery." I tell Iris quickly.

"But-" She open her mouth but I quickly cut her off.

"They're after you." I state. "Get the fuck outta here." I hiss.

"Iris." Leroy calls my twin sister. "Time for you to go home, my child." He holds his hand out to Iris.

"Lock the doors and hide in the nursery with Noah and River." I whisper to her.

"Aunty T?" Mason walks out of the kitchen. He quickly walks towards mom and starts to help her up.

"Let's not waste time." Leroy says. Iris quickly takes a step back and within seconds, she out of sight. I turn to face the three men and swallow hard. I take a quick step foward when one of the gaurd grabs mom by her uppers arm whilst the other pushes Mason back against the door.
~ End Of Flash Back ~

Marshall's P.O.V:
"What did you do...On the day we said our goodbyes?" I keep my eyes fixed on the chandelier above me. My eyes trail down the ceiling before I hold my head up a little to see if she's heard me.

Tessa keeps her back pressed against the huge headboard and her arms wrapped around her legs as she keeps her chin resting ontop of her knees. Her eyes connect to mine and I keep a hold of her gaze before she looks away for a split second as she sits up.

"This may sound...Sad and...Pathetic." she warns me, making me smile. I watched our wedding videos on repeat and then listen to elvis." She states. I look away from her as I lay my head down on the cushion again.

"You...Listen to Elvis and thought about me? As in, Elvis...Elvis?" I say in amusement.

"Screw you, Marshall Mathers." She rolls her eyes as she ties her best to stop smiling. "Anyway...I....Stayed at a hotel because I couldn't see the kids see me...Broken and hurt....And also because the house felt too big without you there." She adds slowly. "What did you do?" She asks.

"I..." I exhale loudly before I rub my hand over my face. "I got high and tried to forget about you." I admit as I shrug my shoulders.

"You chose the easy way out, I see." I hear her say. I let out a small chuckle as I shake my head. I sit up when I see her walk towards me. She takes a seat next to me as she smiles lightly.

"I don't think there is an easy way to getting over you, Tessa Black." I state. Tessa's smile faded away slowly as she looks at me. A slightly smaller and faker smiles appears on her lips as she shrug.

"Well I am Tessa Black." She says, making me chuckle.

"You still have that?" I ask.

"Have what?" She replies.

"Our wedding tape." I nod lightly.

"I should have it somewhere." She shrugs lightly.

She should have somewhere in the attic? I watch that damn thing every other day.

"Do you still have it?" She asks.

"Not sure." I mumble.

"So...Marshall Mathers." She sighs as she places her hand under her chin. "What have you been up to lately?" She asks.

"Well...Besides from fucking bitches..." I trail off as Tessa rolls her eyes and slaps my upper arm.

"I see somethings haven't changed." Tessa states.

"Mhmm." I mumble as I look away. "I've been trying to keep myself distracted by listening to new artists, you know? Helping them find a career and shit." I state as I sit up. My knee brushes against Tessa's side as I sit up and watch her nod.

"What are you keeping yourself distracted from?" Tessa asks. I sigh as I shrug and look away.

"From reality....From depression....From the past, I don't fucking know." I scoff. "From you." I mumble.

"From me?" Tessa repeats. I go quiet as I think back to all the years I wasted without her being right next to me.

"It's been 12 or so years, Tess....But even now I can't get over you and-" Tessa quickly stands up from the couch and wraps her arms around her tiny figure. 

"Well I am Tessa Black." She forces a small laugh. I give her a fake smile as I nod and look away from her. "You hungry?" She asks. I watch her as she picks up the food from the table and dumps everything in the bin. I stay quiet as I watch her rub her hand across her face. She stays standing for a few long minutes before she exhales heavily and shakes her head before she turns to face me. "I'll make something fresh for us to eat." She states. I watch her turn away before she starts to go through the cupboards in the kitchen making me stand up. "Theres noodles....Wait, you hate noodles." She says quickly.

"Its been 12 years...You still remember that?" I mumble. "Look, i'm fine with whatever." I say, making her turn away before she starts to go through the draws again. 

"I'll make pasta." She states. I watch her slam an unopened packet of pasta on the counter along with two tins of tomatoes.

"Did you think....That I would have moved on?" I ask. Tessa stays quiet as she takes out a black pot and places it under the tap. 

"Wow....We have everything...Apart from fucking water." She drops the pot in the sink. I place my hand on her shoulder making her freeze a little.

I turn her around slowly so she's facing me. Without thinking of the consequences of my actions I place my forehead against hers as I wraps my hand around the side of her neck and with my right hand and tuck her hair behind her ear with the left.

"I've missed you so...Much." I whisper. 

"I missed you too." Tessa replies back quietly. "And now....You're here." She whispers. 

I swallow lightly as I push her back against the sink and lock my eyes onto her. Tessa stays quiet and waits for me to make the first move. We're so close to eachother that when Tessa runs her tongue over her bottom lip, her tongue touches mine slightly.

As soon as I felt her touch me, I place my lips on hers, making her kiss me back quickly. We both stood there for what felt like a whole lifetime as we kissed.

I feel young and free again. All the memories come back rushing to me, making me deepen the kiss. Tessa lets out a loud moan, making me run my hands down her back and over her bottom before I lift her up. She quickly wraps her legs around me before I place my lips against her neck, making her shiver slightly.

Tessa pulls my face up towards hers quickly before she kisses me again as I make my way towards the bedroom area. I move my head back a little to see where i'm going, making Tessa place her lips against my jaw before she leaves kisses all the way down to my neck.

"Fuck..." I inhale sharply as she bites down on my skin and kisses it.

My hands slowly make their way around Tessa's hair before I wrap her hair around my fingers as I gently push her against the wall. Tessa smiles as I lift her face and place a small soft kiss on her lips.

"It's like nothings changed with you." I say, making her smile wider. Tessa shakes her head as she presses her head against the wall and runs her manicured fingers down my jaw. "I want...You back." I add and peck her on the lips quickly again.

"I missed you." Tessa half whispers. She wraps her fingers around my golden chain as she bites down on her bottom lip thats painted in red. "But...Now I know for a fact that there will be no way in hell that I will be signing this contract or seeing you again." She adds quietly.

My smile slowly fades away the second her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I watch her shake her head slowly before she lets go of my chain. She places her hand on my shoulder for support as she unwraps her legs from around my waist.

"Bye Marshall." She says as I stand their glued to my spot. She stands on her tiptoes and places a tiny kiss on my lips before she squeezes past me.

Just then I hear a lock in the key and turn around. I watch the door slowly open as Tessa fixes her hair and her clothes. Her face stays stone cold as her eyes fall on me. I expect her to look sad....Or feel something but no, she just stands there, looking cold as ice.

"Tessa Black...Marshall Mathers." I hear Leroy call us. Tessa gathers all her belongings and walks towards the door. "I hope you both had enough time to think about your future and careers." Leroy smiles. Just before Tessa's about to walk out, she stops right next to Leroy.

"Don't forget Tatum that I ruined your life and career before and I can sure as hell do it again...Pull something like this again and you'll be sorry." Tessa says before she walks past him with her luggage. Leroy laughs as Tessa slams the door behind her.

"Damn....Spanish people can be so...Reckless sometimes." Leroy says.

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