My Drunken Husband - SuKor

By Sukorian

11.4K 756 659

Hi this is a SS which I wrote on RagLak More

My drunken husband - Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Shot 5
S2 Shot 1
S2 Shot 2
S2 Shot 3
S2 Shot 4
S2 Shot 5
Season 3?
S3 Shot 1
S3 Shot 2
S3 Shot 3
S3 Shot 4
S3 Shot 5
S3 Shot 6
S3 Shot 8
S3 Shot 9
S3 Shot 10
S3 shot 11
S3 shot 12

S3 Shot 7

301 30 43
By Sukorian


Recap: Suraj got the treatment. He has to stay sober or he could die. Chakor found a shelter for them.

Chakor was in the bedroom. She found a house which had all the necessary furnitures. Suraj was downstairs sitting on the couch thinking of his revenge on Imli.

In the meantime Chakor felt his absence. Why is he taking so much time? She stood up and checked the empty washroom, she forgot to switch off the light. What, shit where is he? Chakor opens the door of the bedroom and felt the light of the hall. Oh no... what is going on in his head?

Suraj was sitting on the one seater his head was resting on the seat back, the eyes were closed and a glass was in his hand.

Chakor fumes, she stops herself not to go mad on him. She signs of relief finding water in the glass. Good boy keeping his promise. She comes closer and places her hands around his shoulders. She moves them down to his chest and intertwined them together, resting her chin on his head.

"Suraj this is unfair!" She pouts and Suraj confuses "What?" He simply asked her.

"Suraj told you, you have become a habit of mine, I can't sleep without you! Get up I'm tired!" She demanded at him and he nods, placing the glass on the couch table.

Chakor frowns "You will place the glass into the basin or clean it and placed it into the kitchen cupboard!" She orders him.

Suraj took a deep breath and went for her order, he had drunk the water and cleaned the glass, after drying it with a kitchen cloth he put it back into the cupboard.

Chakor was waiting for him, she forwarded her hand and he took it with a smile. Soon they were in their bedroom.

Chakor switched off the light and starts to talk "Suraj why you were downstairs all the time and what were you thinking?"

Suraj opens his eyes looking at her "Future!" He said quickly, Chakor nods "Future... but shouldn't you share your plans with me? I mean I'm your life partner, your future is connected wit me...!" Suraj seals her lips to make her quiet...🙈🙈🙈.

It was the next morning

Chakor woke up with a blush on her face, she looked at him, he had placed his arm around her waist protectively, but being honest he made quiet to sleep. Chakor removes his hand with care and fumes, she hits his hand away.

Suraj felt it and opens his eyes "Chakor?!" He was in his sleep, she stood up and covers herself with her shawl, she stamps with her feet's in anger.

Suraj turns away and kept sleeping "Suraj!"

Suraj turns "What?"

"I'm angry!"

Suraj opens his eyes "Okay!" He turns again to sleep further.


Suraj shook his head "What?!" He looked at her.

"I'm angry at you! You should do something to change my mood or..." She looks around and took her broom.

He stood up immediately without wasting any time. She throw the broom on the floor and he follows her wearing his shorts "Chakor was I bad?" He was feeling bad asking this, knowing Suraj Rajvanshi could never fail in this... 🤣

Chakor shook her head with red cheeks "No, this is not the reason of my anger!"

Suraj nods satisfied "Haan it would have surprised me, if it would have been bad..."

Chakor glares at him in anger "Suraj!" She hits him on his chest and he let her "Why you wake me then, oh again under the shower okay!" He lifts her and she was shocked about his act "No, I mean we can, but that is not the reason why I'm angry at you!"

Suraj was in the washroom with her "Tell me is it forbidden?" He placed her down on her feet's.

Chakor shook her head "No, it's not!" She took his hands and shows him "You are not wearing our marriage ring!" She was upset and turns away hiding her tears. She had crossed her arms around her chest.

Suraj was confused "Chakor I wore them, when we had returned from the hospital, but afterwards I have no idea!"

Chakor looked at him "I will kill Imli, she has done this to you!" She cups his face "I can't lose you, don't you dare to do anything in your rage of anger!" Suraj lifts her "Okay!"


After the shower

Chakor was looking around "Suraj where are you?"

"Kitchen making food for us!" Suraj shouts back. I will take my revenge on your way. Imli wants something specific I got it, name and fame. I won't let that happen. I will assure her that she is just a slave. Chakor is the free bird, now see how much YOUR HUSBAND will change for you.

Suraj come out with two filled plates and a lunchbox for her. Chakor was surprised "Suraj you made this all, but what about your health?!"

Suraj shrugs "Was I bad?"

Chakor hits her palm on her forehead "Suraj same question again!" She hits him "Same answer No!"

Suraj smiles "Then why do you ask about my health? I'm fine don't worry if there is something I will let you know!" He kisses her cheek and she smiles.

They finished the food and Chakor left, she found easily a job in a sports campaign.

While Suraj was at home, he was thinking how to rule from Delhi...


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