๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ - ๐’๐ฉ๐ข๏ฟฝ...

By LiilFluffie

34.8K 534 136

โShe found the colors to paint him, where the world had left him grey.โž A series of imagines, head cannons, a... More

where the fuck are my tater tots?
Cuddle buddies - [T.H] (old)
Shower - [T.H] (old)
Help me now? - [T.H] (old)
Christmas Eve - [T.H] (old)
Nightmare - [T.H] (old)
Not alone buddies - [T.H] (old)
I wanted you to be better - [T.H] (old)
Dating Peter would include: (old)
Lock Up The Pain - [T.H] (old)
I don't care who you are.. - [T.H] (old)
Hurt - [T.H] (old)
Wishing On Shooting Stars - [T.H] (old)
I Promise - [T.H] (part one) (old)
I Promise - [T.H] (part two) (old)
Hero boy - [T.H] (old)
Just a friend - [T.H] (part one) (old)
Just a friend - [T.H] (part two) (old)
Little Stark - [T.H] (part one) (old)
Little Stark - [T.H] (part two) (old)
Just a friend - [T.H] (part three) (old)
I made you cookies - [T.H] (old)
The Twilight Hour - [T.H] (request) (old)
Just a friend - [T.H] (part four) (old)
Double Date - [T.H] (old)
I Can't Breathe - [T.H] (old)
I Love You, Goodbye - [T.H] (old)

Little Stark - [T.H] (part three) (old)

549 8 0
By LiilFluffie

Summary: This is a continuation of part two of Little Stark. Ned figures out Peter's and Y/n's feelings for each other, but it seems that they still haven't figured it out for themselves. So Ned takes it upon himself to try and get the two of them to realise their feelings for one another.. Peter and Y/n obviously know Ned is up to something, they just haven't figured out what... 

Warning: FLUFFY NESSSS, kisses,  

Word Count: 2947

* * * 

Ned knew that Peter liked Y/n, more than a friend. Not only was it painfully obvious, but they're best friends and he knows everything about Peter. 

Plus, he told him. 

Not only did Ned know that Peter liked Y/n as more than a friend, but he also knew that Y/n liked him back the same way. 

How did he know this? 

She told him. 

Plus, it was also a little obvious.. 

The most frustrating thing about it was, both of them refused to confess to the other. Ned wanted so badly to just spill the beans and tell each of them that they liked each other. Unfortunately, he had made promises to both of them that he wouldn't tell a single soul. 

So what was he going to do? He was going to find a way for them to confess to one another. It was the most perfect plan! He was going to leave them alone more often, invite them over and then leave the room for a bit, do things like this as often as he could.. At this point, he was desperate. 

Not only did he want two of his best friends to get together, but also, it was driving him crazy. Whenever he was alone with one of them, all they seemed to talk about, was the other person. Did they not have anything better to do, then talk about one another? He just wanted his friends back.. 

* * * 

Y/n leaned back against the head board of her bed. Peter was sitting at her desk, and Ned was laying on her floor. They were all doing homework, but currently, Y/n was bored. She had studied for hours now, and she didn't feel like she could fit anymore information into her brain. 

She huffed a little and brushed some hair out of her face before she crumpled up the piece of paper she had in her hand and threw it over towards Peter. 

Who caught it without even looking over in her direction. He looked over towards her with a brow raised, before he tossed it into her garbage can that was by the door. 

"That's not fair, you used your weird spider powers." She commented, gesturing to him. 

"They aren't weird and stop trying to distract me. We need to get this done." He replied, sending her a pointed look before going back to work. 

She stuck her tongue out towards him and flopped forwards onto her bed, so she was laying on her stomach. 

"We've been at this for hours." She whined. 

"Technically, we've been at it for hours. You've just been complaining." Ned spoke up, looking up at her from his spot on the floor, she only glared at him. 

She sighed a little bit before rolling off her bed and stood up, "Alright, well you losers can stay here, i'm going to go get something to eat. I need food to help me think." She stepped over Ned and began walking towards her door. 

Peter only waved a little, to acknowledge that he heard her. She pouted a little at this. On her way over to the door, she passed by Peter and her desk. She leaned over his shoulder a bit to see what he was working on. 

Peter instantly tensed, though she didn't seem to notice. His face began to grow hot at how close she was. He could feel her hot breath fan his face. He was surprised when the notebook he was writing on-the one that was filled with all of his notes- was snatched up. He turned to look at her as she grinned in triumph.  He tried to hide his blush and nerves as he playfully glared up at her. 

"C'mon N/n, give it back." 

She shook her head, still grinning, as she clutched the notebook to her chest. "No. You need to take a break, come get lunch with me, and then, you can continue to study for the boring Chem test. " 

He thought it over for a moment, "Promise you'll give it back?" 

Her grin only widened as she held out her pinky. "Promise." 

Peter chuckled nervously as he linked his pinky finger with her own. 

He stood up and glanced over his shoulder towards Ned, who seemed to be smirking a little. "You coming?" 

