Hiraeth ↭ Kai Parker

By WaveringLyric94

83.9K 3.2K 952

Hiraeth: (n) a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was. In which a witch and siphon lo... More

Summary + Cast = Disclaimer
1. Hidden Jacket
2. The Truth
3. What Has Been Done
4. What Must Be Done
5. Only Eternity
6. Three Cheers For Five Years
7. Cake Talk
8. Mystic Falls
9. Don't Let Me Go
10. Switching Sides
12. Dark Magic
13. All We Are

11. Coming Home

4.4K 184 25
By WaveringLyric94

"Shouldn't you be keeping a leash on crazy?" Damon inquired, ceasing his attacks on the ground. Why Kai had left him an axe instead of a shovel he'd never understand.

Indi raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you use magic to dig the hole?" Her question was directed to Bonnie.

"You know, Bon-Bon, she's got a point." Damon stabbed the axe into the ground and gestured to where he was digging. "Go on, woo me."

Bonnie crossed her arms. "Where's Kai? He said he was going into town and has yet to tell me the spell, and he had the Ascendant."

"Kai does whatever Kai wants." Indi sighed, using magic to create a hole and dirt stairs leading downward for safe traveling. "He'll be here because he wants to get out of here just as much as we do."

"So he can kill the rest of your coven? Why are you even helping him?" Bonnie scowled as she watched Indi vanish into the hole; she and Damon quickly followed.

"If Kai kills the entire coven, he kills my family which isn't something I'm going to let happen." Indi replied dully. "None of that is your problem so stop worrying about it."

Bonnie frowned, peering at the girl before her. Her sea green eyes seemed dark and so hauntingly lonely. "You really miss your family, don't you?"

"Eighteen years. James and the triplets are in college and high school at this point. And my parents? Who knows if their even alive." 

Indi brushed her fingers through her long hair. She intended on cutting it the second she got out. She was going to make a lot of changes once she got back home.

"Do we really need him?" Damon finally wondered. "I mean, we got you, Bon-Bon, I can over power him and take the little toy and we'll be set."

Indi shook her head. "Like I said, what happens after we leave is no longer your problem. Just ignore him and we'll all be heading home soon enough."

Damon shrugged, it was clear he didn't care either way. It was Bonnie who seemed to have the most trouble with getting help from Kai. 

Indi didn't blame her nor did she care. She had grown up with Kai and knew his usual tricks. For once, he was being honest and as long as Bonnie kept her mouth shut; he'd help them willingly.

"Guess who got back in time, Indi!" Kai's voice rang out as he climbed down the dirt stairs she had made and like her, he had his backpack. "The gangs all here, that's great!" He grinned.

"Alright, great we're all here." Damon nodded, speeding over to Kai and ripping his backpack away. To his horror and Kai's amusement; Damon couldn't open the backpack.

"Indi created these backpacks with some pretty cool spells. They can never be damaged or lost, holds a ton of things and can only be opened by us." Kai winked at Indi who felt her cheeks flush despite cursing at herself.

"What was so important?" Damon shoved the backpack into his chest and returned to Bonnie's side.

"The future sounds great. I'm all for the internet but 1994 has been our home for eighteen years, there's no need for us to get homesick." Kai shrugged, slinging his backpack back onto his back.

"Do you have,-"

"No." Bonnie cut Inid off, earning a glare from her and Kai. "I'm not doing this until one of you tells me the spell."

"Indi can do the spell, she already said to follow her lead." Kai rolled his eyes. "Are you hard of hearing? Did I somehow miss that these last four months?"

"She's not hard of hearing, she's just worried." 

Indi was getting sick of the back and forth. She was breaking the one job she swore to keep for all eternity. If she was going to do it, she'd rather do it and get it over with.

"Look, we can all talk about this once we're home." Damon mediaited but failed when Bonnie stormed to Kai.

"You want to tell me the spell or do you want take my magic to help Indi?" Bonnie snapped, testing her theory.

"Okay, let's ease back there Bon-Bon." Damon spoke, worry seeping into his voice.

