My Asgardian Prince (A Thor F...

By elfiestars

67.5K 1.7K 241

Edited Description: December 18th, 2020I'm only keeping this story up because it has comments from old friend... More

Chapter 1: Never Again
Chapter 2: Planning for it
Chapter 3: Pure White
Chapter 4: I am Esmeralda
Chapter 5: Good Bye, for now
Chapter 6: Run in's
Chapter 7: Giant Guess
Chapter 8: Curse you Fandral
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry
Chapter 10: Call the Ambulance!
Chapter 11: Accident
Chapter 12: Yellow Eye
Chapter 13: Don't Want Darcy to Hurt That Gorgeous Body
Chapter 15: This Time, Hit, not Grazed
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Chapter 16: Blue Sky, One Sun
Chapter 17: Twelve Miles East From Here
Chapter 18: Driving With a Prince
Chapter 19: Unbelievable
Chapter 20: Found You!
Chapter 21: Visitors
Chapter 22: Meeting the Prince
Chapter 23: Home is Where my Love is
Epilogue: Emphisis to Flowers

Chapter 14: You're Calling Jane!

2K 60 6
By elfiestars

"Uhh, you're calling Jane." Darcy says while tossing a cellular device onto my lap. Currently, we are driving to what Darcy calls, a hospital, with my god of thunder in the back. Whom is unconscious. While we were pulling Thor into the back, you wouldn't believe how tempted I was to kiss his face. But that would've been weird for Darcy and she would call me crazy, as she always does.

"Why do I have to do it!?" I whine, keeping my eyes on the road before me. I look to her for a second and she shrugs in response. I groan and slump back, this is going to be difficult to explain. "What do I say? Jane's gonna be so pissed."

Darcy holds up her hand to her ear, imitating a cellular device. "Hiya Jane, Lilah here. Uhm, can you come to the hospital? I hit a dude with the van while driving into a storm like the lunatic I am--"

I playfully push her away. "Belt it!" I laugh.

"I was half serious." Darcy says while sitting up.

"I'll think of what to say." I say nervously. We pull up to the building that has people bustling around outside and inside. I grip the phone in my right hand and look down to it. I frown and bite the inside of my lip, debating if I should call her or not. How do I explain to a scientist that I hit a Norse god with the van?

I decide to dial her number, yes I've learned how to work a cell phone, curtsy of Jane Foster. Darcy sits there and watches, it is surprisingly silent when I call for Jane. I'm pretty sure she isn't going to be happy about this, I haven't even thought of what to say.

My "boss" picks up on the other end. Oh Odin she is going to have my head for this.

"Darcy? Where are you guys?" Jane asks, worry clear in her voice. I swallow and stare off into the distance for a few seconds, contemplating what to say.

"H-hi Jane." Is all I can manage. Great Delia, just fantastic.

"Delilah? What happened? Where's Darcy?"

"C-can you guys just . . . Get to the hospital. Something happened and I can't explain it right now." My voice accidentally shakes like if I am frightened. I did not mean to do that, but it already has happened.

"What? What happened? Why are you--"

"Just come to the hospital." I say before hanging up. I throw down the cursed device and look to Darcy, who is silently laughing at me. She then starts to laugh loudly, her laughter booming through the van. I glare at her. "Oh belt it and help me get him inside."

Darcy jumps out, still laughing uncontrollably. Dear Odin, she can be such a handful. Sadly I have to deal with such, almost every damn day. You'd think I would have been driven mad by now, but I haven't.


I slide open the backseat door, Darcy and I begin to pull him out. He still weighs a lot, he has always weighed so much with all that muscle. I grunt and drag him along, using as much strength as I could. Maybe if I was still a goddess I would be able to drag him along easier. Also I'm pretty sure Darcy is making me do all the lifting.

"Be careful Delilah--" Darcy starts to say.

Out of no where, a flash of what appears to be lightening, blinds me. I felt something strike in my abdomen, almost like if someone has deeply stabbed me where the scar is. I scream and let go of Thor by accident, leaving Darcy to hold him up. I hold a hand to my head, which is spinning like mad. While my left eye burns horribly. The pain in my stomach and yellow eye is so unbearable that I trip forward and to the ground, then black out.