Ned's smirk faltered a little as he cleared his throat before shaking his head. "Nah, I want to finish this first, i'm almost done. But uh, bring me back something?" 

Y/n smiled, "Of course." She turned on her heel and walked out of her room, Peter following closely behind. 

They walked over to the kitchen and Y/n leaned against the counter as Peter opened up her fridge. 

"Is it just me, or has he been acting weird lately?" She asked, tilting her head a little to one side. 

Peter shrugged a little as he shut her fridge before looking over towards her. "I don't know.. He's Ned, he kinda always acts weird." He chuckles. 

She nodded slowly, "Yeah, okay.. But I mean, he's kinda been acting, different." 

He rose one of his eyebrows slightly, "How so?" He leaned against the counter on the opposite side of her. 

"I don't really know.. He's been kinda distant I guess. He's always leaving the two of us alone. You'd think he was the one hiding a secret identity." She mumbled, glancing around the room. 

Peter nodded, "Now that you mention it, he has been distant. Do you think we should ask him about it?" 

Y/n shook her head as she walked over to the fridge and opened it, "No. In my experience with people acting funny, they only clamp up more and lie straight to your face if you confront them.. Damn, there is nothing to eat in here.." 

He sighed, "Then what do we do?" 

She shut the fridge and pulled her phone out of her pocket, "We can trick him into telling the truth?" 

He looked sceptical, "How would we do that?" 

"We can spy on him? See what he does when he's not with us?" She glanced up from her phone at him and shrugged. 

"I don't know, my dad's the smart one, not me." She began typing something on her phone, removing her attention away from him. 

"I think you're smart.." Peter muttered. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing! I uh, I said that that's a good idea." He flushed and looked away, hoping she wouldn't catch his blush. 

"Okay, weirdo. You want pizza?" She looked back up from her phone again. 

"What?" He deadpanned. 

She made 'really' face, "To order, I'm going to ask Happy to pick us up something since he's out already." 

He felt stupid, his face darkened in color, "Oh yeah.. Um sure." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. 

She chuckled and sent Happy a text. "C'mon Parker." She waved him over as she grabbed a bag of chips to snack on in the mean time and began to walk back towards her room. 

"I'm just going to- uh.. Grab something." 

She glanced over her shoulder at him, "Okay! Don't take too long." She waved his note book in the air. 

He sent her a small smile and nodded silently. He watched as she disappeared down the hallway and ran a hand through his hair. 

"God, what am I doing?" He muttered to himself, looking up at the ceiling. He was crushing hard on Y/n Stark. And it was driving him crazy, because she always acted like they were just friends. He feared that that's the only thing they'd ever be. 

"I'm such an idiot." He huffed before he began to walk over to her room. He always acted so awkward and nervous around her, especially when all of her attention was on him. 

Y/n looked up towards him when he entered the room. "What'd you have to grab?" 

His face flushed a little again. He totally forgot about that part. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and smiled nervously. "Uh this.. I left it in the other room." He placed it back into his pocket before he moved back over to her desk. His eyes landed on his notebook, the one she had taken. He glanced over at her, noticing she was talking to Ned about something. 

He looked back over to the notebook, noticing she had wrote something on one of the pages that were opened. 

I'll see you later tonight, we can stalk Ned together. ;) 

* * * 

After spending time together studying, it was finally evening and Y/n was currently waiting on top of a rooftop for Peter. They were close to Ned's apartment, the two of them had planned to watch him from a distance and see what he was going to do. They felt like he was hiding something from them, something important, of course they had no idea what he was up to involved the both of them. 

Y/n looked out at the horizon, looking around for any sign of Peter, he was late, again. 

Suddenly, she felt a hand clamp onto her shoulder, she spun around, the repulsor on her hand began to glow as she readied herself to fire. She stopped however, seeing that it was only Peter. Y/n let out a slight sigh of relief and lowered her arm. 

"I know i'm late, but you don't have to blow my head off." He teased, his eye lenses slightly widened from what had happened seconds ago. 

Y/n crossed her arms over her metal chest, finally she had gotten her dad to make her an Iron Girl suit. Her mask opened and she glared at him slightly, "You were supposed to meet me, half an hour ago. What took you so long?" 

He held up a white plastic bag from Delmar's, "Well first I got us some snacks, but then this guy was robbing this lady, so that took some time as well.. Sorry." 

Y/n felt her heart flutter slightly, she smiled a little and took the bag in her hands, glancing to see what was inside. "It's okay.. You did the right thing. Thanks." She grinned up at him. 

She watched as his mask shifted, and she knew he was smiling too. He rubbed the back of his neck, "You're welcome, I didn't know how long we'd be here, so I thought it was a good idea to get something to eat." 

Y/n smiled again and lowered her mask, "Well we better head over to Ned's place, i've been watching it and he hasn't left, so he's probably in his room." 

She handed him back the bag before she flew over to the next rooftop, the one across from Ned's, from here, she could see his bedroom window, luckily his curtains were open. Peter followed after her, swinging over next to her. 