"No. You want my help then take my magic. Take all of it." Bonnie dared.

"Kai, don't." Indi stepped up, shaking her head as she saw Kai's eyes darken.

"You heard her, I can take all of it." Kai grinned wickedly, not looking at Indi, if he did he'd listen and he didn't want to listen to her. He slammed his hands onto Bonnie's shoulders, siphoning her magic and smirking as she groaned in pain.

"Bonnie!" Damon shouted.

"Kai, stop!" Indi started forward but was stopped by Bonnie stumbling backward and into her. She was panting and was sweating heavily. She smirked.

"He doesn't know the spell." Bonnie panted. "Which means, we don't need him." 

Before Indi could react, Bonnie had lifted her hand and chanted a spell. A root from the stairs Indi had made broke off and sailed through the air, piercing Kai in his abdomen and sending him slamming backward against the cave wall. His body crumpled and his eyes fell shut.

"What the hell was that for?!" Indi exploded, punching Bonnie into Damon and rushing to stop the bleeding, however she was stopped by Damon grabbing her and dragging her back.

"Look, he deserves to be here." Bonnie winced as she rubbed her possibly broken nose. "You don't and that's why we're all going home, you don't have to suffer anymore." Bonnie grabbed the Ascendant from Kai jacket pocket just as the solar eclipse was over them.

"No!" Indi shouted, using her magic to send a wave into Kai. 

To her surprise he jolted and shakily stood. Bonnie sliced her finger, letting her blood drip as she chanted the spell she learned from her Grams grimoire. As light cast over them, Damon holding tightly to Indi and Bonnie.

Kai stood, jerking the root from his body and throwing it into Bonnie. Everything happened suddenly; Indi had tried to save Bonnie as Damon tried to grab her, Indi even tried to grab and drag Kai into the light but it grew to bright for any of them to see.

"What the hell just happened?" Damon breathed, his eyes blinking as he stumbled away from Indi.

Indi gripped the side of her head, feeling sick all of a sudden. "I was hoping you could tell me. Bonnie? Kai?" Indi set her attention on finding Kai and the annoying Bennett.

"Damon?" Indi's voice trembled.

"Yeah, what is it, blondie?" Damon winced, stumbling to stand next to her.

"Why are we in a crypt?" Indi turned just as she heard footsteps.

Not risking anything, she cast an invisibility spell, latching onto Damon's wrist and cloaking him as well. Entering the candle lit crypt was Stefan Salvatore; Indi having seen his picture in the Boarding House and even reading his journals prior to Damon and Bonnie arriving. 

Her eyes widened as Damon pinched both them. If they were seeing Stefan, Damon's little brother, and were no longer in the tunnel system that could only mean one thing. Bonnie sent them both home. 

They weren't in the prison world anymore. 

They were free. 

Indi dispelled the spell, releasing Damon and darting past him as he reunited with his brother. Her feet carried her out into the night air and past headstones. Her chest rose and fell, tears cascaded down her cheeks as she ran.

'I'm coming home.' Indi swore.


Exiting the airport, Indi didn't smile. 

The rain that splashed onto her dulled her bitter mood even more. She was home, that much she had come to accept. The future sucked and was noisy but the internet was great; it was about the only thing Indi enjoyed as she learned how to figure it out on the plane. 

Being surrounded by a sea of people, Indi found herself constantly looking to her right to tell Kai something she found funny or to complain about his poor choice in location. When she found air or another strange, Indi's heart broke.

She tried to convince herself that he deserved it, in the end he was a killer. She had seen the gruesome deaths with her own eyes, had been knocked out and tied up by him. Knew that he was going to kill her and her family. 

But for all of her knowing she couldn't bring herself to hate him. If anything, Indi wished that Kai had escaped, it would bring hell but at the very least it would be a hell she wasn't lonely in. The idea of being in hell was alright with Indi, so long as Kai was at her side. 

She had truly changed form the supposed good soul she had once been. All that she was now, was a bitter witch dropped into the future and left t pray that the light of her siblings could guide her back.