I felt warm and safe, and it feels like someone is holding me protectively. It's soft underneath me, as if I am laying on a bed. I can hear the chirping of birds, and another person meekly snoring next to me. It takes most of my strength in order to open my eyes.

I regret that I did since I am blinded yet again, but by golden sun rays coming through a widow. I breathed in cool and refreshing air, my eyes readjust to the brightness as I do so. Everything is still hazy but I can still see figures, such as a dresser and curtains flowing by the window. Oh gods I have a major headache, wait what happened to me helping Darcy? Why am I in a bedroom?

When I look to my side, and I find a sketchy outline of a person. Though I could make out that they were a man. With beautiful bright blue eyes that are so familiar. I was too confused to even know who they were, but my first guess is Thor.

"Delia." They say lovingly, I can see them smiling. I then look away and around, trying to see where the Hel I am. But it's too blurry, too hazy for me. I look back to the person who lays next to me, and may I say they were holding me in their arms.

"W-who . . ." I choke out. Then, before I could finish my sentence, I began to sink into the bed we were laying in. I frantically reach out and scream for help as I fall to my death. Once more, darkness surrounds me. I hear distant, echoey laughter that sends chills down my back.

"Time is ticking fast. All things - good or bad - must come to an end, shouldn't they? Sadly, it's the good's time to end."

"Delilah!" I snap awake and abruptly sit up. Only to bash heads with a person. We both cry out and fall backwards, now my headache worsens.

I groggily look to the person who I banged heads with, a mess of brown hair, glasses on the ground and not to far from them. "Darcy?" I groaned in a quizzical manner.

"God Lilah, I have a freaking bump on my head now." I hear Darcy say. She sits up, still holding a hand to her head as she searches for her glasses with the other. She finds it and places it back in its original place.

"Apologies." I mutter. "Did I trip?"

"No." She replies with annoyance. "You screamed and suddenly fell over. You were out for twenty minutes. I had to call for the nurses."

I look around and find that there are people taking Thor in. He lays upon a bed that rides away and into the building which heals people. "It . . . Didn't feel like twenty minutes? Felt like seconds."

"Oh yeah? It was, Delilah." Darcy spits back. She stumbles to stand, but doesn't help me up, leaving me to sit on the ground. I roll my eyes and help myself up then dusted off the dirt on my clothes.

"They took him in, correct?" I ask and Darcy nods in response. "I guess we should head in."

So we did, and Darcy told me that we had to talk to the woman at the desk. Ugh, I don't like talking to Midgardians. They're so dimwitted and rude, treating me like if I am a no one. If only I still had my powers, I would show the ones who dare to act unkindly to me who is the boss. Until then, I have to tolerate their idiotic speech and accents.

"Good evening, miss." I greet a little too harshly. The blonde woman looks up to me, glaring almost, but then forces a smile. I return one too, but it is not genuine. "I'm here to check in the man that had just arrived."

"Oh, that blonde man?" The woman asks and I nod. "A name, please." She practically huffs. I scowl to her, but I do not say anything.


She pauses and looks up to me like if I am crazy, I do get that look a lot. I am also getting really freaking tired of it. "Yes ma'am, 'tis Thor." I reassure again. By Gods she is getting on my nerves, this is taking too long. I need to see him as soon as possible and she is spending all of the time in the world.

"T-H-O-R." She spells out loud just to annoy me, taking her time to type in the name. The mortal looks back up to me, hatred and disgust clear in her eyes. "And your relationship to him?"

"I've . . . Never met him before." I hesitate.

"Until she hit him with her car." Darcy interjects.

"Grazed." I interrupt myself. "I grazed him. But she tasered him." I say just to recover my pride.

"That I did . . ." Darcy sighs with a little bit of embarrassment.

"Delilah!" I hear a female call for me. I turn around and watch as Jane and Erik come running to us. She has a concerned look to her face and so does Erik. "What happened?! Why are you guys here!?"

"We hit someone . . ." I sheepishly reply. I smile slightly, only to have Jane groan and facepalm herself.

"Delilah did it!" Darcy accuses while pointing at me.

"Darcy shocked him though!" I say quickly.

