Wicked Game

By pplsaythingschange

20.1K 275 14

Au. Harvey and Donna. Roommates and best friends sharing a special bond. One evening they agree to make their... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

1.6K 23 0
By pplsaythingschange

When Harvey wakes up, it's still dark. He can sense something/someone very familiar laying on his chest.

He knows it's Donna. He can feel it.

For some reason, that makes him smile and shortly after he peacefully drifts into sleep.

The next morning, Donna wakes up with a familiar smell in her nose. She is laying on someone's chest, more specific, Harvey's chest. It's warm and really fits the form of her head. But something is disrupting her peaceful morning. Someone is screaming very loud, but she can't quite figure out whatever that person is saying. It's too early and her head hurts really bad. When she opens her eyes and realizes that it's Scottie, she suddenly is fully awake. She immediately sits up straight.

„Scottie..can you please stop the screaming?" Donna says, rubbing her temples with her fingers.

Scottie falls silent.

„This isn't what it looks like!" Harvey argues, suddenly sitting right next to Donna.

„Yeah, than tell me, what is it like?" Scottie replies, obviously sad and confused.

„Our rooms are full with last nights guests, so we had to sleep on the couch." Harvey explains and stands up.

He takes Scottie's hands into his. Scottie looks at him for a moment, than tears herself from him and runs out of the apartment.

„Scottie..! Hey, wait! Please!" Harvey says, but he doesn't run after her.

Harvey sighs and throws an angry look at Donna.

„Hey, this isn't my fault!" Donna says in her defence and slowly stands up.

It's only 8 am and she could go to bed again.

„Yeah, I know, sorry." Harvey murmurs, before disappearing into one of the bathrooms.

Donna signs.

He could really affect her mood.

After eating breakfast together, Harvey walks over to Scottie's apartment. He wouldn't give up on her so soon this time.

„Harvey?" Scottie says, with a confused face.

„Hey Scottie..can we please talk?" Harvey asks and steps into her apartment.

„I don't think there is much to talk about." Scottie replies and closes the door. Than she walks over to Harvey, who's already waiting for her in the living room.

„Scottie, I promise you...nothing happened between Donna and I." Harvey says.

„I know..but I don't think.." Scottie starts and falls silent.

„But what?" Harvey asks, frustration raising up in his chest.

„I don't think that our relationship can work out...as long as Donna is in the picture." Scottie explains and looks down on the ground.

„What? I told you that it's not like that between the two of us." Harvey replies and stands up.

„I know..I am sorry, Harvey. But that's the way I feel about this situation." Scottie whispers.

„So, what now? You want me to choose between you and her?" Harvey asks and he can already feel the weight of that decision on his shoulders.

Scottie nods slightly.

„I am sorry, Scottie." Harvey just says and gives her a sad smile.

He didn't need a second to come to an decision.

I am sorry, too." she replies and hugs him, „and Harvey..please stop being an idiot and tell her, okay?"

He just leaves the apartment.

Why is everyone suddenly thinking that Donna and he are more than just friends? First, Mike, at the baseball game and now Scottie.

When he enters the apartment again, no one is there. All the guests left and the apartment is more or less cleaned up. He's kinda glad about that and watches a few episodes of his favorite series. He just started cooking something for himself, when the doorbell rings.

„Dad?" Harvey says in confusion, when he opens the door.

„You forgot that I meant to swing by today, didn't you?" Gordon comments and laughs.

„Oh my god..yes, I am so sorry." Harvey replies and opens the door for Gordon to enter.

They hug and Harvey realizes how much he has missed his dad. Gordon has always been an inspiration to him.

As soon as they settled at the kitchen table to eat something, Gordon starts the questioning.

„So..tell me son, what's been occupying your mind, that made you forget that your dad was supposed to come by?" Gordon asks and watches his son very closely.

„Mike's surprise party was yesterday..and that was just a lot to handle." Harvey murmurs, focusing on his dish.

„I can imagine that, but there is something else, isn't there?" Gordon says.

„My girlfriend broke up with me today." Harvey replies quietly.

It felt so weird to call Scottie his girlfriend. It simply didn't feel right.

„Oh..I am sorry." Gordon says and gives his son a sad smile.

„Nah..don't be, it wouldn't have worked out anyway." Harvey states.

„Why did she broke up with you?" Gordon keeps asking, knowing that his son needs to talk about it.

„Dad.." Harvey groans and takes a sip of his water, „I really need something stronger..you want some, too?"

Gordon nods. Harvey grabs two glasses and fills them with the best scotch he owns. They both take a sip.

„That's a good one." Gordon comments and takes another sip.

Harvey smiles. Gordon gives him an expecting look.

„It's complicated." Harvey replies, really not in he mood to tell the whole story.

„Come on Harvey! You know I give good advice." Gordon encourages his son to open up to him.

„She made me choose between her and Donna." Harvey says quietly.

So Harvey started telling him everything, from the fake relationship with Donna, about their fight and Scottie's reasons for the break up. And after that, Gordon is pretty convinced, that Scottie had a point.

They are interrupted by Donna, who enters the apartment.

„Hey Gordon." Donna greets Harvey's dad and he stands up to give her an hug.

„Hey honey..how are you?" Gordon replies and gives her a smile.

He has liked that woman since the very first time he met her. Hell, he even considered her as the perfect woman for Harvey.

I am..good." Donna says, „and you?"

„Yeah, me too. By the way, my band and I are playing in this bar just a few minutes from here in a few days, why don't you guys swing by?" Gordon proposes, obviously happy.

„Sure, I would love to." Donna replies and smiles.

Gordon is a good man and she can understand very well, why he has always been such an inspiration to Harvey.

„Any news about Scottie?" Donna asks Harvey quietly.

„We broke up." Harvey replies.

„I am sorry, Harvey." Donna says, hoping that it wasn't all her fault.

Of course, technically it wasn't her fault, but she still feels guilty.

„It's not your fault. It wouldn't have worked out between her and I, anyway." Harvey assures her, seeing the guilt flash over her face.

Gordon just quietly watches their little interaction. It's more than obvious, that his son really is in love with Donna.

Donna gives him a sad smile and they start getting lost in each other's eyes again.

His eyes are so beautiful. Her eyes are so beautiful.

„You know, when it's the one. You can feel it." Gordon states quietly and brings them back to reality.

„I guess." Donna agrees and nods.

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