Indi found herself on her old street, caught between being thankful the houses hadn't changed and hating the fact that nothing had changed. Splashing through puddles in her boots, she tightened her grip on her backpack. 

Blinking the rain water from her eyelashes, she gave up on her soaked hood, shoving it back and allowing her freshly cut, shoulder length hair plaster to her neck in annoying soaking waves. 

Heading to the middle, two-story home on the right side, Indi gazed at the off white painted home. The shudders had been painted a pale yellow color, drawing a scowl on Indi's lips. Her mother hated the color yellow, the shudders had been painted mint green.

Despite the sinking feeling in her chest, Indi dragged her feet up the cracked concrete and toward the front door. As she did so, she noticed the front yard was littered with children's toys. Holding her breath and not jumping to conclusions, Indi lifted her closed fist and knocked sharply on the front door. 

After a few moments the door was opened to a dark skinned woman, holding a three year old on her hip as two other young children darted past the door. Indi felt her throat close up at the motherly smile the woman offered. She saw her lips move but it took Indi a moment or two to speak.

"I'm looking for Ivan and Scarlett Drabek, this use to be their home." Indi spoke politely.

"Oh, sweetheart, the Drabek's haven't lived here in almost eighteen years." The woman spoke, her voice held sympathy.

"Do you know where I can find them?" Indi held her breath, her heart racing painfully as the familiar sad look entered the woman's dark gaze.

"I'm sorry but the Drabek family passed away in a car accident. My husband was an EMT at the time and well he said it was the worst scene he'd been called to." 

The woman shook her head, kissing her son. "It's such a tragedy, those poor children never got the chance to grow up."

Indi blinked back tears. She nodded numbly, turning hasilty and leaving the woman to question the sudden interaction. If what the woman was saying was true her family would be at a special plot in the woods near the Parker home. 

It was where the coven laid to rest their dead; using powerful spells to only allow those in the Gemini Coven to see and even visit the graveyard. Indi had went when she was little, attending her grandparents funeral and being taught from an early age the spell to enter the Gemein Graveyard. It wasn't something she took pride in learning, no one did.

Out of breathe, Indi reached where the Parker home was, thunder booming over head as lighting would streak across the sky. It was funny, if Indi thought about it. 

This had been the exact same weather she left the real world, eighteen years ago. To her hope, Indi found the empty field where the large Parker home had once sat. Uttering a spell, she saw the house flicker, letting her know that it had been hidden away. 

If the home was hidden, perhaps her parents had hidden their new home. Her and Kai wondered what the coven would have done once they were gone. Kai said they'd erase all traces of him. Indi suggested they'd simply go into hiding, drawing from the witches council and letting time make them a myth. They had both been right.

Indi didn't waste anymore time, shaking her head she ran in the direction of where she and Kai were sent to the Prison World. It was near the graveyard, an irony they'd later realize and laugh over. Indi couldn't keep from seeing Kai's honest smile or hear the laughter ringing in her ears. 

Hearing those sounds did well to fight back the fear of what she was going to find. Still, as she reached the area, chanting the spell and revealing the graveyard; all momentary hope and happiness fell away. 

Her boots trekked through the mud as she followed the path to her family portion of the graveyard. It was near the Parkers, resting on a slight hill, climbing the wet ground took a bit of effort, her feet kept slipping and sticking in the mud as she tried to move quickly.

Indi collapsed onto her knees. 

Sinking into the mud her body went completely numb. Her sea green eyes were wide, peering upward onto the large plaque. A scream erupted from her lips, expelling and rising in volume and being lost to the wind and the storm that surged around and above her. 

She doubled over, her tears cascading in rivulettes. She pounded the wet earth, damning every soul that moved on, she damned her soul, her coven's, Kai's. She damned and cursed every soul and every bitter moment she spent happy. 

Her throat closed and her eyes couldn't shed any more tears. Lifting her heard, she stared pitifully and void of any light and hope.

'Ivan Rowan & Scarlett Marie Drabek and their children, Jameson Ray, Ian Michael, Jacob Peirce and Isaiah Clark. Beloved Coven members. '

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