"You two, quiet down." Erik says strictly. He steps forward, his fatherly side coming out. "Tell us what and how this happened. But first of all, are you two okay?"

Just as I was about to talk. "Uh excuse me." The obnoxious woman sighs loud enough for us to hear. I growl internally and turn back to the mortal. "I'm going to need a name and a contact number."

"Jane Foster." Jane answers for me.

The blonde mortal looks to me, then to Jane. That annoyed expression still there, I do not see how this bloody mortal still has her job. Instead of objecting she rolls her eyes and starts slowly typing out Jane's name. "J-A-N--"

"Oh, for Odin's sake . . ." I humph. I reach over Jane's shoulder and hand the woman my boss's business card. Just to make it easier and faster for us. "Here. Now let's go."

I march over to the closest seats and take one in the middle, while Jane and Erik sit on each side. "Explain. Now." Jane seethes to me.

I cross my arms and pout, this is not fun, and I am supposed to be the goddess of fun! But since Thor is here, that will apply soon.

"Well . . . There was a-a storm. And I drove into it . . . And I hit Thor - the man. Then Darcy shocked him enough to make him pass out." I pause and look over to Darcy. Just to give her a smug glower. She sticks her tongue out to me like the immature girl she is. "Ah! How dare you--"

"Enough you two." Erik grumbles while rubbing his forehead.

"Finish." Jane demands.

I slump back and stare at nothing. "We took him here," I skip the part where I pass out myself. "And now we're all sitting on uncomfortable and cheap chairs that is hurting my arse at the moment."

Jane exhales in distress. "You guys can't go a day without screwing something up."

"Hey British girl is the screw up here--"

"Do you want to get slapped Darcy!?" I yell at her.

"Both of you stop it!" Erik says while blocking us from seeing one another. I moan and sit back again, this is all too much to deal with. I just want to fall into slumber right here, but I cannot because my love is in a room close by. I have many questions to ask, and they shall not go unanswered.

"Why are we even waiting here?" Darcy complains. "We should just go, he doesn't matter to us--"

"Tis rude to leave someone who you shocked, Darcy." I spit to her.

"Or hit with a van, Delilah."







We are interrupted - what seems to happen constantly - by loud grunts and yells. I look over to the room down the hallway and watch as people rush to the room where Thor is in. I become anxious and stand up to go investigate, receiving a few angry calls by Jane and Erik. I do not listen and run down the hallway and almost to the room. I then stop and watch as Thor's face is mushed against the window, he looks confused but also very angry.

"You're no match for the Mighty--" Thor struggles a beat, then passes out.

"Thor!" I call out of instinct. I run up to the window and watch as he slips down, unconscious yet again. "How dare you!? He's a prince for Odin's sake--"

"Delilah what are you doing!?" Jane hollers. She grabs me and pulls me back, along with the help of Erik and Darcy.

"Let go of me you savages! He needs me!" I scream. They do not listen, they only try to contain me more. I try to slip out, but Jane takes my legs into her hands, lifting me up. Erik and Darcy hold my arms and they carry me out, everyone looking at me like if I am insane. "Let go! Jane let me go! He needs me!"

"I said she's crazy!" Darcy says to Jane. "But nooo, no one listens to Darcy!"

"Shut up and put her in the van!" Jane yells. Erik puts down my feet in order to open the door, giving me time to escape. I drop down, then roll to the side and jump up to run. Erik grabs me again, lifting me up and tossing me into the back of the van.

"For a girl who's 5'11, you weigh like 50 pounds." Darcy comments before slamming the door shut.

I jump forward and try to open the door, but it won't! "Open this damned door this instant! You mortals shan't treat me like--"

I feel something latch onto my back, and a shock convulses through me. I scream and arch my back, feeling the horrible sting that Thor probably has felt. Darcy must have used that cursed device on me!

"Darcy!" I hear Jane holler.

"What!? She was freaking me out!"


a/n well . . .

wtf Darcy. Y u do dis.

I hope you enjoyed.

And haaaay, early update for u guys. Ur welcome.

Btw harshly edited chapter.

Oh yeah....

I am in tears.

R.I.P Robin Williams

I watched Aladdin today and I cried at the ending.

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