The Riverdale Hybrid

By Bangtan_Jungkook_05

35.9K 633 179

Jughead Jones' life wasn't normal, but then again, whose life is? And his abnormal life completely went to he... More

Chapter One: The Mystery Of Vampirism
Chapter Two: The Mystery Of The Disappearance
Chapter Three: The Mystery of The Southside Serpents
Chapter 5: The Mystery Of The Mikaelsons
Chapter 6: The Mystery Of How Relationships Work
Chapter 7: Special Chapter-Carrie: The Musical
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter 9: Discoveries

Chapter 4: The Mystery Of My Family

2.7K 55 3
By Bangtan_Jungkook_05

Chapter 3 from Hope's PoV:
Hope's PoV:
My phone buzzed in my hand, my Mother's face on the screen, as I itched to get away from this stand. I don't even see why Ronnie's forcing me to do this. It was only once Veronica started talking in her fake over-preppy voice that I noticed a group of teenagers, being led by an odd boy wearing a hat that I really want. I mean, I love it. I kept my eyes on my phone, not looking up at the new 'Southside' kids.

"Friends! On behalf of the students, and faculty, here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school. To ease this transition, they've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars." Veronica said peppily. A text came in from my Mother.

Mom: 'Hope if you don't come home now I will make your Father find you, wherever you are, and you will be in big trouble.'

I glared at my phone and started to type.

Me: 'I like it here. Can't you just let me have one moment to myself? I need something other than having you screaming at me in one ear, Freya yelling at me about magic in the other and every single bully in the Salvatore school stealing my stuff and beating the crap out of me!'

"Blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Ronnie, you can be quiet now. They get the gist of it. Can I leave now? I've got a phone call to make." I said, grabbing my bag and standing up.

"Hope, stop complaining. And no, not yet." Veronica told me before continuing to go on, "We encourage each, and every one of you, to drink, deep, from the cup that is fair Riverdale."

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl Blossom said from the stairs. She was my penpal and the reason I decided to come to Riverdale, but she's a total bitch. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I noticed that the football team surrounded her like a wall, Reggie stood next to her and the vixens following her lead.

Shit. Reggie.

We went on a date and I said I'd call him, but he's a total dog. And not a cute fluffy one.

"I'm out!" I said, throwing my backpack over my shoulder before walking away, unlocking my phone and calling my Mom.

"Hope, where are you?" Mom's voice asked through the phone.

"Somewhere better than where I was before, I know that." I told her, pushing the school doors open and heading to the back quad area.

"Hope, we all love you, and we all miss you-" She started, but I cut her off.

"What, who misses me? Dad? Rebekah? No, they didn't call me. They don't care about me. Not even a birthday card on my 13th birthday, or my 16th. The only reason I know their names is because of Uncle Kol! He is the only one in this family that actually gives a crap about me!" I replied angrily.

"Hope, it was for your safety and your Dad is here now! If he didn't love you, he wouldn't be here! Please, Hope, just come home!" She pleaded.

"No, Mom! I'm not coming back to New Orleans just because my lousy ass of a Dad decided to come home after 7 years of not giving a crap about me! And for what? To have my life moulded into what you want it to be? No! I have friends here. I have a new life here. And you know what? I'm much happier than I ever was back home." I said, bringing the phone from my ear and ending the call. I pushed myself down the wall, bringing my knees to my chest and letting out a sob.

"Are you ok?" A voice asked, startling me. It was soft, yet fierce and calming.

"Who are you?" I asked quickly, looking up at the boy. It was the boy with the cool hat that I really liked. A few strands of his dark hair hung loosely from the brim of his hat. His black leather jacket defined his broad shoulders and a backpack was slung over his shoulder.

"Sorry if I startled you. I'm Jughead, by the way." He said, dropping his bag and dropping down next to me.

"I'm Hope Mikaelson. You're one of the new kids, right?" I told him shyly, having been kept away for most of my life.

"Sort of. I went here last semester but I had to transfer after my Dad got arrested for a murder that he didn't commit after he even though he confessed." Jughead told me, leaving me in shock and confusion. Shit. That is deep.

"Shit...and I thought that my family was messed up." I told him.

"Compared to Riverdale? I doubt anything could be messed up." He said, laughing. His laugh is so cute and I wonder to myself if he has a girlfriend.

"I like your hat." I said randomly.

"Thanks. My little sister got it for me a couple of years ago before she and my Mom moved to Toledo." He told me, a cute smile appearing on his face.

"I always wanted a sibling. Especially after my family left. When I was 7, my Uncle Kol and Uncle Elijah, my Aunt Rebekah and my Dad left me for no reason. I was so mad." I said, wiping away a lone tear that had decided to make its way down my face.

"Hey, don't cry. Someone could be falling in love with your smile." He laughed, quoting Teen Wolf, my favourite show.

"Hey, quit quoting Teen Wolf!" I laughed, happy that I had a friend that knew what it was. Not many people-scratch that, nobody knew what it was back home.

"You watched Teen Wolf?" Jughead asked in shock.

"Yes! Scott is cool as the true alpha and everything, but nothing can beat Stiles' sarcasm. Or Lydia's badass banshee powers." I fangirled, my love for the sarcastic 'abominable snowman' coming out.

"Oh my God, can I marry you now?" Jug joked, laughing. I burst out laughing, throwing her my back and wheezing.

"If you want!" I joked, playing along.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jughead Stiles Stilinski and Hope Lydia Martin and also the funeral of Jackson Whittemore's brain." Jughead wheezed in a fake, posh British accent, laughing too hard.

"You are literally my favourite person ever!" I laughed.

I continued to talk with Jug, not bothering to move when the bell for 1st period sounded, about anything and everything. I told him all about me, save for the part about my messed up past with The Hollow and my real family traits, and Jughead told me all about his Dad and the Southside Serpents. I didn't say anything, but I really wanna join if it means I can be around him more.

"So, why did you come to Riverdale?" He asked me, catching me off .

"Well, I had a pen pal called Cheryl Blossom and she lives here so I wanted to meet her and when I got here I found out she was a total bitch!" I said, reminding myself of the facade Cheryl had created for herself when writing to me.

"I hate Cheryl. She made my life here hell." Jughead scoffed.

"Glad we agree on that, too." I told him, a smile rising to my face.

"Well I guess that means that this is the part where we awkwardly go inside and everyone is suspicious?"Jughead said awkwardly. I smiled and replied with, "I guess it is."

I laughed and stood up. Jughead following suit whilst grabbing his bag and continuing to joke with me.

Little did we know, all hell was about to break loose.

I'm currently helping out at the lower set year 8 parents evening (I'm in the higher sets! 🎉) and it's finishing now so it's boring and the other school council helpers left me so I finished off this and you're reading it. Hope you enjoyed!

See what I did 😏

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