"I don't know about this.. It feels kinda wrong." Peter mumbled, glancing over towards her. 

Y/n nodded, "I know, but i'm really worried about Ned. He's been so distant, I just want to make sure he's okay. If we don't notice anything, we'll call it off, okay?" 

He nodded silently. 

For the next hour and a half, Ned sat at his desk writing something down, his laptop was open in front of him, playing Star Wars as he worked. By now both Peter and Y/n were bored out of their minds, they had finished their sandwiches and chips Peter had brought from Delmar's. They both were sitting on the rooftop, Peter had his elbow resting on his knee, his chin rested in the palm of his hand. 

Y/n was in a similar position, though both of her hands held her chin. 

"This is so boring, he's just been working on homework and watching Star Wars the whole time!" She huffed. 

"Maybe we should just leave then," Peter yawned, sitting up and looking over at her. 

Y/n was silent for a moment, "No, you know what? I'm just going to ask him." She stood up suddenly, her mask closing since it was open moments before. 

The whites on Peter's mask widened, "B-But you said we weren't going to do that! You said it was a bad idea!" He shot up as well. 

Y/n shrugged, "Yeah well.. I was wrong." She looked over towards him. 

"You said if he wasn't up to something we'd just leave! And he's clearly not up to anything!" He whisper yelled, as if Ned could hear him. 

She nodded, "Yeah, I was wrong about that as well." Before he could respond she flew over towards Ned's bedrom window and landed on his fire escape, then she knocked three times. 

Peter ran a hand over his masked head, forgetting his mask was even on. He sighed and muttered a few curses under his breath before he swung over there as well. 

Ned turned around abruptly and stared at the window with wide eyes, he grinned a little but it faltered as a look of confusion crawled into his face. He moved over towards the window and opened it.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked, moving back from the window as Y/n came inside, followed by Peter. 

"Ned, I need to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me." Y/n said, he mask coming off, as she starred at him seriously. 

Peter stayed silent, his heart hammering, he didn't know what to say. 

Ned nodded his head, "Uh sure.. What's up?" 

Y/n sighed, "Both Peter and I have noticed that you've been acting different lately. And we want to know what's going on." 

Ned looked taken aback, he rose an eyebrow, "Different how?" 

"Well for starters you've been distant, you're always bailing on our plans, and leaving me and Peter to work on projects by ourselves. You don't talk as much as you do normally and I want to know what's going on." She crossed her arms over her chest. 

Ned glanced between the two of them, "You guys really want to know?" 

"Yes." They both said in unison. 

He nodded, "Okay. Well You guys are my best friends, and best friends tell each other everything." 

Both Peter and Y/n grew tense and silent, both were thinking the same thing. They had both told Ned that they liked each other. Of course it was when the other one wasn't there, so they didn't know they liked each other. But in this moment, they hoped Ned wasn't about to spill. 

"And every time we're alone, you both say the same thing. Y/n likes Peter, Peter likes Y/n. No offence but it's really annoying. All you two seem to talk about is the other person! I thought that if I left you guys alone for a bit, you'd finally realise your feelings for one another and get together!" 

The two of them blushed madly, Y/n whipped around at looked at Peter. 

"You like me?" She asked, her heart thudding in her chest, totally forgetting about Ned for the moment. 

Peter's cheeks flushed, he took off his mask, his curly hair tousled messily from the mask. "Y-You like me too?" 

She was silent for a moment, before she nodded slowly, "Yeah," She breathed. "I do.. And you like me..?" 

He took a few steps forward, hesitantly, watching to see if she'd take a few steps back, when she didn't move he took another step forward. "Yeah.." He mimicked, "I do." 

Slowly he reached up and placed a gloved hand on her waist, when instantly reached up and placed her hands around his neck. They slowly moved in, their noses bumped together slightly before they kissed. 

It was magical, their lips moved together in sync. She bit his bottom lip gently and Peter hummed in response, smirking slightly in the kiss. Before it could get any more heated, they pulled away when someone cleared their throat. 

"Still here." Ned mumbled, looking anywhere but at them. "Wish I didn't witness that." He added slowly. 

Y/n and Peter's cheeks flushed even darker. Ned hummed and turned on his heel, walking out of his room, "I'll give you guys some time alone to take this all in.. Don't do anything.. Like that." 

Y/n's cheeks flushed even more, "Ned!"

He only smirked and saluted to them both before leaving. 

Y/n huffed in annoyance and pressed something on her suit, stepping out of it before turning back to Peter who was grinning softly. 

"Now.. where were we?" 

Her blush only darkened. 


well that was shitty. 

sorry about that. 

i just wanted to get this done because christmas eve is tomorrow and i have written shit for it. 

so i'm going to be working on that now, after i publish this. 

i don't know if this is going to have another part, probably not. 

unless you guys want it? 


let me know?? 

i'll see you in the next imagine which is going to be winter/christmas themed. 

and i might even write a chirstmas imagine or two after christmas just because i want to and i might not write as many as i'd like today and tomorrow. so ye. 




ps. that gif tho... so cute! :3 

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